cMerry Christmas COLLEGIATE Happy cNew Yevir Volumne No. 18 Atlantic ChristiHn C'ollege. Wilson, N. C., Ut'ccmbor 17, 19 J7 Numbpr 4 Thelma Hardis'on, Mel F. Warren, To Reign Over May Day Annual Christmas Dinner Is Served In Dining Hall Week l» Filled With Holiday Activities Tbe annual Christmas dinner, which will be served In the Hardy nininK Hall tonight, will highlight the pre-Christmas actlviHes on the campus. The dinner which will be tor- mal, will be the beginning of "The Other Christmas ’ which Is observed every year at Atlantlr Christian. Turkey and all the trimmings will be on the menu. ICntertainment will be offered by the Girls' Octette and all the students will Join iu tbe sIiikIuk of Christmas carols and other songs In tbe Dining Hall. At this time the cooks and other rolored hflp will be given their Christmas presents by the students. Immi'dlately following the din ner, everyone wlU adjourn to Kin sey Hall Parlor to sing Christmas citfr of Mr Mrs Asa J. Uardiison vti WlUiamsUm, N. t' , and M(»lvtn«* K Warii«ii, uf Mr. and Mrn K \Varr*'n o( Kalston, N (' . Ut^n rhoa«n Qu«'«*n md King of ib<* 1947>I8 May Day Tliftlnia la n i:iu](»r In Hpanlsh and hii« rf*«toUy iou(p|o( to two auperla- tlveH fur this year ■ nenlor rlaaa: Heat l.ooklnx and Moat popular. Melvitie la a major In aorlal siudlea and has also omplotod hla prartire tenrliinx at tbo ('hariwi U C'oon Hi^b School H« la preal- dent of rtlitma Alpha Kraternlty uitd alao prritMnnt of tbe Tan Hol- lunic Council, the ruling b^>dy fur jail (Jro<*k littter orianiaations on I the campUN. He la a m«'mber of th« iStaKe and Hrrlpt and waa In tb« * May Court laai year. He waa nlnrt- ' ed by tbe si'Ulor class aa two ; nuporlatlvi'*: Moal i*opul ar and Wittiest. Mid Is a columnlat for tbo "Coileglate. ' He wroto '*()n the Merry-Go-Uound' laat year The play of Kiven by the “Herod” members will bo of the Carolina, spok. to the Kroshmen ,, ,h.. ,uthor of ::Th« Merry In Howard Chapel on Tuesday. - tbu y„»r, u„ ..rved IK'cember J. about men and worn- |(,r„ years In iho army, most of en reialionahips. Dr. Terry la which waa In tba Komhweat Pacific from an eastern part of Nonh .^ea with ths 714th Anti-Alrrraft larollna. Klliabeth City. H« at- „un iiatalllon. He will and accompanied by Robert Der* eight o’clock in Howard Chapel. The play la directed by Mrs. Doria Holaworth. Stage and Script Club tonight at, college at Chapal Hin; ^'; ^ «iirht oV-lock In Howard Chanel.I... graduate m January served in the dining room. Last year around 200 students went I to spread the Christmas Joy in j the town. It Is hoped that this year will bring an even greater response. Friday ni.ijbt w'lll bring the dormitory party for the girls and the party for the boys at Mr. Hilley’s home. Both dormitor ies will join together in Kinsey Parlor for the girls’ party. Both parties will begin at ten o'clock. Skits will beg Iven by the girls on each floor of the dorms. A prize will be given for the most original skit in each building The parlor will be decorated In the Christmas spirit with the Christmas tree as the main orna> ment. Fruit and candy will be served. There will be no light bell rung for the girls that night. They will be allowed to stay up all night If they wish. Classes are dismissed the next day, Saturday, December 20, and will be resumed January of Music at the Presbyterian Church in Verone, N. J., In New York he was the organist for Temple Beth-el. He Is a member of the American Guild of Organ ists. In addition to his work at A. C.. Mr. Derick is Organist and Choli Director at the ('hurch of the Good Shepherd in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Winifred Derick, who teaches voice to beginners, studied at New Jersey College for Women, ick, voice instructor. The presentation, which wa» Klven last y<‘ur for the first time on the