The C c) 11 e II' i a t e PUBLISHED WEEKLY ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE , OCTOBER 23, 1975 NUMBER THREE Student Government: Action Oriented The Student Government Association of Atlantic Christian College met on October 15, 1975 at 6:00 in the Trustee Room of Hardy Alumni Hall. President Ellen Bowen called the meeting to order. Miss Cathy Law led us in prayer. The minutes were read and ap proved. The meeting started off with Blay Holland giving the Athletic s Debbie Wheeler (center) and Nina Jones (left) are shown here with Mayor Benton who is supporting the Diabetes Bike-A-Thon, Oct. 26. The poster is one which will be placed throughout the Wilson area to advertise the event. Anyone interested in sponsoring a rider or participating in the Bike-A-Thon may do so by contacting a local Tastee Freeze, John's Bicycle Shop, or Atlantic Christian College. Meanwhile, get those legs in shape and save energy too. Homecoming Draws Near Excitement builds as we look forward to the announcing of our 1975 Homecoming Queen. The candidates were presented to the campus last night, now it is your decision as you vote today and tomorrow for the top 10 candidates and next Wednesday and Thursday for the queen. The following women will be competing for Homecoming Queen for 1975: Jackie Lynn Cordova representing the junior class; Ruth Jordan representing Gamma Delta Iota; Delores Williams representing the cheerleaders; Janet Vick representing the Music Society (MENC); Joy Butler representing Men’s Interdorm Council; Kathy Massey representing the Fine Knot and Collegiate; Peggy Wilson representing the Campus Christian Association; Joanne Hottel representing Sigma Phi Epsilon; Patricia Williams representing Sigma Pi Alpha; Yvette Whitney representing Sigma Gamma Nu; Kay Weaver representing Delta Zeta; Martha Barnes representing Circle K; Angela Bonner representing Afro Awareness Society; Mishew McGhee representing Phi Mu Sorority; Jan Ownes representing the Physical Education Club; Mary Atkins representing the Senior Class; Donna Lemons representing Women’s In terdorm Association Catherine Panarese representing Alpha Sigma Phi; Mary Ellen Bowen representing Sigma Pi; Kathryn Crooke representing Sigma Sigma Sigma; Lori Walker representing Delta Sigma Phi; Susan Crawford representing SNEA; Lynn Lee representing the sophomore class; Kathy Tuttle representing the Psychology Club; Paula Batts representing Phi Beta Lambda; and Sheryl Gibbs representing the freshman class. Voting for Homecoming Queen will be held Thursday October 23 and Friday October 24. Monday night marks the beginning as sororites, frater nities, classes, and other organizations gather to work on floats. Sophomores and juniors, your class needs your help in the construction of their float. Even though there is a little work involved, it will be a good time to get to know others and break the constant dray of studying. Also, dorms will be in competition of decorating the dorms this year. A trophy will be awarded to the best decorated women’s dorm and one to the best men’s dorm. Help in the contributing of making your dorm the winner. The dance with "Warehouse” will be held Friday evening in the new gymnasium, the parade will be downtown Wilson, the ‘‘pig pickin' luncheon” will be in the center campus, and the basketball game will be in the new gym. Make it to all events and increase the school spirit of ACC. Ricky Clayton, Homecoming Chairman Council Committee Report. Mr Holland announced that Coach Thompson had decided to have a Summer Ix'ague Baseball team If available, the housing ac commodation will be on ACC campus. For more information see either Blay Holland or Coach Thompson. Also, the ‘‘Hot Stove Club”, will raise money by having a banquet and invite such names as Catfish Hunter The Athletic Council also approved that the baseball team could play on Sunday since class cuts had to be considered. The Women's Athletic Program was presented and revisions were made After the Athletic Council report, Mr. Stallings gave the treasurer's report. All ap plications on the budget were approved with the exception of Social Science Club. Pi Gamma Mu, and the NCSL. After discussion from Mr. Gene Gill, Mr. Mike Sawyer, and Miss Katherine Crooke, the tward agreed to allot $500.