The €olli<:4pIate fOL. XXIV ATLANTK' { ifRlSTlAN COLIJCGK, MAKCII 2. 1954 NUMHKK^S Four Students Who Will Direct Mystery Romance Stage And Script Selects Night Before Holidays For Student ProductionOf Three One-Act Plays PAUL CROUCH RI BY WIGGINS And A Fantastic Fable By RK'IIAKl) ZlliLAK | The Stage aod Script memberg are again rushing jbout getting ready for the three one-act playt vhich are to be given in Howard Chape) on March 11 Upon the opening of the curtain at 8:00 p. m.. ••'Hie Princess Mar* jrii.^ TTie Page” will be given under the direction of Ruby Wiggins. This play by E^na St. Vincent , MiUay takf^. place in the top of I a tower. It la a youthful work, prel- ' ty in dealing with words, and ro mantic as well as humorous. “l*hf Princess Marries The Page” is Miss Millay's earliest at tempt at play-writing. It would : hove t>een puk)lished before 1932. i but her manuscript was lost. Af ter thirteen years the lost manu script was found and was acted 1 by the Coamopolitan Club of Phil- 'adeiphia. After reading it again. Miss Millay discovered that she I liked it much l>ctter than she had I expected. She then had a desire to see it among her published books. The characters of the play are the Princess, the Page, the King, the Chancellor, and twx> soldiers. The petite Princess will be play* ed by Maxine O'Connell. Kenneth Rouse, a newcomer tu our stage. I will star as the Page who is the i lover of the Princess. The father of the Princess, the King, will be purtrayi'd by Richard Ziglar. 'Hic Lord High Chancellor will bt» play ed by Don Wenver. Perry Moore and Jack Harris will be the »old- iers Understudies .*r»* Jackie Vicke. Paul Crouch. Wilbur Heath, and Jamek Hrnnby. Murder MyUry Thi* b.»*coiKl play will be "Heat Ughtnmg*' by Robert F. Carroll. dirt*cli*d by PmuI Crouch. vice*' pTejid^'nt of the Stage and Script : It is a murder myst«*ry and takes ’ place in bus station. i The "Man” of the play will be j Jimmie Burnette, Evelyn Yionou- | lis will act as the ' Girl.*' Tlie *‘Sec-. ond Man" will be played by an other newcomer to our htuge, Dale' Gainey. The final ploy to be* given is “Fable.” Thjs play was written | by Cecil Willis, director of thei Shoestring Players. 'Riis will be; the premier performance of th# play. Fantasy "Fable" is a fantasy and the scene takes place in an oft4'n spok* en-of. but never seen place. The directors are Velva Pearce and Jimmie Howard. The cast of the play follows: St Cecilia— Jo Ann Moore, St. Vero nica— Peggy NichoIIs, St. Martha Mickey Uaynor, St. Anne—Mar- Arthur Dail Heads New Organization Of War Veteran* JIMMY HOWARD V VELVA PEARCE Around The Campus ETHERIDGE HONORED The Handbook of Chemistry Physics has been awarded to Dav id Etheridge for making the high est average in General Chemistry (luring first semester. David, a lenior at ACC, is majoring in science. The handboolc which David earn ed as well as won is to be given to the one having the highest aver age in General Chemistry at the end of the first semester in each school year, David is the first to win the book at ACC. The book award is given by the Chemical Rubber Publishing com pany of Cleveland, Ohio. DRAMA FESTIVAL Atlantic Christian College will be Iwst to the Eastern Regional Drama Festival on March 26 and n. During these two days Howard Chapel will be filled with drama lovers. On the afternoon of the 26th the curtain will begin to open and close, for within these two days approximately ten plays will be given. Dr. Travis White will also address the Group on Friday night, March 26. On the 27th, Saturday morning, there will be a coffee hour at 9:00 followed by various talks concem- dramatics. The visitors on the campus will be from Campbell College, East Carolina College, Greenville Little Theatre, Washington Little Thea tre, Wilson Little Theatre, Shoe- jWng Players, Wesley Players. Maskeeters of Charles L. Coon, ®ailey High School, Edsonians of Rocky Mount and Wake Forest School. A tea will be given on Saturday afternoon for the guests. GREEKS ELECT OFFICERS The six Greek letter social fra ternities and sororities on campu.