Quarter Million Dollar Project The Hardy I.ibrary is undergoing some drastic changes to become the new administration building. Tning hard to work over the noise of jackhammers and other loud pieces of equipment, students and staff of Atlantic Christian College have noticed much work going on at the Hardy Library, now known as theoid Library. During the past few weeks, work has begun on the $290,000 project to refurbish the old Library in order to make it a part of the Administration Complex. Milton Adams, Business Manager of the College detailed for the Collegiate just what plans were being put into effect. The project is an effort to alleviate the need for space by all Administrative Personnel. The two buildings will be con nected by a enclosed walkway, which will include two rest rooms, since the only rest rooms in the Old Library are upstairs and a little out of the way. The walkway will include a ramp, to meet government standards on having an ac cessway for the handicapped. Bulletin Board THANKSGIVING BREAK: Dorms will close Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 8 a.m. and will reopen on Sunday, Nov. 26, at 3 p.m. CHRISTMAS BREAK: Dorms will close Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. and will reopen on Sun day, Jan. 7, at 2 p.m. SENIORS: Your Placement Packets are to be returned before the Thanksgiving holidays. See bulletin BOARD Page 5 For those of you who were unable or unwilling to attend the performance Wednesday night in Howard Chapel, you really missed out on a good thing! Ms. Bach portrayed Abigail Adams, "ife of the second president of the United States and mother of sixth; Catherine Greene, behmd-the-scene catalyst in the jnvention of the cotton gin: kvdia Pinkham, author of the book on sex education; t-hza Young, Brigham Young’s twenty-seventh wife, who helped outlaw polygamy, Gertrude avant-garde writer and mold-breaker; and Eleanor Roosevelt, humanitarian. Those persons who did attend this performance in the Chapel ®^Perienced a rare art form. It the sole creation of one "'^■nan ... Muriel Bach. She conceived the idea, did the research, and the writing. She travels the United States Also, an elevator will be in stalled in the Library. After the project is completed, things will look quite different in both buildings. The President’s of fice, which is now located on the Old Gym side of the Administration Building, will move to the lower level of the Library building, as well as the office of the Dean and the Director of Development and Admissions. The Registrar’s Office, which is now hardly an office at all in the front of the Administration Building, will move back to where the Admissions Office is now. The Vice-President’s Office will move to the present President’s Office. On the second level of what will then be part of the Administration Complex will be a conglomoration of several different things. The Media Center, which is presently located across the street in what used to be a snack bar, will feel right at home with three remodeled areas of that floor. Tessner Attends Conference Eddie Tessnear, instructor in psychology at Atlantic Christian College, recently attended a National Science Foundation short course for college teachers at the University of Maryland. The course concerned the physically handicapped student in the classroom and discussed strategies and guidelines for assisting colleges in im plementing section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Information was provided about educational programs for audio, visual, and mobility handicapped. After completing an interim project, Tessnear will return for a follow-up meeting in March. Tessnear is a member of the Wilson Mayor’s Committee on the Handicapped. each season performing for a multitude of groups; and when she is at home in Chicago long enough, she does an occasional radio or television commercial or even a film. But she says her first love is performing for a live audience and “alive ” we were as Muriel Bach unfolded her latest creation ... Lady, You’re Rocking The Boat! Ms. Bach is dynamic, daring and disciplined in her approach to acting. One has the feeling that she is the character she portrays, not merely that she is an actress playing a part. She lets us peek into a soul that understands the many problems of women, their struggles, their dreams, the injustices they have been forced to endure. She has that very special quality of bringing forth a feeling of em pathy from each and every person in the audience. This will give the Center the much needed space which it has desired for several years. Also on the second floor will be something which most students do not even realize exists, the C. C. Ware Collection. The Collection, which is the Library of the late C. C. Ware, is one of the more comprehensive collections on the Disciples Church, as well as containing historical information on many other denominations. The collection now under the care of Hugh Johnson, whose official title is Curator and Archivist. Johnson’s office will also be located upstairs in the Old Library. Adams feels that the project will be finished in February or sometime shortly thereafter. The total expansion of the Administration will aid the administration in being able to better serve the student. By not having the different offices cramped on top of each other, the students will find the school more efficient and helpful. Weekend By GEORGK T. Ml RPHY A visition extension has been instituted for the dormitory students of Atlantic Christian College for a thirty to sixty day trial period. This response by the administration to a study and recommendation presented by the 1977-78 Men’s Interdormitory Association, became effective Thursday, October 23, and is scheduled for a primary evaluation by the students on November 19. Within this thirty day period, three basic criteria will be reviewed to determine if the trial period will continue for Ms. Bach has dared to be different. Most actresses would avoid roles which would show them to a disadvantage physically. It would seem that Ms. Bach thrives on this type of role and thou^ the character be dressed in the humble garb of the poor, she somehow manages to be beautiful despite it all. h'ertiaps one of the seasons Ms. Bach has achieved such success is that she is dynamic. She is equally capable of playing the author of the first book on sex education or the wife of the president. She has made the most of her many talents and utilized them in such a way that she has given new insights and inspirations to those who have been her remarkable per formance. Muriel Bach’s unique talents will be a part of this college’s theatrical history. Visitation its full sixty day duration and, eventually, become accepted practice. The three criteria are as follows: one, cost to the ad ministration must not increase due to the extended hours (due to services or conduct); two, a minimum of 7.5 percent of all residential students must vote in favor of the extension at the end of the initial ,30 day period; and three, there must be at least 25 percent of all dormitory residents participating in the extended hours of visitation. The implementation and evaluation of this trial period is under the aaspices of Gordon Joyner, Dean of Students. The Dean of Students maintains the authority to terminate the proposal's implementation at any time after the .30 day trial period. The new hours are as follows: Friday, 7:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.; Saturday, 1:00 p.m-5:00 p.m., 8:00p.m.-1:00a.m.; and Sunday, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m - 10:00p.m. The hours now used have been altered by the Student Life Committee and the Administrative Council from the original proposal recommended by the 1977-78 MIA. MIA took on the project of exploring the need and desire for an extension of weekend visitation hours by dormitory students. The information MIA based their proposal on, was gathered through the use of a stratified random sample of 15 percent of the resident students during the 1977 fall semester. What Extended followtKi was a 27 page pro|X)sal that documented the desires of on-campuK students for a ex tension of weekend visitation hours. The original MIA proix)sal calk'd for basically the same hours with the exceptioas of the Saturday and Sunday breaktimes. In the original proposal, the Saturday break time was to be no less than 2 hours and no more than 3 hours in length with the placement of the break time to be dec-ided by each dormitory for its placement within the 5:(Kt to8:()0 time period. TheSaturdiiy break time was reasoncxi unnecessary by Men’s Interdorm. The proposal was then sent to the Women's Dormitory As.sociation where it gained support. Since the close of the 1977-78 academic year was so close at hand, the Student Life Com mittee was unable to handle the proposal until this fall. The committee forwarded the proposal to the Pre>sident’s Administrative Council with recommended alterations. The Administrative Council then gave the go ahead with the present alterations from the MIA proposal attached, as well as the stipulations that concern the trial period. In short, the proposal is now in the hands of the resident students of ACC with regard to the ground rules layed down by the Administrative Council. The vote of residential students will be distributed on Sunday, November 19, 1978 and mast be returned to the office of the Dean of Students no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21. All responses are encouraged. Muriel Bach:A Review

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