SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 THE COLLEGIATE rACE TWO THE COLLEGIATE , - r.ei- B| Tmi Ai. A.NTIJ CHRISTIAN aH.L£t.E N SPECIAL HOMECOMING ISbLF. HatMul MNrbM« S«nik«. Ik. CrnJhm /WAiiwi 4JO V(0*«. M V SfB8CRIKTl«>N RATt'' }t tOnORIM. STAff pui4r« V C»r**T. J» Krt»ir W<t«)V Na.,wi Kt*»n R*t)T»»i!-»o r.lAi:!* H.f't.'H- g t.i Ljxa Ei>* Camt Da,.» Mm r,ir»H'« SmiM BUSlKtSS S’TAJ'F fllA*!*'!^ Btu r<u Ma»uigf' K H tiiiraT EA*t H^»!-^vlS 1 l<y4l ■ir IVr, Bank *9d Trn»i 0> il>o*c that came m aficr and are iiilt u* Vil«on Baker. Barfirt-Harrtll Farmef’» Coilon Oil i o Po* f iU Uty <k «ricf», SIi1m>ii I>yc Work* and Havkn'y Brolhef* L«i » ^ho« uur appreciation for ilic merchant*' »hcn we palronue the local »lores let them koo« »e arc from ACC and that »e are try* ■ n( Id l>clp them be repaid tor tbcir advertiaiog Lei • tnake the oieritianl* conwiou* that «e doi’t want vbarity when our butineu manager down tif wll them He h«» a tcrvice to wll. the tnrrchani merchanditc. and through the COLLKilATF the merchant can let you kri'iw of hi« prodoct. o<)o DIMM. HAIJ, IKJOKS o If everybody will watch out. he will »cc some thing dilTcreoi happening in connection with the dining hall. Of courae, nobody it auppoted to know what I am talking about, but in the ihrec year* that I have apcnt on the campu* I have ont) witnr«»cd once or twice what I think will happen today Opportunity knocki but one. la a familiar old eapreaaion. Veil, the dining hall utually ha* one, or occa»iunally two door* open, evidently the popular be lief I* when two door* arc open twice aa many people come in, and *hould all (he door* be open three time» a* many people would enter. That would never do’ Hut with the large number of viiitor* prevent, the general threat it for all three door* to the Hardy Memorial Dining Hall to b« unlocked and *wung open to viaitort and ttudenl* AnuJim the (tjrccks IHlST <)KH< K o Hurray ' A <. >. on the m«rth, the march of prugrc** A po«t office will *oon be opened to thr ttud^^nl* So more running in pe«eerinK •Mildred abuul 'lickelv worth of po*iage *Iamp». no more aaking about that long overdue letter from the blond b«ik home, no more letter* 10 lempt th‘j»« who arc weak It teem* a-! though the po»l office i* the mo»l efltcirnl of handling the mail, ^e are proud to have the po»t office But wonder if ihe Icttfi'- 1 iiuldn't be cancelled with a *tamp reading Atlantic Chri*tian College. U'iKon. N C, ralhcr than )ual «rKon. N (, Vrp »«em^ like It would be *well oOo AM MM o J>ini« when Atlantic t.hriatian College firti opened it* door*, hundred* or more tike thnu*and* nf vtudentt have pa**ed through Ihe front gale* But out of (hi* large number »oiiie alwayt («fl a* though lhay have no mot^^liK*- tion to the college To ihow of you who are returning to the campu* today, »omc for the firit time a* an alumnu* and *ome lor the tenth or even twen tieth time on behalf of the vtudcnl body of A C C we welcome you back It i> only through the help you give, morally, mentally, financially, or otherwi*e (hat your and our Alma ,M«tcr can e>i*t Sometime* you may be called on to give tome little amount to help *omeone elte get an education There are a number of you who did not have it eaay. will you do your part to further education, or will you turn your thumba down? Whether the gift la large or >mall it will be cherithed and u*«d to a good purpote Kemem- b«r. "God loveth a cheerful giver " In thi* time when all i» in turmoil unity 1* needed in our state, nation, home, church, and college You are a part. ''United we itand, divided we fall." - • - - uiXj .... TT> 01 R AI)\ KKTlStatS - O - - ' On checking (he old copie* of the earliest publications of the student body of A C some intefcating information