campus, formally opened the Christmas season at AC. ^ Kifty-flv© ntuslcians combined i-jot-nur-holre In France, it It is an early mystery play tak en from the twelfth century man- then In New York (Mty whare h«; iH^ame interested in his present i profoaslon. Ho has been Director I of Coutisellng not only for v«t<*i erans at the University, but forj UHcript of the Abbey Salnt-Ber- veterans all over the itata, ibelr talents in this second pre- aentation of the Christmas por tion of George Frederick Handel's oratorio. The soloists for “The Messiah” were Tommy Moore, tenor; Irii i„ee, soprano; Audrey Gaylor, soprano; Gene Barnes, baritone, and Bruce O’QuInn, alto. The program consisted of: Chorus: And the Glory of the Lord; Uecltatlve: Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive; Air: O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion; For Behold, Darkness sew Drunswick. with Sturani and, x^e Olaf Olson In New York. She hM; That Walked In Darkness; sung In Opera. Concert, Oratorio i God; Air; Ke- and .Muslabor; Suddenly There The Uerick family have moved. Angels; Comfort from Orange. New Jersey, to their p„opIe; Kvery Valley Shall present home In Kocky Mount. SCA Begins Plans For Religious Emphasis Week Tbo SCA cabinet, with John Goff as president. Is studying plans for Kellgious Emphasis Week which Is conducted each spring on the campus. This Is a week or few days set aside for religious services In Howard Chapel. The college secures a speaker for the entire week who holds services each morning and {*aoh evening. He also conducts "bull sessions ’ with boys during the day and has private confer- He Kxalted. The program was • onrluded with the Hallelujah. Those participating in the pre sentation were; Sopranos; Margaret Baker, Mary Alice Heasley, Elliabeth Coor, LaVerne Driver. Audr*'y Gaylor. l>orls Harper, Krauleln Jarman, Mary Ellen Jones, Iris U!P. Mrs. Vina I.,Ineberger, Kaye .Mi.Millan, Vivian Miller, Louise Morris, Joyce I’eterson, Koiella .■Sullivan, Jean Thomas,. Owen Tomlinson. Doris Warren, and .Vorma Willard. Altos: noridalie fternler. Betty Todd Corlete, l^ne Kaye Cutler, ; Janf Goff, Ann Johnson, Evelyn Sigma Tau Chi Has Joint Christmas Party Sigma Tau Chi Sorority and its brother fraternity. Phi Kappa Alpha, held their Joint Christmas party at the Zam Zam Club De cember 16. The party took the place of the dance which had for merly been planned by Phi Kappa. Tbe sorority held a Thanksgiv ing slug fest In Kensey Parlor on Sunday night, November 23. Mrs. Tom Graves at that time enter tained the group with a reading. Apples were served to tbe stu dents who attended. One of the members, Thelma] — ^ i Hardison, has been chosen as | Christian Fellowship ! Queen of May Day. She has also Discusses Church History announced her engagement to, Bill Winborne. Mary Alice Beas- The (ampus Christian Fellow^ ley, also a member of the sorority, jshlp Club opened a new series of took third place In the Pine Knot discUfslons Wednesday night, contest. I Deceuib^Jr 3, on the history of the Sigma Tau Chi Is now selling church. .Mr. Waters opened the: Atlantic Christian pennants as discussion series with a Generous Response Given their project for raising money He explained the beginning of the«aivino Drive this year. The pennants are blue church and the problems it had m To Thanksgivmg Urive with the seal and white letter the farly years. He emphasised faculty and students of At- on them. They come In two sizes, that during the Dark Ages, Chrlstl-■ Christian College gratefully Tbe sorority will conduct a ves- anity was In a partial eclipse du» responded to a drive at Thanks- er sArvirA with if* brother fra- to the fact that It was sold out ^ jq collect food and money written in I^tin to be used as a part oi tbe church service. The version which will be given Is a literal translation, with