PUBLISHED WEEKLY )fiss Ross To Retire On Dec. 31 Miss Mildred Ross, of the Atlantic Christian College staff witll retire on December 31 following 42 years of service to the college. A native of Beaufort County, she came from a family of four daugh ters and three sons. She is the daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. Ross Sr. As a young woman she was gradu ated from Massey Business College, Richmond, Va., in 1916. In 1917 she moved to Oriental where she was employed until January of 1921 at which time she moved to Wilson where she became secretary to Dr. C. 6. Ware whd was serving as sec retary general of Atlantic Christian College. Served As Secretary In 1926 Miss Ross, called “Mil dred” by all who know her, became bookkeeper for the college and serv ed as secretary under President How ard Hilley. “In those days,” said Mildred chuckling, “Dr. Hilley and I ran the college.” They had no help other than students who worked on a part-time basis during the regular academic sessions. In 1927 the college put on a cam paign to boost the endowment fund. A team from Disciples of Christ head quarters in Indianapolis came to su pervise the project. A huge share of the work became Mildred’s respon sibility. She worked on the campaign in the daytime and did the college’s bookkeeping at night. Mildred says perhaps her happiest moment at the college came when the institution was accredited, “I’ll never forget it,” she said. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen the student body so thrilled either. A group of students gathered on the steps of the gym and rang a big bell for over two hours.” Not only has Mildred devoted time See MISS ROSS Page 4 The Coll egiate pu'i V ■— ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, DECEMBER 14, 1962 NUMBER ELEVEN. Program Presented At Chowan College On Sunday, Dec. 9, the Vocal En semble and the Brass Ensemble participated in the Christmas Con cert at Chowan College at Murfrees boro. The program began with a group of anthems by the Vocal En semble under the direction of Mr. James Cobb. The Brass Ensemble, under the direction of Mr. Neal O’Neal, played selections by Pur cell and Hovhaness. The final portion of the program was the presentation of the Antonio Vivaldi “Gloria” by the Chowan Col lege-Community Oratorio Chorus. They were accompanied by a string ensemble. Mr. Neal O’Neal, of the Atlantic Christian College Faculty was cel list, Approximately twenty people from ACC participated in the con cert. D- Wenger, president of Atlantic and gift to Miss Mildred Ross who M- ^ December 31 after 42 years of semce. Miss Ross was honored recently at a Christmas Dinner Dance given by members of ACC Woman’s Club. ACC Chorus To Present Christmas Music Event In keeping with tradition on the ACC campus for many Christmases past, the Campus Christian Associa tion and the College Chorus will sponsor a program of Christmas mu sic Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p,m. in Howard Chapel. Music Included in this Christmas Vesper Service will be “Jubilate Deo,” a work by Giovanni Gabrieli, written for a chorus of eight parts, eight brass instruments, and organ. This peiece was originally written for performance in St. Mark’s in Venice, where Gabrieli was Maestro di CapeUa. A similar piece from our own day which is scored for voices and brass, this time seven rather than eight instruments, “A Child This Day Is Born” by Robert Washburg. Both pieces skillfully combine voices and instruments in praise of the birth of Christ, Also featured in this service of music will be The Shepherds’ Chorus from “Amahl and the Night Visitors”, the opera originally written for tele vision by Gian Carlo Menotti in 1952. Parts of the three kings will be sung by Zeb Jones, Bill Cogdell, and Charles Burt, Also inclKded on this program will be numbers by the vocal ensemble, and a group of Moravian Chorales by the Brass Quartet, Mr, Neal O’Neal directs the Brass Quartet, Mr. James Cobb is director of the Chorus and Vocal Ensemble, Mr. Charles Rakow and Miss Janet Dan ielson will be organists for this ser vice. 'The service begins at 4:30 in Howard Chapel. 'The public is cor dially invited. Point Changes Are Considered The Executive Board met in tlic classroom building at 7:00 p.m. on Dec. 10, and discussed at length changes to the point system. There was also discussion on recounting ballots after campus elections and the advisability of allowing students to witness tlie counting of votes. Changes recommended for the point system included a stipulation that students with a 3.0 average be allowed to carry a maximum of 33 points rather Uian the present 30 for all students. Permission to carry the 3 extra points, however, would have to be granted by the board. Mr, Bob Stone pointed out that for the past several years the point system has been invalidated by the granting of permission by the board to allow certain students to exceed the point limit and that for the sys tem to operate satisfactorily it would have to be enforced impar tially. Mr. Rex Horne added thai the system is in effect not only to prevent students from assuming more duties than they can handle but also to allow more people the opportunity of