OCTOBER 4, 1973 THE COLLEGIATE PAGE THREE Prayer Works Wonders Pass It On. . . It is very difficult to place one’s life entirely in God’s hands. If we are to live a true Christian life, this is the very thing we must learn to do. As long as we are the driver and God is the passenger, we will be unable to keep control of the car. If on the other hand we were to turn the steering wheel over to God, we would find that He has complete control. Some people question whether or not life will be “rosy” once God has control. In the first place, we have no right to question God! Most of us have the attitude that our prayers should be answered according to our wishes. This only proves what little faith we have in God! When things don’t turn out like we want them to, we should realize that God has something better in store for us. God has a purpose for not answering our prayers exactly like we want them to be answered. Sometimes we ask for things that we would later regret. Palaver (Continued From Page 2) someone with a small mind and discard yourself respect. If you are the object of condescension and verbal abuse have the courage to abandon the subject under discussion and defend yourself with a direct rebuff to such meanness that may shame the perpetrator. In the case where insult is the order and reason in vain, students will not receive consideration until they unite and learn the power of a vacant classroom. Few people, indeed, relinquish power voluntarily. This week I would like to pass a poem on to you that has meant a great deal to me. Take time to read this poem, but don’t just read it — comprehend what it says. Prayers are an important part of a Christian’s life. They are our way of communicating with our Creator. We should learn to talk with Him not only when things aren’t going like we want them to, but when everything is great. This is what Elizabeth Gerus is saying in her poem. When you’ve SAY A LITTLE PRAYER When you’ve a mountain you must climb An ocean you must swim. A challenge that makes chances Of success seem mighty slim Before you shrug and say “I can’t’ Or give in to despair Stop for just a moment — And say a little prayer. When you become discouraged And feel life has let you down Or you can’t seem to face the world Without a fearsome frown — Wehn you can’t find the answer To your problems anywere Stop for just a moment — And say a little prayer. And when you’re feeling con fident And proud of your success Or you have reached a goal you set And glow with happiness — When life is treating you just right And you don’t have a care Stop for just a moment — And say a little prayer. Elizabeth Gerus The boys from Hackney react to a fire drill. (Photo by Ron Snipes) Tack & Tattle Well after missing a week we have a lot of spill about campus activities for two weeks. First of all we are in Kush Season that is, next to Christ mas, the biggest season of the “wants” in the year they want pledges and the rushees want in. The new influx of nurses in their cute little blue and whites have been roaming around with that look in their eyes that says “that’s OK, Buddy, I’ll see you in the hospital.” Also, these past two weeks have been constituted National Crabby Week. Everyone has been in a bad mood. Let’s ail be nice and see how’ far it gets us. Ah as the famous person once said, “It is better to have crabbed and fussed than to never have crabbed at all.” The long acclaimed dry run has alas come to an end. The pressure was evidently too much to bear — so the last of the hold outs picked it up and ran and the public was liberated once more. REJOICE! Nothing real big on couples this week but there’s one development that we’re watch ing. The secret rendevous for several couples seemed to have been disasterously ended when one of the group became unreasonable and just a trifle uppity—so that’s another good deal. What’s (his that we hear about a snake in Hilley Hall? A little clandestine excitement for the Sigmas? One snake never caused that much trouble before. Slither, slither. Well that about wraps it up for this week. The moral of this story seems to be Don’t make promises you can’t keep and don’t start nothing you ain’t gonna finish. THE ENDLESS SUMMER 3Bl£SSSa«» xv% jShiX ACC NIGHT Mon., Oct. 8 -Membership Not Required College I. D. Happy Hour Wed., Oct. 10 - $2 Admission Per Person Membership Not Required With I. D. Location: End of Herring Avenue At The Intersection of 301