Spring Holidays t Get Underway COLLEGIATE Enjoy Spring Holidays At Home Volumne No. 18 AtUnlir l'hri>lian llollrnc. W iLvm. N. li., Matih 24. l**-W NunilK-r <> Buck Jones Elected President of Student Body In May Day Rehearsals Get Underway For May Day Festival Dances Are Being Practiced In ACC Gymnasium The college gymnaalum Is bul ling with actlTlty now that the, rehearsals are underway for the lomlOK May Day festivities this year Donna Horton, chairman for the event, said that all plans have t>e«n completed and that rehears , als are progressing satisfactorily.; Kverythlng 1* expected to be In readiness before the time for the program. It was announced that Edna Taylor had been named to the ■May Court to replace Jane OoO, who had to withdraw from the court, hut except tor that, oo changes have been made. Chlldrrn Participate For this year's program, little Barbara Barsbay. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joe Barshay. has been named as the flower girl, and Doug Wllkerson has been named as the cro^n bearer. Kach year a young couple of this type are selected for the duties of crown bearer and How- 4-r girl. Last year, Henry Madden, Junior, acted as crown bearer. He la the son ot Coach Hank Madden, coach at Charles L. Coon High School. Many *of"^t”e *7lrU^re roem-i Tucker. JoneHi.oro; Hill Drlnson. ,„ok honor. a( bers of the physical education Buck Jones. I)unn, chapel Hlil In the annual play Religious Week Is Big Success The Rev. McNelly Speaks On Religion, World Affairs Sigma Tau Chi Has JgfleS WiflS Over Leap Year Dance > rv.i 5 Others; Clean Elections Noted Prnnant Drive Gets Underway A Vt*ur tlxnr** vkiii «poii- '*‘»rtMl by Tau I'hl ><ororlt> on KrUlnr nixhl. M(«r«'h m\ (ht* \VtlM»n I'ouniry (*luh Th«' Imp y«*iir itM’mr cur- ri^U oul iiU tht* wny, «*vrii to th« H^llKtoUH Kmpha»I« at (h«t lh*» Klft* wrr«* thr imyori^ thU tlini* Inch utl of the tHiy« Th«*} bttd l<» buy (U'kwti> AtUnttc OhrUlian proved to b«* bis •urr»».x=, and It that inany of lb© »tudent> wer«* help<Ni «n(i ^ |n>y (*o to ih«’ by tb# pro»r*imp and U« iiifanlnK ^aii (h<*m On hand for tbe week wa« iipt-oUl prociMtii hw* furiiUh l>av\d M''Ni*\ly. a promln«*nl ihI by Mr« lUnuttnt H \\nt\c hurrbman from Saint P<pt«‘rftburii, Iuk r<i bool aa thn iimlit Niti tu-ilon II XHH \l(A It \ltSll \\ Golden Knot Taps Thirteen Members Impressive Candlelight Ceremorjy Held In Chapel. History Explained In a<) impreBRiv«> candlellKbt cereinouy, Tht* (Jolden Knot Hon or Sorlety of ACC lapped thirteen .UudeiU* tiv luwiiljerKblp, Stu- denirt and farully nit*mf>eni watch IMM (, \\ 1I,KKKS4>\ PLAYS PROVE BIG SUCCESS Over 600 See Stage And Script Club Present 3 One-Acts It) MarKUrrlli* .Vtx* Florida, who dellvtTt'd th» iw*rm- on§ for the occasion. World af fair*. rellKlon and th«* mode for Kood Ilvlnic w«*re the ntaln lt»plcs ’ for tbt‘ otent. udiMits ( \K>p«*r«t^ Mr MiN«j|ly aald that It was ; indeed heart warmln* to see the ** J>^ay In which th« students par-' pennantu of th(* nlKht furnlahi*d for lb« o«-tai(l«M> by lb«* "A" Club U«* rri*Bhni(«ii(H u«‘rr ttt »*vrry one. S«'U riMiniiniM At pri'jifnt the nororlty la spon- Irlt^ for tbt« Hslt* All ntudtMilB who ticlpated In UelUlout Kraphasla' »to pui. hye . * ‘'(Mitart one of (bt< m«*mb«*rs of . W'vvk "It tR IndiM'd uratlfyin* to s»e tU« way the studenta have takf^n <urb an lnter*»Jit In the proirrams HiKma Tau Chl The lur«o ones will P*U for ♦! and lhi« jimall typ(* for SO c<‘n(s. . . u * j a At prMKfUt thU In one of Hm- ” «»rurlUrs „i, the c«mpu. an<l one of the* inoNt sctlvt* Tbf«ir nu«mbern)ilp almost doubled wllb the InlclMtloh ti{ tb(« n<'w mem- •ut to mak»* them successful. I have enjoyed the fellowship of tbe Mudeota a great deal and etery minute I sp*'Ql <t ACC was i,|.rn well spent.” , llold« ronferrnr<»a i i i-* i i* During hU stay her.', Mr Mr- rederallStS riayhiK before a packed house j I Nelly hrld ronf»*ren<*o« In Kinsey flKure ut^ it stalked the aUleM of • of luMt week, the StaKe and