'cbruary 23. 1950 the collegiate Paif** Thri*»' AC CagersTravel To Conference Touniameiit by johnny colones Basketball in tne North State Conference usually characteriz- eti by win-at-home, lose-on-the- ■c id, took a reversal tor the TB49-1950 season. Predictions for g mad scramble for the top po sition became fact for mid-sea- 0on with the terrific play from the High Point Panthers, who h id a twelve game conference gkein at one time and a boast of eighteen consecutive victories jgntil ECTC Pirates dropped their anchor The fight for second pi.ice changed almost weekly ir.til the final week before the illtoppers from Appalachian r-w well ahenC on ability to ■11. in late season road games. The tourney teams to partici- toati' at Statesvile come Feb. 23- Tt'. were known when E 1 o n Christians sewed up n u m l>e r eight berth by downing ECTC f 30, to eliminate any hope by CTC. Scoring potency ot the home im has been an established rulf for the North State Con ference, in which teams travel ed long distances, four hundred liN s from corner to corner, iid the ability of a team to win n the road has been synonom- us with the winning the loop attles. Here at home t h e Bulldogs ailed down sixth position with early February road trip hich caught fire at Lenoir l.yne and blew hotter for the ext two evenings, in the sub- ero hills against Western Car- lina. The scoring ability of hree Crutciifield men to hit ouble figures were Tart, Glaz- r. Suggs, and AUsbrook, ram- odding the attack. Incidentally, jul Glazer has taken over ourth place in conference scor- ng- A fast break nnd open style f offense predominated the umes, but the use of the slow reak and set plays has broken nto the conference pattern. Con- trulled ball tactics were detect- i the latter part of the season, iffense was generally forgotten the overall attack zealed to ri opponents off the court, and a willingness to ti-ade goal for ”oal. The odd features ot this ear’s conference race were: (1) Fifth place Lenoir Rhyne's nocking off the U. N. C. Phan toms who are doing all right in leir own Southern Conference race and are tagged by many j the dark horse winner in its own tourney. (2) Western Car- oUna’s disappointment a f t e r a ^ood last year’s team and with ■St of those players back for the 49-50 season. (3) And no one expected High Point to literally run away with the race. Not even High Point. (4) The off- and-on-again two minute rule which was so odd the confer ence adopted the Dixie Classic Interpretations in mid-season, (f^l Oh, yes- the whistle blowers —nothing odd about these gent lemen who call fifty or more fouls per game which actually sti, : play of only a forty minute j<-b and then our Mr. Referee V. liks off with $25. Who’s odd? Me Joe Fan (ilazer-Sugg Fitiisli Play Stott Is-Unable To Make Berth On Tourney Trip The North State basketbaU season was on the verge of com pletion this week when the an nual conference tournament v«, “ staged in Statesville. The tournament annually completes the season for I h e teams in the small college group in North Carolina. Atlantic Christian’s better than average cagers were set to leave here Thursday to take part in the affair. j Wi'TV Five Fails Only one team in the confer- ; ence, Western Carolina Teach* ers, failed to gain a berth. Teams playing in the event this year were. High Point, Ca* | tawba, Elon. Lenoir Rhyne. Ap- ’ palachian. East Carolina Tach- ers» Atlantic Christian, and Guilford. Coach Bill Crutchfield's war riors finished up their regular season last Saturday night in i Greenville before a packed house when they lost to the ECTC Pirates, 65-35. | Without Slot! They were playing without the services of their steady guard, i Bobby Stott, who didn’t don the | flannels because of a deficiency ! in grades. * i It was thought at the 1 a " 11 minute that Stott would play in i the game but a reconsideration of his case was not foorthcoming and he failed to mar.e a berth. GLAZKR I.KADS Leading the ACC contingent to the tournament was senior cap tain, Paul Glazer, the Chelsea. Mass. hotshot who was whipping the cords for the last time as ; Qq ThrOU^h SlcltO a Bulldog eager ' • , - i Also departing after the; Un(lGl0HtO(i IH tournament will be Raymond ; t 4.., i T Sugg. Atlantic Christian’s able i nil dinUl !