P«K«r Two THE COLLEGIATE November 25, 1947 A Little Sermon Ontr i>f the main thinrs in life In makitiK other people happy S<>m<- iret a great deal of pleajsure out of thu, and othrnt juit don't think that it i.4 important. l>o unto others you would h.'ive thi-m do unto you, and love your neiKh- Ix.r n- y*)Urs* lf are two of the gr*-at command* of Jeiiuii that Hr -hould make a bit; part of »ur every day life. Let t-at h of Ui help make ^.imebody’* day a happy one. New Systc’tn Needed CAMPUS PERSONALITIES THE MERRY MIX-UP By Mel F. Warren wat an editorial on the food •ituation, but it (eenu that all it did wat arotuc a little di»cuk»ion on the lubject and did did nothing to alleviate the un»«ti*hcd •tudent*. . We realixe that there are many things to consider when you lake into account the running of a dining hall. There I* one thing though—it can be sanitary, it is not appetizing to sat down to a meal and pour water into glasses which have lipstick on them. Gravy tastes very good flavored with cabbage, and chicken feathers in snap beans add to the soronbln* thal mliht o editor csn t lire attractiveness of a meal. 7'his no e»ageration. Even mem-, b-- A lot of us would resllr like *'!’ bers of the faculty have complained about roaches being'*" 1. rinH > »iri Klors MftrI>onald CoU«*k« to often. It U dlfilcult to ilnd a girl on ihetr lAbl«. TKo«e hair* in the food would probably Krom all reports, abe la a beauty, anywhere on the campua to even laair good if we were eatinf ahredcd wheat. When you have aald aotnetblns we half-way compare with Lib Leach , 11.» «hoiildn'l hare, we are aorry. But when It romaa to aweetneai and a lake into conaideration the number or people who handle i jmt the aame, we wlah you a lot pleasant dUpoaitlon. There are the food before it gets to th tables, it looks as if the cooks ! or luck down K M wsy; and from' no flyi, no icrlpes, no nothing but j. .. .1. iiiii now on wbt-n we tlslt your "Y" food looking clotbes on Lib would be required to wrar hair nets. It would also look „ ,hink of wbst s flne!l,«.b. belter if the waiters and waitresses were required to wear ! — — -- ^ ——; My** But this was a stiort Jo:, you sr*- doln* tbtra »nd try y,„n iti II.OIX; KIM) .%M> , c ' ' ipontli, or ics;bv yoor Old Editor lu be a little more consldersl*. -But please do not ask me one or the English profetsor'i !• looking a llitle ahead this All of u» know what a thankless how much I have pledged You fhf ! mobik- Kec«rdlM« of wbal wa job yi»u bava. teen aaked to make a pledge of u* If tba Un« aaca a "dead I thing the next victim ia better college for the new buildinif poetry ihn line," what am I to do but me^t known to the »*dltor aa "String-; which ia the main topic of ^ne uasis has and always ^ llT Ho here goea with the third bean ” Juit think of all the Ull : onverwition on the campus at th* added, but it 1^ of your Old Collegiata and girls In the at bool and pick preM*nt time. I really think the | the walla arona^ HW^wtaa. tbia rolomn. one with long hair, a ter>' pretty j, fjne in every way. but J*®**®' f ^ »jnld All of you koow him; moat of fa< e. well-dreaaed, and one who attitudes of the majority ofi*^* the reinembtt you hate aU but • uniMl bim under hits the relUng at live f«et len. gtudent-body. We feel the urge! adding to the »i. your breath at one time or another., Of course there can be no other lo ^ive an emphatic “No" when ap-1 <>» the building, Wbo'.-•uid It be? None other than girl in the school who can meet j-roacbed be ntii not be palntsi our own "Y” Store Keeper. John auib vivid description except Lib administration does not coop-, “ numDer ol years auain, prob. Hawls Aa you read this, think L<*arh. our Pine Knot Queen. rate with the student l>ody. May-i^^J'^- , , „ over the timee you have waited Natcb.