editorials ^ And Now Tomorrow t Meaning of Hom^ominf f Thought For All 1 im«“ The Collegiate FEATURES • Trial* and Tribulation* • Through I hv Kryhoir • llomr Sick? Atlnntic (.'hnMiaii i'<>llo«f. (VtobiT l.">. 1948 Nunib**r 1 Initial Work Bcgini On Girl’s Domitorv Jones Brothers Construction Co. Promises Completion By Sept.’49 Al'tor a fnistnitfd attempt to eiovt a ilorn\itorv fi)i- .itnen on a s'to bouxht on the Kaieijrh lliirhway l)v At- South an.l r^ntr»i Amrrlran ntu i intio Christian {'olleKt' in work is iinder way »"*' r the construction of a dormitory for that purpose on * i,in7r%ii«T from *o.t»u^ le piesent collejre -iite. The construction hid has jfone to mulii. illu- Jones Bros. Construction Conii)a-y of Wilson. I’himh- ('»<■' 507 Enrolled Homecoming Festivities To iScteT Cet Underway October 23 The «*nronm^nt atr«MiclY ai 5oT • ii 11/^'v IT 1, i.r*.r .h.n UM >«r. Hr f jf j)^jy Domitories 1 o HoKi Upcn Housc Room Prizes To Be Awarded The twenty-third of October markH Ilnmeconiing for th*' :'i\d of the y#Mir, oni* )arx^«t • iroUmvntf In ihe hUlory •>f !hf* ooU»*K«* l« Thh Tt*:ir th** roU»*K«* finK anil heatiiiR bids went to the New liern Plumbing [anil HeatlnK Company, and tlie.— . .K-irldil »lrln« lilii wi-nt to ihi- t . [AVhlin»*y Kleciriial Company of iNew baciiltv 1 WilHon. KRlImatrd romplelion title for ihf n«-w dormUory han 1949. and I'KtUr' INlIlC jlt. vn M*t a:* S**pt ith.* extimHlt^d roHt U B<»t at four :fiundrt‘d thoiitcind doUarx. I'pon |ri>n>»iniclh»n o( this n«*w hiiiUlin»s [It >ki)l b»‘ poHMth!** for women lo \\ :-ut** ('aldwell Hall lo be uk»*<1 a dormitory for men. The icreat Influx of co-edK and the rolleKe’B h>od for expansion makes Imme- Mate conBtrnrtioii imperative. [ .\rrhitect drawlnR* show the li. ilidine to be an Impretmlvo one |(.r brick conBtnutlon trimmed :th IlmeHtone. The building will I - i-onRtructed after an L design. winK and the main entranoe l:;.*iuK Lee Street, the other winjc f i. fnc Rountree Street. Natural opInK terrain of the Bite will [iiilow for the construjtion of a jvround floor. One of the main f . .itures of this floor will be the 'inreatlou hall meaBurlnK twen- jtv-«ix by fifty-nine feet with a atone fireplace. This room iwiM bo used for informal social L.itlierlnKB and an adjoining kit- . .He vill add to the conven- i**nc> of preparing food for such With th«* tipenii):: <»f th«' -^rhi»ol ; fu* oil S. ptfiiibei i:\. nine nev» mt hi’i«'(s Were .idd**d lo the facul- Uea. well repre- nted by Thoman ('altahan. Ar* thur Oarrett, Paul Olaxer. Joe Culletia Mike Kraveti, Joe rtfdl. <'harlei» I.evey. and Nick S(H'»n..i» The niNtp of VIricinIa brinr.s to u< Ke fMirrljer. D*‘nnlii llln- v%. Vifxii r»trK»'T, Uob Ki»her. Uill K-ndrl»'A. r.nyU* Sutton. I*erev I’ttlr Sluarl INnde. along with \V»Ht (lerald 1‘onlleih- Success rhrUUun s*rv*l^"r'lu*b * and' !h» e«hleld- New York la represented by (’arroll lirown frtnu Kinxs Park, and Wllllaiii \*'alker from !^>ng ImIhim} (’iiy Student* Ircm other maten are Tonimy \^'al«h from ('annnnabury. l‘»*nnHylv.»nln . !*.ob ('lark ind Pat from Atlanta. Oeorgla; Maffcl from IMoomfleld. in:)ryt year of teaching. HU posi- »io:i on the faculty at present la •l**r^e\; Jame« Hitter from day. mtolM*r S 8tudent* from tugh fu'hmilii and collexea of North ('iroUna began regiaterlnB at tea o'rh»ck and continued to do ao until e|e\i*n Thene jtudentt came 141 Atlttutic ('hriatlan <'olle*e b#- » 1 I'' 1*a. . uUHe of their Interest lo full* l^^ClltOr limn t'hrNtlnn vocation* It la the litii ( f KnlUtm<'nt Day to glre aid lo iht»M4- of our young p«M)ple who iiave rxprenn*M| their Interent In iheiM* fl«*lt!n of aervlce. The program included * talk b\ Ucv (’ Mitnley Morton, ml«- and laat through ft 8U. Two prli- e« will he awarded for the moat nltracHve room* In both Kioaey and Caldwell Ifallc Kor Ihe i?’r ut.il moat attractlrr room, iher* In un .