-/()()]) ACC Basketball Team Faces Point ) The <'hrintijiu hmikf'tball abovf*. find it toujth iMuk thlji Mrrk Thi*y hud lr> o{>f»n ihc antiuMl Niirth Stale tuurnMni«'iit by pUying Hiir^ Point Htiuwn «hove, flrat row. loft to riiEhl. Hobby 8tt>lt. I'mul OUxer. Usymond Sukk. and Jai'k AlUbrook Seroml row. I«ft to rlicht. Charlie Hoykiii. Hennett FlowMrn. Coh(*n Tart, and Holiby Tart itark row, l«*rt to rUht. Luia.><, tnanaK»*r. Hill ('rutrhfUdd. head conch. Held InKratiam. Key CokkIum. IMrk Stroud, and ('har)le Kink'. manax*‘r. \V())uc}i Start Ca^c Affair I’hi Si^rma Tau ('a>roi*s Top Hvont W’ith 'Phroe Wins The (ilrl'a department of In ; tramural S|K>rU ha» l>rgun it» ' li»30 buskethull tourn.ttnent i *^pc<*latorii pr« du't that thu will ' be one «»f (he l>r»t tournanirnlB of the* iifa»on. Miss Kathrrinr l.^*wif. head of Women’s Athletic*. rrp4trl» that thrrr is kfrn competition on all the teams and th.it each team I has displayed o i> d 'itM)rtman- ship. Sorority l4*ad» Phi Sigma Tau '^iJr«»rity f«j> tainel ic’ford Thr Terror-: captain#ctta Sigrna sorority taplainrd by Marv l.ou = U'T and Jrrry l>v<*rmun rriiiK*«'t- ivrly air fourth in the tourna ment with a 1-1 rrmid The cel lar position is hrid t)v the Who’cns faptained by Joyce Mallory with a 0-3 rrcoril. Itadminion Tournry The badminti»n tournament wa.>» haltiMl before it could l>e flniNhen as thr »ra»on is uvvt, the Athletic departmrnt icports that the tournament will b<» resum ed. Other types of corn|>etllive games are on schedule for th** center mainstay. Their loss is j expected to cripple the ACC of- ’ fense for next season. Si^ma Alpha A(X^ Fans Can Pin Future^ [ girl’s on ranipus lakes Crown Ca^e Hopes On Jay (^lark Lose Bird Reveals \ ^ Nine Slate SiaridinfN Graham Leads Scorers Loop I Hel>els , Deacons i Cyclones ; Trojans I Tigers - Bulldogs Sigma Alpha’s W 3 2 2 I U high L 0 1 3 3 2 4 flying Rebels walked off with top hon ors in the boys’ intramural division by trouncing all C(»mers Catawba’s high-flying Graham put on last minute scoring steam to nose out Joyce of High in a spirited play-for-fun depart Point to take top scoring honors ment. for the North State Conference. The Rebels' attack was I <• d The 10 leading scorers: , by Joby Griffen, Uonald White, 1 Graham- Catawba- 304 in 20 Ernest Atkinson. Vernon Ko.- games buck, and Earl Roberson. 2. Joyce- High Point - 301 In 22 ! Krpeat<-r» , The Rebels 3. Hall-Guilford- 242 in 18 games games 4. Everton-ECTC' 255 are repeaters f taking 11 win record for the last two .... .. T i the win bracket by taking t h ' 19 Point- 250 in 19 games S.Waiz- High games 0 .Sallari-Lenoir Rhyne- 272 in 21 games 7. Hunt-High Point- 277 in 22 games 8. Russell-ECTC- 237 games 9. Wells-Lenoir Rhyne- 253 in 21 games 10. Cousey-Appalachan- 273 in 23 games in 19 sons. Not to be forgotten are t n c lanky basketeeri from Phi Del ta Gamma who came from the depths of obscurity to cop run- nerup position this year. Highest single scorer for one game was Jolly James who tallied a total of 42 against itie Trojans of Phi Kappa. The Trojans and the Cyclones were tied for third place honors with the Tigers taking a single and the Bulldogs left holding the bucket with a 9-4 record. Former Wilson Hi^h Star Will I’lay Next Season The first look at the future of the Atlantic Christian basket ball forces for next season gives one a hopeless thought for the 1 future. Leaving the team will be Paul Glazer, all conference forward, and Raymond Sugg, mainstay at center, and Bobby Stott at guard. That leaves the offensive chores up to Bobby Tart who I has one more year. Probably The Best But on the Atlantic Christian campus at the present time Is probably the greatest high I school athlete ever to enroll here. His name is Jay Clark and he halls from Wilson. Because he was graduated from high school way back In 1946 and hat had a hitch in the army since then his press notices have been' dimmed a little but It seems! I^)Ull(iojirs To Play Ten Baseball Games At Home This Year A 17-game baseball schedule has been announced for the 1950 Atlantic Christian college dia mond