COLLEGIATE Volume XVI, Atlantic Chrittian Collrge, Wi *oo, N. C., Octobrr 15, 1942 Number 2 Fall Religious Emphasis Week Begins Oct. 26 Puhlicity Plans Are DRAWING OF COLLl'XiH DINLW', HALL iunounco Miss Nackos Heads Publicity Committee Kvt'iy year a kioiM) oi At- laulic Christian Colley;e stu- vlenls and a few faculty nii'tnbfi's i^ot tojrother for till' |)iirp()si‘ of forniiiij; a conimiUff for publiiity. Miss Mary J. N’aikus, a f;u'uUy incnibty, is the ti>aii- inan of 'he publicity com mittee this yi%r. She has dit^dcd her committee iiito sections. These sections are radio, weekly column in the Wilson Daily Times, church news, news in >cen- eral, personals, and sports. For each section there is a faculty adviser. \’irginia Lanca.ster and GeorKe Vionoulis with Miss N'ackos as their faculty ad viser have charjre of the radio sections. Xaomi Mor ris. Julia Gliarmis, and Hill Osborne with ^liss N'ackos ajcain their faculty ad viser have charge of the weekly column in the Wilson Daily Times. Ruth Bliz/,ai{l, liuby Jones, and Charlie Harrison with Mr. Hamlin as their faculty advisor have charjre of the Church news. Mary Louise Uose and C. D. (;ur>ranus with Miss I'eele as their faculty advisor have charye of the news in Kener- ul. Kleanor Jone.s and ^'ran- ces Hemby with Mr. Smith as their faculty advisor have charKe of the personals. Vincent Colombo and his as sistant Penny Soufas have complete charge of the sports. (lUy Group Girl’s Chorus Takes Place of Glee Club Orientation Aids Freshman Group The Music Depariment !ias a briiilit outlook fur thi^ vear. Professor John W. l ontaine. who ha^ been in the departnient for many years, anil I’rofe.-tsoi' Kuttetie (inive, who came to the col- lejre l.’st yeai', are workinf: to make the year a most suc cessful and a most inteivst- injC one tor the music stu- - ‘ taine’s direction, a (lirl's Chorus has been or>ranized to take tlie place of the (ih'c Club !>f previous yi'urs. Th(‘ (,'horus will travel ovc Kast- ern North Carolina KiviuK pro>rrams in the variou.i Christian churches. In con nection with the Girl’s Chor us, 1’rofes.sor Konuiine has 'formed a male nuartet. ' Professor Grove has formed a Student Ensemble, includinj; both men and women. The definite proirram for the remainder of the year ha-: not. as yet, been an nounced. Marjraret Garriss and Howard Juiiies pian to trive iheir own individual re citals. and Professor Fon taine and Professor Grove have plans for their own re citals also. The various stu dent irnnip'^ 'vill sponsor re citals (lurinK the year. Miss Mary Nackos Succeeds Miss Lynn OS m DO £dLiLdi_ Pictured above is a sketched d: (Winjf of the Hert 1.. Hardy Dininif Hall, for years (uie of the main centers of uci vity during llomeconiinK weekend, and at all limes one of the main centers of art vity on the <’olle(fe campus. College Alumni Dehale The Possihilify Of Uoiueeoniing ^ ♦ Paper Receives Dramatic Club Is Reorganized Miss Green Heads Artistic Group Present Conditions May Cause Observance To Be Called Off. Definite Plans Are Not Announced. The Alumni of Atlantic Chr tian C(dle(fe are at preH- ent dfbatinjr the pos,sibility of I. honieconiinjf- •’’w i* the of friatiy meinuent of Alumni Association that the annual day or weekend usu ally .set aside for observance Letter From A Grad of 1942 Classes in Freshman Orientation, which is re quired of all .students, both Commercials and A.B., have been started. The commit tee in charjfe of this year’s one semester course is com- po.sed of Profe.s.sor K. K. Grim, Profe.ssor C. A. Jar- an. Dean Kva Whitley, Dr. Kliz. Hartsock, Professor Perry (’ase. Classes meet two thirty minute periods a week, in jfroups from twenty to thirty .students, with a su- pervi.sor for each ^roup. There are five groups in this year’s freshman class. This course is designed to aid freshman in making col lege adju-stments. Topics, selected by the