was uncovered. I>o you realiie that *ome of the merchants who adver tised in our earliest publications started back in tttIO, that I* the earliest record »e can find. I want to givr you the mulls in the order they appear a* >unlinuou* advertiser* Oeltinger. Wil*on Hardware C.o . V'llliam Hmes, Church- ■ ells. Star Ihe I lunst, Onter Brick U arehouse. Carolina Laundrv, Pirsi National Bank, Branch ’NEATH THE SURFACE Utief rrtrul |)r WMM fsruJlf f«r«pijMn r>^* rn b) Phi Kap|« Alph* ffBUmil' un Octobrf II. Goe»lM wer* tae% 111 U-r door by Ku*»ell Koebufk •m1 mtrorfoc^d tnio rtcWvinf «vrnpo—d oi o>«mbrr» of t/«< frmUrnity. Paacli wai by C«rti»«n* FmnrtJ | m«’*nb«’r« nf Mii K*ppt» •tetcr *orofUy T»o Chi Ounnv the wttitnir. Kimer Wrn, prrttdcnt of frmtemily, prrMHted Or. HiiWy »ilh » cback for to b« ftppl»c<i on the rrvrtioQ of the fif ' ’i*>'TT»ilory. Another •oeiaJ <venl wm ih* wvincr roMt invec by Phi D«Ha Gftmma fr*t*mity for their t#f Korority. Delui .Sijrm*- Th* .iffair w»n b«ld at Gold Park on th« rvmmic of October Itf- Hot mjinihmailow«, doufhnuti. and Coca'Oil4» wrrv to be had in abtindanc*. »nd aftervarda I members of ih< fraternity fur- nuhed entertainment for their iruentji. ^ l>«tta Hiicma ftororily ha« re- . entiy had t<» elect a new president iind vic-*pre«id«nl. Janey Fit»- fCeraid w«» elected president, tuc- ceedint Kuth who wa^ marrietl on May Vj. KIoi»e Tay lor wa» elected vire-pre^ldent, fucceeding Janey Kiugvraid. Oth er officer* are Katie Gold Brew- Hv IMK ()i% columnN wnt to create lafter ir you don' ««nna You Jon' hiiftcr (Hu! I %urc *j>h you would) And did you hciir whit happened during the Hcivengcr hunt^ Mow Winston-Salemmost diicnified (•c^oinpanied by her r<m.Htanl escort) straddled »n •ma/injtly high fence all for the 5«ke of the good ol’ hunt . . . white ink. me Udft, no less! My first diagnosis I really ihink U'cldon's tiniest is acting just a tiny hit tmi Hitmtty . . considering . . * The Doctor^ I mean, the one in spite of him self) sure mu^t have an amazing influence on ... ii L. • i u 1^- r keeping with the needs of Atlantic second Moor. Hear he ^ made a bee lina for Letter to the Editor IJvar KrIWw Alumni: I ihiiulil like to take lhi> o|<- portunity of rxprruins my Ihankn ' to lh» »nlir» Alulnni Asaocialion ; fur placinK in me the re»p*>n»i- ‘ bilitif't conni*ele(l with the offi*' I of 1‘rrmdrnt of thi- Asaoeiation ; for the coming year. Th*Tf it no time like the prei,- rnt to befin an organization that will make ita force felt at the col lage and which will always t>e benefirial to the achool and it^ Ifood name. We have a full'timt.' Serrrtary and wltfl your able co operation, oor prottrams should be a KreHt aucrea*. •Somi' kind of program should be adopted whereby units are or- l^anizi'd wherever there are suf ficient numbera of former stu dents to warrant it- These clubs >hould then have ume kind of KUldance for outlinmK a construct ive program which will be in one certain gal, though I Vhad d’ ye' think of these folks who "sign off" love for a month -- On being questioned-- quote. "We just decidcd we'd spend thirty days apart ’ (beats me.) Kudence* *cem to prove that the course of true love never runs smooth. F.ven a four-year romance falls through when a bewitching blonde ha* a whack al 'im during summer school. A riddle V'cll. that wa sa dumb thing to do! I could kick myself. Swing high. Swing low-Boom! An*wcr a*k t certain second floor blonde (or further details. (The one with the skinned face.) Gals, here's how to add a thrill to yer ro mance (especialy if you live outside the dorm.) Gel angry al someihing he said al the dinner table. Walk to parlor and sit in parlor alone Act hurl but indifferent Blink back angry tears (thal's really an accomplishment) and