^THE COLLEC^IATIi; # VOL. XXV Library Grant f Made To College • Officials of Atlantic Christian College have been notififd thfit the *oiloge will receive a grant of $8,- MO from the Christian Board of Publication of St. Louis, Mo. The grant is to be used In a ftopped-up program of deveIot>- mcnt in the Hardy Library at the toUege, Dr. Wilbur H. Cratnblet, president of the Christian Board, announced. The ACC library was built in 1951. Since that time a program oI expansion of matenals in the library has been underway. The grant from the board is to l)e used tor study and other necessary ac tivities to enlarge and Improve the jrowing library. The Christian Board of Publica- ton is an agency of the Christian Church, which also supports the college. •We are very grateful that th“ board recogniz^ the task that we are trying to accomplish in our li brary,” Dr. Travis A. White, pres ident of the college, said today. "We have made a great deal of protjress in the last two or three years, and this grant will help us to continue the planned program to prepare our library for the de mand that will be placed upon it by our increasing student body." "ATLANTIC CHKLSTIAN C()I-1J-:C.H. DhXKMBKU 15. 1954. NUMBKK 3 G>llege Chorus A-ppears On TV KingwaJd’s "The Christmas Crib" was presented by the college cho rus under the di’ection of Profes- lor C. Lynn Brown, on WNCT-TV. Greenville. December 13, at 3:30 p. m. The story of the Nativity was carried out in music, words, and ar*. Russell Arnold and the art de partment co-operated with the mv- •ic department, presenting the Creche Nativity scene. The narra tion, by Kenneth Rouse, added to the program, which obswvers de clared was one of the most effec tive ever presented lj> the chorus.; Mollle iient^r, PInr Knot Quern of 1955 AC Soon To Gel R^ional Rank tMlKOIIIY MO/.lN(iO Another In th»* att imnwrn uf hi«h<‘r •ccrtnJiuthm for AtUntic Chrisitian O'Ucm* hiix bcin Utkrn Toward thts onu. Jjimnc Mndaiy Srh(K))s In Kciitut'kv. vombcr 2U-Drceml)cr 2 Dr. Ttmvix wii» unablr to attend t>)r miH»tinj( due to un m»T»:i‘ncy operoUon. ACC halt kxM*n «rcifrt f^how# thiit we now meet tlie mlR- imum ctandardjt f<»r rcgumal ae« crt'ditation. It nUo lUftfeiita that ACC will be regionally accreditt'd within a very few yeara aiKl po»> aibly uHthin one year. When this happens ACC will have the high- < .‘^t accreditation any college can pokseis Mollie Hester Is Crowned Pine Knot Queen ™ CYF Commission White Christmas, Uie music and art departments ' an loutstanding pro-ijQ Hold Meeting Themc Or Dance after such gram. Mollie Hester -enlor ch«ss of the PINE KNOT Yearbook at the Atlantic Chri.ut n? ’ r*'";:"'' ! High School, Mollie came to AC as On Decer-.ber 17 the ; Committei Ilk- North Carolina Wilson. i Christian Youth Fellowship Com- ihc theme of 'White Chri.itma*" — Christmas Mystery filled Howard I missi.,n •' i- bold iUi quarterly sParkling tr.vs flood.-d with bluehavin» iittond. d East Chapel on December 12, when the' ,,, wins!on-Salem ‘he table a Carolina her freshman year A. a mixed ensemble, assisted by mem-i — ^ * ,, -.u wreath at nne e rid of the student nhe bt-cnme very actlvt* In bers of Stage and Script, present-1 ^hi- meetu^ wiU beg^n with '''VS^^'the life of the college cam,m« as ed thin nniiciiai u/nrk hv Hnwarrf' suppcr oil Fridav Night. Decem- n uat of th( .st^KC. Jimmy , . . M K^nne“e soTct. of 1^11. and conclude on Decem- - work of h,-r .ic were Medieval. Accompanying ter 19. me place of met ttng will r h* ^ W Ca nd Id ate. for PINE KNOT hT^'v"’ Wurd at. the organ Directing was president of the N.irth Queen were intrfxiuced as they: ff Professor C. Lynn Brown. , • 'stepped through the wreath. Mol- ‘“''® Teachers of America. In 1»53 Mrs. Doris C. Holsworth staged, , . . , Hester of the PINE KNOT sUff. she became a member of Phi Slg- the program in the chapel, which There will !» ten present for the | crowned queen with Annie was decorated like a church with meeting. Among those from At-|Barm.