(2.0[[zq iutE. September IS, 1980 Atlantic Christiui College Number 4 riii A KLKCTRIC HORSEMAN RETURNS! ^[arood 'j3iu£.i. It was at the end of August when he was last seen. School was ready to open and the RA’s had already returned. My friend and 1 had just sat through hours of orientation, and we were making our way across campus heading for the dormi tory, and a well deserved rest. The full moon was slowly ascending into the hot August night, and the patchwork sky broke its orange light into a collage of shadows which blanketed the campus. As we passed by the fountain, I causually turned my attention to center campus. Suddenly, breaking out from the dark area by Hardy Center, moving across campus towards Caldwell, I saw him. It was in the Spring, April I think, that he was last seen. Over the summer I’d almost forgotten about him. Forgotten •the terror that he had inspired even in the hearts of the bravest of men. Even the campus patrolmen shudder at the men tion of his name. But it was on that sultry Friday night that he chose to ride again. “Ride,” you say? Yes, for we are speaking of “The Electric Horseman!” And there, slip ping through the trees, only fifty yards away from us, he rode again. After a few seconds, I lost sight of the figure as it slipped into the concealing darkness of Caldwell’s shadows. 1 wiped the sweat from my forehead and peered diligently into the night, hoping to catch another glimpse of this menacing figure. Our legs moved us a few feet closer, but our hearts were racing at an incredible rate. We stopped to listen. Nothing but the distant hum of trucks on the highway, then there was a sudden rushing of feet, and I was alone. My friend had left me to face this horror alone. I moved towards Caldwell, cautiously, fearful of what might be waiting for me there in the shadows. I visually searched the area until my eyes froze on what 1 thought to be my evasive spector. It was about thirty feet away from me, and it glowed in an eerie blue light, but it didn’t move. It just stood there, silently but always intim idating my every movement. Slowly I reached out my arm to touch the edge of the blue light that was encompassing the en tire area. Soon I was engulfed in the blue, pulsating light. 1 became panic stricken, my senses were electrified. 1 turned and began to run back towards the security of the lighted Student Center. The bushes russled, I turned and in an instant he was upon me. He moved with lightning speed and before 1 had time to gather my senses. I found myself tangled in the thorns and bushes. Down and no where to turn, 1 realized I was at the mercy of this ghostly stranger. Much to my amazement, my adversary passed me by as if I hadn’t even been there. He proceeded to the fountain and was in the water in an instant. I pulled myself up and followed the luminescent trail of my apparition friend. As I approached the fountain, he slowly turned around until he was facing me. His stare cut through me as I made eye contact with him, and I felt as if I’d melt away to nothing. After what seemed like a lifetime he opened his mouth and spoke with a voice that left me cold, withdrawn, and desperate. "I am the Electric Horseman! I will return!” He then slowly began to sink in the dark, murky waters of the fountain, and was It was about ten minutes before I could move again. When I finally did, I ran, as fast as humanly possible, to the nearest lighted building, where 1 collapsed in the center of a group of people. When I woke, after three and a half hours. I delivered my story to the concerned group that had come to my aid. Some scoffed, some laughed, others were leary. But what ever their opinions were at the time, they were all cautious to kxik towards center campus when passing by the Student Center. Who is the Electric Horseman? Where di>es he come from? And why has he chosen to conduc't his sinister rides here at ACC? I don't know but I'm looking for the answers and if I or any of my colleagues should encounter the answers somewhere out there, we will try to get word to the rest of you. ''OFF & UIJNNINC;; H£. ^lj~*£.cic0cii. Have you recently seen groups of girls out running or walking all around campus and wondered what had gotten into them? Wekk, many of the girls here on campus were participating in “OFF (& RUNNING”, a running contest sponsored by Women’s Interdorm Association. The goal was for each floor in the dorms was 150 miles, and that meant not only running, but also a lot of group enthusiasm! The first floor to complete 150 miles was fifth floor of Waters. With the majority of the girls on the floor participating and work ing together, they finished in only six days! The second floor to finish was fourth floor Weng er. Congratulations to all of these girls who worked so hard to do so well! Thanks so much to the many girls all over campus who partic ipated. Not only will their participation show in their phys ically fit bodies, but also each girl will receive a prize for helping out her floor! WIA hopes this project has helped many of you to get in shape and also helped you to get to know the people on your hall. WIA will be having many more activities this year, so girls keep your eyes open for more on what your interdorm association is up to! cont’d on page 3 '\UA CONCEttT! Marty Bear in concert September 16th in Hardy Alum ni Hall at 9:oo pm. Marty Bear, a native of New York City, had his beginnings in entertainment through musical comedy theatre. His universal audience appeal has led him to branch out to performances throughout the East Coast from Maine to Florida in colleges, clubs, resorts as well as theatre companies. Marty sings with the talent and feeling that has led critics to call him “the voice of the 80’s”. Marty has an upcoming album featuring songs from a variety of artists such as: Loggins and Messina. Paul Simon, James Taylor. Cat Stevens, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Billy Joel, and others. This is sure to be entertaining and enjoyable, so be sure to join us! Marty's concert is sponsored by the SGA. <1