*rly there was no way of be we are right!! And in cane thlsj ^ oleatant exne^H^ for th. • Y” Htore to open. IH r ,H||ng who th. Queen would be 1- your opinion and the came^ John was only a MTrLK^Ut*- before th. monthly P^-nallty jhr you are not p^^ Well, there wasn't much that Dr. llarlsork could say to the lioy lause he brought his mother alo>( to class with him, so that he wouldn't b<‘ kicked out. At Iir»i Dr. Hartsock didn't know exactly whether to let him enroll In ih» class or to see the registrar flni what a mess! But the mother said that she was not going to >m her son miss out on that class w> the Doc let him remain. Thn neii day he didn't return, but the mother did. She had decided that she was going to get an education even If her son didn't want lo come back. But It Is rumored thit all ot the girls in the class want the son to return because he ii the cutest boy that has been seen ou the campus. But after one day of bringing the son to class. Bar- From ail appearances, all the students at the college are i wa. picked, but w« can't help It h«ltated, then that 1. ..... ... . . ' ln« on your arm. you figured that if the girl ha* personality plus as ; business. But I contend that just about fed up with not betng fed. In the last Issue there 1 one of those fifiMn minutes „ besuty. ‘ ‘ " wre preclooi one. .No one will I j^ dvny this fact, ilut no one can be on time all the lime. Mr. Kawla is a member of i’hl Kappa Alpha Kraternlty. He baa a fine voice which enablet blm to sing with tha Ole«> Club, aa well aa the Male Chorna. All this and the "Y" Htora take op a considerable amount of time And come to stupid aa she might lead you to think. Anyway sh»* is a marshal; so that goea to •bow you how important a string* bean can be. It seemj: thal they do have brains after all. Lib is the vice-president of DeltaSlgma Sorority and a mem- If the stud«*nts promote this program aiid show that (hey are interested in aomething besides recreation, then it might have a wonderful effect on the adminlstratioo . . . there is no stone that can not be turned (even when It Is iron!) So let's give what we think that we ran afford tu give within the next t\*o years. ber of the Oolden Knot Honor ' think of It, h.'do.. Tath.r well Society. She was last year's edi-1 Are you one of the fortunate wh.n the grade, com. out. Just •*’* Knot and she I people who hapiien to know MIoS how do you do It John’ Is It a “f * *u<-»s that's ^ Doc Hardy? .Mlsa Hardy Is an ex roaches. An occasional fly in a water pitcher, worms in the : ^ret 7 one way to work It-edltor onel.remely strappllng young lady ' K t 1 g »«.cret, but queen the next. It s a with—well. to give you an idea of ' . what I mean. I would like to quote a letter that she received from th^ Anne Spencer Supporter Company last week: Dear Miss Hardy, aprons. They wear them when guests are preaent- the onea who wait on the visitors* tables do. that U LETTER TO THE EDITOR i is a disgrace to the Instruments. I'd lik** to tell you the usual rou* Dear Kditor, 1 would like to tak<‘ I tine which a music student goes I through. First, one makes ten ‘ trips down to the baaement and I waits earh time in hopes that the a bit of ^^^*^^ practicing will remember pretM>nre (hat Is to say. the first j study hour, one Is occa- (lart of bis spee«'h. for it has l>een ilonally fortunate enough to se> ustomary to nap through chap**!' > Plano, but then baa to barrl When it comes to the way the food is prepared, there is not much favorable that can be said about it. If you were blind and had no aenae of taale, you could enjoy a meal— I you*" "pare to pay tribute, publicly, | that he baa a claas, meeting, or , -t , .s I , , , till • to a most deserving and courage- he will quit In disgust. The exctpt that the soggy combread would probably clogg up gentleman. I would also Ilk** l*tter Is not Improbable. After your throat. We know that food ia harder to prepare in j to apologUe for napping In bla P»t*»'nt waiting all afternoon and l^fge quantitiea, but there is no aenae in putting aome of the food on the table. It ia just waated—>or saved for Wed- nesday soup. It ha. been rumored that there will be a raise in the .peech I to come, it has been raining all board. 1 hat was done last year when pricea were almost *^<1 familiar note. The | oh! change in the menus, there will be many who will refuse ! 