The; €oLLE€iiATi<: \ OL. XXV ATI.AM K CllKls i IAN ( Ol.l.KliK. ()( TOKKK S. r.*r> I XL'MHKU I RE WEEK BEGINS MONDAY Stage And Script Casts Fall Play '■here is a timely themu in tht . raE CRUCIBLE, which will presented by Stage and Script ' in Howard Chapel on Novcm- -■r 4 and 5 ut 8:15 P.M. Today have in our country a situa- similar in many ways to that ' the Puritans in Salem, Mass .sett.s, in 1690, the time that the ly takes place. The t'ommuni.<;t ,i:ting and invasion of privacy to-1 . . with subsequent false and un- jr'Acd accusations, is not unliki ' . witchhunts and the hanging.. •hich took place nearly three hun-; Ired years ago. when the fear of ihcraft led many good people ■ condemn others who had been I'l'ii.sed by enemies seeking re- cnge or gain for themselves. .Arthur Miller, the author, is well .; iwn for his play. DEATH OF A SALESMAN; he has written a greater and more gripping work in FHE CRUCIBLE. Although he had iit subject in mind for many years. If has said that only now could le write it. The timeliness of the -ituation has brought the play to he fore this year. The Carolina Playmakers of Chapel Hill are also presenting the play this fall, a fact vhich was not known to Stage and if%*^TstTpri;^/^ry^“a^u1EnrolIment Leaps Disciples Of Christ Frosh Register Zebulon Minister To Lead Services Wt-c*k Ai)' uf- •pt'ii on M«'iulay. Oci Freshman Overflow At AC jroduction. One of the best try-outs held re- ently took place last Thursday, ■nany new faces being seen on the =tage. New talent was discovered and an able cast chosen as fol- .ows: Paul Crouch as John Proc tor, Bonney Wilson as Xibuba, Ellen Dennis as Betty Parris; James Hemby as Rev. Parris, Ruby Wiggins as Abigail, Louise Hutchins as Ann Putman. Charles Shirley as Thomas Putnam, Mag- .lolia Duckworth as Susanna Wall- cott, MoUie Hester as Mercy Lewis. loAnn Moore as Mary Warren. Edith Fuller as Rebecca Nurse, Gerald Hill as Giles Corey. Jim mie Burnette wiU play Rev. Hale, Evelyn Yionoulis plays EUiabeth Proctor, Dick Ziglar is Gov. Danfo Donald Weaver plays Exekiel C'Jieever, LeRoy Holley is Jud<e Hathome, Jacqueline Sears takes -be part of Sarah Good, and there are several other characters, ma- sing the cast an exceptionally large one. Committees and staff will be announced later, as a paper has ■Jten posted for those to sign who really want to work on the pro duction. Committee work as well IS acting gives points toward the much coveted letters and keys a- 'arded by Stage and Script. Recently elected committees in- ■lude the following: Scenery: Joe Killingsworth, chair Continued on Page Sixi The fall seme.ster iHiroll- CoFlVene III \VllsOH ment in the 52 yt.,r history of At- „ . . , lantic Christian College wa. an. j State Convention of Duc.ples . . «;♦,«,. // of Chnst Will have it5 annual meft- nounci-d by the registrar of thcL ^ Novemb,T 9-11, Mr. Sam Bun- college, Mrs. Bethany K. Joyner, Farmville is Preaident of In releasing the enrollment fig-i the convention, which will start on ures; Mrs. Joyner said that a tot;il' 1'uesday at the l*ir»t Christian of 607 students enrolled in all d visions of the college for the fall term. In a breakdown of figures Mrs. Joyner pointed out that 507 stu dents are enrolled in the regular college, with 100 more enrolled in the evening college and Saturday classes at the college. The largest previous enrollment at the college was recorded in 1947. when the college student body numbered 573 students. Mrs. Joyner also listed the en rollment by classes. This fall the college has a freshman class of 193 students, the largest class on the campus. The sophomore class totals 149 .students. A toUl of 94 students enrolled in the junior class and 60 students enrolled as mem bers of the senior class. When the college opened last fall the enrollment totaled 529 studenU. 