The €oLi.i<:i>iATf: VOL. XXIV Homecoming Plans Include Concerts, Games And Dance Homecoming plans have been announced for the weekend of November 20, 21 and 22. It is urged that all students remain on campus to help welcome our alumni back to our campus, A very extensive program has been planned for this important weekend. It will mark the first appear ance of the Atlantic Christian College Band which will lead a parade down Nash street through town and back to the college. The parade will consist also of floats sponsored by vari ous organizations on our cam pus. Two basketball games have al- jo been scheduled for the night of November 2(T. The Freshmen will play Chowan at 6 o’clock, and the Bulldogs will play the Cherry Point Flyers at 8 o'clock. Everyone is welcome to come and back our boys. The Saturday program will consist of a Band Concert at 1:15 on the front campus, a mu sical program given by AC's Mixed Chorus at 2 o’clock in Ho ward Chapel, and a tour of the campus at 4:30. At this time the dormitories, the infirmary, and the fraternity house will be open to our guest for a formal inspec tion. T# climax the activities of the day, the Homecoming Dance will be held in Hardy Dining Hall. At this time the Homecom ing Queen will be crowned. These are only a few of the outstanding features of Home coming weekend. Let's all re main on campus and make this Homecoming the biggest one yeti ATLANTIC CHKISTL^N COLIIIGK. OCTOBKK. 195H NumbtT 1 Sixty Students Pledge To SCA Sixty students joined the Student Christian Association on October 6 at the Vesper Service in Howard Chapel. This is the largest active mem bership the SCA has ever had on the campus of Atlantic Christian College. Barbara Hutchins, the president of this organization, is so happy over the results of the Membership Drive. She only hopes that our membership will continue to grow. Tne SCA has already begun its year’s program of doing good deeds. To the National and Region al YMCA—YWCA— Work, it donat ed thirty dollars. Five dollars was also given to the World Stud ent Christian Federation. For the benefit of student enter tainment, the SCA gave sixty dol lars to the Chapel Committee to be used for showing movies in chapel. The first movie will be shown on November 19. To promote the religious activi- tie.s on campus. Vesper Services, sponsored by the SCA, are being held once a week in the dormitor ies. Also, a blessing is being offer ed in the dining hall for earti meal. The SCA Cabinet appointed Ken neth Rouse, a newcomer to our campus, as chairman of this duty. A discussion, entitled “A Christ ian’s Answer to the Kinsey Re port.” was sponsored by the SCA on October 27. 'Hie chairmen for this discussion were Mollie Hest er and Dick Eakin. Dr. Mildred Hartsock and Mr. Allan Sharp served as resource persons. 3 r if you think thi:.- rharactrra look »li(htly idsotk thrn your eya* are prefly (ood. R^- hrarainf for the No vember I2th and 13th performancea of "Idiot’a Delight" are (above, leit to ri*ht) Ruby Wi*- Jina, J.nmea Hemby. ecil WilUa and (below) Ruby Wiffina aaain, with Bruce StrickUnd. (COLLEGIATE photoa by Stag* and Script). Modern Comedy Scheduled For Mid-]\ov. Enrollment Total enrollment fijfures for Atlantic Christian College’s an nual winter session were an- tM>unced recently, by Mrs. Beth- R. Joyner, acting registrar. Mrs. Joyner report^ that 425 persons had registered for the fall semester. A breakdown showed that the freshman class is the largest the campus having 180 stud- ?nt«. The registrar also report- ^ that 37 transfer students were fejlstered making the new stod- (ot total for this year. 217. Mrs. Joyner reported a sopho- Wjon* class enrollment nt 108. Hie junior class has 69 students *nd there are 62 seniors. By Richard ZiRlar Friday, tho thirteenth, is being ignored by the Stage iind Script Club. The members are pitching »i» to make the performancts of ‘Id iot’s Delight” which will be given on Thursday, November 12, and Friday, November 13. a bij* suc- Cl.