COLLEGIATE VOLUME XVII Atlantic Christian ('ollottf, Wilson, N. I>(“c. 13. I'.tlti Nunibfr alumni association elects Student Assembly NEW OFFICES AT ANNUAL BANQUET Meets At Raleigh I he S. C. I. (.'ah if let Tbt aiimial tif Alumni A»»ociaUon ot Ai- laiuti ('hrlHlian TulloKe wa» h* >d lit Uie Carolina Itooni of llu* Klrst ('hn»iiau Cliuroli of WlUon. aft**r a l>aniiU»*t. on Novt*mb«*r y. iy4C.: hUU aboul m»MnlK*r« pr*««*nl. Mit-> Sarah Hum Ward of Klu»ton. iiud uov^ I)»*au of \Vonu*i: of Al- lanilf I'hrlHilan l’olK*«t*, prt^lil- lUK- .wr. UurtKfll Hoebui k wu'i Inlro- aa l{*-pii*!^fnlaU\«* from lht‘ M* v-rin>; roninutltM* and prrsvUU’d tlir* projfcl. lalkT adoplfd by lUf UJ.MM lauoii. for lh»‘ n«*xl four 1 IK* proJtHl ronsUta of lh»* l>utiUaH«‘ and inHtallaUi>n of a tH'W jupf organ lor Howard Mem- unal I iiapfl. lo bt* a uu-niorial to ini* uifUilHTtf of Ailanilc (’lirt»tian voiii,;*'. who »»«Tv**d in lh»* arnud iori»‘A ol our iounlr> durlnK V>t»rld War 11, and lo Ihos** wno ^av.' lluh ItvfH uurln>: tb»* cou- niii ii ''as ihouKhl lhal Uioii^and dollara wi>uld l«* n»fded ior in»* projfci. Il i« Uoptnl lhal Hit* orsan will b»* InsiaiUMl i») iiu‘ sf!**ju*‘nu*iinlal of ih» ColU'i;**. l)r. II. S. Hill»*y. l*rcHid<“nl of ihf I’oilfK**. »pok** brifrty on iho uuildiUK lund of Uu* colW*iif. Tho NomhiallnK (onimilUf (•onHii»lin« of Milton Adams, Ka- p»Mi I'Uilllpa and .Mra. Kva I'er- ktnn Kii JitT, »«av<* lh»*ir rvi>orl atui ihf jilaU* wan adopted as follows; Mr. Ku88t*ll Uoi-burk of WillianiHM ‘ :i>n. North ('arolina. now eniploy- ♦ d ny the Branch Hank and TrUHl ( ompany In Willlamalon. and w ho in ihf sou of Sheriff and Mrs. Uo**- buck of Martin C'ounty, a j^radu- au* of the clatJS of 1937, at X Ml- llarrirl riiltoii Handle’s “Messiah’ To Be Presented In Howard Chapel The Club of A I 1 a n t l4 Chiiuuan Co11ik«- will pti'rivnt on Sunda> ev*-ninK, I>«‘ifinb**r K*. at tJ:00 o'clock, in The Howard Mv-ntuiial ^‘hapvi. ol The Mt'Hdiali " by llandi‘1. under ihe direction of Mii’;. Ilarrh t Kul- lon. accompanied by Mr.; Hertha v’rosby of \V lUon, who in now or^aniHt fftr the Kirnt (‘hristlan one lime a full time Alumni Secretary | th^n of the Atlantic ChrlHllan I'ollege Alumni AHHoclatlon, and a pari time faculty member of the col lege, PreHldent of Atlantic Chrl«- tlan ('olleKe Alumni Asaoclatlon for the coming year; Miaa Glenn Hl^ch of Wilson, Vice President: Ml>-i Katherine WalnwrUht of Wiirton, Secretary Trea«urt'T; the new member of the Moard of Trustees to H* rve for a perlor. ( e« ll Jurnian of Wil son. and Mr. ('yrus Lee of Wilson. The Ste* Thou ihat tellest jfood tidings lo Zion Mism l^ucai: and Chorus. III. Uecllatlve; For. behold, darkness shall cover the earth. Air: The peopi*' walked In darkness .Mr. Barnes. IV. Ilecilallve: There were shepht'rds abidlnK in lh<‘ ti»*ld MIkh U‘*el. Chorus: Cilory lo C.oil. V. Air: Hejoice «*t *m- b«-> rtth and Tlh Th»- i;« n.ral .i -••mbly conv«»n«=d jt « p n» with Sf relnry of Siat«* Thad Kuie and - hanceilor J W HarrlK«>n >*;>«’ak- ip‘- In th«‘ opening -- ‘i*»n Covit- nor i'herry, who ^*.is t*» aihlre-j* Ihf A*^-.en»bly ali«>. was In Kl«>rlda on busln« > Kor lh»* tlr^l lime •'Ince Its oruanualIon. ihr A '« in- '}\s .is opfni'd with a pray*-? Th«- UtMMund 1 <' Shfphard of I ull. n M.