429 of which were enrolled in the regular college and 100 in the ev ening college. The largest class last year was also the freshman group, which totaled 179, 14 student' less than this fall in that class. A C President Greets Students Church of Wilson. Wfdntsday will be Atlantic Chris tian College night. Open houKe and a band concert will k>e held on the campus from 5:00-6 00 p.m. for stu dents and member* of the State Convention. At lUx o’clock the Bert Hardy Dining Hall will be open for a banquet at which the Kev. Paul Southard of Stokesdale. North Carolina, will speak. His top ic will be “The Future of Atlantic Christian College as I See It.” Thursday at 6:00 o’clock PM. at the Moose Hall the youth scs- Rion will begm with a banquet for Christian Youth Fellowship and Disciple Student Fellowship. Pre siding over the banquet will be Richard Ziglar. the new state president of the Christian Youth Fellowship. Other officers from our coUege are Kenneth Rouse, asso ciate president; Roland Jones, chairman of Christian Worship: and Annette Barefoot, chairman of Christian Enlistment. Entertainment at the banquet will be furnished by various youth of C y F and D S F. Hose Page Welch, a prominent Negro leader and linger within the brotherhood of Disciple., of Christ, will le>ad jin :<roup at the youth m-s , ' sion. Also singing Thursday night,, will be the full college chorus. More than 700 young people are exp<•ct^d to attt-nd the youth rolk.H, si/m of the State Convention. For hour.\ .dmost 200 weary freshman battli^d with faculty members. Registrar. Dt'-an. and Business Office as they completed their registration for the fall se mester. The larg«*.st freshman class in the history of the college — 14 more than iast year — went through the process which had al ready .«(ent 414 other students to bed. However, there was one con solation — they had completed that period of week-long orientation. Actually, orientation wasn't that bod! For by the time upperclass men arrived on Sunday. Septem ber 13. the freshmen were wtII- acquainted with each other and the campus. There had been a talent show which uncovered some “real gone” talent. There was a theater party at the Wilson 'Hieatre. and many other activities to fill the week. Anyway, by now everyone is feeling quite at home! And here's a bit of welcome from upperclassmen ~ “Blessings on thee, sweet souls! “May we find it in us to treat thee well!" On her first day at school the little girl wept when her playmate told her she would have to stay in school until she was,^ sixte<*n. “Don't worry,” the teacher com forted her, "you're lucky. I've got to *<t4iy here until I am sixty-five ’* Krli!' ficially 11. with Worship m He*v.ird C at U 50 I'hiR wei*k of en»ph.4'ii on (he xpiritiial r-de «*f life has b««*n plantuHl with the ji 'ipose i»f establi‘hmii j;^*r?ptH*tlvr the collegr v«‘ar- TTh* thfnu^ of ItE W'rvk will tc “Man In S«*:iri*h <»f Himself ' Tlie Rev Ik-veHy Asbury, minUlrr of the Kir>t Baptist Church of Zebu- ii»n. will Ih* the >piMk«T U>\ this (»--x<jn. Other auest.> who are to be on campus to ti*Msi with ev ening <llsruss)on‘> are Mis« Anne Queene. Mr Harry K Smith, .ind Mr. Alfrrd C. Payne. In ch Mr Asbury will '■peak on Man*? Kmptinesv ami Hi? Hun* ger lo bi‘ Filli'd, ’ Tin- Fi«« d(jm ami R‘ ^}xm>ibilily of Mimi. ‘ .md finally "nir Creative Fell'‘\^^hip m Christ.” Tlie activities for Ri*ligi«).i5 Em- I-))hasis Week will conclude on 'fhursday, Octuher 14. with .i can- dlelight Communion and Conserra- tinn Service at 8 00. At this time Ian invitation will be ext4*nded to I tho^e who wish to make thi Con* |fe»>slon of FaJth, re-consecrale th#lr ! lifr, or d<*djeate their life to u vo- (.tti«»n nf full time Christian •'erv- iicf. Froirini for the Week M<»mla\ Chapel 9 50 Faculty Tea 4 00 Discussion 7:00 Social Hour 8 00 Tuesday Chapel 