The Colli<: iation. The me^ng will open on Pri- ly night. May 10, a ^nquet the Hotel Cherry and will close 1 Saturday with a luncheon on t Atlantic Christian College cam- All business sessions of the meet^ g will be held in the new* class- building here at the college, was announced. Mrs. Elizabeth G, Swindell, Pub- ‘sher of the Wilson Daily Times ncl James E. Fulghum, Director f Special Activities at Atlantic jistian, were named program hairmen of the met*Un«. Members of the board of direc- zvy who attended the planning locling March 8 other than Fut- ( II were William C. Manninn. Jr.. Williamston, and David J. V^^ich- rd. Ill, GTcenville, vice-president; "ayon Parker, AhosKie, secretary and treasurer, and Cktus Brock “•f Mount Olive, past president of e association. Ft. Worth Honors Dr. M. E. Sadler, Alumnus Of ACC Polio Vaccine Available At AC In cooperation with the National Ffnjnd^tion for Infantile Paralysis and Schools and Colleges across (From Thr **.^lumni A former student of Atlantic Christian Coilvge was honottnl by his community recently as Its out standing citizen. Fort Worth, Texiis, conferred the honor on Dr. M. E. Sadler, prwi- dent of Texas Christian University. Dr. Sadler was presented the hon or as Fort Worth’s outstanding cit izen of 1956. by the Fort Worth Exchange Club. A native North Carolinian, Dr Sadler has become one of the na- tion's outstanding educators. }l< has ser\*i'd for 16 years as presi dent of Texas Christian University Dr. Sadler served as presidcfit of the Association of American Colleges in 19S2. He former^ was a member of the commission on higher education and the commit* tw standards and reports of th- Southern Association of Colleges The “Pine Knot.*’ the camptix and Secondary Schools. vearU>ok, in alm'"it ron>[)leti*d FxJ He was president of the Inter- Ward reeently anmninrcd that most national Convention of Dirciplcs of of the pnnif is alroady at the prin- Christ in 1944 and 1945. At the founding conference u r Blackwood, Willit, Allsbrook Nominated IMc'turrd above dolnc fiomr U«t minute work on thr Knot” arc I'harlm Hutehin«, l>uMy IthcKlrH, rdltor Kd Ward, and Johnny Krownins. The trntative date fur Ihi* rrlraKr of thr reartxiuk U May 11. Pine Knot Is Almost Completed in Cleveland of the National Council of Churches of Christ In the U.S.A . Dr. Sadler wtis named vice-presi dent, a post he held in 1951 and Me wa.-? the first pre.'^ident of the Toxa.K State Council of Churches when it w:-' or>{anu;*d m li»53. The Nationiil Conference of Chria- ter.K. Ed ha?; workinK all year as ’ Pine Knot’* editor and L‘Xp»*<*ti* to complete* his Job in an other ut*ik <»r two, Ed. who i.H fr(»m Wi!liftm: duties as editor of the "Pme Knot," Ed has also been v- r-y active in the Scirhci* Club tians and Jews, of which Dr. Sad-. i*nd Phi Kajipa Alpha Fraternity. H® -= tvchI as U>th pre.«»ident .ind ■-prvsident of the Science Club »i»d was la;v<*olio vw'Cine to all students under 21 who present a permit signed , by parent or guardian. Johnston wua rcw>r* The vaccine will Ik? given at the dinator n?,4»ri*d by thr Junior Wo- I men'.'t Club. 'Hie show was a fund raising projfvt for Atlantic Chris tian College. Mr«. Janri T. wa- listed in the News and Observer March 10. as one of the b<‘.nt dress«'d wo men in Nlina. Mrs. Boles WHS the only woman list<*d from I Wibon Three ouUUnding Juniort hav« lKt*n nominated by the exectJUvr board for the office of prestdeat of the Student Co-o|»rr;iUvv A»»<>* elation for next year Sylvia AU*- brtK^. Tommy WUlls. and David Blackwood are the ooe* the Mu- I dents will l»e eh(«»<»tng from In the I near cIkUoos. Tt» Ik* eligible f*»r this offliv a ' »tud(«)t must have a 1 5 quality |)i»int averaite ai»d \n' a meml>er 1 of the Jum«ir cla»*. In addition to those named by the rxi*cuUve board any uuahfled student may ' be nominated by |>ctition. I Sylvia Allsbroi>k has bm-n »ec* I retary of t!»e t'm ScoUami N«*<’k. is als<» an ardent fan of ACX^'s basketball and tennis tc«ms- She in a mcm- iHT of the Goklen Knot H<»nor So ciety and i> iw»»t, pr« •t ilt, and fu ture president <»f the Hilly Wid- iivim