PUBLISHED WEEKLY The Collegiate ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, APRIL 8, 1965 NUMBER TWENTY-ONE Many Campus Officers Are Elected ^Smart, Perkiiisoii, Bruton Holt Are Elected Presidents; Wagner, Surles Are Editors Five Tapped By Golden Knot Society T'lve outstanding Atlantic Chris tian College students were inducted into Ihe Golden Knot Honor Society this week. The society is the official honor organization on the ACC cam pus. The purpose of they Golden Knot Honor Society is to recognize ex cellence in the areas 'of scholarship, character, leadership and service. Job Hunting? Go To Library Students who are iplanning sum mer jobs and travel will interest ed in three current directories now in the library: Earn, Learn, and Travel in Europe, 1965-66; Summer Kmployment Directory of the U.S., 1965; and Directory of Vacation Op portunities in Summer Camps, 1965. The works listed above give in- foimation concerning requirements, length of the working season, salary, person to contact, etc. Jobs covered include work with amusement parks, beaches, camps, resort hotels, and many others. Persons interested in a summer job in Europe should consult Earn, Li^am, and Travel in Europe, 1965- 66, and for additional informatiolling a total of 400 votes. Charles Wdfe was elected business manager for the ACC student newspaper. WoHe also won uncontested receiving 416 votes. Richard Surles, the only candi date for Pine Knot editor, polled 399 total votes. Pam Herczogh de feated Kirk Kimbro 275-209 to win the office of Pine Knot business ma’ager. Elected as president of the Cam pus Christian Association was Kathy Traylor who defeated Fred Barber by a margin of 33 votes, 268-235. Rich Harrison was elected CCA vice president; Linda Griffin, secretary; and Steve Perry, treasurer. Paulsell Finishes Ph.D. Work William 0. Paulsell, associate pro fessor of religion at Atlantic Chris tian College, recently completed re quirements for the Ph. D. degree in religion at Vanderbilt University. WwwM WILLIAM PAULSELL He will be awarded the degree at commencement at Vanderbilt on May 30, 1965. His doctoral disserta tion was entitled, “The Disciples of Christ and the Great Depression 1^1936.” A native of Dallas, Tex., he re ceived the B. A. degree from Texas Christian University in 1957. He was awarded the B. D. degree byVan- derbilt in 1959 and the M. A. de gree in 1961. He held student pas torates at Palmer, Tex., La Center, Ky., and Rochester, Ky. While doing graduate work at Vanderbilt, he served as assistant dean of the Disciples Divinity House and was graduate assistant in preaching 1961-62. He is ia member of Alpha Chi, national honor society at TCU and was awarded the Shepard Prize in Church History at Vanderbilt in 1960. Paulsell is married to the former Sally Atkins of Edinburg, Tex. They have one child. He is the son the Mr. and Mrs. 0. O. Paulsell of Tryon, N. C. Valuable Collection Donated To Lil>rary An extensive gift of books from the estate of Mrs. Frank Taylor of Greenwich, Conn., has been pre sented to the C. L. Hardy Library of Atlantic Christian College. The material was given by the heirs to the estate, of whom Dr. Mildred Hartsock of the AOC English Depart ment faculty was one. t The collection includes a great amount of classical literature, both English and American, as well as works on art and architecture, and history. Of particular value are the complete sets of many of the major writers: Thomas Carlyle, Lord Byron, Robert Louis Stevenson, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, and others. In addition, there is an 1896 edition of Grimm’s Life of Michael- angelo, and an early edition of Faure’s History of Art. The Librarian, Otis Coofield, ex pressed his pleasure with the gift and stated that many of the works, now long out of print, cannot be lo cated except in private collections.