Scrljn Howard (’haprl and tapped "Uh i players prehented the seo tbe Golden Knot ihoHe outstan<l yjjj j„ neri«*M of dramatic * n- InK MludentH: Melville 'Varren ; qj *<pe4'ittl Inierewi Kaison; (lene liaruvs. Wilson. ; iwo orlKlnaU. '‘Disturb John (lofT. WIlllamHlon; Darleln t ^ot The i>eud ' and • The Hlack Organization Now Boasts 20 Members; To Meet Each Second Week Beulah Tew has been playing a part In Instructing the girls as to how the dances are done and she has been superrisiag a lot of the work being done. One of the largest crowds aTer to witness a May Day pageant la expected to be at ACC this year. Social Committee Sponsors Dance Armory Scene of Dance; Welcomes Coming Of Spring eil in nuspi-nsf a black robed j Tuf»d'ay "and Wedii'pHday *^rtous °o Elect New Officers of Interest to the students, and answering questions that wer»* brought up at that time. Indi vidual conferences were also held lonal problems or questions for »•"''> Mr McNelly. formed otK»)tltution on tin- AC^' Oearld I’ostlewalte was chair- lampuit. bsN giown comtiderahly man for the entire event and much j*lnre Us formuilon » few «seek** of the credit tor thA success of buck, and no>% lumiilii a niein tbe programs goes to him. Plan' b^rshlp i>f (weitly inenil>rn(, with nlng and carrying out the program tbe prospet i of many new mem ^as a giant task, but tbe way ber« to coijie in which tbe prograo^s were hand- The World V'^devallntn held r LlnelH*r«er. Wilson; Iris writing contest. On classes who are taking *n numb. KHtal>eth (Hty; Hay- proKram was the * Crl the numerous dances for the May ^ piokibui »an Day exercises. Each day rehears als are held in the college gym The coming of Spring was wel- «^omed by the students at a dance held at the Wilson armory last Friday night*, sponsored by the Social Commlllee of ACC. The dance was well attended and was carried out in the Easter theme. Prior to the dance, the Social Committee spent numerous hours making preparations tor tbe dance. Music for the dance was furn- Ished by Joe Davla and his orch« estra, well-known around Wilson and one ot the up an coming bands in Eastern North Carolina. Wa8 Enjoyable The dance ^as a success for more | reasons than ope. In the first ‘ place it was a dance, and a very | nice one at that. Second, the i students knew that spring holi-| days were just around the comer! and many seemed to take advant' age of the dance to celebrate that fact. In the past, the Social Commit tee has played a prominent part in haring dances here. At tbe beginning of the fall term, It sponsored a Welcome dance. There was a Hallowe’en party in the gym and a Valentine party under their direction. tbe samt' proKram wan the '•Crimson ('oco- mond Smith , Kinston; Walton nut," an ubsurdlty In one act. Toley, Selma; Louise Morris, i which ibe club is planninK to take Kinston. Hoy Brown. Dunn, and i to ihe Dranm KeMtival in April Dorothy Waters. Wilson. ‘ along with the contest winner, \<M- K\pln»n> History • DUlurb .Not The Dead" Preceding the ceremony. .Mar- Mayo \VrU«*w. l)lre<iM guerite Noe. president of tbe or- "The Black Sheep" which wa^ p:anizatlOii. explained the orlKiQ [ directed by the author, <ybarW and ba«i» of selectlt»t\ for mem Mayo, was a Carolina ft>lk-p1ay bershlp into th»* Society. of human relatlimR. The scene In 1938, there existed at ACC ; j* the home of Tamp Hire In s an organization for women known uttle flshlng village on Pamlico as the Alpha Delta Chl Honor ■ Sound In Eastern North (‘urollna Society. There was also a newly : i^te on a winter aftern(M>n. The formed group known an the .Men';; characters arc composites of pet* Honor (Jroup. Theae two orgai\- Mayo came t«) know while fzations joined hands to form what livinK in J'amllco ttounty. I Is now known as the Colden ' .Mayo K play displays lM>autlful Knot Honor Society, It the fbaracterizatlon Hn«l xmootb dUi- only e.ilsting honor society on , logue. It In u realistic ph ture the campus of the college at the of the