THK €OLLI<:uonce his decision. Monday, December 5, each so rority president or her delegated representative brought a list of their prospective pledges and their bids to the office of the Dean of Students at 1:00 p.m. This proce dure was also followed by the fra ternities later at 3:00 p.m. Traininit Program For the remainder of the fall semester, from the time of pIcdK- ing until the end of the semester, each fraternity or sorority will carry out a pledge training pro gram which will require a weekly meeting under the direction of a designated "pledge master." Each pledge group will elect a “pledge captain” to act as an official spokesman. This pledge training program will be designed to in still loyalty to the college and to the fraternity or sorority, instruct social behavior, etiquette, forma tion of study habits, and such other matters as may be pertinent. All activities of the pledge train ing program will be confined to the campus and any form of j*ysi- cal punishment is forbidden then, or at all other times. Tlie final training program meet ing will be designated as pledge examination night, at which time a report of individual activities and projects will be made in each fra ternity or sorority. At any time after the spring semester begln.i, a pledge may be initiated when he Is acceptable to! the fraternity or sorority, and is i in good standing with the college. ' Thi.s initiation will be a formal and dignified procedure. Youth Convention Held In Raleigh By GWE.V STA.VLEY The Youth Work in North Car-: oliBa added another activity to its! program when the first state youth conventton met In Raleigh at HiU-| yar Memorial Christian Church.: This convention. December 2. 3,' was for Christian Youth Fellpw-1 ship and Disciples Student Fellow-, ship ago groups. One of the principal speakers! was Newtjjn Fowler. Mr. Fowler, Kpoke on Friday evening and' taught ‘Classo.s in social action to' DSF group.s Saturday. Miss Colen' Coleman of Santa Anna, Callforn-; la, the president of the Interna-1 tlonal Cbristi.'in Youth Fellowship, was presfiit. During the convent!^ she kept her typewriter going' writing articles for Vision, and she i also taught a class. Miss Guln' Ream, the editor of “Vision,” a i weekly youth magazine, attended. I Miss Ream led the installation I services at tho close of the con vention Saturday. The convention formally opened at 4:00 Friday with the beginlng session presided over l>y Kenneth Rouse of ACC. TTje theme for this [ convcotion was “No Hands But! Ours.” niat same evening the ACC women’s ensemble sang, un der the direction of Prof. Lynn Brown. Rev. George E. Downey recofnlzcd the life recruit* for tha work ol God, and all religion maj ors knelt for a cloeing service. Saturday’s session opeped with a song fest followed by a very en- ^■nainin;; mission play. Mr. Jim my Darii. I of ACC gave a short talk on the persooality one created Annette Barefoot Is Crowned Pine Knot Queen Student Gifts Bring Cheer Rr HAIJJE JOE GRUT-IN "What! It can't be C^hristmas again!” If you don't believe it, and if you haven't already got the spir it, Just take a peep into Miss Ward’s office. When you see the colorful packages piled knee-deep around the TV set there, you Just can't help getting into the spirit of the season. For thirty-two years Atlantic Christian College has helped to bring cheer to children who would otherwise have a cheerless Christ mas. This year AC students will bring joy into the lives of ISO un derprivileged children. Miss Patty Ruffin of the City Recreation Department and the Jaycees are sponsoring the proj ect. Mlsi Ward is aided by the Men's and Women’s Dormitory Councils here on the campus. The gifts are to be presented in Howard Chapel Sunday afternoon at the time of the Christmas music. A child’s conception of Christ mas is truly a beautiful one, and AC students should be thankful that in some small way they can help some child maintain his Christmas outlook. After all. the true spirit of Chritmas is in giv ing—giving not only material gifts, but k>ve and joy as well. Continued on Page Six Carolers To Visit City Tonight Students of Atlantic Christian will meet in the recreation room of Harper Hall, Hiursday night at 7:30 for a caroling trip over the city. The hospitals, the tuberculosis sanitorium, the home for the aged, and the home* of faculty members are places which will be visited. Upon the return of the caroler*, re freshment* will be *erved In the dining hall. This will be followed by parties in the dormitories. Refreshment* and stunts will be the main fea tures of the parties. Christmas Dance Features Figure Highlighting th<- annual mas dance, which was held at the Wilson Country