published weekly Th^e Collegiate ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, JANUARY 21, 1965 NUMBER TWELVE Minimum Building Goal Exceeded ACC To Hold Preparatory Program Again Atlantic Christian College will hold its fourth College Preparatory Pro gram from July 16, 1965, through August, 20, 1965. The program has been held for the past three sum mers and college officials say statis tics indicate it has proved to be invaluable to participating students. In addition to academic gains, the program offers an opportunity for an early orientation to college life wh'ch makes the transit'on from high school to college less difficult. The purpose of the program is to give students intensive instruction which provides the opportunity to improve those skills and techniques which experience indicates are areas of greatest weakness. While prior aceptance for fall enrollment by some colleges or university is recommended, such enrollment is not a prerequisite for participa tion in the preoaratory program Instruction will be provided in reading, English and mathematics. Students will be provided with an opportunity to learn better work and study habits, to participate in super vised study and supervised recrea tion and gain an orientation to col lege life. All courses will be on a non credit basis and will be taught by a competent faculty. It should be ciearly understood that successful completion of the program can in no way guarantee acceptance at any college or university. Tlie course in Engl’sh will em phasize grammar, theme wr’ting and correct oral exx»ression. In the area of reading comprehension, vo- cabi’larv and increased sneed ar° emt}has'7