seu-coast vlllaKe arul tip- present time. I heart-wurmlng lives of Us p4ipu- It was in 1938 that the newly ' jace. formed organization held Its first IJve.n In Panili<-o tapping service and It has since Mayo is a native of J’amljo been an annual event, "It is County. He has been enrolUnl at with the proHpect of nerving the for the past tlire«* years and school and the student body that . majoring In English. Althou: 1» these outstanding students were j,as been afflllaled with the tapped this morning.” said the;staKe and Script ('lub for Ihi**' president. i years, this is his first work .Must lie OiitHtanding j an ufitbor. The talent of thlh Students w ho are selected must ; young author was apparent hint be outstanding in scholarship.; TueKday and Wednenday night? nobility in character, worthy lead* • “The Black Sheep" took bon ership and servli e to the college ' or« alon^ with “Disturb Not The The Golden Knot Honor Hoc-li)«ad” In th«* Hill play-wrltln; lety has work**d hard to bolster, contest, but since only one plsy r^^oTKanlze. an<l encourage char acter. leadership. scholarship their rcKulsr iiMH«tlnu ur ttie home of Dr. .Mildred lIurtHock ('> discos.' wt>rld proldems. coaimun iNm. and world government It Is expe<it«l that this orKaH Izatlon will grow raplclly in tht* f\iturt*. since uvany of thn dents have taken an Intereni In the work of the organlriitlon, Kb'i I Ne« OfTlien* At their reKulur meetinK. new offlcerM Wert* elected by niem)>ers of the icroup They are, presi dent, Norman Pntt«rson, vi*e president; (’in'll Brown; treasur er. Walton Coley; publicity. John Tart; corresp<jndln»* sercetary. J. D. Thorne. This litsl meeting was field could be selected from e»ch school. Cons«-quently "Disturb .Vot The Dead" won out, ,\oe Dlr«*<f« "Disturb Not The Dead. ’ d. reeled by Marguerite N<ie. deain with the removal of an American tMjdy from France. Tbe setting Is laid in an American military cemetery. It Is the absorbing story of two women and their clash over the soldier's body. The play Is tender moving, and The play is tender, moving, and hy the bfautiful French girl an'l her ag«*d aunt. Kolterson’s char- (Contlnu*d on Page Two) ACC To Make Improvements President Promises Many New Facilities In The Near Future Atlantic Christian College 1h entering a n^-w era as far as Im provements are concerned. Huki: ' acter drawinKS are piTfH< i, hi* plans have been made tor build-! ilialoKU<- (tood, and combined int! and Iniprovinc the coll* «e I with a stlrrin* plot mak»-s up for under the pre«> nt administration. , one of the best play* ever to I’resldfnt Hilley has prominMl i have been produced in Wilson that in the near future, PM ulators i by the i lub. would be insialled In all tbe halU, . Uuberiuin was a soldier durlnt and from the main building to all World War tl and served several I „ m il • the surrounding -itructures, so yearn In the U. B. Army. •'’■'ODOnSOrS IVlUSlC that students not have had two years at Waiie forest _ _ led, warrant • treat deal of credit. Radio Programs Started Here First Program Given March 17; To Be Regular Feature Allantie rWrlstlan College is on the air. For the first time In many months, Atlantic Christian express purpose of or- College Is sponsoring a radio pro- ^le ni*w rn»pier. \*n- gram originating from the studios constitution of the World of WOTM here In Wilson. Federalists, st least ten people It all began through the nuist join to make a sepurste forts of Mrs. Doris C. llolsworth, chapter. popular faculty member here, who I Me,-tin*, wili l>e keld Iwii i- felt that the public should hare, nionlhly, the next mef-titiK to be more Information about the col- helil Thursday. leKe. ' Phi Sigma Tau Sponsors Dance Top Hal Club Theme Of Dance; Had Lovely Decorations "Hats off to the Top list Night From now on, the program will be featured at 3:30 each and every Wednesday afternoon, with students from ACC giving out In formation about the school. Write HrHpt The firvt script for