-morlal lUpilsl Chun h ii- host ■ olletf** Th»* ' ouncll is ('oiiipoK<'d ol :tlud>'nti:. ’ «tudt-ntH (»t 'ftnlzaUo::r.. and f tc- tili> m**mii« r:. from vatioiis col- jli-’^ in Ni»rlh Carolina, who are nit*resl*d lit ihe SlUilriM l.e*;ls lailvf movfnifnt. P.«‘caus«‘ the • iSlndvnl .X-f-.vmbly l>. atu*nd*d b> ■ ho«»li; lliroUKho’il Ihe stale. Ihe .«»um il ii*rm* d lo make lb** a'-finidy more ol ib»* students 'Fhis >**ar also marked ih«* flr^l lino* In lb«* history of the Asr-m* bly lhal d»leKat».. fn»m N'fUro c^>ll»•K»•^ have attriulfd A reso lution liivltlnK Negrt) slud«uls wa.- pa.'.r;. d by Ihe Ar»«Mnbly lasi Near, and rt'e Ne«ro (‘olb,; *«t*ni r*“pres»’niallv»-p Th«*> w«*r«' Slale Tfa* h« rfc (\>lle^;»*. Kayett»- villt*; Norlh ('arollna .\ A- T Col- b*K*'. <»rt‘en«bort>; Kittr«*ll Col- leue. Klllrill; and Shaw and Si All busline's. Kal*‘lKh. Twriity four colb^.tr-: iccepted Invitations to att*'nd thh. y«*ar’*» A.HHembly, Last >*ar. repre ss*nla!lves were i»rem*nl frtiiil 21 liistitiilioiis \\ bin* - bools lo stMid deb'^ali^ are: LouisburKh Colle«»‘. imke Cnivtr^ity. Wakr KortsI Colb‘Ke, Cnlv»Mslty <»l .N’orth Carolina. Woman s CoIUk*-, St. .Marys. L‘»«-McUae, Pfelffei. Slah* (’oUek'e, Klon ('ollek'e. Al- lanlic Christian Colb'K**. Brevard Cidle;^**. Kasl Carolina Ti*ach«*r>* [ ColN'k;*'. .Mereillth Colb-Ke. (Jiill- ' find Coll«*i;e. Black M»»untaln (’ol- ' le«e, and Pembrok«> Stair Collfkf*- for Indians. , Sonif of the most lni»*rt* •!».. •‘dlH or pr*'*»^»sa’:’ lni.odui-*-d I w« re; A resolution to set a : ini* i mum wa;;e of C.'»c per hyur in .Norlh <*arollna. pr*-4-niid by Bla< k Mounlnln College; a r»*so : lullon to pr«*veiit ‘‘hasty and iin- j wU-- marriage for younK f**male I persons.” by Br« varril ('olh'Kc; ■*liuTfanl»K Tilt- ; during the banquet under the direction of Mlsa llar- If tlwre b* row. Uecllatlve: H»* was cut off out of the land of the llvlni? Air: Bui Tnou didst nol leavi* His ^oiil lu h«-ll Mr. .Mo<»re. IX Air: How beautiful are the fe**t v»f them- .Miss Lee, X ('horus: Sime by man cunu* death Seml-('horuM. XI Air: 1 know that my H«- d>‘**m>'r liveth MIk;: Cavallo. XII (’horui: H**lb*lujah. Thom* partlclpatlnK In the pre- nt nlatlon are: Sopranos: Margaret itaker. .u . . I Mary Aliu•»•. Irl» Lee, V«*ra L« wl.s Betsy Mannlns, June Mc- Han, Mary Katharine Mewborn«*. Vivian Miller. Miriam Moore, Joy*d b«'fore the end of s* hool With all the new things on the iimpus. the Plwknol staff has vork«‘d late hours to produce on** of the m<»st lnfer**stlnK annual* in the history of AtUntlf Christian Coll<".;»' Th»- «'dltor has dlfwloMd that ,he h-: a numl>er of surprl«*» In evening. November i stud«*nts. The!i4. In- Alleen Reel, |- iiid#* a dlff»*renl rover for th«* an nual. a few »*xf optionally Kood picture's, ar.d more snafmhots than ever. Working with the ••dltor and l>fficiT: of the St;id.*nt ( hrislltui A'^'oclutloii. readInK from l«*ft lo rlKht. bolUMu row Marv Hlbii Joii«*h Alb**’n U««*l. .Miriam M advisor anil Ivan .