holding office. It was pointed out however, that many campuses manage without any point system at all. The board decided to table the matter temporarily until information can be obtained from the National Student Association Susan Webb Crowned Queen At Annual Christmas Dance Robert Webb Addresses Young Republican Club Young Republicans Club Thursday, Dec. 6. President '^faham Atkins presided over the Meeting. Mr. Robert Webb, a law- yer of Wilson spoke to the club 3bout what they could do to advance Republican Party. The Young Republicans are going to compile Sts of active party members in the Wilson district. They are also plan- to raise funds for the party. A State Convention for Young ‘^publicans will be held in Win- *’°n-Salem on Feb. 8 and 9. y°ne who is interested in the Republican Party is urged to attend the YRC meetings held every Thurs day at 4:00 in room 205 in the Classroom Building, Dr, Dan Mc Farland is advisor for the group. Officers for the club who were elected earlier this year are; Presi dent, Graham Atkins; Vice-Presi dent, Lester Brantley: Treasurer. Bill Ethridge: Corresponding Secre tary, Carlaine Richards: Recordmg Secretary, Larry Carroll: Publicity Chairman, Nancy Smith; Pro^am Chairman, Ralph Gurganus; Mem bership, Richard Powell. Approximately 250 students attend ed the annual Christmas Dance held Friday, Dec. 7, which was sponsored by the Cooperative Association. The Embers from Raleigh provided the music for the dance lasting from 8:00 until 12:00 p.m. The decora tions committee provided decora tions for the dance in the lobby of the classroom building to carry out the theme of the Christmas Season. Throughout the evening punch and cookies were served by various members of the social committee. During intermission Virginia Can non’s School of Dance presented a program consisting of an exhibition tango dance and a number of other acts that were of interest to those attending the dance, s Pierson To Head New C AC Program The Campus Awareness Commit tee met Thursday, Dec. 6, in the classroom building. The chairman is Tommy Pierson and the advisor.^ are Dr. Daniel McFarland, Robert G. Capps, Dr. Jesse P. Tyndall, and James V. Cobb. At the first meeting, the club es tablished a calendar and a schedule of events. Most of the events are to be presented during the spring semester. Meetings of the CAC will be held in the Co-op building. The next meeting will be open to all student^; and faculty. A tentative plan has been made for meetings to be held bi-monthly. Any organization which has pro grams planned are invited to con tact the CAC for heb in planning and publicity, especially if the pro gram would be directed toward the whole student body. Following the program presented by Virginia Cannon’s Dance School, the Miss Pine Knot Court for 1963 was presented by the Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Bob Stone, president of the Senior Class. After the pres entation of the court, Miss Susan Webb, sponsored by the Sophomore Class was crowned Miss Pme Knot for 1963. Following Miss Webb’s crowning there was a dance for the queen and her court. concerning point systems at other colleges. The question was raised of ballot recounts. It was felt by the board that students should have the right to ask for a recount if an electioQ should be unusually close. There was further discussion about allowing students to be present during the counting of ballots. It was pointed out that the confusion caused by allowing the presence of unauthor ized persons would hinder the tak ing of an accurate tally. President E. B. Shearin announced that material describing the nature of the National Student Association has been placed behind the news paper stand in the upstairs reading room of the library. Students are in vited to examine the pamphlets and familiarize themselves with the pur poses and functions of the organi zation. AC(^ Sliidcnls To Go Caroling Every year the Woman’s Dormi tory Council directs Christmas carol ing, and this year is no exception. All members of the student body are invited to meet in Harper Halt Recreation room Monday, Dec. 17, at 6:45 p.m. Nellie Mac Bryan is overall chair man of Christmas caroling this year and requests that anyone desiring to make suggestions can get in touch with her at Caldwell Hall. There will be two groups going out caroling. The group walking will be headed up by Ronald Lee, while the group in cars will be led by Aubry Smith. Immediately after the caroling, re freshments will be served in the dining hall. It is the hope of the Woman’s Dormitory Council that this year’s Carolina will be as suc cessful as previous years. ENGLISH CHIB A party for the Atlantic Chris tian College English maiors will be held at the home of Dr. Mil dred E. Hartsock, at 503 Mt. Vem<>n Dr., at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 14. English majors are invited to attend A SMILE FOR HER SUBJECTS—Pictured above is Miss Susan Webb, who was crowned Miss Pine Knot Queen for 1963 at the annual Christmas Dance sponsored by the. Cooperative Association. Miss Webb, a graduate of Grainger High School, in Kinston, N. C. is a sophomore at ACC. She and 16 other girls were nominated for this position.