the radio program was ^rltten by Jack Overman and John Tart who also presented the program. The first program told about the actlrltles here at the colleje,' club." Thank* for a wonderful deallnic with the dramatic uroup, night, I'hl .HiKma Tau Not a Intramural sports, the future ofjcomplainl have we! Th<- dan<« Large Majority Vote In Close Election; Run-off Monday Muck Jonea. {H>pular student here, wtin tlu« office of President tif Ihe siitdeni body, in a run'Off election held here at the collvge Monday. In the preliminsry voting, a eld of live I'tindldales went Into the elmthms Sigha Alpha Fra ternity Ixinstvd two candidates in the elections, David llar«iison and Buck Jonen. Phi Ksppa Alpha, two, and Phi Delta (inmma had oni' csndldate Fn>m Phi Kappa Alpha were Bill Brinson and Don Torrenctt, and fron» Phi Delta (ismma wss Itaymon Smith. \ otinff The votlnx wsn hesvy snd close in thr preliminarle?*. with a ma jority of tht* student body voting After the ballots were counted, it wuN found (hut Buck Jones and ^eck In the^e eirrtions, If a candl' date dotts not get as many votes ss sll the t>iil of th(* candldatM together, tbnn there has to be a run'off, and in this case, it was Smith snd Jonen. (lean Voting 1( was noted that In this elec tion, one of th» cleanest elections of sB tlnif* was noted ('onsplc- uous by Iheir absenco were tbe pressure groups that usually fre- <4U«»nl the halU aud lh» poUs dur> lUK an el«*ctlon of this kind. On band at sll times was a member of the Executive Hoard to supervise the voting In the past there havu )HH«n groups around the polls and Haymond Dniitb came in nt*ck and iiometlmes In the voting pla<«. projecting their Influence on the voters. All in all this wss one of the deunest elections that has bet^n witnemiod at ACC for many a day. .Active Htudrnt Buck Jones Is known to all tbe students as one of the most co operative and best liked students on the A('(' campus. He Is always willing to lend a helping band in behalf of th« college. He has taken an Interest in al most all^ the aciivltloa that lake placu here. He Is a tuember of (he ^t<*A cabinet, the "A" ('lub, he plays on the baseball team, and Is a member of the Hlgma Alpha Fraternity. It Is believed that he will make a good president, since he Is very active in student affairs. Mor« KItMliona Within the ne*t two weeks, there will be more elections h««re St the col)«\^>*. To be elected are the sitcretary, vice president, tn«asurer, and d(rrmit<iry councils to represent the student body. In the psst elections, two of the candidates for the offlco of prnsldent wern nominated by the Executive Board. They were BIB Brinson and David Hardison. A petition had to bn signed by at least twenty people in order to get the r< 3l of the candidate* on the baliota. J^eavlng office In May will be the baseball team, and other Items was a <Iream; the entertainment J^tnmle Danleln. presitnt pri*sld*'nt of interest to the public. supr«*me. snd we who stten«led It la the hope of those in charge had time to l>eam! Kestilts: "A of the programs, that some time Night To Uemember". in the near future, a radio myst- The Country club had the of tha student l>ody, and a native of Bogart, Georgia. to walk, but Just step onto on. before ''**1 | PrOgram At H. S. Those responsible for the suc cess of the affairs are Sue Vick,. of the contraptions and b.- tranK- , a year ago Doris Harper, Gene Barnes, Royce uorted to his or her destlnath.n major and plans to graduate simn I Brinson, and Marlon ZolHcoJIer.' in the dining hall, the siliia '■ The author's flare for wrlilng ■ Mac Byrd has played a prominent tIon will be greatly Improved proved re. ently when hj-I p»rt in the past success of the Instead of the prese nt method of , took high honors in the annual dsaces, but he resigned at the verving, waltrem-s and stewards' (f.ontinut-d on 1 age Two) l*«CinQlag of th* second semeiter.; will be employed to take each | _ _ — — . | I of the student's orders and fill that order to suit the student's taste. J lluhble C;um Sal.'s Als/) In the plana will be the . u 1 uo.. bulldinc of a new "Y" stor.