-; have elected their officers for sec- j ond semester. President? of the groups art- De-! lores Best, Delta Sigma: Mickey. Raynor, Phi Sigma Tau; Rutn Lockamy, Sigma Tau Chi; Kelly Byrum, Phi Kappa Alpha; Jack Denning, Sigma Alpha; and Wal ter Hood, Phi Delta Gamma. SIGMA PI ALPHA BIDS Sigma Pi Alpha, national lanK uage fraternity, sent out bids Feb ruary 22. Bids were issued to all language students who have a B average in language, an over-all C average, and are passed by the members of the fraternity. BILL BE.ACHAM (From The WUson Dally Tlmeii) Bill Beacham, Atlantic Christian college’s 6-7^4 sophomore center from Itocky Mount, was nam^ to the Greensboro Daily News W - North State Conference basketbaU team last week. The lean 207-pounder, the Ullest man on this year's All-SUr squad, is one of three sophomores to make the team. One freshman. Raeford Wells of Lenoir Rhyne, was named, and three juniors and three seniors made the club. u x i, Beacham joined Coach Jack Mc- Comas’ Bulldogs at midseason last year and immediately Ijegan showing promise of ®, **?/; He had Just served a hitch in me Army, where he made a name for himself In West Coast service ba»- This season, Beacham Atlantic Christian into a fourth plfc^ finish in the No^ SUte putting the Bulldog* in the annua conference tournament for the first Lime iu ^our years. He was the team’s leading scor- er, with 292 poinU in 2* games for a 12.2 average, and w a s a standout on backboard pUy. Several wit-ks of planning and work were culminated Thursday evening, February 11, with the election of offlcer.s by the newly organized Veterans Club. The officers electi'd were Arthur Dail, Commander; Cecil Willis, vice Commander; Leroy Batts, Adju tant; Ashton Wi^,^. Publii. Iniunn- ation Officer; Paul Hill, Finance Officer; and Darrell Huffman, Chaplain. The slate of officers Is similar to that of the American Legion and other veterans organ izations. In comparing the Veter ans Club officers with those of oth er student organizations on the campus, the office of Commander is comparable to the office of Presi dent: the Vice Commander to the Vice President; the Adjutant to the Secretary and the Finance of ficer to the Treasure. The offices of Chaplain and Public Informa tion Officer are, by their titles, self explanatory. The newly elected officers are now in the process of drafting a constitution and set of by-laws for the club. To assist and guide them in this, Adjutant Leroy Batt* has requested organizational informa tion from veterans clubs at State, Carolina, Wake Foest, East Car olina and several other colleges in North Carolina. Veterans clubs were active on college campuses throughout the country in the year* immediately following World War II. As many veterans completed their college work and the number of veterans enrolled in college decreased, the activity and influence of veterans (■lulw receded in proportion. With the number of veteran itudent* on the increase as a result of the Korean conflict, veterans club* are again becoming active. Sixty-Two Pledge ACC Fraternities “CLOSED WEEKEND" RFXITAL A proKrsm tailored (o different levels of student Interest has been planned for tbe aftemonn of March 7, the last .Sunday be fore sprinc bollday*. Lynn Brown and Lee Howard, of the mosic faculty, will be as sisted by Mrs. Howard and a stadent group. The concert, be- (inninc at 4:30 In Howard Chap el. will Inclode sonca by Mr. Brown, piano dueta by the How ards )lacludln( Ravel. Khacha turian, Poalenc, Dvorak. Brahm and Beethoven), rello mIos by Mr. Howard, and numliers by a small sincinc rroop. The free concert is beln* spon sored by the Department of Fine Arta and the Concert Com mittee. Sixty-two men students at At lantic Christian collcge have ac cepted bids for membership in the three social fraternitie*. Those pledged to KIgma Alpha fraternity: Earl Hughes, Grifton; Goethe Wil- 11am Aldridge. Grantsboro; James Da+is, Wilsoii; John Mariey, Frankiinville; Jack Aheron, I>eaks- vllle; William Mobley. WllUams- ton; Ronald Percise, Goldsboro; Ben Allen Rh(xie.i, Zebulon; Jim my Williams. Pink Hill: Bill Beac- ham. Rocky Mount; Philip Hou- chins, Raleigh; Lewis Spencer. Tarboro; Norwood Worley, Smith- field; Charles Teachey. Rose Hill; Charles Hester, Greensboro; Bil ly Widgeon, Newport: and Gilbert Corl>ett, WU*on. Pledge* for Phi Delta Gamma fraternity are. Wilbur Heath, Trenton: Donald Weaver, Four Oak*; Melvin Woodard, Prlnce- U>n; Bruce Herndon. Wendell, Bernard Stephenson, Raleigh; Joe Bulla. Fayetteville; Richard Ziglar. Winston-Salem; Roderick Howell, Gibson; Paul W. Hill, Edward; Rupert Hamilton, Wil son. and Bill Stott, Sim*. Phi Kappa Alpha pledge* are Robert Carr, Raleigh; Larry Mc- Swain, ’nioma*ville; Jimmy Mat thews, Winston-Salem; Kenneth Lamhi. Wilson; Jimmy Harris, Raleigh; Decatur Beacham, Arl ington. Va.; Eugene Underwood, Aydcn; Charles Hutehlns, Wins ton-Salem; Wayland Rhodes, Ra leigh; B<-njamin Wilson. Kotierson- ville; Richard Hatliaway, Wil son: Joseph