*SS. • Idiot’s Delight”, a comedy in three acts by Robert Sherwfxxi. deals with the outbreaking of a world war. The scene of the plav is in the cockt ^il lounge in th<* H«>- tel Monte Gabrk-Ie which is locat ed in the Itali;m Al|>s near the frontiers of Switzerland and Aus tria. The time is the afternoon of a winter day in any imminent year. The leading part. Irene. g'>cs to Ruby Wiggins who also starred Rosalind in ‘‘A.> You Like It . Her lover, ArchiJIe Weber, is play ed by Bruce Strickland. The humble, gentle little belllxi> of the hotel is jxjrtraited by Vernon Bryan. Don Navadel, who is a prt cious, youngish American and is also director of the social life .■ this hotel, is played by James Hem by. The boss of the previous tw«> as well as the owner and manager of the Monte Gabriele Hotel .- Pittaluga, a fussy Italian. Richard Ziglar is starring in this role. The parts of the English coupl< who visit the hotel on their hon-. moon are played by Eleanor Hat sell and Darell Huffman. Dr. W,il- tA-nt-e. a ticrman scientist, is jx>r- traited by Jimmie Howard, a lead ' ing actor with the ShcK’string riay- ers. Crnl Willi.t. director of the Shoe string Players, leads in the part of' Harry Van Harry in a thoughtful lonely American vaudeville manag er who has undertaken all .sorts of jobs in his time, none of them en tirely honest. With Mr. Van aroi .iix chorus girls. Shirley I.awlin the principal, a frank, knowing dancer, is playcKl by MoDie Hcstei , Judy Muldrow acts as Beulah. th<- bubble dancer. The hard, dumb little number who -shimmleu, IJelx*. is done by Marjorie Byrum. T1j< other three ”who d^m't much mat ter” are played by Maxine Stanley. Evelyn Yionulis, and Magnolia, Duckworth. ' Jim Burnette, who acts as an officer lo charge of the frontier station, is starring as the Captain.' The remaining members of the; cast are; the maid — Vivian Mun.<. the Orchestra Leader — Mr. Lee Howard, the Major — J. C. Win-. <lead, the Officers — Robert Over cash and Perry Moore. The various committees have :>tart<*d rolling. The properties are being collected, the write-ups are being published, the backstage work is underway, and the lights are being adjusted. The memfx*rs; of the various committees are: PROPERTIES — Chairm a n.; Mollie Hester — Workers; Gloria EUierldj'e, Shirley Parker. Chri- tine la wis, Elaine Mitchell. (Jeorge Littrell, and Darrell Huffman. RC'KNERY —Chairman. Joe Kill ingsworth Heli>ers; Kit/.hugh 'Hiompson, Du.*cty Rh<Kles, Billy Draughn, Elena Lawler, Tommie William.son, Donald Weaver, and Darrell Huffman. COSTUMES — Chairman. Bar bara Hutchins — Assistants Tot Alln*d. Shirley Parker. Annie (J Johnson. Sarah Alice Harris, and P^)lly Stevenson. MAKK-UP — Chairman, Jackie Vick -- Workers: Paul Crouch, Dar rell Huffman. Ruby Wiggins, Peg gy Nicholls. Christine Lewis. Helen Faye, Jessie Ann Thoma' Barbara Hutchin.<i. and Mollie H«ji ter. LIGHTS — Chairman. Jack Ham- iJt/»n — Assislants: Eugene Under- w(Kxl. and Magnolia Duckwf^rth. PtJBLlCITY — Chairman. Paul Crouch — Help<Ti: Richard 7.iglar. Hilly Draughn. Ruby Wiggins, and Eh na Lawler. STAGE MANAGER — Darrell Huffman, with Mickey Raynor a.s his assistant. TICKFrrS — Magnolia Duckworth and Georgia Morris. PROCiRAMS — Shirley Parker. The two performances of "Idiot’s Dc'llghl*’. uwler the direction of Mrs. Dcjris C, Holsworth, will given at 8;15 p. m. in Howard Chapel. Tliere is no admission charge for college students. Band To Lead Off Nov. 20th Parade Down Nash Street Forty-three blue and white unl- ft»rmt will head the liotncroming \ Parade on November 20 at 5 o’ clock. "nns will be the fir.«<t ap|>earanc- of Atlantic Christian College’s new band which is under the batim <'f Dr, Millard Burt, a former ^tudent of AC During the marchinu. the bnnd will be head«‘d by !{ichard Ziglar, a former drum major of ReymOds High Sch(K)l in Win<(ton*Salctn. Fol lowing back of him will come our four ma>orette8. They are J«mn ward.' of Wil.Hon, Annis* Morris Barnes of Elm City, Jo Ann (Vumpler of Ro<'ky Mount, and Net tie Sue Phillips of Raleigh. Srr plrturr «m l*aie 3 Then comes the band! 