SKPTEMBKU, 1955 THE C O L L K G I A T K I’liKP Thrt'e r V “Whi'n you >rot too old to play, sit back aiul toll th< younjrsters how to ilo it.” That may not always be true, but when you star thumbinK throujrh the hiirh .■tchool coachinjt ranks you are apt to find quite a few former kV athletes. These men have earned the rijjht to lose their hair early, put on a little Weight and iret ulcers: they're the "top kicks of their outfit.” A few people around here miirht recoirnize some of the names, so we’ll delve into the alumni records and see who we come up with. Kelly Kyrum. ’."il, is at W' Kdjfecombe: Jim I’eeb- le.s, ’55, is Ueynolds Hijfh in Winston-Salem; Sparky Mc- Caakell. ’50, Scotland Neck; Jay Clark, ’.">‘2, Mullens. S. C.. I’at Patterson. ’50, Rocky Mount; J. I). Thorne, '-li), ^uth F'djrecombe; Jim Brown, ’19. Dunn; and Zero Holi day, '51, Plymouth. Koy Brown, '18, Smithfield; Wade Stephenson, ’51, and Harold Bain, ’50, Selma; Brantley Aycock. '50, Sara toga; Cherle.s Hester, '51, Wakelon; Leroy Pittman, ’53. Grantham; Onnie Cockrell, '47, Hock Uidire; (JeorKe Spir- tos, ’51, Corinth-Holder; and Howard Chapin, ’49, Bel- haven. We don’t mean to slijrht anyone, but it would he al most impossible to name all of those who have made (jood after leaving AC. Offlcrr^ of Ihr Momrn'ii Krrrration AinM-UUiin, rradini Irfl lii rl*hl: .Kmircl \nn I ilH«rd>. JoycT JoncH. Olllr ('uddlnston. S(«ndtnff—MU» Tumllniidn. Spotikor, l.ovlu t'rrrrh l*rr*ldriit and Shlrlpy 1‘arkrr. . • — There is a big chunk of "something mis.sing” around here between baseball .season and basketball’s opening drills. That “something” is football, and most of us those Saturday encounters when suposedly intelligent col lege men bang heads and break bones for a couple of hours. But that lack of football makes two or three fold the importance of an interest in basketball on the AC(’ cam pus. The gym doors have almost had to be locked to keep some of the eager sharpshooters out. And if you stand around and talk long enough, the conversation will drift onto ba.sketball. It’s worth suffering through football season when you can look forward to the Bulldogs’ court warfare. Jack Underwood, who, in the, has plagued AC with his basketball prowess, has enrolled at NC State. Underwood, as many of you may remember, was one o( the flashy "Crusaders” from Belmont Abbey College. When marriage interrupted his college days at the west ern North Carolina in.stitute. he decided to come east anil join Everette’s pack of wolves. We may hear from him again, but he has done his bit of damage against the Bulldogs. Women’s Athletics Under New Program The VVomrn'f Rocrpation Asso ciation , which was Iho Women’s Athletic Association until this year, has mado some chanitos in its (tro* gram Thr name, the handlxM>k, and the point system are entirely new this year. The new handlxK>k5 Include pic ture's. the constitution, the punM>se of the oriJanlzation, and an Indi vidual record for fcoring points. Tlie WHA will welcome new memlxT.s at the next meeting. i{aridlxx>ks will lx» given out then. A Weiner roast will Ik* giv lyball, which is the hrst intramural s|x>rt on the schedule, will start > OcUiber 10. \ The gymnasium will be opi*n (or (practice each night from 6 00 un til 7 00. Any Individual or any team . may get toK« ther for a practice session at this time. * The WHA wishes you a success ful year of fun and relaxation through the si>orts of its Intramural program. An intramural projrram should play an important part in the colle^rt* life of both men and women here at AC. This year's intramural proj^ram is biKK^i* than ever, and it is hoped that more people than ever will partici pate. Whether your team be a dorm team, a fraternity team, a sorority team, or a town team, you should take part. Gymnasium To Be Remodeled The gymnasium is undergoing a complete remodeling. The whole inside has been torn out and a new arrangement is be ing set up. The new arrangement will include visiting team quarters with separate shower area, a room ior basketball officials with sepa rate shower area, an equipment room for intramural and intercol legiate athletics, a training room, and a new setup for k>cker baskets that will serve both girb and boy? inphysical education classes The of flees will be set up in the basement for the instructors in physical edi> cation. Mr Cloyd. fyhysical c*ducation director, has bi*en working aU summer making the change to meet the needs in the physical edu cation and athletic program.s. Mr. j Cloyd said. “The new setup will be more convenient and much nicer , than wiiat