Morris, Wilson; Jer ry Williams, Fuquay Spring*; Thoma* Batchelor, Wilson: Tom mie Williamson, Raleigh; Bill Palmer, Raleigh; Bobert Benton, Releigh; Donald Baker, Kipling; George Littrell, Suffolk, Va.; Dale Gait^, Goldsboro; Kenneth Rouse, Kinston: William Keene, Princeton; Hackney High, Oak City; Marshall Newbern Elizabeth City; Wayne Mitchell, Wendell; William Owens, Fountain; Verwm Bryan, Goldsboro; Richard Hollo man, Raleigh: Perry Moore, Ay- den; Seth Tyson, Stantonsburg; Claude Fulghum, Wilson; Jose minguez, Camaguey, Cuba; Billy Farmer, Wilson, and Ashton Wlggs Pine Level. jonc Hyrum. St IWrnadHtr—Jer ry liall. St. J(ian of Arc — Nan Muttox, St. Peter — Howard O' Connell. .St. Paul Robert Over- cash ;iik1 St Terrsa of Avila — Edythe Fuller The undemtudies are Edythe Ful ler. Shirley Parker, Velva Pearc*. MagiKilia Duckworth, Ju Ann CrumpltT, Mt>llie Hester. Ceell Willis and Jimmy Howard. The memlH-rs of the »-omniltt«* for all three productions are: SCKNKHV - Joe Klllingsworth. Darrell lluffman, Barbara Hutch ins, Tommie Williamson PKOPKIITlFii Darrell Huff man. Wilbur H(*ath, Mollie Hester 1 COSTUMES - Polly SU-phenson. Jo Ann ('rumpler, Pauline SalttT. Anne Pa^tchall, Janie Crei-l, Shir- ' ley House. Shirley Parker I LIGHTING — Jack Hamilton. ^Gene Undi-rwiKid, HolK-rt Overrash I MAKF;-UI* Jackie Vick. Bar bara Hutchins, Peggy Nlcholls, iPaul Crouch ‘ PUHMCITY - Richard Zijtlar. Ruby Wiggins. Paul Croucfc. Mag- 'tu)lia Duckworth, Hilly Draughn PUCX;raM CHAIRMAN — Viv ian Muns STAC;K manager - Jimmy Howard with Rot>ert Overcasb ti his assistant Mrs. Doris Hoisworth is advisor to th<‘ Stage arid Script Club. New Building Fund Passes First Lap Of Its $2,000,000 Goal BA.ND TO WILMINGTON ACC’s band is making plans for its trip to the Wilmington Azalei Festival on March 27. A parade and assorted other activities arc on schedule. Dr Travis White announced thl.H wi-ek the successful raising of the first $100,000 necessary for begin ning eon.vtruction on a n<-w science building and an infirmary. th« first two buildings planned in $2,00,000 biilldir'(> j>rogru(n schi-dujed over the next 10 year*. The new building program wa* given a detailed study at a mi-et- ing of the Board of Trustees ear lier this month. Kenovations Plans for the renovation of Ho ward Chapel and the college'* din ing hall also were approved by the trust<'es. Work on these two land ings will begin this spring, it was reportj-d. In his report to the trustees. Dr. Travis A. White, president of the college, urged the trustee* to help speed up the MollclUition of funds for the college'* building program. "We need to expand right away to take care of the large number of *tudenta that will be applying for entrance to the college during the next few year*." Dr. White (aid. The trustees approved a reconv mendation of the board’s execu tive commltti-e to amend the char ter of the college to allow for five more trustees. TTie new tru»t<fs are t/> 1)C chos en as soon as the action is ap- prtived by the state convention of Christian Churches to which At lantic Christian College belongs. The action was taken In order to have five more member* of the tx>ard who are not members of the Christian church. Ilr. <’as» Honored In the meeting the trustee* also honored a long-Ume faculty mem ber of the college who ha* retired, Dr. S. Perry Case. The board vot ed to honor Dr. Caie a* Dean B- meritus of the college. In atHither action Bowden War ren of Newton Gorve wa* elected U) the board to fill out the unex pired term of the late John C. Warren of Newton Grove, the new member's father who died recent ly. TTie tru*t<-es also passed a res olution in recognition of the long service given to the college by John C. Warren before his death. Warren had been a member of the trustees for aliout H year* and eight of hi* children have at tended the college as student*. Thomas J. Hackney, chairman of thf! board, presided at the meeting. FIVE HTl’DENTH AT NBA Five stiidents repretenU'd ACC at the National Student Associa tion meeting in Greenslwro recent ly. From the Cooperative Associa tion WT-nt Jim Paeble*, Billy Draughn and Kenneth Rouse. Rep resenting publication* were Jo Ann Moore and Jim Hemby. HHOE8TRINOERH CELEBRATE ’The Shoestring Playert celebrat ed their first birthday last week with a performance «)f Moliere’i "The Doct/ir In Spite Of Himself.” ACC students in the east were Dlrect^jr Cecil Willi*, Mickey Ray nor, Shirley Bunn, John O’Oinnell Paul Crouch and Jimmy Howard.

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