PUBLISHED WEEKLY The Collegiate Cl/I \/ > ^ ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, APRIL 15, 1965 NUMBER TWENTY-TWO Phi Sigma Tau Pledg es Tri Sigma What Do AC Students Say A survey was recently conducted by four Atlantic Christian College students as a project for a political science course here. A total of 193 ACC students were interviewed. Several interesting observations may be drawn from the survey which delved into national, state and col lege issues. Some of the mor; in teresting questions are listed be- Icw. 1. Do , you think that a coiiege should have a no drinking rule? Ye^- 36 per cent; No - 64 per cent. 2. Do you feel that required chap el is necessary in colleges Yes-19 per cent; No - 81 per cent. 3. Do you think you should be required to attend classes? Yes- 51 per cent; No - 49 per cent. 4. How do you feel toward the Speaker Ban Law? For-17 per cent; Against - 57 per cent; Not sure - 26 per cent. 5. How do you feel toward Capi tal Punishment? For-46 per cent; Against - 43 per cent; Not sure - 11 per cent. 6 In regard to the Civil Rights .Movement, I am: For - 34 percent: A:'ainst - 46 per cent; Not sure - 20 per cent. 7. What are your feelings toward Viet Nam? U. S. Stay - 44 per cent: U, S. get out - 13 per cent: Widen the war - 9 per cent: Negotiate - 34 per cent. 8. How do you feel about the United Nations? Support it - 93 per cent; Do not support it - 7 per cent. 9. How do you feel about Medi- CEre? For - 58 per cent; Against- 42 per cent. ]0. Do you feel that the United States is behind in the Space race? Yts-49 per cent; No - 51 pir cent. answer to the question, “Who :’o you admire most that is living to- :lay?” the answer - Nobody re ceived 42 votes. Alabama Governor George Wallace received 27 votes f;nd the answer - Father received If- votes. .'\braham Lincoln led the field in a question stating, “Who do you ftel are our three greatest Presi dents. Franklin Roosevelt was sec ond and John F. Kennedy was third. CHEESECAKE EGG—Shown above are two rather appropriate com binations for this coming weekend. Vivian Tonn, ACC coed Fresiiman from Durham, would make any sleepy carrot wide-awake in hope of welcoming this Easter bunny. Of course the Easter egg behind the bunny seems quite a bit ahead of the carrot. No Money For Co-Op (Jahinct Phi Sigma Tau, the oldest Greek 'otter organization of Atlantic Chris tian College, has officially been ac- jepted as a pledge group of Sig- m-; Sigma Sigma National Sorority. After extensive research with mem ber sororiies of the National Pan- hellenic Conferencf’ the sisters signed an official petition to Sigma 'it’ma Sigm;i on .January (!, 1905 The objective was to se<>k n.itional sorotities sv'th th;> same or similar ideals as tiiose of Phi Sigma Tau •:ind of t!;e collejre. After infpiTogat ing a number of national groups rnd obta'n'ng n Cdmplele know! edge of national sorority organiza tions, the delegate from Sigma Sigma Sigma national hoadtiu/irfirs. which is presently located in Dallas. Texas, visited Phi Sigma Tau and the petition was signed. Tri Sigma was founded in Farm- ville, Virgin'a, at I.oiigwood Co! lege. Since its beginning ^n 1!!98. Sigma Sigma S'ig?na has initiated well over 22,000 young women into its sister' oo;i. There are chapter.^ ill! over tlie United Stales w'th the nearest being the Garnin:i Petn Chapter of East Cai'ol na College, which was clMisen the tliird l)e%( Tri Sigma chapter in the nation l:isl year. As its philanthropy, Sigma Sigma “^igma has establi.shed the Kobbie Page Memorial Fund with its pur pose being to increase the '■tor” of knowledge concerning polio and tiiereby a'd in its cure or t'-eat ment. Among the grants made from !!iis Fun:! wa; one to hela f'nanco ; the Salk Vaccine testing program. I The 195(5 National ('onvention, which is the ruling body of the national organization, directed that contributions from the Memorial Fund be given to Ihe North Caro lina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, for aid in the rehabilitation and convalescence of children patients. Accomplishments include an intercommunications sys tem whicii carries music and sto ries to individual rooms, toys and coloring books which help children adapt to the new routine of hospital, and a Children’s Room designe