-iM-llon hi>ld 8*pt»ml.fr will *>' honoraM. m»nllnn To Ih* 23. 194H. Jamer Wilder waa elect •d by Ihe atudent biKly to replace Klmer Loftin who reaigned an editor of the Pine Knot Plana for aponanrlng the An «lonary to Puerto RIro Uaing t\ixa\ arc well underway. the worda of Harold Btaaaen, po- litlrlan. Reverend Morton aald. Mnybe the uUHWer lo our world .onfunit>n la In the handa of our utlaMonurlea T'»i» lr ihau of ^ny other church-re- la*ed field. The afternoon aeaalon waa held With Profeaaor John Watera as halrman. Mlaa Jenny Martin. frult-inlty having the |>eai oulaldi* decuralion th«*re «Ul be a prl»e. alao Following open houae. the Alumni Aaaoclatlon will aaaemblr’ I’nder dining r»>om of the Hrliga Hotel tor dinner and a bualneai aeaalon At this meeting, the new officera for the year of 19411 and '49 will l»e elected Mr H T Hell. Jr.. a graduate of 1^33 and Chairman of AthletU A«M(M'tatUm. will five A report on the money which haa bMU ralard for foot' ball Mr. Mell and Mr Hrure Ul- ley have mad«* pg-ilble night practice before each night game for Ihe fmtlball aquad of A. C (V Dr Hllley, during thr bualneaa Heaalon will be aaked to report on the future plana for Atlantic TI.e Individual clai..-^ .• of At- . lunt'c ChrUlian College met on hi?. H.A. »»d J Director of Hellgloua Kducatlon ignated ov Ihe prejiident of the ut the Kirat Meihodlat Church of Cooperative Aaaoclatlon, Buck WMaon; Mra. Kraucea Query. v.arOir wrvwlHv prin.iiml of thH Aiworlallon. Ilnck WlUon; Mr. itln riniis Toilet facilltieg for rtrhool. At thi- pr.'nent (,,r i|ii- imrpoiu' cit rlwlInK <'f Hlhl«* In lhi> North Car '1 he t)ther new French teacher Mih, S. niylhe. wh^me hou»e wa* in (‘lenjHon. S (V. tauuht In Hlck- t>ry High School thla paKt year. l.tnh men and women students y ill aise the hall. Ample space will be provided on this floor for laundry, ironing and drying faci- liii--? A room for storing stu dent trunks is also included In ii.e blueprints. Space will be pro- j jded on this ground floor for the j i tn.rtiiig of six BtudeutH. 1 I.ocutcd on the first floor will I 1m- a tipacioua social hall and par- I lor with poUphed hardwood floors, lltu.'fh i .tt itild iul Uial fur- uishlngH. This room will be used for the Htateiy functions of the • olle;;". Adjoining the hall will he two pariors to be used for in- ilivldual tuiertalning. These par- lor-< will be separated by sliding d<0 that the entire space may be thrown n> suite for large en- !«iiahiments. An equipped kitch- • ii*-ite will also adjoin the social hall. A door will lead from this hall ii.io K garden furnished with lawn furniture for entertaining. The Dean of Women will occupy a uiodu'u apartment on this floor. Biueiirints show that the student capacity of this first floor is thir ty-six. On the H“Cond floor the She attended the I’niverjilty of .\or‘h ('arollna. where she receiv ed h**r A U and M.A. degrees. She also teaches history and Kng- llsh Mr. H. C. (Jreen left Lear ’48 and '48. | A Mamlln. nilnlntBr of mu«lf, (lav* The freHhnian cliian nu't In Ho- ihrn.* liriPl talka rt^latlnx to thf.|r wrtnl C’hap**! with l*re»id.