crew. The announcement of the slate was made by M. J. Bird, athletic director of the institu tion. Coach Bob Hrynoldn will guide the destinies of the dia mond nine during the coming campaign, it will be hU first term at the helm of the dia- I mond crew. The Bulldogs will play 10 of their games at home this sa- son. Ail home games will be played at Wilson’s Municipal stadium. The schedule is, March 31, Atlantic t 'hristian's fighting bulldogs dropt>ed a hard fought game to High Point in the col lege gymnaKium on Saturuting. Trailing by a fieid goal deficit It the half, 27-25, the Bullpups iverhauled the visitors with a timely long-shot display put on by George “pro” Spirtos and Grady Griffen with eight points '■■ich. Jack Bynum was top net- ninker for the Campbells with '' points. The Junior Bulldogs, coached '^y Bob Reynolds. and Ted In graham, have come a long way with the material on hand. Coach Selects All-Loop Five After having seen the best teams in the conference and looking the players over care fully, Coach Bill Crutchfield of ACC says that his choice for the iilJ-conference berths would go ForwardB- Glazer, ACC, and Graham, Catawba; Center-Sue- ta. High Point; Guards-Hunt, High Point, and AUsbrook. ACC. Coach Crutchfield said that Hunt is presently leading the N. S. Conference in scoring and is a candidate for All-American honor*. Clark played a little football. Just enough to be one of t h e best “T" quarterbacks ever turned out in this state. He made the Shrine team in 1945. His play in the Shrine game in Charlotte was unusual. It seems that he was selected more or less to make up 22 men. But when the starting gun sounded Jay Clark came off the bench to pitch the North Carolinianji to a stunning victory over the South Carolinians and he was named the outJtandjng pertorm- er in the contest. Rhyne, here; April 5, High Point, here; April 7, Catawba, here; April 12. Norfolk Navy, there; April 15, Klon, here; April 18, ECTC, there; April 20. Appalachian, here; April 21, WCTC, here; April 22, WCTC, here; April 29. Norfolk N ; v y, here; May 4, High Point, there) May 5, Catawba, there; May fi. Lenoir Rhyne, there; May 9, ECTC, here: May 10. Guilford, there; and May It, Elon. there. High Point Five Better Than Aver„e^^^^^ : ConfeVCnCe T.ri »bote Atlantic ChrlstUn college Jnnlor, K’:ur.?oT.Tor2?.‘^lo*u‘^for : His Basketball? He was than average. He was a h i g h scorer on Wilson’s team which tied for the eastern champion ship in 1946. He was a standout forward in 1945 also and w a * named on the all-conference team two years in a row. Baseball, however, is his best game. Clark is a shortstop or a third baseman, having made all conference in high school at both positions. He Is a slugger at the plate and poles the long ball type of hits. Best In Basebdl M. J. Bird. Atlantic Christian ; athletic director, says that ; Clark Is probably the best base- I ball product ever turned out at the Wilson High school. Great things are expected of him In that department. He was not eligible for varsity competition in football, basket- I ball and baseball this year be cause of the transfer rule. He attended the University of North Carolina one quarter last year. But when September I, 1950, rolls around Coach Bill Crutch field will have at last found a "T” quarterback that U cap- 1 able of running his football of- ' fense. The prospect has been on i ' the campus all along but i Crutchfield has had to keep, ! hands off. ' Watch Jajr Clark next year’ I when he takes off on his varisty i athletic Journey at Atlantlcj Christian. High Point's fiTocious I’unlh- ers lire atill lending the field In the North State conferenci* with a 12-1 record. Their only loss has b<-en to the KCTC f'lrati:. In an encounter at Greenville. The position!: have been set tled for the iournament at Statesville on Kebruury 23-2^ WCTC is the only team that did not qualify for the tournament The napless Catamonts had a I- II record on February 13, and this placed them In the cellar. You’ll be a B. M. O. C. In Your BLAIR’S Men's and Boys’ Shors 122 S. Tarboro Si. Wilson Rainbow Room FOR YOUR PARTIES AND BANQUETS Air Conditioned ASK FOR APPOINTMENTS DIAL 9618 OR 3240 Wilson, N. C.