fEBRUARVMJW the collegiate PAGE FIVE I The executive Board of the Cooperative Association went into committee as a whole Monday night along with some 40 interested ACC students to discuss the recent protest and the conditions in the cafeteria. The number of students ob serving the meeting was the largest reported this year. The Board approved a motion that “the newly-formed college standing committee appointed to investigate the cafeteria food service be recommended to submit a report to the Executive Board at regular weekly meeting during the spring semester of 1965, by the middle of the semester, and that they al so include comments on the ex plicit improvements. At the time of reporting, the Executive Board will relay this report in full for consideration to the student body. And that until this time, the Executive Board recommends to student body that they refrain from protests. The new standing committee consists of the college business manager, the dean if students, a faculty member, the cafeteria dietician, and four ACC resident students. A similar committee was appointed last year to study the food service in the cafeteria. Approximately 200 ACC students protested food service in the cafeteria last Thursday evening in a demonstration that lasted more than an hour. Opinion Letters to the Editor quantity, and the manner in which food is served, excessive line breaking as well as long waiting lines, and the attitude of the cafeteria staff. Student dissatisfaction with food service at the college began last spring, when complaints similar to those lodged Friday morning were brought before the school officials. Following Thursday night’s demonstration, the Executive Board of the co-op met with Dr. Wenger. The board later volunteered to clean up the food and trays left by the protesting students. Students began their demonstration at approximately 5:45 p.m. and continued to protest food service until 7 p.m. when they dispersed at the request of Dr. Wenger. During the demonstration students outside the cafeteria chanted, “We Are Like Birds Standing in the Wilderness,” and other spirituals. No violence erupted during the demonstration, however, the glass covering on a menu schedule was broken during the protest. A disturbance did occur in Hackney Dormitory near midnight but was quickly silenced after the Wilson police were summoned. (Collegiate, December 11, 1964) To: Captain Briggs Petway c-o USS o’ Fools 0 Captain, my Captain, I sincerely appreciate vour genuine desire to save my soul and to be a lighthouse, guiding me across the seas of life. 1 also appreciate the two years that you have spent caring for us. But now, like the government that you often rebuke, you have stabbed us in the back; calling us "ungrateful", blind”, “stupid", “fools". Kt tu Briggs? 0 Captain, there in the crow's nest with your head high in the clouds, what did we do to deserve your wrath? We are here! We do care that you wish to give up! And we are grateful for that! Why, my Captain, must your dreams interfere with mine? I was so intent on becoming a god when I graduate, and living high atop a mountain in Orange County. Then you say that our education is not making us any wiser. 0, how true! Education, at its best, can only make us educated, and wisdom does not necessarily follow. When it is time, dear Captain, for you and your ship to depart Greeks Sifimn Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority is proud to announce they have three new pledges. They are Jan Edmundson, Brenda Kirkman, and Brenda Taylor. Nancy Cleveland Doug Marlette Charlotte Observer I Dr. Arthur Wenger, president I of the college, was present at a special student assembly last Friday morning to discuss student grievances over the food services. An estimated 400 students attended the meeting. The demonstration Thursday ">^t was triggered when the cafeteria served hickory- smoked hamburger steaks for dinner. Port Wilson for Orange County and Chapel Hill, may I suggest that you take an extended "shore leave’’ in Wake Countv and Dix Hill. While you are there, glue your head back together, then go out and get yourself on the right track As for me, 0 Petway, "I am the captain of my soul ” and I shall name my own ship and choose my own course. Though it is “contrary to my nature " to give advice, I will, in your case, make an exception. Don't give up the ship! David Arnold OPEN LETTER TO BKIGGS PETWAY: ■\'our writing has infuriated me before, but I neglected to write for fear of encouraging you. 1 was hoping that if I ignored you, you would go away. Oh well! 1 wish to commend you on your astute observation that 'No one ... cares whether 1 make my way to Orange County or Linville Gorge. " I have been reading your “Romantic dreams" and “pastoral accounts" for six months now, but Thursday's editorial (and I use the term loosely) finally exhibited something profound. That is: NO ONE CARES. If by saying that no one cares you mean that you have not received accolades from like- minded idealists, perhaps you would like to pick one of the following: 1) Far out! 2) That Briggs really has his head together 31 Heavy, man' There Satisfied now " 1 think a farm in Orange County IS fine if that’s what you want But 1 would prefer not to read about it. least of all on the Editorial page of the campus newspapt'r Although not interested in organized religion, your non- comparison to Jesus Christ strikes me as interesting It may lx‘ true that few understixxi the parables of Christ, but it is also worthwhile to mention that what is remembered alxiut him is his actions rather than his words In other words, don’t keep talking about your pastoral setting, quit school and take off! Apparently, you feel that the system is not functioning I agree wholeheartedly. But as you say, America is made up of millions of individuals. What you propose is to band them together to crush all the evils of society Has it occurred to you that these people just might be too in dividualistic to follow your lead'.’ That is where the system is inadequate; you can’t please all of the people all of the time. I truly regret that 1 must champion the cause of realism against an idealist, for I am as idealistic as the next pseudo sophisticated student who'd rather be in Chapel Hill or Linvolle Gorge, or anywhere “finding himself ". 1 hope that once you do find yourself (can you see the forest for the trees?) you will realize that the only way around the system is through it. Jeff Spivey 201 N Kincaid Ave Sig Ep The Brotherhood of Sigma Phi Epsilon recently initiated Steve Holzbach, “Beef" Stakes and installed Rickey Byrd, A1 Davis, Flip Epperson, Steve Floyd, Lee Holt, Phil Hurd, Ray Jackson, David Richards and Clevie Sawyer as pledges. The Brotherhood would like to thank all those who have supported our league-leading basketball team and is very much looking for ward to the competition in Winter Sports Day and Greek Week. Sig Ep Sam Stewart Theatre (Continued From Page 4> drummer and manager tor Thelonious Monk. He has ap peared in clubs, jazz festivals and on various television shows. He was featured with the Sonny Rollins Group, the Johnny Griffin and Eddie “Lockjaw" Davis Quintet, as well as with Nina Simone and Woody Her man. Cindentlla: An ()f)ern The National Opera Company will present Gioachino Rossini's ■‘Cinderella" in English on Thursday, March 6 at 8 p.m. in Stewart Theatre, N. C. State University. Rossini's “Cinderella" strays somewhat from its source in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Cin derella's stop-sisters (Clorinda and Tisbe) are hiliarous musical portraits in the opera, but the usual Fairy Godmother is replaced by the figure of Alidoro, a wise philosopher and teacher of Prince Ramiro. The National Opera Company was founded in 1948 by A J. Fletcher, a Raleigh attorney and businessman. Fletcher hoped to create audiences for opera by presenting works in English and to give experience to young artists. For reservations call the Stewart Theatre Box Office, 737- 3105. Doug’s work has appeared in Time. Newsweek, and the National Observer Copyrighted material removed. hamburgers were ™Ped onto a cafeteria table n a note reading, “this is 100 food,” and on the dogs loo trays were anerv students, over the quality of the com- bavp . ® food service sen because of quality,