*nt Itut'k fl*■^d^ of work. Jon.H prfnidinx iinltl they had «*'ort i-emlnar* w>-r<‘ oonduot- elei tpd their prMldi-nt, The Sop- ''I Dlwiiaaion of a particular homore claaii met in the White ' pli""'' of »er\ii'e wa* held In each Houw. lo<-afd liehlncl llert Mar- s.-mlnnr -.vlili atudenta attendlnn dy diiiInK hall with Kerry Kick- Ih- (troup of ihelr rholi-e. Ilnhter, last year'* frenhmen ilmru prpttidfnt. prenldinn. The Junior \ jt • ■r claw met in room No .I, Kinsey ^^OVnT’t I >■"1-, IMII. with lu.t >ear> *opho>nore Kierutlve Hoard ThU money la a |>«rreulai,r ol the student*' ma- triculatlofi fe«, whlrh 1* paid upon entranre Into college. Junior and Hinlor i-laa* plctur- e» are belnn taken at th« preaent time. Oroup pin urea will be taken J-l^rln'lVn CollViT* as soon aa the Individual pictures havo been completed All pictures must be made by November tO, 194K, aluce the annual must be turned ever to fhe printers for publication by the first of the following month. The continued rtmperadon of all students will b*> appr«c|ated. Kach >ear. Ihe IMne Knot Staff makeh plana for the aelectlon of a nue*>n for the Annual. Theae plan«i are now underway and will b« announced to the student body aa soon aa they have been com pleted ore«|{-»**t. Marlon Zollicoffer. of- .. • .h.' ?rr »‘rr rr.z* 1: rcv No 8 of Kinsey Hall, with th»* former junior president. Hill llrin .son, taking charge. The remits of the election.-, are AS f(dlows: Senior class presi dent. Ilaymond Smith of Kin •lion: Vice President. Hill lirin son from Arapahoe: Ue<'ordini A\^:n \ V 111 1 1C S( X 4* 1 It. Music Concert On Octol>er at K p.m. In Howard Memorial Chapel, the M<»- *urt Trh» wll present a varied mu sical concert s{M»nsored by the ('oncert Committee of Allantlr ('hristlan College. This trio conslsta «>f VIerlyn Cafeteria Makes Official Debut After much waiting and antUi pailon, the cafeteria waa officially opened Wednesday evening. Oc tober 6th. The students seem lo al f(»r plball game at the stad ium--A. C. (^ va (lullford ThIa game conrlades the proirsm of Homecondnx Tha Alumni Association has fo.ir tepr« s'Utatlves on the Hoard of Trusle«»s Thrrp are In advU ory capacity and «»ne has a pttwer of vote According I»r. Hllley. the four r*>presentatlveM have been a valuable aid to the college To the itudenia of A C . the AlutnnI prenldenl exiendfl a plea for coot>erat!on and asks that they help welcome Ihe vlaltora on the campus dui«ng the we«'kend of the iSrd In order that the forth- comlni Hoiue<'>mlng br the moat auci'essful of ell. I'ATIKNTH HKCKIVi; XlKlTOUH OUKKNSMOHO The Cen tral Carolina convaleu’enl hosplt- Secretary, Jean Strother of Stan (;r»*ouorv is a native of Johnstown, tcinsburg; Corresponding 9e'. Among the first vlallors wa^. a group from Salisbury who In »h( Physhal Kducatlon De- Casklll of Dunn: Vice President, partment is C. S. Blythe. He comes W’aMton Coley, of Selma: Secre from Pittsburgh. Penn., and this tary, Miriam Driver of Wilson, is his first year of teaching. Mr. Treasurer, Gene Driver of Dunn Hlythe r« . eived his H.S. degree Sophomore (’lass: President. A-: ...... It A from I,»Ph l.hevlnne «ave her hl«h Mataiit Dtan will be furnished an University of Fresl.lont, Jimmy Fox of Vlr*ln ralinK In his ro*trum »r«t*t pu- I.fflce and an apartment. Fifty- Carolina. la; Secretary, Betty YarborouKii pH«. At various time*, (.hlrago pa five women will live on this floor ' ,„|r faculty from the of Winston-Salem; Treasurer, per* have mentioned her brilliant :ind fifty-flvr will live on the (-mverslty of Arkan- PeKuy Fuggett of Kim City, "tyle Pl;;«lnK