VOL XXVII ATLANTIC CHKISTIAN CUl-l.KliK. APRIL 17. l'J67. Nl MHKR n BLACKWOOD IS ELECTED ACC Dietitian Seniors Planning Two Students loves To Cook Varied Careers Leave School fraking a few miisutes out from making those tasty blueberry muf- Sr: to talk a little while was Mrs. 0^ivid Gray, college dietitian. Mrs. Otay has served as dietitian for 0CC since January of last year. ilrcne Tyndall, sL^ter of Dr. J. p. TyndaU. was born and rais^ in Jones County. She attended ^hools in Trenton, where she was llietitian for ten years. In 1936 she SiarritKi David Gray, a Jom*s Coun native. The Grays have three Ickildron. J. W.. 20. Rose Ann. 19. Bobby, 18. The two older ones are married, but Bobby is a sen* Dr at Charles L. Coon High School. Grays are looking forward to J. W.’s return from Germany the of April. lOn her days off. Mrs. Gray en- -ys wtjrking in the yard at home, tr <ngely enough she also likes to x)k in her own kitchen when sh*' not cooking at AC. She thinks it the students at AC are mighty Lee and enjoys planning meals r them. Mrs. Gray says that .^h< iiows she can not please every one all the time, but she hopes please everyone at sometime. By GWE^' STANLEY Graduation time Is here again. Come JuM 2. ACC‘s seniors will be leaving the cozy confmes of th«‘ , campus and face the cruel, cruel world. ^ A spot check among the seniors reveals that they will be going to many different places ar^ doing a numkHT of different things after graduation. Here are what some sav their plans arc: Mrs. Perry <DotJ Moore: “I‘m Koi^ to teach in elementary edu cation. It will probably be in North Carolina, af c! to ACC as I can get. Jodie T Strickland; ' I am g«>- ing back in the Navy.’* ' Margan*t Turkrr **Tfarh school; businr cour; I^’slle Wilkins: “Continue my education at C.O.B., in Lexington Ki ru NVmaka- "I just rt‘r«*ivi*<i a jotter from the United Nations: I misht go to graduate m huol. I like this place so much W ike home.'* Ann Edwards; 'Teach some- ojBtj uo p.^nunuo3 Hf ART niSHOP There are two men of our stu* dent body that have bt^en absent from our campus for quite somr time. Jay Prillaman and John Stage And Script Beats Willis By To Do “The Lark” Big Vote Margin By JO ANN R1VIWB\RK llrcently elects! Prrsklent ot whom ! am referrfhg. As many j already know. Jay was Injured In d shooting accident the latter part of February After siwndmg alxnit ten days in the hospital. Jay went home with hi^t parcmts to Hocsville. I Illinois, where he if now gaining, hw strength b;tck. | John Bnmning't lung collapsed a fevk w« cks ago whik* hr was | visiting some friend.s in William-1 .>tton. Hr stayt*d nearly two wrek^ ^ in Duke University recovering from this illness At the prrs<*nt time John ir recuperating at his , , home m Il:»lelgh TTiis m^wspaiH-r. as woll as the , entire stadont l«<jdv of our c.tm- p«:.s. mls^i<‘H those fine fell«>ws. Not are they mis.ss*d here at sehtM)l but iUi» in the churches where they prv !^»th Jay uiwi John ar«* student.* and fine friends. We are now anxl»Hi.ily awaiting the . return of these two studefits to i our camp^is. 3iiiiauaiii DAVID ilLA( KWOOn Here we have some of the playern in I*hl Kap's recent mu'ileal. Phi Kappa Alpha Musical Is Great Success By CILVRLKS SHIRLEY On Wednesday, April 10. at 7:15 p.m. in Howard Chapel. Sigma Tau Chi sorority and Phi Kaw>a Alpha fraternity presented a re peat performance of their musical show “Broadway Highlights." Th<? musical was directed by Mr, Gerre Barnes, dance instructor here at ACC and sponsor of Phi Kappa Al pha fraternity. Given at an : nrlier date. Friday. March 22, the musi cal was again pn vnted by pc>p«i' lar request. Two new musical num- ber.s, along with y v‘.