\dams The Student Christian Association Sponsors Drives, Special Observances • The Stud*'nl Christian A?; tlou ol Allanlli ('hristiun Colb ue iH an arHoclutlon of whl< h all -^tu- d‘ his art* iu**mbfrs. The«‘cl ol 111*- orKanUallon Is to ir»*uii* un liitt'n Kl amoiiK slud«*nts In th<‘ t Urtktian way of life, to provld«* . M which dfV«dop Chris Him llvl.iK, and lo int» rulf ull itudeiit acUvlties on the campUi riif nomin»‘eK for prfsldt-nl. ••crriary. and tr* asur« r ure sele<-‘ trd b. Ihe Stud«*nt Christian Ar- • M tiiuon CabiiM't from a llsl or .III* iniomitii; Junior and S<*nlor :>iudi'ntM \M)o maintain a ;:li«il av«M.4*:» of ollncis who w«T«* el«*ct«-d for thl< year aii* av. folU»WH Mary Kllen Jones, pifHldeiit. John (loff, ’ retar), and Bill Whitf. ir^uHtmr. I he llv<* ib'VlHlonal chalnix n of Ihe cabinet \M*r«* als«» »‘le the aHsociatlon .in«-ar. Alb-iMi H»*el. chairman of Ihi- Spe. .ill Kv* nls Division, is r'*- Hponslbli* for plannInK and 'lUious Kmphasis W»«k, Ui'ire its, and all days of Hp« i lal j obr.iTVan'-4*. David Hanlison. Y-Store ihalr- man, is the ui^n'Tal overn**er and mana;;er of the school st<»re In- cludtiiK its or^:anl^atlon and op< r- atlon. H<* s< «*s that alt proceeds of the >»tore mi Into th** fund for Ihe Stmb'nt Cnlon Building. The V-Htore has brouKhl In mon* pro fits this year than for si-rrral years. Kraulein Jarman, lh<* «hurrh «o<»rd Inal Ion chairman, appoints (»ne iiieniber from each churrh to MTV** as a link b c I w n !b‘* ‘hnnhes ol Wilson and th»- rol- lejfi*. Thi* chairman Iwlpv. th«* mln- bt*-.>* obtain a rompb'N* llsl of HOndt-nl m**niberH In ••arh partlru- liar church. She also aids (h«* ' ehur« lies in town in obtalnInK j-?ud* iii b aderx wh* r** they ar<* I ne*-d«*d. j Ivan Adanm, World Service I ( halrman, was In i harK** of ih< World Stu of all oih< r ; bfnt'vob nt drives on tbi* campu>i. t H«* alHo aids th<* rhur< h< s nulsld** I of tow n ill obtalnlnK slud' nl b-iil- I «*rs wbfr«* they are n»*»'d» d. I • ■ The (iuardnMM'ii Cjuarti'tte of Hollywood waK i>ifSfiilrd In con- \i\id iiiitni-dlHttdy attirwaiii' e\ei> i>he will atijouiii lo tbe pailoi in Kin;-«> Hail loi Chit lariol- lln ' 1 n<- CbtlalUn \oulh h'l Mow tup Ot llie r'iot CtMiKliali Chuich ..ate itieti 1 hiiBtnia» Part) tn the 1 vitoUuu Uoum DweinlK-i iheii li it wide \uilt*l) ot elite! lainnieul and ftKid plunneil (04 1 Ihe tM.Uhloll The lollowhlK iiUhl. l»t*>emiMi H. Phi iH'llu ciantnia I Hill elltellatn Della .SlKUia al a (' Paity In the iiul Uooiii at (be ( hilsllan ( tuiiii rile Hint attempt t(» }'Ue ) Lt It del h .M<; the (ilee i'lu<> .Many no|oi|ilp Will In- leatuieil ,»l tllh lime Pieced lUK thu I»i e-'lllallon will be the KMliiK Ol Chiislnian ;itttn lo Ihe poor « hllilreii o{ Wllnon 'I'be Kiftx will i»e taken lo an altar in th<* froiu of the chapel l-'olUir. lllK. Ihe Wilson JuMce:< will ell- leiialn Ihe children tn Ihe Kyni- iia-«tum :it then aiinaul purl) At Ibis time a ulfl will b« nlven lo ea> h child On Deieinbel l.