PUBLISHED WEEKLY The Collegiate ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, FEBRUARY 5, 1965 NUMBER FOURTEEN ACC Set for Annual Ho mecoming Curriculum doom Moved 111 Library By ELWOOD VANN The teacher certification program was given a real boost recently with the transfer of the curriculum lab in the library to a larger, more suitable location just across the hall. The former location in the smaller room upstairs in the library had been intended from the beginning to be a temporary home for the facili ty- In its new location the curriculum lab is expected to develop into one of the finer labs of its kind in this area. To be accredited by the National Council for Accredited Teacher Ed ucation, an institution must have a facility of this nature available for use by teacher trainees. A curriculum lab is a reference room containing materials concerned with the techniques of teaching and otlier related matter. The educa tional reference room at ACC Mill, in the course of its development, provide student access to current textbooks used in the public schools, methods texts, curriculum guides, course outlines, a complete selection of subject pamphlets, and visual and audio collections. It is hoped that a group of pe riodicals related to the teaching profession such as the NEA Jour nal, Science Teacher, and School Review, may be added to this col lection. In its infant stage the curriculum lab will be open Monday through Friday during the hours of 9 to 12 noon, 3 to 5 p. m., and 7 to 9:30 p.m. As the facility develops and the need arises the hours will be extended. Another added feature will be the presence of library personnel to as sist students in locating materials. Materials may be checked out from the library through the personnel on duty in the reference room. Ma terials may be returned or renewed at either this upstairs check-out or at the main check-out desk. See ROOM MOVED Page 5 Handbook Editor Naomi Holt of Wilson, has been appointed editor of the 1965-66 Stu dent Handbook at ACC, according to Elmer Lee Horne, president of the Cooperative Association. Named assistant editors were Kathy Traylor of Winston-Salem, Gina Allen of Farmville and Stuart Lee of Elizabeth City. IFC Prepares For Rush Week The Inter-Fraternal Council of At lantic Christian CoUege has an nounced that Spring Rush will be held February 8, 9, and 10. All male students are invited to tween 7 and 9:30 p.m. on these dates. The IFC believes “that a fraterni ty will benefit each student. . • students are encouraged to visit each house and find out what it can do for them.” Addresses of the Houses are as follows: Delta Sigma Phi, 804 Nash Street; Sigma Pi, 307 Whitehead Avenue; Alpha Sigma Phi, 109 Rountree Street; and Sigma Phi Epsilon, 701 Nash Street. BEFORE THE PARADE, GLUE, BOLTS, AND NUTS—Left to right are “C” Todd, Hubert Burden, M;irray Beachain, and Brenda Atkins a.s they analyze construction problems in the building of the Sen ior Class float for the Homecoming festivities parade. Typewriter Is Returned Constitutional Revision Is Discussed By Co-Op morning. On Thursday, January 28 a type-, Constitution writer was stolen mysteriously , By-Laws was given a unani- from The Collegiate office and re-‘mous vote of approval Monday turned early the following Saturday . night by the Executive Board. This I step marked the successful clear- I ance of the first step for the final The theft was the second of its | approval of this document, nature this year at Atlantic Chris-; tian College. Approximately two months ago a typewriter was found missing from the Executive Board offices, however, this typewriter has i not been returned. During the previous week the Ex ecutive Board had spent many hours in called meetings discuss ing the Constitution that had been I reported by the Constitution and By- Laws Committee, and a number of I Brent Hill, Collegiate editor, said, corrections and additions were Tuesday, “Our staff would like to ! made during their meetings. After take this opportunity to extend | the Constitution had been approved a most hearty thanks to this kind I by the Board, President Lee Horne thief and wish him the worst of j thanked the Board and the members luck in future ventures.” |of the Constitution and By-Laws 1 ,0 rVTRAMRAL BASKETBALI^—Shown above are some of the players in the "intramural basketball game between Hackney B team and Delta Sigma Phi B team. The Hackney squad won by a substantial margm. Committee for all the time and ef fort they had applied to this proj ect. On Tuesday the proposed docu ment was presented to the studeiit body and on Thursday there was discussion and debate with the Con stitution and By-Laws Committee. On Feb. 8 all admendments to the Constitution will have to be turned into the office of the President of the Cooperative Association by 4 p.m., and voting on the added admendments will take place on Feb. 9. Voting on the complete Constitution and By-Laws will take place on Feb. 15-16. Once the Constitution has received the approval of the Cooperative As sociation the final step will be obtaining the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees will meet on Feb. 24 and will consider the Constitution at that time. Will Feature Many Activities During Festive Weekend Atlantic Christian College’s annual Homecoming will be held on Feb. 6. Leading off the festive activities will be the “Homecoming Parade” to be held in downtown Wilson be ginning at 10:30 a.m. Included in the parade will be bands, sorority, fraternity and class floats and a host of college beauty queens. Registration will begin at 11 a.m. followed by a fellowship hour for re turning alumni. The annual Alumni Luncheon and business meeting will be held in the campus cafeteria at 12:30 p.m. Presiding over the meeting will be Miss Naomi Mor ris, president of the ACC Alumni Association. Among highlights of the day will be the Second Alumni College which is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. Theme of the event will be “The Dilemma of Modern Man.” Three panel discussions are scheduled, each of which will relate the gen eral theme to different aspects of American life — religion, science and government. Each panel will explore the com plexities and challenges which con front modern man, how they have affected his life and changed his mode of behavior, and what solu tions or partial answers religion, science and government can provide today’s civilization. Holding class reunions will be classes of 1925, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 19<50 and 1963. A Pioneer Reunion will be held by classes 1903-20. A reception will be held at 4:30 p.m. for the class of 1940 which will be celebrating its Silver Anniversary. Reunion dinners will bo held at 5:30 p.m., while sorority and fraternity dinners will be held at 6 p.m. A large number of sports fans are expected to attend the ACC- Pembroke basketball game which is to be held at the Wilson Com munity Recreation Center. Guests will view colorful halftime activi ties at which time the Homecom ing Queen and her court will be presented and the ACC band and majorettes will perform. Closing activity of the day will be the Homecoming Dance to be held in the lobby of the college’s. Classroom Building. Homecoming Parade Is Set For 10:30^ Feb. 6 The Annual Homecoming Parade will be held Saturday, February 6, 1%5, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The parade will include approxi mately 40 units consisting of 11 floats, 4 bands, 10 antique cars, 11 late model convertibles carrying members of the Homecoming Queen Court, a 1965 model carrying the Queen, and the Grand Marshall car in which Dr. Arthur D. Wenger will NOTICE All students interested in trying-out for the Atlantic Christian College Bulldog’s baseball team should meet in the ACC Gym at 4 p. m. Mon day. All candidates for track and field athletics are asked to meet with Coach Dixon m Room 112 of the Classroom Building at 4 p. m. Monday. ride. The ACC band, Fike High School band, Elm City band, and the Rocky Mount High School band will participate in the festivities. The parade will begm on South Douglas Street, proceed to E. Nash Street, travel down Nash Street to Whitehead Avenue, turn down Lee Street and travel past Atlantic Christian College, turn at Deans Street, and disas.semble in the Gold Park area. Trophies will be given to the best float and the runner-up float in both the fraternity division and sorority division. These will be presented during half-time at the basketball game at Wilson Recreation Center. A $25.00 prize for first place class float and a $10.00 prize for the sec ond place class float will be award ed. Work on the floats began Tuesday afternoon and will be continued un til late Friday night.