stride ou( door. He'll think you have to walk home alone and c'U be on hand before you reach the mail boxes ’ ' ' ! (I’ve seen it. and II works perfeclh.) A certain town student sure knows how to lake care of herself For Ihe dean to trust her three hours ai night wiih 1*0 of A. C. C.’s most eligible bachelors. W e hear it look them three hours 10 *kork two problems -(whai problems!) Suggested epitaph for Adolph Hitler's tomb stone This IS definitely tny last territorial de mand. Veil, good-bye friends and loodlc-oo. You guessed it- I'm atill watrhing you. AI>I)«KSSKS KK.\n KK1» «)N nOMMf)MI.N(, 1>,\V (t'aMitiaiwd from Praal I'ace) lon(i iv a claaa Ikat la hoMinr rr- union ta raquntad ta atund. Lonch wvU ba avrvMi (n the Hardr Memorial thning Hall al II JO. I'ollDwinc Ike lunrh hour tkera will b* a bmf fr»c period prae*dlft« Iba donnilory r*>om In- speetioa whirh will beam al 3.00 PrUn will b* riven foe the, rooma ^tdved la be beat. TW»* o'riock will find the es-jTt) THE KDITOK bttllfn>c< richtuic oat the old feud > to deterair,* lit* rhampion'i «u. premaey Rifhl Mnr w. are un- able to five a (lartin< line up for Ih* atuiaal. bat you n*ay rapeel U> t*« auruns for the alumni HolU>man, Ancle. BnMlchUm. ami HoJm<ai. for ihe variiijr WiWy. Mrlalter. !«•< al i ami many will hold te»« at However, viewiM in a different ll^ia time ll-wt of the fraternal light, the propoaal may not be »o orvaniiationfl are planning t^^ f«H>liJihiy inaipid as one would have atumni meetinfs ^ think at first glance. The first - ' year at lollege i» rrally the cru- t'lal one for nH>at studenta. A good impreaxion takes longer to I efface than doi-s a mediocre one; I l>ut a distinctly bad impreasion at ! the l> Kinning aomelimes cannot I be erwd completely after three ' years of average work. Concerning Freshman Activities Chrmtian Colloy. ^ If w«* are to our program work, however, the primary need in to increase the membership in our Alumni Association. This ta»k ran be aecompHiihed only with tlie fullest coopi-rstion of the local unit officfrs and the ad* ministrativc force of our Associa tion. 1 am expecting every person who is a irraduate or former sti- df*nt to do hiji part In helping us to iHiild a biKifer and )>etter Alumni Associatiorj. I am certain that I can depend on your individual and collective aid and cooperation In this great and worthwhile undertakinK- * Sincrrrly yours, R. (i. Mattox. Prv'sident decided effect <m thetr grades. Irue, the good .itudent can study a few minutes a day and still make bt.‘tter irrades than the aver- aire pvr'tun. Hut at the same time hift mind is not beinir developed to a depth that would prove more beneficent in later life than the superficialities of fraternity rush- inn. smokers, afternoons on the gndirun, committee meetmgit of any one of numerous clubs. Vet were there not these diver sions to detract a freshmun's at tention from hiH studies, the li- bmry, aiMi outside readmg, his college life would be fuller, more ^ubstunttjil, and would mean more upon graduation. Here the bet* ter-tran-avemge student would o«* rive the n>aximuro from his first year of colleir**. He would have laiii a foundation that not even dances, fratemitiea, athletics, or politics could poi^ibly topple over later. The hours of reading in the Ubr«ry, not for compulsory parallel, and the hours of quiet reflection would cultivate a mind, and it would begin to grow in the right direction. Fraternity rushing^, class poli tics. nubsidised athletics, and reg ular social functions may be prac tical for the back-slapping future of many. But I would like to see To every freshman, time is th^ i, system such as this practiced The pnrsMlent of University rwtnUy Northwestern suggested tu one thing of greatest