THE COLLEGIATE Published Weekly By Students Attending Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, N.C. The views expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the faculty or administration at ACC. Editor: Joyce Copeland; Business Manager; Gale Foss; Managing Editor, Joyce Clegg; Sports Editors, Kaye Hollowell and Ricky Stewart; Photographers: Ed Harris, Jim Lowery; Circulation Manager; Clifton Wood; Cartoonist: Sudi Parks, Staff: Jim Abbott, Celia Looney, Jan Whitley, Rosalind Mat thews, Robin Stallard, Kinney Hart, Mike Hughes, Nancy Brinson, and Imogene Thomas. I I Just In Case The chaperone, the soft-hearted victims of ACC social regulation, is becoming a very rare creature to obtain. Each social function sponsored by and-or paid for by a recognized college organization. The problem is that there are not enough willing chaperones to go around. One keeps seeing the same faithful faces at every function. The question is what purpose does the chaperone serve. The famous reply to this is “just is case.” Just in case of what? Evidently there is very much to be afraid of because of the nearly impossible task of finding available victims. Regulations require, “full-time faculty, ad ministrators, sponsors of organizations, housemothers and spouse or date of full-time faculty and ad ministrators when accompanying the full-time college employees,” to serve as chaperones. Socials with less than 100 students require two chaperones, one of whom must be an employee. Both chaperones at a function of over 100 participants must be college employees. A year or so ago a form was sent to eligible “can didates” for “student sitting” duties in order to find out who was willing to volunteer their services. A list of available chaperones was to be distributed to ap propriate associations. The list was so minute the ad ministration was embarrassed to print it. It seems this fact is itself says a lot for the rules requiring organizations to seek out the professor or administrator and asking him to take his time and patience to hover over a group of college age students. The majority of the college employees do not want to be chaperones and the student body has not asked to have chaperones, so why must chaperones be a necessity in order to hold a social function? These few faithfuls have not been able to stop“on the street” drinking in the past. If students are not allowed to drink durinj^ the function they are going to the streets to do so but this poses an entirely different problem. Most of the social functions hold no appeal for the chaperone and provide only a source of irritation for them (case in point, the Big Brother concert). The answer to the chaperone problem must come in one of two ways. The administration must (1) open qualifications to any responsible adult or (2) eliminate the chaperone stipulation for social functions. As long as the situation continues as it presently exists, no one is going to be happy. By the way, the students owe a large debt of gratitude to these soft hearted souls who are always available for the thankless task. Copyrighted material removed A the Bui Sat cal be) pa Ne foi fat Af aw Co St£ th( pr W£ ch pe Through The Looking Glass Thumbing through the Collegiate one can really see how things are changing at ACC. Take note of this article describing the 1956 fashion tr end. Keep in mind this was the year the Bohunk opened, (for all you that don’t know what the Bohunk is, just ask around.) Shoes are getting the eye appeal with two tone colors, side slits at the toes, tall slender heels, and the beautiful two- texture, suede and leather casuals. Stoles are providing popular this fall and winter, as can seen in Wilson stores. There are white crocheted, metallic thread jersey, and colored woolens. Seen combining with the skirts and sweaters on our campus is the criss-cross fold of neck scarves in top of sweaters and pinned to the outside of sweater necklines. Many girls on campus are making the most of small waist with wide belts. At the informal campus dances college students have looked very neat and well groomed, wearing smart looking casuals, the girls in sweater and skirt ensembles and the men in dark trousers with collegiate shirts. Clothespins are very much in the news now, starting on collars, pockets, waist bands, and even sock tops. November fashion notes; 1. Sheathes are not as severe in lines. 2. Sheathes are also featured in evening dresses with the camisole top. 3. Full length evening gowns are in vogue-representing romance, 4. The evening colors are soft, stunning shades. 5. Shirts are yards round or clinging wisps. 6. Gloves are being worn to all tailored affairs. They add that “Fair Lady Look”. Ever think of this wt walking, working, or playing campus...“I watched you foi moment.” “Women are so easy to pie that it is a wonder more m don’t know how.” This could be extended fn better grooming to all our livf “When we are wrong, make easy to change, When we are right, make easy to live with.” Anonyma Tell It (Continued From Page 1) who allegedly bought some firearms for defendant to shoot their way out of a courtroom. Ralph Nader: The champion of consumer rights. T.O.N. junior Male: William Rogers: He is secretary of something. John Mitchell: Attorney General. Angela Davis: She is the one they are trying to extradict from New York to California for kidnappings. Ralph Nader: He is the Consumer Crusader. J.A.C., senior female: William Rogers: Secretary of State John Mitchell: Attorney general Angela Davis: Only womeDi FBI’s most wanted list. Ralph Nader: Consua Crusader M.K.B., senior male: William Rogers: Idon’tkiw John Mitchell: Justsomebod Angela Davis: A wild femat Ralph Nader: ? J.E.H., Senior male: William Rogers: That Hare Rogers nephew. John Mitchell: Secretary: State. Angela Davis: She is tk groovey radical because 1* picture is on Newsweek. Ralph Nader: He hold’s tk world record for top speed Corvair. % As the end of October descends upon us the weather has turned chillv and the niffhfs ha vp ci^Uf j v. i j . oit BH grown darker. But that won’t keep anyone in on Saturday night. You might peek out your don’t be fright ^P»ng about or a spider crawling along the w door and see a skelton walk right up to your door. The goblins and bats will be flying they Miss plrnsh‘> (pCos about and the air will be filled with muffled spouts of glee and excitement A familiar ' ^ Spradhn)