Fan Club This charming voung Jady should icet the AOC. niale vi>te of a)>f>n»val at least. (Kway. N.C., a woll-knuwii resort ■ —■ ] (,n the f Tom- Knot Honor Society. I n»y WlUis. Ttiat is the reason It It . ^ I , 1.1 Ws well known. Tommv U a n»em- He i;atn«>d exjuTlence for his , ,, i>».i rrut<*rn(tv *ira|ihy iKliUir lant yiar. idirecUtr of intramurals He is aUo _ I «n arllve linrtleijianl m the inlra- print* I* on pn»gram as well as tho dl- .f >onie nol«’ All <’(»py exee|>t th tion was .sent to the February 16. The }i)K)rts st'Ctlon was sent in imm«*d»al4*'y after the N'>rth State Conference tourney. Tentative djte for tiu* ‘Pinr Kni»f' to come out is May 17. Other stiKient.s on the staff Uiit year have kHM*n; J*»hnny Brown- um. a.n.KjH iaU- edittJi . PegK> Ml!- rhell, art »*ditor; Dusty Ilhodcs, Charles Mutchlns. ('l.oide AnllKmy. Wjlma Hairr. I>Hiise Duman, Ju liet Hanks. (\»rolyn Mi!r . and Alli e People In The News Continued on Page Four < >lr. and .Mm. J. Iloward. and Ml. and Mm. Milton Adama. iVfth of thene families recently welcom- rector A thespian also, he was last uren In the one act play, “llle." by K^ume O'Neil. D.ivitl Blackwood. erstwhll# SroUhmun. is a meniU*r o( l*hl Ka|>j»a Aljrfia frateniity aod is a r»‘li)i»on Uv ij a presi dent of the Student Christian Aa- soclation rtiKi U*i n very ictlvo in religious, social, and academic orcles on campus. He ««tvrd Uw WaUT's Cup last June f«»r contri buting Uu- nvix Hlll> and .iImi a ru«n»l»lcm» finding employ- Tch-ijbone and Tc le*rai>h Co., Wa- man for the rebellious sailors. Effective in minor roles i ment after r„m«>uun* thoir coiirgc | were Tony Baker, Kenneth Roberta, and Bill Boswell. The smooth pace and intelligent direction were a triumph for Director Ted Hubert, student-assi.stant in the work of the drama group on campus. i The second play, Quare Medicine, was chosen to hon or its author, Paul Green, native North Carolinian. Giving an outstanding performance as the "medicine man” wa.n Sandy Peele. Sam Bundy, Jr., Wilma Hairr, and Becky Skinner interpreted with humor and understanding the. folk-characters, and Douglas Hunter made an entertiiin- ing debut on the college-stage as a tobacco-chewing dirt- farmer. This play was capably directed by Delton Glover, president of Stage and Script. . . , The unusual feature of the evening s program was the very old Japanese comedy, chosen by Stoge ana Script to celebrate International Theater Month. This light, highly .stylized farce, entitled Abstraction, was playecl with grace and cliarm by Ralph Messick in the leading role. His “furious” wife. Mary Alice Howard, and his con niving friend, Roney Bunn, added humor and pictorial appeal in their colorful garb. The song sung by Ralph Messick was compo.sed for the occasion by .’wr. Cobb; and Kaoru Nonaka provided authentic costumes, and some coaching on pronunciation of Claude Anthony directed this play m a sensitive ^a""er^ which caught the light, poetic cham of I Two of these plays, He and Abstraction, wiU be pre^ , anted again in Goldsboro at the end of March the Eas^, em Carolina Regional Drama f^tivaL The plays were under the general supervision of Mrs. Holsworth. I Continued im I’hrp F"oiir / \ \ MarineOfficerTo Be On Campus CaptJiln Charles B. Redman, U. S. Marine Corps procurement offl- r<*r will be on our c u m p u t March 25 - 26. I 'aptain Kedman. w4)ose headouar- iers Is In Kalelgh will interview Freshmen, Soph omores. and Jun ior! for tuc<^U ance in the Ma rine Corps 'PIX^* program. Sen iors ire eliglblo ('apt. ('. B. Kedman to enroll Jn the t^flcer candidate program. Be»et with moans and groans from the en terprising "OMleglateii'* to wCwmip up another. Whi^ is, of c Uui library coUectkit) in the past week u>r is U three days) have the first two volumes of Winston frhurchlll's lliutory of the Kjastlsh Hpesklnc People and EHck Bam«a* Biography of hidward 8h«*ldon Tb« .Man Who IJved Twice. Tjis is not the 6h<’ldrm of In ilU Htepa but rather the story of « man wtio played an important part la t2io dev^ipment of American dramA* AddiUooal items of nolt: Gifted Continued on Pag« Four