tone. ImaKlnation third floor. , |,,. Thomas Ii. Meadow*. Freshman cla**: l’re*ldent, Mai- «nd brilliant technique. The sec- Central baths on each floor will he equipped ’^'Ith sufficient baths, showers, etc. Trash chutes from th- third floor to the basement will provide all floors with con venient tra.sh disposal. Cool wa ter iounlains will be located on • ach floor. An additional feature ill be that of an arcade ♦•xtend- ru' from the wing facing Roun- < Continued on I’age Four) i HirmiuMhani, Ala., is his home coin Yates of Fayetteville; Vie ond member of the famous trio, > town, H.S rosltlon on the faculty President Chuck Khlman of Miss Wellman, was fonnerl^ Is thtt cf Professor of I’sychology, Washington, U, C.; BecreUry. violinist of the Internationally ; His five different degree* are: I'hoebe Bock of New Bern; Trea. known Hour Of Charm all-girl | II S and M A API M.A. and surer. Billy Beaman of Wilson choru* ind orchestra. Critic* have . I>h I) I'eabodv'rollege M A. Co- Class sponsors are: Senior compared the technique of Claire !uU;ia ^nlve'sltr I)r.' Meadow* Clas*. Ur. Hart««k: Junior Cla* Wellman to that of Ja*cha Helf- ^ li a graduate of five illfferent Ml*s Mary Nackos, Sophomore et« W hen she was only sU years Indiana University, N. Y. class. Coaches Blythe and Spang ol.l, *he gave her first ‘•"“''.V'. •* — **- Hc>er. the third on Page Four) .•Olie.'i r.iHerslty and I nlverslty of Call- Ur: Fre*hman Cla**, Dr. Hamlin Hendrlc de (Continued on Page Four) and Dean Murray. ((.ontlnued Sta^e And Script Pin 71 s Season The first meeting of “Stage and rljit" w'as called by Jesse Jones on Sf»piember 21 with fifty or , more stadints present. Many of th'- new nie»nhers are freshmen vho have sh«)wn an interest for • ’Ive membership in the orga- • izatlon. Two years of active par-, ulpation in at least two major I 'odueJious ptr voar, whether It llghiK, (ostumes. scenery, prop- ' "ties, makeup, publicity or act- lei;ds to ownership of a letter. The first major production. ! ! • Harretts of Wimpole Street. ■■Ill be given on November 9 and ■ at J;00 p. m. The leading char- • ttr, K!i2abeth Barrett, will l>e ayeri by Jean Suessmith; Gene Hrtrnem will be Robert Browning; B '•ry Vause la Rlizabeth's tyran- nl' :tl father, and a strong support- ‘■'K (as* has been selected as the l-*rrett family and friends. -Vrj<. Holsworth, director of • “"“"duties and president of The ‘ -olina Dramatic Association, •‘H'l th<. play reading committee .^elfcud as their program ’••r the year: one major produc- ’ ‘ * d'lrlng the Fall; a Christmas ■i^y: one major production In ■ Spring; a chapel program and ?Hp»T p»ttIcc each semester; and ‘ '■'Te ii the i^ssibility that some - iiJinal plays written by student* A. C. C. will be sent to The • lina Dayaiakers in Chapel •“1* Thei-e original plays will al- b»» prevented In Howard Cha- •I in the Spline. on an «xperiinental baais. but biouxhl U lable radios and lu many of the difficulties have si boxes of dolls, pu«*l**s, btball, Mayor Hales Seen I" '•'® ■'II/'ViH Bu< ‘he throne ar- Joyce Wilson U placing 'he ^ .^e rtvi.ll Barrett, Ix.rl* r,;r;:rMrrrKi'i: •" *•' .lo,.- runiier-.ip* In Ihe e^Hon. got derway 4:30 Haturday afternoon The route of the parade started at I the Intersection of Jackson and Nash BtreeU and traveled Ka*t on ,Va»h lo the Hotel Cherry. Music for the occasion was fur nished by the Charles I,. Coon and off to Darden High Bchool Bands, Be- ‘4B-‘49 cause of the requests of the Hhrln- made rapid progress In setting er's Club here In Wlla