THE COLLEGIATE LL'ME XIV, Z-539 ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGk. WILSON, N C., APKIL 15, mi NU.MBER 9 r. Stevenson, Yale raduate, to Be Guest peaker April 22-4 UNC Glee Club ‘ (\K>p«‘rativo As,m>c. Klections Tfcr Gk« Qub Ikv U«lv*r- »<ty of N, Ck»p»I Hill. wlU ■ prorram ot “MoMe »»d Words" In Howard M»»i>- rial ChaM. Alril XS. at 8:*0 oVlock. Tliia pncria la andn th» auaplrrs of tbr Katrrtaln- a>mt ('omatiltar, iMadmi bjr Ml»a Swan Allc Wall«r. Ar- ranfementa are bring made with I*a( Whutnn, Raslnraa Manafrr of Ih« cljb. Religious Emphasis Theme; “Students’ Xeed for Religion” Morning Watches Held I This year’s Religioua Emphasis „li will be held April 22-24, L ■ the Reverend Dwight E- Ste- ..,n, Minister of Bethany •morial Church, Bethany, West irRinia, a» the main speaker. Thv theme for this year is “Col- Students' Need for Relijfion.” t will be remembered that the •me last year was “Life’s Foun- tion. " There is a very close .nniTtion between the two and the opinion is that student should benefit hiprh- from the week of religious ex- rionces. The Reverend Stevenson, a aduate of Yale University, i^ In.structor of Philosophy at Beth- r.y College and is also Director f Student Religious Activities for six years has served as Winijter of the Bethany Church. .Morning Watch Kor several weeks the Y. W, C. ha.i been sponsoring morning atrh in a pre-religious emphasis ■nod At the beginning the at- nilunce was small, but with a programs and inspirational e<iitations, the attendance ■elled. To Talk In Chapel On Tue.xday, April 22, the Rev- rend Stevenson will speak dur- the morning chapel period »I» cnndi’ct the evening veJ- ■r sorvices at 7:00. The following day Dr. Howard Odum of the University ot North Carolina will speak from platform of the Howard hapel. Personal interviews will be held during the week and the evening vesper ?er\'ices will be under the direction of the Rev. Stevenson. TKII>S Glee Club to Tour Eastern Churches This spring the College Glee Club is expecting a busy season. As usual, the Glee Club began making trips at the first sign of warm weather- Already they have visited Waltonsburg, Farni- ville, Vanceboro, Kinston, Belhav- en, and Ked Oak. It is the custom of the “song sters” to travel over the eastern part of the state during the spring of the year, giving pro grams in the different churches. Every Sunday the college bus is s*en out on the highways, duti- (Continued on page four) Publication.s Elections Aldridge Named President; Williams, Vice-President; Blake Treasurer, Davis Secretary Watson, Woodall to Head Paper; Beard, Eagles Annual P^ditor (’ollegio.te KIRBY WATSON Athletes AClnbHolds Spring Banquet The Briggs Hotel became a scene of laughter and gaiety on April 5th as the members of the “A” Club met to hold its first an nual banquet. “I’eewee” Holmes, president of the club acted us toastmaster- Many of the ball players and Coach Herring were called upon to make short speeches on this year’s sports activities. Mr. Holmes introduced Mr. W, P. D. Sharpe, a local lawyer, who was guest speaker of the evening. Mr. Sharpe delivered a very short spee(h, but one which was well illustrated .with a lively spark of life, aided by well-timed jokes- In the center of the tables, which were shapc-d like a horse shoe, stood an “A” which was made of white carnations. In front of the “A” burned a large white candle. After the dinner a dance for the members and guests followed. h'aculty members who acted as chaperone.s for the evening’s en tertainment were; Coach Her ring, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Jarman. Stoncy Defeated. | bj Popular Vote ! rioHely contested Spring Elec tions brought to light the inter- ♦ ^t till- fitudent« have in the Pub- licatiorM, «5 they elected Kirby Watf-->n, editor of the Collegiate; Ruth Hi-anl, editor of the Pine Knot; George Woodall, business m:»naKfr of the Cotlvgiate; and (hnrlt.: Kagles. business manager >f tli. i‘in< Knot- Mr. Wat.^on won by defeating Virginia l^ncaster and Joe Holli' 'lay on the fir»t balloting. “Kirby,” as the campu.H knows him, is a Mjphomore and for the past year has bfin Sports Kditor of the Col- K'giate. He is outstanding both in campus and local Wilsonian light.'