Club Deci-mlx-r 12, was the crowning of Annette Bare foot of Dunn as PINE KNOT Qu<-en for the year 1955-S8. Chosen as her attendant.s were Gloria Hass of | Wilson and Jean Craft of Pinet«>i>». After the announcement of the queen was made, Annette took her, stand above the other member* of' the figure. Fourteen of the girls foj-mod a circle around her and spi-lled out Merry Christmas. Kenneth Rouse wa* Master of. Ceremonies and music was ^Jr nishcd by Joe Horton and his band, the Mixierns. ^ The Country Club was beautifully [ decorated in accord with t h i Christmas season. Refreshments | were served from a long table at' the end of the ball room. Members: of the queen’s court wore white and red formats, ! Candidate for Pine Knot Queen! and their escort* were Joan Ed-! wards and Richard Zlglar, Emily Moore and Carol Weaver, Annette Barefoot and Ed Ward, Kathryn Butt and Ronald Taylor, Mary 13- len Corbett and Ralph Kennedy Verna Lou Barnes and Thad Priv- atte. Sue Foster and George Jones, Edna Jane Westbrook, and Bill Stott, Hazel Henderson and Tom my Willis, Sallle Joe Griffin and Jim Matthews, Marjorie Trott and Charles Hutchins, Gloria Bass and Littlejohn Faulkner, Jean Craft and Jim Burnette. Others in the figure were Mamie Davis and H. C. Hilliard, Sylvia All*brook and Charle* Hester. Margie Blinson and Ralph Gray, Mary Hadge and David Black wood, Dot Anderson and Hughes Dillard, Pauline Salter and Robert Overcaih, Evelyn Vionouli* and Charles Jones, Ernestine Mozlng" and Earl Hughes, Judy Creekmore and Charle* Waller, Shirley Park er and Norwood William*, Sharon Hazelrlgg and Darrell Huffman. June Young and LeRoy Batt*, Lin da Lee and Tommy William*n»'>rc musJr presantatlon. . Sunday afterooua. December 11th. The Chorus. In giv ing Its best (K-rformanre of tbe year, was grretixl by a warm and responsive audience in the attrao- tiveiy di-eoratcd ehaiiel. n»e urogram licgan with the Women a Eiisi-mlilr singing a 'Christmas Cantata’’ by Lurlieck. nic Miloisls wen- IXiris Ann WUi- free, soprano, and Sue H r o c k, .^opram> ITiey were accompanied by James ilarrU, Clarinet. Harry . ^akus. flute, and Ixh* Howard, pianist. Kulliiwing this. Paul Crouch and Mr. Howard ixTformed some ’'Pn>- li»di*.< on Christmas H.vmns,'* by Van Hulse. Paul, a litt5 graduate ■ of AUuntic CUirtfttiun, sang three chant.i with each one followed by I Mr Howard piaymg the melixly on the organ. ’Hiese chants wire. . "O Come. Immanuel. Siaviour Nutlim*,’’ “Cotne Christians,’’ and -Sing Out With l-:xulUittiin” ’Thft Christmas gifts fur the un- drri>rivlli«ixt ihil«irin of Wilson were then prekcnti'd. ’Hirse gifts were jHirrhax-d by the studrnts for di.stributlt4i l)y ono of the City civic organizatuuis. The entire, aevi-nty-five voles chorus thru unng the Itaeh Canta ta, "For U* A Child Is Born,” Paul Crouch Uking the baritone sojon and Mr. llimard acompaning at the piano. Tlie entire program was under the direction of Professor C l.ynn Drown. Training Program Schedule Given For the seiond year officer* of campus orgunirations may attend a leadership Training Program. Kenneth Rouse and Dr. Cutlip dnrw up the program and pres<-nted It to the Kxecutive Hoard. Hic pro gram was approved by the board, and Dr. Cutlip .ind Kenneth start., i-d work on a .-ci hedule. Tills is the schedule which is to Ix’ followed by the training pro gram: November 21, 9:50 a m , Organlzu- tion Mwting — Dr. Cutlip. December 5, 9:50 a.m., Pariimen- tary Prix-edure - Dr. Hartsock, H. C. Hilliard. Deeemb<-r 13, 8:00 p m., Pnrlimen- tary Prooi'dure — Dr. Hartsock, H. C. Hilliard. January 9, 9 iO a.m.. How to Sub mit Kx|K'nditure* — Mr. Swain, Chari<-s Hester. January 10. 8.00 p.m.. Hiw t-i Take Minutes — Mr. Swain, Charle* Hester. January 17, 8:00 p.m.. How to Get Commltt4'e.i Ui Work — Mr. Rid er, Sylvia Allsbnx>k. Feliniary 8. 9;i0 a.m., Helation- ihlp of Campus org. to Executive Board — Miss Ward, Mamie Davl*. February 7, 8:00 p.m.. How to Coiv- duct Election* — Mr. Ca|ip«, J. D. Wooti'n. February 14, 8:00 p m., Philosofihy of Student Government - Mr. Rider, Mr. Capps, J. D. Wooten. Ken Rouse. February 20, 9:50 a.m., Phllo»<^^ of Student Government Rider, Mr. Capps, J. D. Wooten, Ken Rouse. (All meetings are to be held in itoward Chapel.) Mrs. M. Hughey To Head Alumni New officer* of the Atlantic Christian Alumni Association were elected It the busines* *essiun ot the alumni at the annual boms- coming Nwember 19. Elected to serve a* president for the coming year is Mr. Miles Hughey of Ra leigh. Warren B<>nd, Qm City, i* tha new vice-president; Kelly Br- rtrni of Wilson, treasurer; and Mr*. Alen Iteel Parrish of Wetv dell, secretary. Mr*. Hughn, Joseph Ik>llday. pa»t-pre