some phruHes differing from the usual rendering of the Christmas story AS most people are accustomed to hearing it. The dramatic role of Herod already gives promise of “tearing a passion to tatters;" although It has not yet reached tbe furious heights of the later plays. The caat is as follows: Angel. Sybil Barrett; oth4*r Angels, Girls' Octette; Shepherds, Cecil Brown and James Wilder; Magi. Jack Overman, Proctor Hardiaon, and Morgan Sumner; Women, Kllsa- beth Coor, Barbara Boole; Virgin Mary, Doris Haiper; Herod, Hal Smith; Herod's Son, Rufus Brax ton, Herod's Soldier, Tommy Wat* aon; Interpreter, Charles Mayo. Scribe, Norwood Dunn. .Mary Frances Llewellyn has been co-ddlrector with Mrs. Hols* worth. The Glee Club will assist with the singing of carola. Last year due to the absence of a dramatic coach, no play waa preaented at Christmas time. With the addition to the faculty of a dramatics instructor, this year's preaentatlon Is expected to far exce<*d those of tbe past and fill in that very noticeable gap in the Christmas Program. According lo i>r. Terry, a per- aon'a life Is well adjusted If he or she is >oved and in love. Love Thelma has chon«n for her at tendant* Margaret Hi>mby and Joyce JVteraon. The King's at- tendauta will be Lastun M, Grantham and William Harrlaon. Margaret Hemby, a junior, la the daughter uf Mr. and Mrs Karl Hemby of Greenville. Hhe waa memb<*r of the college Glee ia ever preaent; but divided into ■ Club for two yeara and a*'rved Valedictorian of her class In high school. Margaret la a member of the Sigma Tau Chi Sorority. Joyce i'eteraon. a junior, and daughter of Mr. and Mra, W. G. i'eterson of ('llnton. Is also a member of KUma Tau Chi Sorority and anrven as treasurer of the or- T_* ^1**' tr«asur«T of the WAA laat year and la pr»al- dent of tbe asso<-latlon thia year. She was a member of the Dra- matlca Club for two yeara and Peraonal onferencea were held has been a member of the Glee with Dr. Perry during the after- (Hub and Girla' Octette for thre« noon. Two group discuasiona were | yoars. held Tueaday night In Kinsey Bar- Ijiaion M. Grantham, a aenior, lor from aeven till nine In order | !■ from Mount Olive, N. C. He la to solve problems and doubU of aerretary of Sigma Alpha Frater- the atudents on campua. All stu^jnlty and is on the Pan Hellenic dentj were urged to attend the Council. He 1« vice-president of several stages. From birth a sign of affection la ahown by the noiaea a chlid makes. At three or four years of age, the “No’* atagt) la reached; at six, thv *‘We"; from 9 to 26. tbe adolea^ cent. From 25 to 40 years of age, one galna mature love which is the most fruitful to 60 years is onsidered the “settled period"; and from 60 on chlldlahneas becomes more promt' nent. other Thursday night In coopera-, tion with the other various or ganizations on the campus. ences at various intervals. 1 Lamb Tassle Lang- The cabinet is also sponsoring! _ y* wp--.,, (iia/iys Mizzell vesper services In the chapel evenr | Taylor'. RECREATJON WORKSHOP Darlene Tucker. Dot Wyatt, and TO OPEN DECEMBER 29 Hetty Yarborough. Tenors: Bill Hrinson. Bill Cor bett, Wilbur Eubanks, Milton Osr- trelle, John Ooff, Proctor Hardi son, Kerry Klckllghter, Leonard Mann. Tommy Moore, Charles Pag*', .Macon Page, and John Kawls. .See HANDEL’S Page Two per service with Its brother fra- to tbe fact ternlty after the Christmas holl- ■ the state days. These lecures have proved to to help needy persons and fami lies In Wilson, who otherwise mbutings. Delta Sigma Gives Annual Christmas Danc« DIta Sigma Sorority entertained Its autumn fraternal brothers, and their dates at Its annual mid winter dance held at tbe Country Club December 8. Among the old members present tor tbe oc- the "A" Club and also vlci-prosl- di'Ht of the Hiinlur Class. William Harrison is from WII- llamsion, N'. C.. and