^. Miss Ueard was elected in one of the closest contested of races over Miss Klixabeth Stoney of Winston-Salem. Miss Beard ia Very inuch^ interested in the field of journalism at present holding positions on the Collegiate axul I'ine Knot staff and being coU lege r»*p<»rier for th# Wib r. l>ai- iy Tiinei. The Y. W. A- it another of her important extra curricular activities. Mr. W'oodall was elected by de feating Karl ilaniison in the sec- j ond run-off, l*reston Parsons hav ing been eliminated earlier in the campangn. Mr. Woodall is active in the Y. M. C A. He is chemis try lab. instructor and haA he^ several important positions in his frateniity. Mr. Eagles was elected busi- ntss manager of the Pine Knot by eliminating “Bill" Gray from the race. Mr. Kagiea is a member of the Phi Kappa Alpha frater nity, being secretary this year. He i^ a member of the Quester's Club, the Y. M- C- A., the band, and will be a courtier for May Day this year. Kditor I’in>? Knot V5 HL'TH BK\R» - I Staff Outing Pageant ^igma Tau Chi Places Juniors Sponsor Stunts By L. ROSE About all I know is what I leam while “snooping around.” But it doesn’t take “snooping •round’' to leam a few things ^ben Stunt Night comes around. ^*ne people's ability to act just “pops” out Of course, every one knew that Sigma Tau Chi’s stunt would be ^**ng the leading ones, since ^ey have such outstai>ding act- ^***es as Johnny Green and Vir- *hjia Lancaster; but who would '’e thought they would walk with “top honors?” Agnes impersonating a squirrel, ®<ut have caught the judges’ *ye. oh boy! Did “Peewee” put ^ an act with his “T model” or not? Frankly, folks, I he did, and I'm certain the thought so, too. At least f* ‘^™'>lring, Burney’s noise, and the tire* . 8oi going flat, won •ie for the “A” Club. ^'retime* I wonder if the orig- Sigma Tau didn’t have an especial appeal to the judges and thus win for that sorority third place. Maybe Hamby and Brite will make two more Shakespeares or Paul Greens after all. Phi Kappa Alpha’s act certain ly should have been in the lime light- The love scene between Tilly iF. H. Jarman) and Hardy (Elmer Mottem) could not have been better had it happened (with a few changes) in true life. May be they’ve been “snooping around too. Well, that’s a pretty good thing to do. Just don’t get your “snozzle” caught in somebody else’s business. Sometimes I wonder if it was n’t a pretty good idea of the Y. W. C- A, to present a fictitious house meeting. Now outsider? know a little of the “inside dope; ’ that is, how the girl-< behave at »wch meetings. lYofes'ur I. Q-, presented by the Freshman cUs*. provided^ Sorority Sponsors Joint Y Program Isabelle Williams Writes and Directs Pageant The YW and YM met jointly on Monday night, March 31, in the Howard Chapel to observe the pa geant “Came the Dawn,” present ed by the Sigma Tau Chi sorority The pageant was written and directed by Isabell Williams, a senior of the sorority. The pa geant truly stirred the Easter Kpirit and emotions in all who were present. Those taking part were; An gel? Virginia Lancaster and Una Kdwards; Women — Lillian Guthrie, Minnie Dees, and Car- thiene Hoell; Guards — Eleanor Blow and Dolly White; Peter— Frances Xelson; Disciples — Ag nes Best, Sarah Fulghum, Mar guerite I^ne, Ann WainwrJght, Carrie Davis May; Poet—"John ny” Green; Reader — Isabelle Williams; Electrician — Betty .Miller. Music was sung by Sally Lucas, Claudia Lucas, Howard James, and Charlie Harrison. Ma ry Colones accompanied at the or gan. This pageant brought the big gest crowd of the year to a meet ing of this type. It is hoped that tiia program V, ;!i Golden GriU Scene Staff Feast Former Sports Kditor, (Yavorski) Kdwards, Spurs (iroup On Great news for the paper this month is the story of the Collegi- ate’s first annual editorial staff banquet, held at the Golden ^^eed Grill on April 6, at 0:30 o'clock. William “Bill" Gray, ouUtand- ing member of the staff, acting master of ct-remonies, began by asking each person to tell what he had learned by working on the staff. Such answert aa these were given; “I’ve learned you can’t always puWiah what you want to publish." “I've learned I’m no journalist.” "I've found out that "Gentlemen Aren't Sia- sies.” “Learning who Spectator Sid is has been my aim the whole year; now I know.” James Creaay, retiring editor of the Collegiate, welcomed the sUff, urging those present to work harder another year and make it a bigger, betU-r paper than ever before. Guest speaker for the occasion was a former A- C. C. student, well known to the entire staff. John Edwards. Mr. Edwards worked on tie CollegiaU as sporU editor his four years at A. 0. C. He also worked on the Pine (Continued on page four) Colones Director of Concerts; May Day by Denning Norma ('lay Defeats Lil)hv .Vnn for Marshall K'»r iht coming year the Knter- tainment ('ommltUv will be head ed by Mt&* Mary ('oUmr« and .M«f- .Madeline I>«-nning will dirr-1 the .May I>ay pmgnm. Mu-* N«»rma (May Daniid* ha« be«*n elerti'd rhiof mumhall. .Mias roloiU'M wan chair man of concerts ttver Jack Mar tin. Shv i« a member of the Ju nior cIm'!