(X). Mr. Stallings also announced the twoks had been sent to the audit and would be back in about two weeks. Mr. Russel Lee, representing the Student Center Committee, announced that the majority of the money that was allegated would be used for the rental of movies. He said the committee would try to have one movie a month, with improved publicity and at varying times. Plans are being made to hold a Coffee House with cooperation from the (.’ampus Christian Asswiation •Mr Ricky Clayton. H o m e c o m i n g (' o m m 111 e e Chairman, announced that the Homecoming Dance will be held in the .New (lym "Warehouse " will do the honors. He also staled, the dorms will each decorate outside and prizes will be awarded The candidates will be pre.sented ()clot)er 22, at 5:15 pm. in the cafeteria. Mr Jamie Brame, chairman of the Planning Committee, announced that the Planning Committee met and discussed the possibility of the SGA having a refrigerator rental service for the students as a money making project for the SGA. Pro[H‘r authorities in the Administration will be contacted Also he stated that a survey will be taken to get student feelings concerning. Alcoholic Beverages allowed at off-campus college functions. The SGA was made aware of the food problems in the cafeteria The SGA has discussed the possibipity of changing food service. It depends on the student bodies feelings, l^t't your feelings be known! The Campus Safety Committee was alerted to the Security problems in Hackney Hall, there was no discussion on this matter at the moment. Miss Jackie Parker an nounced that a petition has been started in the dorms concerning the cafeteria food problem If you are concerned about the See S(iA I’age Bike-A-Thon: Oct. 26 Head’s Canadian Tour Dr. Harlow Z. Head, associate professor of geography at Atlantic Christian College, presented an illustrated lecture on ‘‘The Canadian Northwest,” Wednesday, Oct. 22, 8 p.m. in the choral room of the ACC Music Building. He showed slides of a recent eight-day geographical field trip originating in Edmonton, Alberta, and progressing through the Northwest Yukon Territories to the Arctic coastline. This part of nor thwestern Canda is virtually unreachable by the ordinary tourist. Dr. Head’s color slides illustrated both natural and cultural features of this rarely visited area. Bike riders across North Carolina will be participating in the 3rd Annual Statewide Diabetes Bike-A-Thon, this Sunday Oct. '26th between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Wilson will be just one of 29 cities involved with this statewide campaign. The Wilson Bike-A-Thon this year is being sponsored by the Circle K Club at Atlantic Christian. To qualify as a rider a person must have a sponsor’s list which totals to 25 cents per mile. Anyone who pledges 5 cents or more per mile can be a sponsor. The actual ride begins at anytime after 8:00 A M at any checkpoint convenient to the rider. This year’s Bike-A-Thon checkpoints are; Hines Hall t On Monday, October 20, and Tuesday, October 21. 1975. the Department of Education sponsored Its Educationai Fair. This fair is considered one of the highlights of each semester for our majors and provides them with an opportunity todisplay their creative efforts in teaching. (Mass Room Building at Atlantic Christian College, Toisnot Park on Corbett Avenue, Lake Wilson on Lake Wilson Road, Wells Klementary School on Kincaid Avenue, Cavalier Terrace Park on Albert Avenue, and the Recreation Park on Sunset Road. A detailed map of the route will be given to each rider at the checkpoints on the day of the ride. Tastee Freeze will provide refreshments for riders completing the 13.5 mile course. Three prizes will be awarded in each city to the riders turning in the most actual dollars to the North Carolina Diabetes Association. Prizes for the most money collected are: 1st prize — $100 savings bond, 2nd prize — $75 savings bond, 34d prize - $50 savings bond The official entry form and sponsor sheet must be returned with pledges within .30 days of the ride to be eligible for awards. All proceeds from this year's Bike-A-Thon will go to the establishment of local Diabetic Association Chapters and diabetes teaching programs to serve the entire diabetic population of North Carolina The association provides and supports programs in research, education and detection designed to bring relief to the victims of diabetes and their families and to search for a final cure for diabetes. Proceeds will also sponsor a summer camp for children 7-15 years. The camp combines outdoor fun and ac tivity with the medical and dietary supervision necessary for young diabetics. Entry forms for Sunday's ride may be picked up at any of the local Tastee Freeze's, at John's Bicycle Shop, and at Atlantic Christian 0)llege.