'J our dip- what ihMe lathing raindrop, do ^ ^ ^ _ l**g riM»ma. Th«* ballad was always to the piano! One begins with a ••ung to a partlrular few. .N»*«*d 1 scale to looaen up one's fingers— name whom? c, d, f, twang, a. (no tone), b, a R(**e<.hes. Hut at laat. long laat, I was arous4*d from my slumber by a man who actually had aome- (bing to say and said it. The <*ad»' the door, make sure that the 25~watt bulb baa not dlaappeared. and finally aettle down to Indulge in thia luxury. The best is yet to pay board. The same food is served each meal on the same day of each week from one year to the next. Just tell the cooks what to cook on Mondays, Tuesdays, etc., and it would be the same thing. You can tell the hour of the day and the day of the week by the meals served in the dining hall. 1 am glad that you have written I hara Aycock has decided that her for inrorniation about Spencer I Just too young to be hanslog Supports. Thousands of women ar^^und the girls of this college, lave had health and posture con- Hartsock told her that if her dUions corre< ted by means of un individually I>esign(^ Support, and I am sure that I can help you. We are referring you to a dealer in Si>encer Supports in your locali- t> who will get in touch with you at the earliest convenience. She will be glad to show you the benefits and features of Spencer Supports and help you decidc which Spencer will meet ycmr par ticular nei'ds. I am enclosing a booklet with pirtureH of the different types of .-upportH most commonly needed by women. It explains in detail now how Spencer Supports assist wonx- e?i to better health. Sincerely yours, Anne Spencer. The Sigma Alpha men are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the lady to lit the corset on thia Mips Hardy. SU h TALL Kven though we do not know all of the p«*cple by name on the campus, we miss them w hen son came back and took the test that she was sure that he houM pass for the quarter. Why didni some of the rest of us start out m cr.llege young?? (Incidentally, Mrs. Aycock is a veteran’s wife and the mother of a 7 months old son. Yhs. Dr Kirher. we are all quite; hoarse rattle which sounds a aware of (he educational marhine, j moan. Not being easily dis and may I add, that we think the couraged, the typical AC student gt ara are stripped, or U It that i overlooks this and continue!. Hut they are ov«*rwork(*d due to th«*jeven the most ambitious student fact that a few people are essen- can take so much and no more Hat in too many places. And now 1 After 16 minutes at one of our that my attention has been callfHl'pianos, ifs v^ry easy to storm to It, my turnip greens nearly out of the room and resolve never not try another? Every student on the campus would be nlach*ln”''was'^stsllid'^^eca*’uw'of ^ only loo glad to give cafeteria style a chance. At the begin- If expenses cannot be met with the present system, why ning of the year, the dining hall was overflowing. People rushed in to be sure of a seal. Now there are two and three vacant chairs at many of the tables. The reason is that the majority of the boys and many of the girls average at least , . .. , This concern, only one phase of Ihclr purchase. But maybe th-) the department I’hZ\ happen.sl to that record- Ihat we hare a dietician on the machine which Wi laropus and that this falls undn is an appendectomy patient at; ''•“! then there was the fresh- tht Woodard-Merring Hospital' man in one of the Kngllsh classe.s here In Wilson. We wish her oodl-isI "I'o de:ined "Kipectoratlon" as. of recuperations and a hurry up ' slang word for spit back—she am missed!: There has been an announce- Our congratulations go to -Mr, iiKnt made conc erning the Klue or '''rs- Billy Kay Siulth, both Ich was needed so | Cold shot that is given down town students here at AtlantieChrlstlan L- been purchased. I at the County Health Department. College, who were married recent- ... • J... ..F^sx sswss l>U t Ifc IB r um<>l »•*! I If ^ ■- ,V„, I, In 'TK a ...... i . . ssi. - c^ ^ lliai 1 leu iccrui- that (he poor dietician stands In * .nelun* riaV“^ ^^ve the bv>8t iTt^joriiy or me ooys ana many oi me giris average at least , her kingdom, naked of power,' j The serum is not life holds in store for » t • a I. . . I . ... While the machine buvs the »ro. ^ even compulsory, but better health is eal ia over. Meal tickets could be issued upon registrat* ion. Lach student who eats on campus could be required lo buy $75 worth for the semester. If any more are needed, thry could be acquired from the office. If a student didn't want lo eat everything, he wouldn't have to pay to look at it, nor would he have to pay for meals while at home. The tickets could be for five cents, ten cents, etc. and could be counted out just as money when the food is received. If the present system cannot function to aatisfy the hun gry students who haunt the food stores, the system sug gested here might at least save the student who brings milk to meals with her a lot of trouble and unhealthiness. It is obvious lhat something must be done soon lo alter ihe pres ent situation. dining hsil as sn «»n>Ple: other, l S', \| W II I i>i nmi M. lui \Ki> I tri » HITtilC \Ht I lilTolt I nirmi I t \TI UK Muroit 111 ^inkn,s mi\ui> III N|\|. \| \N II.I |( i 11(1 I I. %TloN M IH»( W)a(t lull lirinmin Marin>eHtr \ur 4*IimI>« John liHcriiluuti iKirla Harper - _ . lull ^la.