(, and until thin M'met- t<*r hat b<M‘n a bua ntudcnt. Hfr short ntay on the campua han al ready n*vvalr<i her capabllillea. Mi'f* Denning defeatinl Margar et “.Maggie’* (ilover to win the position aa chairman of .May Day Madeline is well known t<» thr *tudent» for her musical talent: nhe is the youngest member of the Uotary Club, rhief p«j*tmi»t- reas manager of the "Y” «tore. treaHurer of thv Y. \V. r. A., atwl repreft4*nts the Junior class on the Woman’s I>4»rmitor>' ('ounrll. Miss I>anieU was chosen chief mnr^hall over Klixabdh Ann N'all. .Misa Daniels Is a town stu* dent, active in campua activities, soning at present on the Wo men's l>ormitory Council. She is at prc;nnt biology lab instructor UhI ViCe-pre>i*'eMt of the p»e«enl Junior clas-. V. >v- C A. Kewly elected officers of thf V. W. (\ A., chosen by “V" mem- Imts are: presi<lent, Ida Karl Pierce; vice-president, “lib" Stoney; secretary, Karle Wil* liam.M; tn^asurer, Irene Ijingston. Miss Pierce has been active in the Y, W. r. A during her three years at A. C. C. Running againat her were Virginia Ijinca*. ter and “Lib" Stoney. Mins I^n- tContinued on page four) ('ounril Klertitms President (iOltlMtN Al.llKIIHiK May 1911 S(wial Committee Campus Carnival Colors Saturday Night Party The social committee climaxed ita Saturday night entertainments with a carnival in the gym Sat urday, March 29. The gym was arranged to re- «mble a county carnival with side-shows and bingo tables StudenU had their fortunes told by Madame Yeboodi and were surprised to find that she really told all. Kelly Heads Girls’ Dorm; Webster Heads Men's Wharton, House President Next year the boys dormitory council will be headed by James Webster, president; Thurman "Weeb" Harper, rice-president; and Enpie (Dutch) Miller, s«cre- tary-treasurer, according to re- sulU of the spring election which was held under the lupervision of the retiring president, Lester Edwards. Ola Mae Kelly has been elected president of the Women’s Dormi tory council, and under her are Frances Hemby, vice-president; Eloise Taylor, secretary; Cassle Mae Cowell, treasurer; Ida Earle Pierce, president of YWi and My ra Wharton, house president. .Men's Ihirmitory Primary Ki-ndrick Taylor lost out of the presidential election and James Webster was named to auccMd I^ter Edwards as preaident. Webster haa been prominent on the local campus, president of the junior class, member of the Y. M. C. A., and was recently a candi date for president of the Cooper ative Association. “Weeb” Harp«T came through to take the position of rlce-preal- dent by ups<-ttlng the popular candidati-, Charley Harrison- "Weeb” is a member of th« Colle giate staff, F'hi Delta Gamma fra- Campus Prepares for Reign of May Spring ia here again! W'ith ihif new seaaon most of our minds turn toward baaeball und May Day. Our attention la divided be tween the front campua and the bull park. At least, this is true of Ulhan (*uthrie, chairman of May Day. and her a^aistant work' ers. On the fiint Saturday in May, traditiunally, tha queen of the forent sits with her ^“choaon" king, on the throne, while her children, the fairiea, come out and perform before her They dance, they romp, and they frolic all for the enjoyment of the queen. They all rejoice together fur the new spring, new growtii of flowers and treea, and the bright aunahine which meani a new year is growing on. The queen of all thia beauty on May 3, 1U41, will be Miaa Janey Fitzgerald, Pine I^’Val, North Carolina. The king will b« Mr. Wintim 0<lham, Grifton, North ('nndina. The personal attendants of the qu(H*n are (‘arthien* Hoell, Vance- iKiru, North Carolina, and Minnie iH-ea, Fremont, North Carolina. The i>ersonal attendanta of the king are Frank Wiley, Oranta- bon), N. C., and John K Wooten, Grifton, N. C. Th<* other membera of the court ap-: Madeline Denning and Hurney MeC’otter, Kloiae Taylor and ('harles Kaglea, Uacbel Glov er and Foy (loforth, h'r»ncf» Nel son and Frank Jones. Katherine tContinued on page four) .Morriii to Represent Town Students Gordon AldHdgv was elected president of the ('-ooperative Gov- rnimmt AsaoeialJon In the gen eral rlrelions, Othr officers of the govrrnment for another year are Miss Wilma William*—Tice prrsidi-nt; Mias Jewitt navla— 'MTetary; Mr. Howard RIake ■ treasurer; and Miss Naomi Morris tnwn represrnlative of the asso ciation. .Mr. Aldridgr l» a member of Sigmit Alpha fraternity. He was t'hct^rn by eliminating Wilma Wil liams, James Webster, and Oeorg* Woodall fnim the race Mr is, at l>rep«.iit. treasurer of the Coopera tive Assorialion. During his •ophomore year he was secretary of the Men's Dormitory Counrll. •Mias Williams waa electad vka pn-iident by defeating Jamea Webster, George Woodall having withdrawn his nomination on an earlier date. She Is the present serr«'t»ry of the Coo|>eratire Aaso- elation. To the girls who work In the lounge and Dean's office she Is “Imsi,” Iwing supervisor of the offirrs. She Is activ* in the glee club, the Y. W. C. A. and the dramatic club. Miss Davis la a transfer stu dent from Pineland College in 8a. lemburg. She has recently been initiated Into the Phi Sigma Tau. .Soon after her arrival on the campus, she made aojuaintancas which have proved lasting, a char acteristic of a “swell" person. Mr '(isVe Is a member «f PhV- Kapiui Alpha frateniity. He Is outstanding in the Y. M C. A. and Is present treasurer of the sophomore class. Misa Morris is a member of the Della Sigma sorority. .“Ihe Is president of the present sopho more cisis, ia outstanding in ath letic fields, and Is co-chairman of the socisl committee. Kntertainment Wilson Concert Ticket Bought by Student Body The student body votad to ap propriate funds from th* studant activity fee which will antltle the student body to season tickata for the Wilson Concart Association. The artists are chosan by a lo cal committee. Mr Chappell, Ru- perintendent of the Wilson City schools, and an Instructor In tha <vlucation department here at the college, is chairman of thIa com- (Contlnued on page four) .Ir. Sr, lianquet AC Juniors Feed Seniors In An nual Banquet ('. Deal, K. (!. T, ('„ Speaks temlty, Y. M. C. A. and for - ^ Earle Williams called custom- while was a candidate for the; itreamlng ~ " ' baseball squad. - words “iMitfh” Miller, an ootatanding | Mr. member of (he freshman class and second baseman of the RuIMog baai'bal) a<jaad, outclassad Ljrman The annual Junior-Senior ban quet of Atlantic Christian College was held Kriday evening, Febru ary In the Carolina Room of the Christian Church. James Webster, president of the Junior class, acted as toastmaster. The guest »p«-al<rr of the evening waa Mr. K. C. I)eal, profeaaor of French, Eastern Carolina Teach er's College. Candles flickering on the tablea were the sole lighta lmt\j cut flowi-rs were arranged on tha ta ble and pIna cones and boughs rorcred the mantel. On the ataga was a scenic background of pine woods in which there waa a tall, A'hite, lighted candle with a white ribbon and toast to the aophomoraa by Wil ma Milliama. Misa Williams* wit ty remarks were matched by a ri^ponse made by Miaa Naotni •Morris, preaident of tha sopho more claaa- Thi- toastmaster then called on Norma f^ay Daniela who gava a toast to the freshmen. Responaa was made by Karle Willlsma, tak ing the placa of Jimmy Paachall, president of tha freahman claaa, who could not attend becaoaa of illneas. After thia Miaa Jewitt Daria gave a toaat to the Alma Mater, the response to which wa by Dr. H. 8. Hillay. ers to the Rogue's Gallery and showed them photoa of the cam pus rogues—all for one penny. Handsome pri**s. donated by Roy Moorf, r*«-tt«'a, Tariing- rtiojuute the other Greek let-1 Mr-.tso.’», Herring's Droc ' Gray, Bulldog freshman pitcher, take a more active i .store, ^ Ckar! tf.sajUiJ^-traat Mr. Webster than introdocad tha' ona who can alwaya ba detwndad Jr.-8r. Banquet, ’il." I upon to provoke laughtar — Miaa Webster firat introduced I “Johnnie" Gr«ene. Miaa Greane “on* of the most talkative fellow gave an original reading in which cl«; mite*” - fharlra Eaglaa, sh^ IM «f t)M paeuUarMiaa vt ■*hn gave tha addraaa of welcome. Elmer Mottem, president <>t the ttnifif fltili lh« nanonaa. dormitor7 life at A C. C. After tha apaachaa tha )oniara and gueata left for the Rrtres Hn.

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