The CimxixpIate; VOL. XXIV Final Exercises Begin Saturday Commencement exercises at At lantic Christian College have bwn scheduled for Saturday and Sun day, June 5 and 6. Speaker for the graduation ex ercises to be held on Sunday after- Doon, June 6, at 5 p.m. on the Iroiit campus, is Rev. Ira A. Langs ton of New York City, a member ol the board of trustees of the college and an ACC graduate in 1933. Langston is former minister o( the Park Avenue Christian Church of New York. Rev. Raymond L. Alexander, Minister of the Chrisitan Church at Washington, N. C., will be the Baccalaureate speaker at services scheduled at Wilson’s new First Christian Church on June 6, at II a.m. Another highlight of the Com mencement weeKend will be ground breaking ceremonies for: two new buildings to t>e construct ed at ACC. 'Diis program is sched uled on the building sites at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 6. Ground will be broken for a new science building and an infirmary. Graduation Ball The commencement weekend will open at 8 o'cloik Saturday night, June 5, with a reception in honor of the graduating seniors and their parents on the Harper Hail terrace. The reception is be-| mg presented by the college and' the alumni association. A gradua-i tion ball open to all students will! follow on the terrace. i At 12:30 o’clock on Sunday, a; family style picnic luncheon will] be held on toe college’s center campus. This will be followed by a meeting of the board of trustees ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN ('OLli'fGK, Jl NK 1. Ut54 NUMBKK 8 Yearbooks Arrive On Time I I The 1954 edition of The Pin#* Knot wiii deljvpred to students lust week. To nuike u final check-up with the publishing company in Raleigh several members of the yearbook staff went to the printing plant the w*?ek before. Looking at the stack of pages ore Mr. Russell Arnold, fac ulty editonal adviser; Eddie Johnson, member of the editorial staff; Lois Moore. 1953-M busi ness manager; Jo Ann Moore. 1953-54 editor; and MolUe Hester, business manager for next year's Pine Knot. Editor next year will be Mary Hudge. Lamm, Mozingo, Williams and Mattox Receive Major Awards At Final Chapel Ground Prepared For Two Buildings (.irouiKl breaking mtvu'vs fur th.* m-w Infirmary and Sctcnce Build- utg will be heki ut 3 SO p.m on the j aflernoon of gruduaUon day* A IJtany of tX'dii'utuin will t>e given (or eurh building ^ Dr. TravU Whitr »IU pr««idi: : ovrr both »ervices The lBvoc«tlon will be given by Dr Uvorge Cuth- rtrll. mimilrr of thr lluod Mt-morial I Chr»tUn Church in Dunn. Dr. Ed I Kuslx>rry will mukv the addrcM I concerning the new Infirmary. I’retenting a new ground break- I ing khovrl will be Dr. Perry Cuie. I Tho>e who will breuk the ground I for the Infirmary are Nur»e Mary WiUon, Dr. W C Hunter, and Mr. Lawrence Moye. Mr, Hruee Hlley will give the addret- at the Science Building service. AI*o taking part in the ground-breaking iiffairt will be Mr. J. I’. Tyndall, Mr John Coacll. und Mr. George Adumi. TTie Shoveling I’agen will tje Da vid L'theridge for the Science Build ing Service and Kichard ^Llglar for the Infirmary ground breaking. Both »ervlce» are to t>e held on Sunday. June 6. at 3:30 p.m. Major awards were present^-d to ^-vnted the Kiwanis club cup a‘. i Elena Lawler, Camp l.ejeune, students in a special program in ■ th<; outstanding intercollegiate ath-^retary; Doris Strickland of Spring of the college in Hardy Library at 'Howard chapel last week. leU- on the campus. iHope. repre.sentative from tin- 2p.m. I Winner of the Rotary cup fur The Women s Athletic a.ssociatinn | Dormitory Oiuncll; Dur- A concert by the Atlantic Chris-(outstanding scholarship for tht tian College band will be presented j year was Kenneth Lamm of Wil- on the front campus at 4:30 p.m. son, a sophomore on Sunday and the graduation ex- tup for th* cul.slandlng woman .ilh- nenior I rell Huffman of Newjxjrt. repre- Summer School To Open June 10 Kifty courM'S In right departments will Ih? offert*d in the Summer S«*s- 'ilon to bt‘ held at Atlantic Chris tian College beginning on June 10. according to Dr. Jamex M Moudy. Z>ean of the college 2ind director of thr Summer Session Summer course« ore being off«»r- (*d during two five week term*. Dr. Moudy jwlnti'd <»ut. 