'The tromlxuie play. rs liobby Ik'itlon. Billy Farmer. Jerry Batehelt»r. Buddy Hutchins will hi* on the first row Th»* other bandsmen are n.v follows Baritone Don Stanley. N. B Hill French Horn: Jo Ann Tlioinab, Evelyn Yionulis Truni|M-t: Bill Murry. Billy n<K>n<*. Tommy Williamson. Jackie Fh»wers. Gloria Ba-** Marj<*rie By rum. ('arold Ston<’. (‘anilyn Tlioma.s Flute- I>ot Oakey ('l.irinet: Dick Holloman. Sarah Alice ILirris. Peggy Ward, Shirley House. William Ram:.»*y, Cari>lyn L* e. Magnolia Duckworth. Jesse Kelly U.iisv Clarlni t; Betty Jan<- Lamm Alto Sax Richard Hatliaway. Al- l«-n Rt>: ;; 'rem*r S.ix Charles Davis B.iritnne Sax: Leroy !iatts. Jr. Cil(K'k<*nspiel; Kdythe Fullrr. Drums Jimmy I)eanft, '1‘homas Batchelor. Billy Draughn. J(h* IXk mimjues B;iss Horn: Dusty Rhcxles. Irving 1 Fornecker. Norman P(»lk, Jimmy Harris Ihiring concert! the major iind majoreit* . will leave off tlieir fan cy man-hing and take up the fol lowing instruments. Richard Zig lar and Nettie Sue Phillips will ploy the clarinet. Jo Ann Crumpler will Ih' on the flute and Joan hkl- wards on the french hf»rn. llie band is also planning to give an outdfjor concert during H(»me- coming. 'Phis will Im- given on Nov- embi*r 21 at 1.15. Campus News Briefs Lois Moore was elected Business Manager of the "Pine KnM" in a special election this fall. Jack Woodard, former Business Manag er transfered to Wake Forest. This vacancy in the staff necessitated a re-election. Destination — Winston-Salem and the Youth Session of the State Dis ciples Convention. ^ . Shirley Parker, president of the North Carolina Youth, will lead the processional on Thursday night, November 5. at the Youth Session. Following her will be Richard Zig lar, who is associate president Others from the college who wiU be in the processional are Mollie Hester, state worship chairman., and Kenneth Rouse, state enlist*' ment chairman. Other students who are planning U) attend this Youth Session arc! Jim Burnette, Jack Hamilton. James Hemby, Peggy Nicholls,; Jim Matthews, Ben Wilson, Mag nolia Duckworth, and Bruce Hern don. Those who wish to attend please' contact Mollie Hester or Richard Ziglar. Crouch Emcees Campus Programs ■‘Atlantic Christian College on the air!” Tune your dials from one thirty to one forty-five every Sunday afternoon for music and entiTtain- m«nt will Im* brought U) you by tfie Radio Worksh<»p of ACC. This workshop is made up of meml>ers of the faculty and stud ent IxKly. The programs are pro- ducc‘d and dirert<*d by Mr. Jim Fulghum. The announcer, Paul Crouch, and engineer, Don Stai>- ley, are students of A. C. Each program is arranged by a faculty member of the Radio Work shop, The first was a s|>eech by Dr. James M<njdy, Other attrac tions have been the girls* choral ensemble, under the direction of Mr. Lynn Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. I/<*e H/iward, flut4' and piano. Future programs will be? given by Mrs. Holsworth on Dramatics, with a skit from ‘'Idiot’s iX'light;" Dr, Hartjkxrk of the English D<*pt.; Mr. Sharp, a Thanksgiving pro gram; and a program by Mr. Lynn Brown. Recordings are mad** Thursday, in Howard Chapel, for the following Sunday. In order to avoid public traffic, doors arc locked during recording sessions. Accompanying Mrs, D^)ris Hols worth to the f>rama Directors' ,Meetlng in Chapel Hill last week end were Dr. Mildred Hartsock. Jackie Vicke, and Ruby Wiggins. A retreat for the IHsctples Stu dent Fellowship will be held on November 14 and 15 at Camp New Hope near Chapel Hill. This above all, To thine own self be true; And it follows at the day the night, Thou would’st truly enjoy Idiot’s Delight. Harvest Dance Hixma Tau (lii is sponnorlnc Itii annual Harvest f>anre oc Soh. 7. It will f<*ature Jimmy Harris and his combo, a croup it A. C, studenta who have got ten together to make **r e a 1 gone" music. Hardy Dininf Hall irin turn festive for the occasion. i!'.ildlnt true to Its name, thr dance will be very Informal.

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