Collegiate PAGE FIVE '378 Campaigns Begin IV following are the cam- Xspeaches of those persons offices. Included in the sire not only those on the ^ but those whoareseaking ^ in votes. Elections will be dd March 29 and 30. I, order for leadership to be ^veinthisdayandage, the must work with the ^le as well as for them. ■'Mv name is Valerie Melvin jiji am running for the office ipresident of the rising Soph- ^Oass. I am a music filiation major in the area of itice. My music is my life, but jicli more important to me is I ii general and its involve- jents. 1 cannot promise the class of 2 lots of improvements be- one person cannot work jiaid miracles on this campus iitli out help from someone SON, N. C. A REMINDER: Homecoming is next Friday Night, so come out to the STEAK BARN before the Dance for the FINEST STEAKS in WILSON! DIAL 237-5935