important*. Many of them attempt to burden tArmftrives with extra<urricular acUvttte* that ultimately have a in a school and watch the students aa they climbed from class to claas. and aa they nude their way out into the world. the Sludrnt (ioveming Hikarti of that school that freahmen be ad- > ^ Ti*#d not to participate in campu* activities during their first year j vn rullrge. la r»apoo«e, the fint j _ year class ro«e in "rtghteous In- Uf, Htck«, Draper, MUton Hus- ter Yoa «a, be< ywur bo..u, I x>,„ I Umi It Wiu be weu wortk your 1 ‘""U that per-' baaketball In a | fona lot Northweatem aach yea; •ad Iht au<iT saeial ftawrrutiaa that aj« the prtaai^ v^la for a gwo^ akarv ! L. WKUOMI-; AI-l MNi: K.M-JAY Sl’OKTINd G(H)!)S CO. 106 S. Tarb*iit> Street I’hone 2256 Courtesy of NATIONAL BANK OF WILSON er, treasurer; Itarjorie Barnes, M<^ur> ; Margaret Ange. cor- reeoonding aeeretary'- Other soronty and fraternity offtrers are: Phi Sigma Tau President, Bet Ward; vW-presldent, Haiel Mc- Keel; aacreury. Irroa L*« Spen cer; treasurer, Jacqueline Dsn- le!; reporter, Soaan Alice Waller. •S.rma Tau Chi: President, (artbiene Hoell; vice-preaident, lubelW Williams; secretary, Minnie Deea; treasurer, lillian Guthne. Phi Kappa Alpha; President. Klmer M.ittem; aecreUry, El bert Jamea; treasurer, Winton Odham; sergeant-at-arms, How ard Blake Phi Delta Gamma: President, George Loftin; vice-president, Frank Wiley; secretary. George Woodall; treasurer, J. V. Creasy; c(^m-«ponding secretary, Bumey MrCotUr. •Sigma Alpha: President, Frank Jonea. In collaboration with the Cam pus Keligioua Council, each Greek letter organisation has elected a representative to the Council. They are aa follows: Phi Sigma Tau, Susan Alice Waller; Delta •Sigma, Carolyn Baggett; Sigma Tau Chi. Isabelle Williams; Phi Kappa Alpha, Howard Blake: •Sigma Alpha, Jack ,Martin; and Chi I>elU Gamma, Frank Wiley. Have you Noticed ? The portrait of Mis* Fanny in thf librar>- ? ' That A. C. is actually getting a po»t office? The paint on the boys' dormi- .»ry? The paint in the halls of the girls' dormitory? The way the campus is ail tom up?'-Kor a lawn some day, we hope! That Miss Myrtie is back with us this year? The Dean of Women’s office hsi /.t*n p;:intvd? lhat A. ('. ha!« a new band di- rtctor ? The new library books?—and ''<me new fiction, too! That the **Wor8e Squeaking Choir” is back? That the gyni floor has recent ly been pre|'«ud f'.r b.tsketball reason ? That A. C. han no boxing team this season? Th« new pitchers, silver. and< chairs in the dining hall? The new fraternity house on Gold Street? I*hi Delta Gamma, it is! Th<* new study tables at Senior Hall and in the boys' dormitory? That Junior Hall no longer ex ists? That the Stephenson House is very popular this year? The new typewriters in the college office? And noiselesA. t«*o! ITie new costumes the Dramatic Club has acquired? That the dining hall still opens but one door? Hardy still rings the dinner hell? That the College Grocery is un der m*w management? That Phi Kappa and Sigma Al pha have added a little paint to their home*? That th«- dining hall etiquette is worse, and the menu still the .•<ame ? The Girls' Dormitor>’ still cher ishes that cowbell? The change in the girls’ dorm constitution? (Patrick Henry once Aaid, “Give me liberty or Kivc me death!" “Aunt Bessie” has had to bur>* no one yet!) That several of our boys arc 'iving in the basement of the gym ? A. ('. has better heat than ever? The new jtirls’ dormitor>* has begun? The tool house has been put up! The new fence around the ten nis courts? And, some day, may- m'w courts! “The -Men’s Shop” HOWARD ADKINS, Inc, SEE OLTt NE\^ .