I 1 WEEKLY ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE NUMBER 15 Januarv 28, 1980 t Love Lecture Poses Questions Photo by Peter Chamness Danny Seemtller grimaces as he watches an attemped save go astray during last Saturday^ Batterfly Pro Table Tennis Tournament. For the story, see page 3. b_v J. Fred Pearce Last Wednesday, Januar>- 23, a small audience of around 50 had the pleasure to hear the wit and wisdom of Sam Love, a lecturer in energy alternatives. Love, whose show featured films, slides, and discussion intriqued the audience with a combined pessimistic and opti mistic view of the future. His view was pessimistic because of his realization that Americans could not continue to waste energy has they do today. However, this was combined with a knowledge that eventual ly our nation would realize the need to conserve. During his lecture Love demonstrated not only the waste of which our nation is guilty, but also the inability of any other energy source to overcome our dependence on foreign oil in the near future. Instead. Love accentuated the need for individuals to do what ever they can to cut down on energy use. In a later interview. Love pointed out that 40 to 50% of our energy use txiuld be cut by such measures as insulation, storm windows, etc. Concerning nuclear p