COLLEGIATE Volume XVI. Atlantic Chrittlan College, WiUon, N. C., Sept. 30, 1942 Number 1 Defense Program Goes Into Effect Former Student Is Accepted By Navy WAVES New Faculty Plans For Years’ Work Are Announced. The plans for the execu tion of a defense program has been worked out by a special defense committee set up by the Executive Board. The committee mapped out a lay of plan.s, and after be- former -■\tlantic Christ ina accepted by the Execu-|ian Collojfe ! from left to rlKlit; Ml»» Mary Nai-kon. . ; Mlaa Nancy Kliaaun. and Mltia Kva Ma** \Vhfltt*y. Deans was sworn in to the officers candidate in Charle.ston, South Carolina, on Saturday, September 5. She will leave on October 1st for Smith Colletfe, Nort- the faculty members Massachusetts for, pointed by the faculty. » months training 2, We recommend that course. At the time Miss! the Acceleration and Indoct- I^eans took the examination rination program be referred nineteen others took it, only to the faculty for final action, eight passed. 3. We recommend com-; Mi;cr H, with the arrivHl of the nienibors of the freshnian class. Students who sre U*nd«TH of tile various cam pus orguni/ations acted as The student body of *'t- lantic Christian was o„ Thur.niay evening the honored by the nienituMs of t'ampur: Ueligious t'ouncil the First Christian Churih ^P‘"isoreii a twilight vesper lies of the Social coni- niittee spon.sored an inform al get acquainted party for tion on Fritiay evening «t H::iO o clock in (he ( andina < f(.a(ure of (he week Room of the Church. This is oi-curred on Friday evening and Ihe Woman's C jjancy Elia.son, Profes- ment. She received both her for all students, the minimum [jege several years ago. W hile of Biology, and Miss A.R. and M.A. Degrees from to be three hours. here, she took an active Maj-y Nackos, Instructor in the University of North Caro- 4. We recommend that part in all campus activities. KnKli«h. i Una. She has taught at Flora eveiy prospective graduate She was a member of the McDonald, Peace, and Mere- be required to have had a Golden Knot Society, College.s. Before com- the top ranking organization ing to Atlantic Chri.stian she a critic teacher in the of the A.s.socia- in finst aid. Student Participation on the 1. We recommend com-!active member pulsary for each , Woman’s Athletic student except those granted .tion. permi.ssion to be absent by the Executive Board. ^ ^ the 2. We recommend council, a ban- (|Uet took place in the Bert Hardy dining hall. Virginia Lancaster, toast mistress, welcomed the new students t’ in the world. Be- Journalism. While there, she fore coming to A. C. to ac- jwas an Honor Roll student cept a position, she attended and made many outstanding Summer School at the Col-| records. This is her year lege of the Bible in Lexing-|of teaching, as she gradu- ton, Kentucky. Miss Whit-;ated in the spring of 1942. ley has for several years Nackos succeeds Miss been Director of Young Justine Lynn in the People’s Work in the Department. Besides teach- ian Church of Ashevile. She j ing Freshman English, she T has been among the fac- will be in charge of the Col-, The first meeting of the; Prayer Perfect” at the YW i ulty in Summer Conferences, jlege Publicity and act as ad- Campus Religious Council meeting. The YWCA met \\ijs., Whitley will also teach |visor for the Collegiate, was held on September 10. | in the Chapel, and the YMCA The main of the I held its meeting in the parlor meeting was to elect a mana-| of Kinsey Hall. This change ger for the Y-Store. Bill Os- j was made due to the large borne of Charleston, S. C., number of girls this year and little blackyCocJ