<■ l>r^s can of cmr.o , iinrlhmf; but huiV llberl Canius ■*-r, d Th IBR 26 I97il llegiate m(A/((T/,-in/\ uithintt fn‘V(ittm ii uillncit'r />♦■ Sj^WEEKLY Honors Induction Tte#a Chi National Honor •2; inducted 34 members jt°tr'Hamlin Student ■-^terCafeteria. Guests for the letand induction ceremony Sllrs. Arthur Wenger .j Mrs. William Paulsell, jRonaldWachs, sponsor for ^efSkCampbell was the speaker for the evemng. ; assistant pastor of the NUMBER TWENTY-TWO Symbols Carved by Tom Marshall Heist Church first Presbyterian I'ilson. , ^ ftwmembers inducted were: Boma Ameen, Myra R. Baker, indra Creech, Tommy Evans, jj„etGwin, Rose Glover, Frank lesley Teresa Hinnant, Don- jell Holt, Linda Holt, Doylene lutto, Philip Nelson Jones, lebecci Sue King, Dianne iMlister, Catherine McDonald, jiarj Jane McDowell, Robbie Eihards Manning, Bonnie Anne Martinette, Joseph Martin, Hubert Lee Mears, Robert tedows, Wayne W. Moore, Judith Ann Morris, Irvin Jlurrell, Colleen Perry, Christy Pitts, Gay Robertson, Mary Lou Steed, James F. Wallen, James B, White, Emily Williams, lirgie Williams, Linda Estes, Linda E. Cobb. New officers for the Society m President: Frankie Moye; Vice-President: Thomas Hodges; Secretary: Ray Grif- Sii; Treasurer: Steve Sprinkle. Tom Marshall works on the symbolic carvings for the Meditation Center. (Photo by Ron Snipes) The thirteen sided Meditation Center came with thirteen blocks of redwood that were to go on the corners of the building. Feeling the need for some decoration to add a bit of brightness to the building, members of the Medition Center Committee went to Mr. Thomas Marshall of the art department to ask for suggestions. Marshall agreed to help by means of carving some design on each of the thirteen blocks. The only idea offered to him was that they wished the carvings to carry some esthetic value. The final ideas of what the carvings would be was left up to National Day of Prayer Set Whereas, it is the duty of nations, as well as of men to owe their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and tran sgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to regognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scrip- BSU Members Standout Atlantic Christian’s Mary Ballance was elected vice- iresident of the State B.S.U. at tie spring conference held at Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly, .\larch 29-3L Running with the slogan, “Put a little color in Stale Government”, she ob- Tri-Sigs Are 76 By JACKIE PARKER April 20,1974 was the 76th year 'ilSigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. Gamma Pi Chapter here telebrated the sorority’s •ding on April 21 at the Rib Room. Some fifty sisters, pledges, »liimni, and guests attended. All ffljoyed a gigantic turkey din ner, LeeMcGonigal was awarded a silver tray, as sister of the year, fee sisters gave speeches on theme of the celebration, yesterday. Today and omorrow,” They were Paula Milena McKee, and Janet rown. The ceremony was «ducted by Mary Beth Koch, president, and Mary sluinni president. *-^llegiate sisters and J^^dges wore long white gowns. ® cremony turned out to be a Blyth, ilumni Me with collegiate and members being reunited. Notice received nivi -if it|,„,. * be returning to end J following the J, f the current semester g notify the Financial Aid an aniw schedule tervJ!“‘ntment for an exit in- National Defense Student National Direct Student Nursing Loan tained the position after a close race. Fourteen ACC students at tended the conference. The weekend consisted of programs featuring films, group fellowship, elections, worship and mountain climbing. This year’s theme was “You are what you live — live it out”. At the April 22 meeting, the group held elections for officers for the coming year. The following were elected to serve: Ricky Clayton, president; Debbie Lacher, vice-president; Connie Rosser; secretary- treasurer, George Bancroft; See BSU Page 3 Vocal Ensemble The Music Department of Atlantic Christian College will present the Vocal Ensemble, under the directorship of Robert Daniel, in its spring concert on Monday, April 29, at 8:00 p.m. in Howard Chapel on the ACC campus. The concert will open with various duets and trios from cantatas by J. S. Bach to include cantatas number 4, 78, 140 and the “Magnificat”. Organ con tinue will be supplied by Charles Rakow. Also included will be three of the “Five Flower Songs” by Benjamin Britten. The conceert will feature selected “Liebeslieder Waltzes by Johannes Brahms based upon texts from “Polydora” by G. F. Daumer. The selected waltzes will be done in German and the pianists will be Dorthy Jane Bostick of the music faculty and student accompanist Elizabeth Tippett. Many of the ensemble singers will be featured in solos. The public is invited to attend. No admission will be charged. tures and proven by all history, that those nations are blessed whose God is Lord; and Whereas, we know that we have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nationuhas ever grown; but we have forgotten God; and Whereas, we have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own; and Whereas, intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-suffivient to feel the necessity of redeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us; and Whee as, we have made such an idol out of our pursuit of “national security” that we have forgotten that only God can be the ultimate guardian of our true livelihood and safety; and Whereas, we have failed to respond, personally and collectively, with sacrifice and uncompromised commitment to the unmet needs ofour fellow man, both at home and abroad; as a people, we have become so absorbed with the selfish pur- Enrollment This week at ACC, photographers have been on campus taking candid pictures of students and campus ac tivities. These pictures will be used in the development of a shde-sound presentation which will be used in student recruiting. Admissions consultants from the Adams Associates located outside of Philadelphia, Penn sylvania are now working with the college in developing a new thrust in student recru'tnjent^ Last fall the enrollment at AL was 1721 students and the college wishes to stabilize the figure to assure an enrollment of around 1,700. They recognize the need for a sufficient number of qualified students to maintain See enrollment Page 3 suits of pleasure and profit that we have blinded ourselves to God’s stanrdard of justice and righteousness for this soiety; and Whereas, it therefore behooves us to humble ourselves before Almighty God, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness: Now, therefore be it RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UFITED STATES OF AMERICA IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, that the Congress hereby proclaims that April 30, 1974 be a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer; and calls upon the people of our nation to humble ourselveas we see fit, before our Creator to acknowledge our final dependence upon Him and to repent of our national sins. Mr. Marshall. His first thought was to use the Christian symtHil of the cross on all thirteen blocks, but he then decided that more variety was net'dt'd. In realizing that the Meditation Center may be used by some persons who are practicing means of meditation otht'r tlian Christian he consulted with several students and decided to portray the symbols of the world's major religions. With this in mind, Marshall began research. He ran into difficulty with some of the symbols because they would not easily lend themselve to wood relief. Drawings of the symbols were made and then transferred into the redwixxl blocks. The carvings were made with a small drill and a mixture of gold and bronze powder suspend*^ in lacquer was used on the background of the carved symbols for distinction. There are essentially only eleven main world religions so the remaining two blocks bear the Greek symbols of Alpha and Omega, These will be on either side of the door. The eleven religious symbols arc: the Lotus of Hinduism; the Eight-spoked wheel of Buddhism; the Cresent and Star of Islam; the Cross of Christianity; the Scroll, I-Ching of Confucianism; the Star of David for Judaism; a four-sided emblem for Jainism; the Shrine of Shintosim; the Sword of Sikhism; the Ying-Yang of Taoism; and the Fire on the Altar for Zoroastrianism. Working exclusively on these wood reliefs, the project took Marshall a total of two months. This F riday On Campus Around The Fountain SGA Sponsored Outdoor Concert brimstone 8:00 P. M.