Rec Room Destruction Reaches All-Time High kv Rnrmnohc r _f .> . . . by Burroaghs Game Room - Hamlin Student Center - ACC. It is 12.00 p. m. (noon). “The Young and the Restless” has just begun, and the entire campus stops for thirt>’ minutes to escape from the everyday pressures and heartaches of college life by watching someone else’s trials and tribulations on the boob tube. There’s problems here though that seem to hinder the viewers of the episodic soap operas; that is, if they watch the stories in the game room in the Student Center. The soap opera audience must first prepare itself for the distortion of sound and color from the T. V. located in the room, which by the way, has been broken since the end of the last spring semester. Sec ondly, the audience must con tend with the various noises coming from people, pinball machines, the fooseball table, the pool table, and the ping pong table. (The noise level, although varying somewhat, usually remains high.) In trying to combat these odd noises, a viewer just might turn up the sound level a decibel or two, thus increasing the overall vol ume. The result - well, for me it means a headache and the time to make my exit has arrived. Unfortunately, the broken T. V. and the excessive noise level are not the only problems that must be dealt with. In talking with a desk worker of the Student Center, it was learned the another problem existed, the destruction of property in the center by the students. This destruction takes place in a variety of ways; Item One -The Ping Pong table and paddles. See Page 3 Exam Week Schedule Thursday, Dec. 3:00-5;00 7:00-9:00 13 Friday, Dec. 14 9:00-11:00 12:00-2:00 3:00-5:00 Monday, Dec. 17 9:00-11:00 12:00-2:00 3;00-5:00 7:00-9:00 Tuesday, Dec. 18 9,00-11:00 12:00-2:00 3:00-5:00 7:00-9:00 Wednesday, Dec. 19 9:00-11:00 12:00-2:00 3:00-5:00 7:00-9:00 Thursday, Dec. 20 9:00-11:00 12:00-2-.00 8:00 MWF Classes Thursday Evening Classes 1:00 MWF Classes 4:OOMWF Classes 8:00 TT Classes 11:00 MWF Classes 3.00 TT Classes 12:00 MWF Classes Monday Evening Classes 10:00 MWF Classes 2:00 MWF Classes 12:00 TT Classes Tuesday Evening Classes 9:00 MWF Classes 3:00 MWF Classes 9:30 TT Classes Wednesday Evening Classes 1:30 TT Classes Irregular Classes Can you guess what this is? Turn to page three If you really want to find out. Photo by Ken Finch SGA Handles Regular Business by Catherine Edwards The SGA Senate met in the Hardy Alumni Hall on Oct. 25, 1979. Under the issue of old business, the Constitution and By-laws Committee approved the constitutions submitted by Delta Sigma Theta and the Math Club. Mr. Frazier reporting for the Grievance Committee com mented that in meeting with Dean Joyner, the $15 parking fee was justified. And a request that no further action on the matter was accepted. The exist ence of a low wire at Hackney Hall was to be investigated. Mr. Frazier also introduced a reso lution (R115) concerning exam week in Spring, 1980. May 7, 1980 was clarified to be a reading day and the resolution was accepted by a voice vote. Mr. Webb reported that he had available to the Senate the treasurer’s report from the fol lowing organizations:Classes of '81 and '82, Pine Knot. Publicity committee, and the Collegiate. Mr. CLyburn yielded the floor to Mr. J.Fred Pearce. Mr. Pearce expressed his concern for the unconstitutionality of charge ac counts for the Pine Knot and the Collegiate. Mr. Pearce pointed out that these publications arc not able to purchase items from the bookstore. Mr. Pearce also stated that, at times if would be less expensive to deal with the college bookstore. An amend ment concerning this issue was to be written for the next Senate Meeting. The SGA met again on No vember 8, 1979. Ms. Richey reported that the Constitution and By-Laws had reviewed the by-laws of the Constitution and recommended that a seperate committee be formed to rewrite said by-laws. After a discussion led by Mr. Frazier the by-laws were sent back to the committee for review by voice vote. At the time of this meeting three more SGA funded oreanization.s had responded to the budget report requests. Those organizations that responded are the Senior Class, Cabinet, and Campus Christian Organization. The En tertainment and Student Center Committee have not as yet responded. Under new business Mr. Murphy informed the Senate by memorandum that Terry Franks had been dismissed as Chair person of the Entertainment See Page 4 Bulletin Board UPCOMING EVENTS MONDAY, DEC. 3 Art Auction Delta Zeta Hot Dog Sale Concert/Lecture Film TUESDAY. DEC. 4 Senior Voice Recital WlA Country Store THURSDAY, DEC. 6 English Club SNEA Meeting Council of Presidents SUNDAY, DEC. 9 Tree Trimming Art Building In the Dorms Hardy Alumni Hall Howard Chapel Hardy Alumni Hall Hines 212 Hines 112 Hardy Alumni Hall Student Center 7:30 7:00-9:00 7:00 8:00 4:00 6:30 11:00-11:45 5:30 6:00-10:00 Students who have used grants or state refunds to pur chase books, please come by the Bookstore Monday, Dec. 3, through Friday, Dec. 7 to pay the bill and receive any balance due. On Dec. 3, Monday night, at 8:00 p.m., the A.C. Jazz Band will be in concert. Included will be music recorded by Buddy Rich, Marian McPartland. and Henry Mancini. The Marimba Ensemble will also be on the program presenting Christmas music. Important Notice to PSY 492, Internship Students - There will be a very important meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 4, in Hines 110 at 11:00 a.m. All students should definitely be present in order to meet the final commitments for this course. Thank you. WlA is sponsoring a "Coun try Store” on Dec. 4 in Hardy Alumni Hall from 4:00-7:00 p.m. This is a good opportunity to pick up Christmas gifts or to make some extra cash. Guys, you can get in on this by getting any girl on campus to sell for you. If you are interested, please contact Mary Baggett in Hilley Dorm so that we may have a table set up for you. Admission is free and everyone is invited to attend. An Accounting Club Christ mas Party will be held for members only on Tuesday, Dec. 4. Come out and join in the fun at 10:50 a.m. in Hines 106. SNEA will meet Dec. 6, 1979. We will meet in Hines 112 at 11:00 a.m. Dr. Parker will be our guest speaker. Please come and support our club. See Page 8