'Fhe firnt term. oiM*ning on June 10, will cl<»!<«* on July 15. The se<'ogd term will ercises will follow. Honorary degrees will be pre sented to Langston and to C. C. Ware of Wilson, retired secretary of the North Carolina Christian Missionary Society. Sixty-four Atlantic Christian sen- Life.” was won by Ernestine lors will be graduated at the Obm-(/ingo of Kt-nly. a freihman. mencement this year receiving the’ Jerry Williams, a sophomore A. B. degree. ' from Fugquay Springs, was pr«.- AC Get lete wt-nt to Nan Mattox. , from Wendell. ; -'^-ntative from the Men’s Dorml- hi*gin on July 16 and will clo*c on The organization scholarship cup The program also, marked the tory Council, and Kvelyn Yionou August lis. town student representative on the board. Faculty memb«Ts of thr board of thi* stud«‘nt ‘’(A'ernment injitall- ed were. Allen Sharp. Ktudent elect- fd faculty rrpresentative: hxlward Hider. faculty elected rt*prrsenta- KiflK- unt th.. nrr,.;r'iif» i Jam« s M Moudy. ' months, and high st^<xjl graduates th»‘ ins^iiation of officers f,f d<-an. Mi.* Sarah Hain Ward j who drHire to acreU-rat^' their CoJ- ,.s the installatjon of jcan of women. Ur. Uandall lege program by getting an early ' - - 'start during th« presented annually by Sigma Al- dedication of the college yearbo«»k pha fraternity was presented to jt was d«*dicaU*<: Xo Miss Mildren Phi Sigma Tau sorority, ; Kcr.s, a long time meml>er of th** Winner of the Denny cup f<jr the staff at the colleK*' i*nd now th»* best essay on the college motto, bookki-eper. The edlttjr of ihe an- Tliey shall Have The Light Of r^ual. Jo Ann Moore of Grensboro. M‘>- presented an engraved copy of the annual Ui Miss Ross at the rere- Thrff Types Dr. Moudy said the courRcs an* deH>gni*d to fill the needs of three distinct tyiK S of students. They are teachers who wlnh l4> meet crrtifl* cation rt‘qulrement« or the renewal of certiflcati* ni‘i*ds; regular college students who wish to ol)taln addl. tjonal oredits during the summer College Intramural Athletes Awards At Chapel Program Ihi- student government . . , roming vear. The oath of offir-'' >itlip. d- an ..n m. n, . , iidmmistered by Dr Travi; ! Th<‘ oath of office mIho was aii- A. White, president of the college TTie offi< er.^ installed W4*re James Hcmhv of Ayden. president: Su zanne Gill. Wilson, vice-presiden*: Kenneth Lamm. Wils-fn. tn-a.surer; ministered t<> the officers of the women's dormitory council, t h e men’s dormitory council and the piiblicatlcjnv staff for the ct'llege .(ur)jfM>k and newspa|x*r. Awards for outstanding accom- Joan Kelley, Camt-ron: B<.lsv iishments in intramural athletics or men and women were present- d to students of Atlantic Christian *llege in chap)el exercises last • ck. N'amed intramural athlete of the <r for the men students was W. Hood, a senior from Bonncatj nth Carolina. Fieceiving the top awards for the •men were three seniors. Nan •lattox of Wendell, Mickey Ray- •or of Wilson, and Mildred Black- ;'on of Whitakers. They received individual trophies presented by Miss Rebecca Tomlinson, a mem- vr of the faculty in the Depart ment of Physical education. The intramural football award '>r men was presented to Phi Kap- -•a Alpha fraternity. The men’s >ing pong award went to Robert Webb, a senior from Wilson. The • olley ball award for men went to Phi Delta Gamma fraternity. The basketball trophy in the intramur- il playoffs for men was presented *0 Caldwell hall. Sigma Alpha fra- ^^ rnity was the winner of the tro- ^--hy for the men’s softball cham pionship. The intramural badmin- on award for men went to Charles Hester of Greensboro. The men's intramural awards ■vere presented by Jimmy Willis f New Bern, student director of men’s intramural athletics. Individual awards were present 'd to women students for outstand ing work in intramural athletics by Miss Tomlinson. Those receiving numerals were Callie Proctor, Stantonsburg; Ev- -ly Yionoulis, Wilson; Judy Creek- more, Wilson; Edna Cole, Clayton; Marjorie Byrum, Portsmouth, Va.; Christine Joyner. Mount Olive; L*e. Dunn: Joan Langston. Four Oak.