*ral m v* skits, were added to the second presen tation. The musical was the first of four similar proKra/ns scheduled for the remaining semester. Mrs. Louise Speight, diiertor of the Bohunk. earlier initiated the idea of having the four local fraternities and their sister sororities to Jointly sponsor some form of entertain ment for the student body. Original plans called for the programs to be presented in the Bohunk, but, because of the natxire of the en tertainment, Sigma Tau Chi and Phi Kappa Alpha received special permission to give the program In Howard Chapel. "nie nuisical production opened with the entire cast singing o&e of Broadway’s most popular numbers 'TTiere’s No Bus^ss Like Show Business.” Sharon Haz(‘lrigg. act ing as mistress of cererwmies, then took her place at the front of th«- stage and ably introduced and eommented on the remaining mu sical numbers. Between numbers .«<he was a;sisted out front by sev eral members of both the sorority ;ir»d fraternity app«*aring in brief ^vmical skits. The second muf‘^*al numlxT entitled “Can.p Carefr^ t-," from the li.-'^ idway hit Wish You Were Here, a;! =in for I*':** ticipati'jn from L-»th the aorority and fritWni‘y Mary.” : humorofi.s Pacific number with a rn jtifse. fealun'd ten member;- of Phi Kappa Alpha. Kaoru Noriijka. '•Blo«xJy Mary.” scored an immediate success. Bright colors. fla.%hing snuU-.s. and pretty lc£s greatly inhanced Sig- rr:a Tau Chi's version of “A Bu.shel and A Peck.” The fifth number. .Vxith Pacific’s “Tliere I.s Nothing Like A Dame,” included all of the male cast and featured Littlejohn Faulkner. Claude Fulghum. Joe Bennett. Bob by Rex Bailey, and David Black wood. “I'm Gonna Wash T^at Man Right Out Of My Hair,” another South Pacific tune, was one of the brightest numbers in the produc tion. June Young was featured and proved that she is as beautiful with wet hair and a house-coat as other girls are with a fifteen dollar t>eau- ty parlor permanent and a Chris tian Dior creation. ’(♦•venth number. "Tripping TTjc Light Far>- tastic" from Wi.sh You Wi*re Here, called for the entire cast and «*t the mood for the near-complrtion (jf a night of light hearted ent« r tainment. A» their final number th^* •■'‘rorrty and fniternity reti»nn-d U> '"nierr’ No Business Like .Show ” aini ii. -'.r ,A‘jn* s Davu U.' chance to shf .v the audience :]!»• >i.sv what it tahc.s tc get her ti> the U>p. Sigm;* TaJ Chi’s memlx.'rs tak ing part in v musical were June Ycuing. Ka.v PoKUf, Shelby W^nt- l.jo K. i-;bi>y Tin- d.ii!. S.i iir.'irrH*. AgiMTS Davis. Joann Yvon ne i*ati4'rson. Ii*o'k>n, Lu cille Willoughby, Aggie Crow, Shir ley Stanely. Sharon Hazclrigg. B«?t- ty Coker, and Lillian Rabil. Phi K.ippa Alpha member> tak ing part in the pnjduction wer» B<*mie Bullard. Henry Powell. Phil Yarbrough, Jf*e Bennett, Bobby Rex Bailey. LittJeiohn Faulkner. Claude ^Ighum, David Herring, David Blackwood. Charles Hughe.*;. Everette Purvis, Charlet HutcKins, Bobby Riley, Kaoru N^maka, Dur- wood Sinclair, Abner Gore, Soth Hughes. Charles Shirley, and Ted- die Gates. 'Hie memk>ers and director thank JOKOLLEGIATE ftr the suggest- . o. ^ ^ , , ... _ , , next year s Student Cooprratlw t*d pUns and the names given to * ^ ^ ^ t.i .. u». ind rr.lly wl»h tfi.t we c«.W Aiwcuuon wti D.vld BUckw.«*!. ketv them. Howrver it might mean ‘»n of Mr atMl Mrs D C. Black- a change in our eoostitutlon, which wood, Sr of Raleigh Dvvkl hat r^ulrw morr cnrnor m.n wc h.ve I• c.mput IrKlcr .Inrc hi* at the prefent time. You see, our ; plans for the spnng are already urtderway. including a productkm of niE I-AHK on May l«. f«»r which a cast has been selected, to be announced later. A very promi nent present-day Ftench dramat istJean Anouilh wrt>tu L’AIX>U- ETTE, which has been translated and ad;ipt«'d by a well-known Amer lean dramatist. I411ian Heilman, very efficiently and effectivvly. a» THE l^RK. It is the familiar story I of J<un of Ar<* which h-ir l>oen t told many times in many ways. This Version presents JtMn at her ' trial, with the story of her life I being told by her. with char.teteri' I who w'ere conc«*rn<'d 1^ to art with h«’r the .sceoes us thev lare ti>ld It is called THE I^ARK I bi'cause one character says ”'rh*' t girl was a lark in the skies of I I-Yance, high over the headit of her I soldiers, singing a Joytms crazy song of courage.” ' In the Bn»adway production of last year Julie Harris plavt'd Joan and Ikiris Karloff played the bis- I hop Cauchon. and Julie Harris played it agnin recently on TV. freshman ytar, when he served ' Stage and Script has a fine cast as president of his class. lU- la »t,rk.nK on the pUy. H li U> be , „eml>.