students, are di.scssed in the cla.ssrooms for two or three meetings. Then the material uncovered in these discus.sions is pre- .sonted to the entire student body in chapel. Sometimes this is done with the aid of an outside speaker, or by plays or skits by the stu dents. Any novel and edu cational work may be used. Topics that have been select ed this year are: Health and Hygeine, How to Study, Table, Public, and Campus Etiquette, Ideals of A. C. C., Vocations, Man and His Money, Personal and Organized Religion, Philos- phy. Students and War, Man and Woman Relation.ships. Other topics may be cho.sen, as students and su- pervi.sors see fit. Miss Mary Nackos wa.' installed as a new member of thi^ Executive Hoard of Atlantic Chri.stian College on Friday, September 2'). iMiss Nackos takes the place of Miss Justine Lynn who was elected to fill the posi tion last spring but who is not in school this year. On Friday morning, Oct- Ober 2 Hazel Johnson and Elizabeth Johnson were in stalled as member's of the Girl’s Dormitory council, and D. (Jurganus and Aaron Fus.--ell as members of the Hoy’s Dormitory council. Mi'-s Hazel John.son is the newly elected presi dent of Caldwell Hall. Miss Elizabeth Johnson succeeds Mis.> Earle Williams as trea.s- urer of the council. Another new member of the council is ■Mi-':' Nancy Eliason, as- si.stant Dean of Women. Mr. flurganus follows El bert Harris as Sophomore representative on the coun- icil, and Mr. Fussell succeeds Charles Warren as Junior I representative. Neither Mr, (Harris nor Mr. Warren are in school this year. The UruuiuUc Club in once again in the front lint*. After It ve«- of slowlv siiffi- cating, the organization wan| rescued by Dr. HilU’y. Mi.sflj "Johnny" Groenp has beenj hired to lake complete ^ charge of this Department of Homecoming should be and bring it back to its old called off. .\s yet, no (Udinite status. Greene i.s a stu- plans have been made, dent, but much of her time, One week ago, the Home-; wil be devoted to the inter-i coming Planning Committee' est of the Dramateers. | met and decided to take a;,,,,,] j wish you the best of Hefore any definite plaiiK | aim ey attempting to get the ! putting out a good could be made, there had to attitude of a rejiresentative j group of the Alumni A.ssocia-1 ^ince 1 graduated last spiing, I have been working The following letter wa* received by the Editor of Y,,,, ,ill* • . T ago. For the benefit of thoHo who will read the paper this month, we print this h'tter, September Id Dear Editor: Well, how is the jiaper this year’? 1 sure hope you have a good statf. Newton J. Kobison Will Lead In The Week's Srrvires. Reverend Newton J. Robi son. Pn'tor of the HillvtT Memorial Christian Church of Raleigh, North Carolina, will lead the t\ist of the two Religious F.midlasis Weeks to be held at Atlantic I'hristian College tluniig the school year I'.tl'J (;!, I'lie s: lie.- ot servii-e- will begin on Moiiilay. f \\’onien; Howard James and Gordon be some unity among the group. Officers were elect ed to help steer the members in the right direction. (ieorge Vionoulis, a day student from Wilson, was elected President of the Dramatic Club; Virginia Lancaster, New Hern, Vice- President; Elizabeth Brown ing, Washington, N. i'., Sec retary; and Hill Osborne, Charleston, S. Treasurer. tioi'. Postal cards were mail ed to one hundred members. The answers provided by reports have not been announced. The purport of the answers sent in will h(dp to determine hether or not Homecoming is observed, and if it is, whether it will be a one day affair or for the entire weekend. Their ans wers will lay the foun- These officers will be respon-! dation for the program. sible f: havi' been appointed as joint chairmen of the Radio Publicity for the year. y\ny advice, criti cism or suggestions from stu- 'rlent« and faculty are always i welcomed by the committee ' the chairmen ;