«.; Vivian Muns. Aik<:n. S. C ; liettv Jean Outla^^-. Saratf>ga: Shirley last Parker. Raleigh: Marjorie Hiin-s^m Clayton, and Barbara Weir. Wjn finish. WomenV intramural >tars were presented U> Nancy Allen. Green ville; D^;lore.s- B^'st. Mount Olive. Janie Crt^el. Seven Springs; Hilda Crocker. Pine lAVel; Lois Mwre. Ayden; Edna McPhail. Clinton: Ruth Lockamv. Newton Grove: Carolyn Lee. Barnesville: Mar garet Harris. Roamjke Rapids. Mamie Davis. Black Mountain: Lovia Creech. Smithfield; Maxir>c O'Connell. Wilson, and Velva Pearce, Zebulon. Intramural women's letters Wi ^ To You, Seniors •■'I'hc i-dil i.“ but the i,“ vmincnlly true as you Clime to the t‘n<l of your iindfrt'raduate coll<'i;<! yeiirH. No -<oom-r will your diploina Ix- tucked neatly under .vour’ arm, .■■ymbolizinK the suc<es.sful completion of your col- it'Ke career, than you will !><• lookinn forward to a new and irrcatfr ihaiiter in the storv of vour live.i. 'I'hf.'< i.n as it' U,,„1,I i„, I nl'Pt my way throunh ci.l- I want first of all to tell you how much 1 hav. ..-njoy- ‘rt','. /W. Torrw%‘li^;fcm-.2f' ed the happy a-isot iations of thi.*:, my first year and your his decree la»t June. la.‘<t at Atlantic Chri.stian. I sincerely hope that the happy This utartlloK klaument cam friendship.-! which have been formed will continue through the years. My heartiest conffratulations to each of you on summ«*r month.s. A student may obtain hix ■cmes* ter hours of credit p**r t<‘rm In U»«* Summer Si^sslon. he announced. TTie dep.irtments offering courses in Uie Summer Si')(Klon are buni- ne«s, »*ductlon wikI pfc>cho!ogy, Eng lish. fine and pr;ictlcal arts, health aiKl physical education, modern languages, religion and philosophy, elence and math<'matlcs, and no- Hal studies. Sleeper Advises On Exam Study presented to Jerry Ball, Charlotte; the 'iUt cc: sful completion of your work. Bronna Brotjks, Wilson; ^ic- j you flodspeed in your endeavors for holls, Greenville; Edna McPbaii, future. .Some of you will he movinj; on to jfraduat« raHJi'vii B«nesvilie; and Others out into the bu.siness and professional Morris JovMr, Wilson: Shirley world. Whatever your destiny, let me as..iure you that we House, Charleston, S. C. :Alieen^,in watchinK, with jrenuine interest, your projrress. If Davis, Elm City; ^via Crwch. assi.stance to you in your advancement at any Smi^fieid; CalUe time, just know you are free to call upon us. AMther^hiight of the presen-1 One further word. Our colleKe, which is your Alma tations occured when two trophies >iater, stands at the crossroadfl of opportunity. Her future were presented to the coiiege.vThey ^ ((reat college depends upon many factors — none were won more important than the support of her Alumni. May I TOlle”e“‘^taskItSiir°team won for .urge .vou to become an active member of the Alumni As- runnerup ' — *^~ honors in the annual .,ociation. Help u8 tell the sUjry of A. C. College wherever Noi^*Ttate conference iwsketbaii Direct eli(fible yount? people here for their colleKe tournament was given to Dr. James traininif- In other words, boost A. C. that nhe may render Moudy, Dean of the coUeje, by oilier ' ' capUan of the *»»'" Jam" ® wonnier Peebles of Raleigh tournament M. Moudy, Dean of the TOuege oy vvorthier ser\'ice and remain always an institution you the captian of the team. Jame. as a compleU* ^u^p^lse t/> ex-itu- dent TurnU>w‘s profesw»rs who had oner predicted hJs college career would end In failure. Last week graduate Turnbrmr dis- closed his secret. He had been '‘Sl<*ep-learnlng.’' "I’d read many artichs on tho the<jry of sle<*p-learnlng,’* he said, but none told me how to go about it. So I rrxade my own sleep-learn- Ing device and exfjerlmented. 1 was working full time and trying to carry 19 credit hours at college. 1 was tr>1d I was failing, to t fig ured I couldn’t lose anything." "It was hard the first few weeks." he sali^, “but anyone can learn while they sleep if they stick ta it. It’i the easiest way in the w(^ld to get an'education once you start getting results. Sleep-learnlng will revolutionize education once the public accepts It," he added. «ic. Tnmlinson presented the, Step out to meet the future with confidence. You can i Student Turnbow'* unusual meUi- college with the bowling runnenip — \y,th Ood s help you will — win. •rophy . Travis White ConUnued on Page Two ..u.. -J - team of ACC women students and Mis* Tomlin son in the city bowUng league. od of obtaining knowledge wag first applied to hU course In Russian.

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