-. With quarterly exams under of them going up to Maine, Mass- tables will be In- thelr belts, the students of ACC achusetts, and many more distant ,,gn,.4 a„,i lervlce will be up to will begin their spring holidays points. . , u minute. with the end of the 12:30 classes. About the only student wno d,* ,„a|„ items on sale The holidays come as a well-, will be unable to go home for new and Improved earned rest for most of the stu-, the holidays w'H Bernier, b„bble gum so many of the stu dents. Beginning at 12:30 Wed-ja natlTe of PorU Klca, bat that dents crave. It will eliminate all nesday. the holidays will be ex- is not definite. < hewing. All you have to do tended to Tuesday morning, at Of course tbe Easter ontfltj u place the gum In your mouth »blch time all studenU of the will h« praralent every where and and it will W>P »nd snap all by Mllege must be back for their the members of ACC are exp«t^ Itself. Koy Tart has patented a * 30 classea to arrive In WlUon after tbe holl-i new typ.- of gum too. He has a burst of colors and new add.*d an Improvement that will Spring Holidays Begin Today ^ V'ary cottage pudding on occa- ery or a play of some type can "new look" Friday night, Mar< h | sprlnklln*t the batter with be given over tbe air, with mem- 12. Deroratlonn of clear c#llo-, hers of the Stage and Script Club phane Kave the inside of the club .... . . furnishing the talent. silvery sheen when th** t andl**i Many sooks like to l»rush a I on every Individual table were ’ with rntchup or chill . ] llghte<l. Hmall top Mats lined the ' »auce before baking. MuRir Dpnartment ^ hearty ixjw of Wei s‘S rome from a little ejmrtric man ; Teaspoons for te« or roffe** 1 greeted each "patron" Huch wss ‘ never placed on the I the pleasing atmosphere of the i table bm on the saucers of the jTop Hat Club. i cups. I Kntertalnment was r<^ndered In [ — ; song by .MIrs Klalne Hpaln and her on *'Ballrm»m Dancing." a quartet. Plano selnctlons were Dancing was the main enter- played by Wilbur Kubanks after' tatnment. Although the fl^mr was I which six couples sang, "<?omlnt: . crowded everyone thoroughly en- I Thru The Itye". and "Tell M#-. | joyed the ev«nlnic Once a«:aln. I Pretty Maiden.” (lene Barnes { Phi Hlgma Tau. our hats are off One of America's most fsmous | and (Catherine Mathis did a num- to you! concert artists. Jean Shaw, made . — m. Jean Shaw^ Famous Xylophone Artist Gives Concert Most of the students will be days in Soing home for the holidays, some oatflta- (Continu*^ on Pag*^ Vour) Stunt Night Here April Second her Initial appearance in Wilson at the Charles I/. Coon High School, under the sponsorship of the music department of ACC Monday night, Man h 15, and was | underway by the Jun-: more. *Vhe*^uw1c was Invited to wit- i J.*}' ^‘fT.ulTt nUht“Dro»r2m°s'.ter ' ** n.-ss this famous artist present i i PU<-« In Howard Chapel and the oncert of Beethoven, I-iszt, and ^ - . . . to be bald here. ; j.t, ), j^prn ,^ond. A nominal Already many of the aororltiaa anyone paat tbe doors, and frateroltiet have said that; they would parliclpata In thej stODta. i In csrrylng a tray to a conva- la the past, stont night has' |f>iK*ent be :iure to see that It's In been an elaborate affair with many | the rorrert pfisitlon when offered of the local student comedians.; that It won't have to l»e turned It Is almost denlte that Doc Har*i arour»d. A single flower or a A traln«xi musician. Miss Hhaw dy, well-known boy. will Uke part * small cluster of grapes will do (Continued on Page Kour) tin tbe program, along with ma&y| much to make a tray attractive. Bach Miss Hhaw Is very famou* throughout the Cnited Htates, having appeared with such fam ous pers^)nalities as John Baker Metropolitan Opera star, and Carl Handburg, noted poet lie«ii(ifully f-)ke<*uie«l

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