9 00 Discussion 7:00 W«*dnesday C*hapel 9 50 Discussion 7 00 Thursday Chapi l 10 00 Discussion 7:00 Communion S«Tvicc 8 .00 CommUlees The people on the active com mittees for HE Week are: Programs: Peggy NichoUs, chairman, Annette Barefoot. Don ald Cox. and B. O. Campbell. Music: Peggy Ward, chairman, Eleanor Hatsell, Paul Crouch. Kay Guptoo. and £^ythe Fuller. Publicity; Tommie Williamson, chairman, David Blackwood. Sly- vla Allsbrook. and Helen Fay Todd. Discussion; Helen WWtty. chair man. Gerald Hill. Don Viv«rett« and Polly Stephenson. Chapel; Sigma Alpha Fraternity. Fhiwers: Sigma Tau Chi Sorority, Social Hour: Delta Sigma Soror> ity. Faculty Tea; Phi Sigma Tau Sorority. Hospitality: Mollie Hester. Bruc« Herndon. B. G. Campbell. Kenneth Rouse and I^averne Batten. <Qjntinued on Pa^e Six' Student Prexy Extends Greetings There are no more wonderful day.s for your pre.sident han these days of the fall when I have the 7palander onally and in group gathering.^, to welcome to <^e t^mpus 1>CW Z-Caianaer ■ur great clas.s of 1958 — who have come as freshmen, *nd to welcome back to the campus the advanced .stu- lent.s friendship means so verj' much. So let me “se he parlance of the Plains Country, which * fthSri ..„l to -.y: Hj.1. “ “veryone you meet as you move th P. ’ . •xception.s, please, not even if you have J ■ Hartsock’s quiz or lost your religi “"rr .''“."I I,*™,, »"•! '•■ason. Let's get to work on our pep ■>ongs ■low. and be ready to back the team. ... Third, let’s all iearn the Alma f y. We. the faculty, and the rmost Vgnif^ ■ellow worker^ with you in making thm I hri^tian I--'- ha ; ant vf-ar ;it Atlantic Welcome back to ACC tfi you u|»|)ercla.s«meii, and ] plain welcome to you new-comerB. You know it MCi'mK I that all I've been doing since Hchool .started is welcoming ' ptfople in one way or another, but it’s all been sincere. It’s really good to see on th(? campus fhip year .40 much falent, coupled with the which has becrf a main.stay .i^ince the first hour of freshman orientation. It looks like, from where 1 nit, that we’re really going lo have a fine year to reconl in the history of the college. WOULD Y(JU LIKK THAT???? Well, let’s make it a I»oint to do something about it. I know you’ve already met the other officers of the Kxecutive Hoard and f^ooperative Association, but all that was formal .stuff. They’re really pretty nice people. Suzanne Gill, the vice-president, is really t/;p«. In the capacity of treasurer she juggled figures for us last year and the year before that, and she got us bo far ahead the studentJi decided they wanted her for their vice-pr<isi- dent. and they couldn't have made a better choice. Rlena Lawler was new with u« thin past year, com ing from Vanderbilt, but she wrote well, and had a very To Speak At AC .Ni-w Zt.iland le&dtr. Principal A. I-. Iladdon. i>t »chcdul«l Uj ap pear at ACC OcVjber 20 in Uie morning chapel .^t-rvice. Mr. Had- don IS the delegate from New Zealand tij the A-sscmbly of the World roundl of Churches and ha* .served two terms as president of the New Zealand conference of the churchts -.f the Disciple.i of Christ. Before dt-ciding to become a minister. Mr. Haddon was In gov ernment in his native Auk- tralla. In 1916 he entered college to .study Bible and was ranked first In his rla' it Melbourne Uni versity. bt^^ff'iJliSrfinai^'t^mrgin'c^^ head on ‘•houldem speaking in every no^ sb the fou^r "f 'he Bible College. ‘ when elections rolled around last spring, there was P.lena Glen Leith .right on fop in the vote.“ for secretary. She’» done a .iwell In 1949 Mr Hadden visiu-d jn jpifc .jf her Boston accent, which at limes makes mt'whai difficult. Hut 've lovi- her, an«l mmcan t;hn><ian Chur- hev ‘"d | vr;,t award<-d an h<itK.f.iry !>► tor of Divmi'-. H'-"* '- ’>' •

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