-r of the Gukl.-n Knot Il<*- done in a manner which will not , . . . * , I rc<iuirc «■ much ruhcar^lujt a* u*- • ('ubmrt mcnilKT of Ihr * lal or »» much int<.iialv« iludy by WA. iitxl * mrtnU.r i.f I’M Kup|>a the cant, u* we arc all pushi-d f>ir M;*.i fmli-rnlty. Under David'* time in the »,>rln*^ P‘V lend.-r.hlp .ludrnU c.n rx|M-rt u itM'lf til a upcclal kind of Iri-il- , , j ni.iit. Mr Il,.w«rd h«s promi.s.-d »‘'<-cc x»ful y.iir In th.- .Studrnt Co- I t<i hiive hi» rhiipci choir lupfily A.sMM lutliin I music for the- prtiductjon. and wt- 1 noriiinc«.» for the l-ttT-iS Ihlnk thl« will add grwiUy U, the i''*’””' ''■"r.,,?"' L"’’. ' pl^,\ Tommy WUHir. Sylvia AiUbrook, I ^)rni* tinu* .itfo ilii* ('mvIm <>f tui'fi and Arthur Mikhop T^<>he students jpi,.v l„.,n Ainmuc chn.';‘m trl;:: el»’(i ti> (toldslx>M> to lake |>art in thr Carolina Uiain.i K»*s- tKal. 11m- pi.IV* were well rereivc><i »nd providtxl *{<«>d exrM rien* r f»r the aet4»rs and *<tage crews Tliose vho partK*ipat(*d were C‘1j. i<i** An •hony, IkHly Jean Park.*, J<*e Har- dt'gret-. Tommy Willis, Tony Bak er. Kenneth HoImtIs, B#>b Whitely liill B<*‘Wi‘ll, .Mary Alire How.ird! H».ney Bunn. Kaljih Messick. an<l Mr.^. H«j!sworlh <who pul on the . . ^ U ai(U > On April 12. and 13 U»e tlu* |>ers<m that 'Annual Drama Ke^Uval for the|y*»^ st.ite will bo held at C*hapel Hill, ’ Mrs. Holswt^rlh will attend and will 1 p*irlatl<m f«.r five studenU. If you make arrangements for any who i wt»uld like U> go. please si-e Mjs. wish U> uo, and will furnish trans- Holsworth alwwl it t<*fore April 10. The Question Box By ART BISHOP In rec<*nt week* our cumpilM him been involved in the annul election of officern for varioUH pdsillonK in our »tu- (lent government. Durinjf thii« period many comment)* have been voiced concerninj? the Htiident participation in then* eleclionH, .Many colle^e.s in the laxl few years have h.id political partieM, Himilar in Htructure tint not in name to our national partiex, created u|)on their campiit. Yoiir writer with political particH in mind received the follow ing atmwent to the (|Ue.stion : "Do you think we Mhf)uld have political parties formed on our campun for ntudent cluc- tion."?” Mill lioHweil — "No. We already have th« •m on our cami)UK In the form of fratt^rnitie-t." I’rof. Kobf“rt t’appx — "YeH. 'I'hey would i>iiiiiulait! more interest in civil and national party affairs.” .lohn Wcllx — "Yes. The ntudentu would bcconir more accu.stomed to our national politicK.” C:harlen \Vatnon — "Ych. Kvervone would tret to know the candidate;; much better.” .f'arol Sumerell — "Yen. They would ifive more or- tranization to our electionH.” Billie Ann Oeech — "Yen. All of the Htudcntn would be able to nee how the student Kovernment functionn." Claude Fulxhum — "No. They would ruin individual ism.” Dr. HartAock — "No. They mlKht Htimulate more in- aie Fiances Howard. Anna I>»v#- l;ice. and Hmry Powell. A. J Wul- st4>n, Ii«))>by l)unn, and Wesley DoU's are candidates Utr the office of treasurer 'IVo Kloridiiins are I onijM'ting ftjr the <»f lM*iug next year's head cheerleiid«T che« r our Bulldrtgs tm to vleti»ry. Tlu-y an- Shar<m H.i/t'lrlgg and Il<*verly f-ldwards 'Ilie list of candid.ites has N-t-n ni.id<* above N«iw b<* stjre to vole tercHt, but there in a danger of ntudentn votinK lor a party rather than a candidate." Bill Merritt — "Ye*. Student* would become moro active in the election#.” Carol AuHtin — “No. Student* would vot« lor a party and not a candidate.”

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