‘» Kennedy of the Sophomore the angels coming down from hea-, (-hrigtlna who will atti-nd are‘class as runner-up. Other candi- .'Kenneth House, StaU- Associate organlzatiorfs they highly effective programi .. . . „ wvre^ . was different fl-om the ^ual pro gram presented here at Christmas, and it was well received by every one. After the musical program, all the Christmas gifts for the under privileged children were brought to the stage. This custom, carried out eve^ year at ACC, adds to the Christmas mood of charity and i.s always more of a blessing to the givers than to the receivers. ma Tou Sorority and waf also ini- Uat«l Into the Sigma I>1 Alpha na tional honorary language fraternl- president; Annette Barefoot, State , • , *>■■ chairman of ChrisUan Enlistment; ClallT’-^er Junior year she lerv- of CMs^i^n " ‘h' •«‘«tant bu.ine.. man- Mauers of l^^^ce to be dis-. ^ P'NE ^NOT. Bhe was cussed arc plans for Youth Week, WAA Cailir * cheerleader, a member of World Fellowship Youth Meets, and ■ Solenre tlnb — p»t Whii. I Soeial Committee, chaplain of the North Carolina Commission. sc^ - M.rtlTVrMt ™ Sigma Tau, a«i a member o camps and inference*. During the I Judge, for the contest were I """"en'. ensemble time of meeting the committee will/ifavor John Wr'l. maida, and Janitors (^•ruling Following the Christmas bamiuet Uie student, will gather In li.irper Hall lU-c rtxim to go caroling. This 1 group will (o U> the sanatorium, faculty homes, shut-ins, and th<* : hospitals. I Afterwards the students will re- ' turn to the dining hall, where thvy ' wljl be wrvi-d hfit chocolate and j cookie# and-wtiere they can "let I go" with more Chrlatma. .plrltl I All student, and faculty members are Invited to go. Yloooulis crowned the queen and Dr. White Sends Greetings Continued on Pagd Eight James Fulghum Mollie is also very active In th« i youth work of the Disciples of ; Christ and ha. dedicated her life j to the vocation of Chrlirtlan serv- i ice. At the present she 1. .ervlng I a. youth director at the Wilbanks Christian Church. Last year she These days of enforced rest and quiet amidst the Ra.icrna *meli of ether, the sight of umiling nurse.i in white, and J _ doctors whose attention bas reached far beyond the call ’ James E. Fuighum c«i of duty, have been days of reflection upon many thinKS jPubUc KelaUon.. ha^ announced i cnrutian worshio «r th» about life which are so often overlooked in the busy rush '{“* become effec. Carolina Christian Youth lave February 28. Mr, Fuighum has | ship C o m ml, .1 o n £.cJwl,“^' i resigned from his duUei here at! her actlvenes. and en- o r k she youth of of daily living. . . Nothing meant quite 80 much to me a.H your interef* 1 the coUege to work with the Coast-(thu.iasm in her » and concern. The host of cards, the beautiful flowers, ;ai Carolinian prcss-publishers of lha. repre.enled the you IB o, the enjoyable hours spent reading “The Tumult and The and of Christ at many the cordial visits (yep, of that Oje png we call | ^ AUantic Christian rtu- j attended ‘th?'‘''jntonaUoni?“cYF the Bulldogs, as well as others of you), and the many ex- :dcnt. Mr. Fuighum alw attended; Commission and the International pressions of friendship have sped me on the way to re-1 Newberry college. s<>u^ Carolina, Convenuon of uie ixtclples in Pott, covery. I am more grateful than I can expreiw to you, the iH* Caro-tiand Ore;;on. L;i.i fall *ht wmt student body and the faculty for all you have done. h.^ he 5.1 ; Ncif‘V""k'f, "llTet^fuSMve of My activity prior to the holidays is going to be quite ed state. Navy and wr>rked for ACC. Her trip to the IntemaUon.-il circumscribed, so may I -take this means of wishing for five yiars with the wii^m daily Convention in Miami, Fkjrida. was each of you a wonderful Christmas season, with all ; Wilson Company Gives Flag Covers ' The Wilson Manufacturing Com- Ipany presented to the Veterans' I Club of AUantic Christian a set 'Of flag covers, which will be uMid I to cover the United State, flag and the college standard. ' Mr J. S. Mcxir of Uu- WilMci Manufacturing Oimpany (M-eMmted ;the flag c*m-r. to Darrell Huffman land A.hton Wlggs, reprcsentaUvo* I of the club. I The fl.ms were prewnt<-d to th<- 'college by the Elks Club. Dr. Mll- I lard fJurt turned th<-, flags over (o I the Veterans' Club to insure pro- ! per care and handling. The Vet- 'eran.' Club will rcpres<‘nt the col- ' lege with these flags In parades ; and formal ceremonies. I The flag covers will be used to j Insure proper covering for the flags. Il WlSIimK ‘VI . - . with all the I times as city ediUir and one year , another facUjr which ba. add<-d to ’ j a. sports editor. He came to AC j t»rr b^iok of memorim. rt,r. . Trio iirtiT'TC' ■ ^ , ! MolII*. having maJor<-d in English TRAvIa Wrlllli I His soeccsKir will be arinounced and religion, will be a of This is the book presented Dr. White by the student body. I in February the graduaUng el.» m May. joys and blessings it brings. Spicer To Give Program Feb. 18 Karl Spicer, popular ballad .Ing- (■r. Is Sfhi-duU-d U) appear here ;ln a chapel program February ID Sponsored by the Concert Commit- ; tee, the program i. open free of ConlLoued on Page Eight