%«mct|| H»rbrl llrjity UilUrtl. JjmtK Ilrrr> \ U Alton r«»ley, Klll<4ar««, >lillrr. Mr< ^.| TlxMiipNMm. %rrmr l»u«llr}. Kufu* llrm»t«»a. M. I . « . |i. Ilk** IH-. MllUrr^ llartJK»rli thing, far loo numerous to men-‘ 7^’',',“* cias.e« wnich are I to take It right away. Kach winter I I would like to leave yua tlon are run In the um« manner. ' “ are several cases of flu in “Hh this little dItty that I pickeu W. agree. Dr. Kicher, U is not' “LrJih? J . done ;»< bool. As all of us know, it Is “P from the Harding Colle?o wbst one knows, nor the degre.'j , ^ * ““ using .Mr, Kon- very contagious; and although you ‘Bison': he hold. In this In.tllute of learn- vlctrola tyou know,: have not been a flue victim In ''f you think little of a person, log thal establishes hi. authority IT f ‘o borrow-1 y*-ars, you are now or will be later little as you think ” or leadership, hut the ease wl'h, * I'eterson's phonograph. , on because of the crowdi'd cot:- '.thlch one sits and listens (Ma '“* **'® college will be ‘HHons and poor ventilation in the' chine, have a way of being dora- I'elerson rent on It classrooms. So I think that it is' ' . a go.Kl idea to kill that little flu bug beftire he kills you—or you get so ill that you wish he had! ' A FEW GRINS The deacons wouldL’t deak; the iiiterlng). before long. The phonograph I hope. Dr Kicher, that your *“• purchased last year • peech not only awakened me, but *“ order In .May. Ten also the powers, to the fact that' **»» rolled by: „.h* fUed. It would really pay I Kolng to every place pos- ^n editor was being sued for n. rvr saw a college, could buy l**® *<>“8 run lo gel a good phon-signing his name. That little “'ander because he had called a turnip greens. ograph for a change Instead of ireally got around—every two faced. The plaintiff's I personally have faith enough »o“e remade war surplus machine. ■"°t the one who lawyer argued before the Jury: In the faculty to believe that If Music students are 111 equipped *'■"**’ ’he poetry on the walls "Oentlemen, If my client were two- glven a free chance to express other ways than instrumental. This summer faced, don’t you think he would themselves without fear, they , ^'or a person who wishes to major ; Painted the walls of I have used his other one?" mighty find us with a truly "New , in music, there are not enough » buildings and It was a great ‘ —- and (ireater ACC," without even courses offered to even get the ‘'"P™'^'"®''t. Alread there are; There's a vast difference be- Pledglng a tin ten cent piece. l.et major unless he or she lakes such . ^ ", *ho have start- i tween having to say something, us poo th. ldeu that we already course, as "Teaching Music in "'® "'all-. U is and having sotnething to “ay have flr.t, then we will have an ■ -• * gentlemanlv nnr .. “ lo say. Institution that Is worthy of de manding not only our dimes, but ■ 11 thal w. have to give. ' Berry Vause. r.s.— Again may I thank you for .peaking publicly the muffled tone, of the AC itudents. And 1 thsnk you pemonally. for I feel j thal I can go lo chapel now even I If I am not Interested In what Ik being said I can keep myself (a'ake by reminiscing over what ha. be. n uld by a progressive be liever In Ih. fre«Hjoro of speech, i B. V. Klemenlary Grades. There should 'f ^continued on Page Ko^, Por^Mr^The?” hTSon’rtry " A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the best of men," ' Hear Rdltor; I This letter concerns only ■ small part of the student body, . but lo n. II U a matter which we ■ think should get M>me ronsldera- ' Hon from the "hlgher-nps." It being the sad plight of the music department. Rad. Indeed! Approximately 1-S of Ihe stn- deni body partlclpalM In musical scilTltle. on Ihe campus, not In cluding thoee who take the meth od course, required for a teach er's certificate Off band I should sav that t* lo 75 sindents uke prim, lessons In voice and piano. To aeeomodale Ibeee. we hare ex- ! acily J pianos which are arallable I for practice. Cmllin. ih.n. ..i..