*^, there w|ll bi* la daiK'e at Ihe Aimiii)> «pon»nred by the Vet« rani (*lub. The dan«e will latit unlll twelve o'clock 1‘heie will l>e ChiiNtiiiaH cat ; ollinK in ti»wii D« ;ejiilM*i In Tb«* hoNpltaU and ~U(h plait** will be I visited al Ihls time This name i nlxht the bovH will be eillet tallied at a party by Pic’»Ulenl Hllle) and Ihe men faculty. Tbeie will be a Olils' Doriiiltor) Paity In the *Wee' hoUIS of the inollllnK In Kln^ey Hall. I'H ' iili’ will be Klv«*n to the people who woik In cbanliiK up the KroundN and biilldlnrs 'I'lie loiiK-awalteil day atrlves December l!u. ( hrIstmaH liolldayN befcln at tills time ClaH’^en are tn be rcnumed Jaliuar) »i The prevlo*l>! beiluli* of leavinu i^eltibi t J!*. relit* |*1l'* I'leM ary H. was abandoned lo avoid ItavelliiK on .New Year' Day. Phi Kappa Alpha Phi Kappa Alpha announce the niarr\uki«' one of Its menibeiM MUn Jim Brown to Mi. Cllflon Plillyaw riiuistlay evenlnic. the iweniy-flrsi of N4iv«*nitH*r al eUht-lhlrty o'cloik Howard Chapel Atlantic (‘hrlHtlnn (‘olle^e lirst. Audrey Gaylor. (Continued />n paxe four) Generous Response To Thanksgiving Drive The faculty and stndenls of Al- lanllr Christian ColleKe jcrale- fully resp<»nded to a «lrlve at ThankttKlvlnK to colleej food to In Wilson, who <»therwlse might help ne«*dy persons and families nol have had a ThankaKlvlng din ner. It was before the war a tradi tion of the colle>fe. sponsored by the VWCA and Y.MCA to help ne4Mly pers^in^ At Thanksnlvlnic of this year the drive wa** pnl b*ck i»n campus by the phi D<*lta (*amina F‘raiernlty and I>ella Siiona Sorority. Two larte 1k»x*»s of food roll<*c(ed and approximately I3C.00 was Kiven, which was u^ed lo bny f^KMl This food was dls- tributed on Wednewlay alterncHm before Thanks^lrinK Day. Golden Knot Honor Society Conducts Vesper Services on ' The (;olden Knot Honor clety conduced a Christmas ' per iwrvlce In Howard Chapel Wednesday niKht. Tb‘* pr<**:rHin was ns follows: Prelude Oh Ifoly .Nlitbt .lohn (JofT. Cali T»» Mickey .MtM»re. lleadlnK 'Chrifl mas” Mar^afet Taylor; U Christmas ■ Alleen Keel. .‘MTlplure ‘Tbe Luke Slory of chrlslmar Hora« e yulnley; Med ley of ChrUtinas Carols (Jlrl Kn* *s.'inble. ‘ The Three KlnK: ' ' Maruuerlte Noe; A Christman Pray«*r” .Mary K Jon**;; ”The .M a n K r Hcene" Beth. Ht»se, Mary; John (iofT, Joseph. Postlude DUDLEY NEW PRESIDENT OF A. C. I. S. Th* AtlantU (!o-Kd Ind*’p«*n- dent Kday evenlHK. .November the Iweiity flr.^l. Mls»* Jim Brown. dauKhter of Mr and Mrs Alvin Suk^ w, be. ame the lovely brid*- of Mr CIlHon Phil- yaw. non ol Mrs. l.'-ille Tysi>n. The offlclallnic minister wan Kev, Wiley Wall. The ChapU was beatillfully deiorated with sl*te|y palms and handsome candellabra»< Music for the (Mc«K;tlon wan leiideied hy .Mr. Bussel Kofbuck. organist from Wllllamston and .MIsh Vlim* «'oloml>o. vocalist. Mr. Uoebu«'k * - I S •• 1 e c t I O n S were Because,” j' l/lebe-^frauine,” ‘One Alone." “'lo A wild Kose, ' '‘Bcv^jrle" MU« (*olombrn**t of =»eded iiearls arid oranK‘* l»b»>“'^;;ns Her <»nly 'ornament was a sirPv of pearls, 'a tclft of lh«‘ brlde>'foom The I bride tarried an e:.(|ulsMe bouquet 1 of irreen '-abba^;-uly j The lucky bride Is the charm ing daii»hler of Mr and Mrs Al* '\ln Su .'its of l^a (irantte She at- I lended “ ho<»li In Bailey and I Wllnon, N«»rth Carolina, ifradua- liBu from (‘harle I, Coon Hlnh Hch