\RHIVALS Jn iHrmortant (A TRIBUTE TO AN A. C. ANTIQUE) Our ivy-covered walls are our delight, To show to visitors whom we know, Also lights in the dorms that burn at night Often disclose more than a glow. But among the ancient treasures of our school Including much educational fruit, There is something about which no one is fooled. What? Did some one say Dr, Hilley’s ancient dark blue suit? The color theme’ is ever blue And the spinning wheels probabl^ spun it, 1 refer to the ancient blue suit of “22" With the shine of age upon it^ Well, our antiques are our pride And a goal at which to shoot. But it will be a real antique which can hide, Dr. Hilley’s ancient dark blue suit. I know that times are very hard And I know the thrift of Scots, So here’s a toast to the old blue suit With the prominent gravy spots^ There are many new fads in our campus life Some even leave us mute, But none can surpass the struggle and strife Absorbed by Dr^ Hilley’s ancient dark blue suit. We suggest a color change Something from the standard to sway, You ask us what we would arrange? Well, there's something always nice about an OXFORD gray. Well, from this pome we must depart Or we will likely get a boot, But won't someone please make a start To do away with Dr. Hilley’s ancient dark blue suit? —by the town taylor. sewing class made? Mr. Grimm has a new haircut? Miss Snyder has a new coat? Dr. Hiiley has recently painted his house a different color? The “Crockett House” i«r no longer in use? Mr, Waters’ new home down on Gold Street? That Mr. Case has moved into his new home? And on June 13, too! College boys still live at Mrs. Glover’s ? Dr. Hilley is still wearing the same dark blue suit? FORMKH STUDENTS NOW PEDAGOGUES be, The new table cloths that th; I Murphy's Esso I Station ESSO PROW’CTS I)«liciouK Sandwiches and FYozen Drinks Wilson, N. C. (Continued from Front Page) N. C. Margaret Kathleen Miller, Grade Teacher, Mar.s Hill School, Col'^rain, N, C. Bonnie Boswell Moore. Elbert Earle Moye, Teacher of Histor)’, Camtiron, N, C, Irene N. Pfgc, Elm City, N, C, Rebecca Lee Pearce, Grade Teacher, Contentnea School, Kin- non, N, C. R-1. Hazel Byrd Pearce, Micro, N. C, Mildred Kathryn Peele, Wilson, N. C. RFD. .^^nes Viola Raybourne, Grade 'raoher, Mace<ionia School, Bon- ntau. S. C. Moiellc Pic;,,, Grade Teacher, iVahunta Schnol, Pikeville, N. S^irah Jane fvoure, Kinston, N*. C. Annie Mary Ssnnders, Grade Teacher, Pinnscle. C, 'Villiam W, .'jhinpritton, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. Margaret Smith, Meredith Col lege, Raleigh, N. C. Rachel Combs Spencer, Colum bia, -V, C. M«^t W-ldox Spencer, Kin ston, N. C, Z"loha Spearman Stagg, WiUoc, N, C. James Walton .Suber, Teacher >i Enclish, Four Oaks, N. C. tdilh Earle Williams, Gradt Teacher, Uolesville, N. C. Ellis Wa'. r,«r Williamson. Ft, Jackson, S. f Robert Edgar Wiaidham, Lig gett and Myers Tobacco Co, Ahoskie, N, C. Doris Nell Winstead, Gr«d« Teacher, Macclesfield, N, C, Ethel V'arneda Woodard, Graiit Teacher, Eureka, N, C, “The mule,” wrote a schoolboy, “is a harder bird .han the gus« or turkey, and diffrunt. He west* his wings on the side of hia hesi He has two legs to walk on and t*o more to kick with, and is awful backward about going forward."— The Progressive Farmer. +++++++++++++++++++++++* Nationally Advertised WATCHES and JEWELRY DENNY’S JEWELERS Golden Weed Grill Steaks and Sea Foods BANQUET ROOM i-++-M-+++++++++++++*+**t? VVEI.CO.ME, .\I,rMM! DILDY HARDWARE CO. 106 Bam«« Street H Ihon. N. C. J\ THOMAS YELVERTON BETTER FURNITURE Ambulance Service — Funeral Directors Dial 3121 WIMPY’S BILLIARDS 109 W, Nash the best spot in TOW-N for CLEAN RECREATION Quick Deliveo- Ser>ice \Mthin City Limits Hot Sandwiches - Cold Drinks Ali football results from over the NATION! im

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