P«jre Four THE COLLEGIATE NOVEMBER 19. 1954 A GLIMPSE OF THE PAST M«r^haU I’lrtr Knul t^44 — Krnfrou Jamr^ RrAty; J I*. ( harlotU- Thoma%. < hlrf. ilrirn T'^ndall: floHxrd Jamrii. f i- JOF HOLLIDAY 1942 I Mr. Jo€- Holliday would require I a book U) list any portion of hif achipvemcnt.v H« i' al Iht* pr*. M Prr?id<*nt of the S^'ntor Cl.tsx Su- I pcrvi»»>r of'thf- H t'\ .«n ■ Is pl<*icinR u -str jiiu hid : h a Ix rth •on Ihe fjr>r slrini^’ Hi t^«i5 b(^n outstanding in the ' fi-!d of Lit< ratur»». having recently written, directed and acted in a I r.Kil which was proM*'nu*d t<» iht' 5tu- I dent body and on the stage of the . theatre; (COLLEGIATE. • November 18 IMl- Old Maid'i» Club—Pine Knot 1910 — Officers: ( hief Old Maid. L<»s«ii#* Davln: Assistant Chief, (irace Lockliear. Motto: '*If al first }ou don't xuccred. try. try again. ' Flower: Kachelur Button. Time of Meeting: “When the Harvest Moon is Shining' Me#*ting Tlare: Courtin’ AHey, Miss Triss} . T;^rtha Klley — “My dinner in peace, if I but had '‘Srase.*’ Mis« Bossy. FZrsie Walker—“A fireside, a kettle: a home, and settle." Miss Precisy. Grace Lockliear— “Any man is nice, but 1 want Kice." Miss Hirty. Georgie Howard—“I tell you a fac’. I’ve g«»t t4» have “Zac.” ; .. r Q ■ ■ ‘a ••• ■'4*''^ 1 Physical Culture Class Pine Knot 1910 GlrU' Kaakrtball—Pine Knot Kffle Pridgen. ('apt«in; Callle Hltler«on: F*ther Bryant; Bettie High; Mattie Ler Sugg; Kub4*ll Sygg; Mora Hill; Nannie Peral Qulnnerlj ; Blanche Al- Irn; l/Oul«e Nabell. Manager; l>ovie C'obb. Letter To Editor November 18, 1941 After nearly three months of collefre life, it seems that college life 'ain't' what it is cracked up to be. The social lide, espefially, in bad shape. ... It aeems that .■wmethinu is lackinK. and something i.-'. It's dancing (as if you did not know), of course, it is a sin for boys and I jrirls to dance together at a Christian institution. Of' lourse, il'< not a !*in for Rirls *o dani-e with each other. Why, then; are bi'v, and ifirl.*- allowed to have classes to-, Kether. (■;«( tojrettier. date ti»Kether M times a month), and play pinif i)onjr together, . . DancinK would make t ampu.< life more enjoyable for all. and keep the students »I .K-hool ni(i4 <)i the week-end. . . . Thi.-- letter i.-i prob ably written ii vain; but "dancmv crushed t" earth .-ihall n.-e ;nr«in ” A< <■ ha.-* it.« fimt s»>vi' Ihf city of TiM*<»n in ArgrnU}..i Xv dt'^ign a cumpletcljr new campus f«>r me university iti that c)t> !n the of txiild- IU4 this new schoui. the top of a mountain rangr Irvelcd and the umversity built there Pr*gre«a Made Tbe Board oi Trustees and the Building Committee after wving IK* ir A >rk. ft *-; th.it Atlantic Chris-■ tian C'Uage h«> •rnpU>yed two of, I the fim 5t architi-ct: av .iilable toj work fc! the O’lU Ke The tvn> men in rec^Ai >>k& have reportcKi rapid progress in ineir overai! campus plan for the college Com'* pletJon of thetv plans is expected in the ne^r future HrighI Moore J » W alker. Oscar Mattox. Joe Swain K K u .t Sullivan. Srcond Row: Professor K. L Barham Haye* Parish ThirH i? * I rofessor G. K. Swarthout L,-rS.dlrr, I>, J,« . ( KichaTd Ba*"v Rairt \ S ^ » o na*D>. K»_lP>£h I.. Topping^John M. Waters, B. F. Oden. Students Visit Duke Homecoming at the Tirst ChrisUan Church on Sundit> mornifiS at 11:00 o'clock C'ommlUer Homecominu pUnr: werr under the direction of Mr. James K Fu;- gbum. over-all chairman and the following committeemen: Mr. G H. Swam. Mr Allan Sharp. Mr. James Hebbe, Mr. Jack McCom- as. Mr Ru-wll Arnold. Mj*» S B W..r- took part. This meeting wa^ followed by discussion groups for college chapters.