serves In tho capacity of treasurer of Sigma Alpha Krati-rnlty. May Day Is a traditional affair on the campus. Tbe oipense of the celebration was brought before the studi-nts before the election was held to determine whether caslon were Ella Moore I'bllllps,; or not there would be a May Day Barbara A. Jones, and Helen An-'Ihls year. Tbe whole student thony Scbultt. The Christmas i hody 1s • xpected lo participate motif was carried out with an ar-, In May Day. Tho physical edu- rangement by Claudia Lucas. An cation clas»»ii hi'Iped In the May open fire and a Christmas treeiUsX actlvllles. added to tbe warmth of the affair. Tbs court for May Day has not The sorority has Uken again' his year tbe AC Directory for a l " ' great a.slstance In the mailing of I signed by twenty people. ,-ru. _... by Phi Sigma Tau Makes Plan* For “Night Club” Plans are getting under way for th Pbl Sigma Tau "Night Club" ■which is sponsored by the sorority sach year as an all-student social be interesting to might not have bad a Tbanks- I the club. Anyone who desires to dinner, take part In the discussions Is war It was a John Trot of Chapel rcepted tbe Science Club s In- event. The aoclal la planned for vitation to speak and show sUdea some time In February. to the club during his spring va- The sorority is etlU carrying on cation. He is “ell known for hla Its project of selling hot dogs at authority on birds. the “Y" Store. All proflta from At the ,or me cause, the sales go on the hundred dollar l>ean .Miller „hou- distributed on W Pledge made on the bulldlne fund jertlon. of p-U ;ards and pboi-- distnoui Chrlstmaa cards to feilow-studenta and faculty mHmbers during the| Christmas var«tlon. j Monday night, December 16.1 Delta Sigma and Pbl Delta Gam'l ma held its annual Christmas party In tbe fraternity bouse. The party lasti>d only an hour and 1 consisted of the exchange of gifts ! and th«} eating of ice cream and' cake for refreshmenta. ! The predominant decoration of f'hapter room waa the Christmas tree. Holly decorated the walls and hung from tbe renter of tbe rimm. The Ice cream was decor^ Ated with both the aororlty and fraternity colors. Berry Vaus^ c.? ted ^ Santa Claus In the distri- button of the pre^nts. The sorority also assisted Its brothers In the condocting of a _ cbapc'l program at Tbankaglvlog, 1th the money which waa donal- llama waa for five years Director and the drive for money and food d for the cauae. ThU tood waa of thn New Orleana Church K«cre- lo aid nwdy people. Three fam- The court will voting soon. The second annual North Caro- bis year tbe AC Directory for a | King or Queen a student must Una Church Uecreatlon Work-1 project. These directories glvel^**’ senior standing To be ell- ahop will open Monday, Decem-1 ibe s«udenu a complete list of all ******’ court, the students ber 29 and eontlnue through the atudenta and faculty mem-' January I at Atlantic Chrlatian bers and their permanent ad-1***^^'®* King and Queen College and the Preabyterlan dresses. They are considered of nomlnati*d by a Church. *“ ‘ The workabop Is designed for minlaters, directors of religious education, and layworkers inter* (rated In church recreation. The program la sponsored by the North Carolina Church Hecreatlon As sociation and the sub-committee on Church Recreation of the North Carolina Kecreation Commlaalon and ia endoraed by the Council of Churches. Those who will serve on the W'orkahop faculty will be the |; < l-j » ; '"‘Ybe drive was put back Lniverslty: Sarah Little. Char Hill nas; campus by the Phi DelU, lotte, .V. C.. expert In audlo-rlsual Gamma Fraternity and DelU aids; Charles Kllerton, Baltimore. Sigma Sorority. ' Md . representative of Cleveland Thre«. 10 IO;4K>~-4*lrU* party In Kinney P»rior; li<»ys' fMurty mt l>r. Hllley’a. Halurflay* Iw, ai>—<'1m*wib dia> mlA»e<]. .Monday, Jan. m»um«*d.