we had. I think it will , po*?sibly fill our needs at the pre- jsent time.” The basement is being water proofed. The gymnasium was iwt i waterproofed when it was built some twenty years ago. In order ! to stop water from running In. a trench has to be dug around the ^ outside, two feet wide and eight ' feet deep. The outside wall was plastered and then a heavy coat' : ing of tar followed the plastering. ilie Improvement*^ on the gym are being done at a cost of $10,000 The plumbing is being done by High's Plumbing Co. Whitley Elec trical Company is doing the elec- Harper Hall Elects Domitory Officers The Women'j* I>»rmitf>ry Coun cil has eleqtc^d the following mem bers to .serve for the following year: Pre.Mdent Margie Blin.son Vice-president Lovia Creerh S<*cretary Mary Kva Griffin Treasurer Shirley Parker Hall proctors ^i4•tty Cummings. Ann IJeamon. Ik*tty Hrltt IVr- Kin«, Peggy Murphy, Dot >Jewinan, Mary I^u I^e. ami Ii«*tty Barbee Advisers are Miss Ward and Miss Sammon Phi Delta Gamma Compliments of WVOT All College Students Welcome TWEETIES’S Two former members of Phi D<-lta Gamma, Tommy Godwin aiKi' James McPhail, have returned to the fraternity and to the ACC ca- pus aft<*r a i>erlod In the armed services. Mr. Gus Constantine, an alumnus of the fraternity , is rum j serving m a memtx*r of the col-, lege faculty. 5>i'veral imprcA^e- ments, amro IS doing the out.^ide waterpnx>ftng. The college peirsonnel is doing the cfmstruction work insidf*. Future Teachers Plan Meetings Koll<»wing is a tentative schedule of meetings for thr Future Tea- rhiTs of Ainmcr^ ehapl«T of A('C* Si'ptemUT (W-toUr 17. Novem- l>er 14, l>*celK*r 5. January 9. ruary 6. March 5. April tf. and Mnv 7. The district convention will b<* held ()<-tolHr 21 in (JnMiivlllr, thr fall convention. Nmrmlxr 12 in Gre<*nl>ore Tlie state convention is schtHliiled fi*r Marc h 22 . 23. and 24 m Ash«‘vii)t' All campus me-tings will Ix* held 6 15 p. m. 'n»e Future Trnchers As>4K-uition Is a i’lub f'U pr. :.j>« rttvr teat hiTr and has as its puriKisi* f(»ster ing of pr<»/i-.HMon.*l lnt< rrst and pridf. Programs oft«n fraturc i»nimlnent •* aixl Mus Sariih Hain Ward intr«iduej*d th« m to the rtcejvinji line Hireivmg ;Were mernlxirs of the administra* tifm and their wive= and heads of the dejwrtments. Th<* r<*fr«‘\hment tabU* was cen tered with an arrangement of fall flowers flank<*d by five-l>ranch can delabra holding yellow ta|x*rs. At one t*nd Mrs. [>>ris Holswt>rth pre- sidt-d '4i the punch txiwl and Mrs Perry Case aiKl Mrs. N«x*l (‘arr .servj-d from the sllvcv platt<*r at tht opIKMlte end of th«* table. Other members of the faculty assisttd In serving. After thi* recepUon the students gathen*d in t^ie dining hall for dancing- Mrs. William Holes was in charge of the dance Sigma Tau Chi Memb€*r» of Stgma Tau Chi SoHirity sjxnt three days at Wrightsvilh' Heach last June were aecompanu*d by Miss «•. Tl|i*y : I hydU Women’s Intramurals ' Women'.'. Intramural simitj. on the cumpu* this year arc under the direi'tion of stiMlent s(M>rt» heads. (i>d3vuiual ^tmients wlU plan aitd organise the .,;hedule^ for each s|x»rt Those in charge of intra mural s|>orls are Ik'tsy Kveiett*' voll(*ylNill Joyce Jones ping iw»ng Mamie Davis basketUilI Kvelyn Yionoulls tennis Jutly ('le.-kmore badminton Shirley J^Mjj.e *<»ftli.ill All girlfc should participate in the intramural programl Uils ‘M pnv gram aim.s to ifive fon aixl r«*lax- ation to Uie student. Ability it not ne<*e;.r...ry for {Mirtic'ipatiiig In th*w s|x)it.* Memlxr.H «*f Uw Women’s Ke<’ieution As.sociation gain points. Chanfe In Gym ' 'n»r basement of the gymnasium has lx><‘n reniivali'd. When com pleted, It will be a murh nicer and better place Ut w<»rk and play. Tile basket system of ItM'kers has also Ix-i-n set up this year. Tliere will Ik* a ci-ntral equip ment ro<»m which contains all s|M>rts equipment for Ixtys and girl and tifwels Any g>m suits are is> MM-d each day. 'I'he physical education rts> manshlp. Sigma Alpha .HKiMA AI.IMIA Sigma Alpha had its first meet ing of Uie year on M«»nday, S- temlxT IV 'Hie officers for the year are President F.irl Huices Vice President J D. W(Krten Sie s|x>ns4»r for the year is Mr. Tom Kvaul, S«*veral old memlx*rs. Georgr Willoughby, Hill ('hestnut, and J H Mcl«nugh<«n have rejoin ed the frati-rnity. James. Me«-tings ft>r this ye;ir will held (tn Tu<*sdays. with the first rneeUng of tiie year Ix-inK held S<-ptemb< r 2f) Ciloria H^iss Is this year’s president Film in by 12:30 P, M. Ready at 5:30 P. M, VALLY and ELLIS Second Door From Post Office YOU! C4IARL€S sms MifvfNTioM wscK Ocroata s-