A Cool Night In December US btfn a little more than an hour since they announced the news. C*n It be possible? A feeling of numbness and nausea fills me. Mv friend is gone. I'm reflecting now. It aJl sUrted in 19S5 when he met Paul McCartney. In I%1, their manager told Decca records that “One day these boys will be bigger than Elvis Presley.” In late 1%2, they made their first record. A year later they had the top Iwo albums, three I.P‘s, and the top three singles. He and Paul and George and Rmgo had little faith In their ability to breaJi the U.S. record charts. They need not have worried. They sold more singles in the first three of months of 1964 than all the other recording artists combined. Three of the top five albums and fourteen of the top one hundred singles had the groups name on them. Their disarming style and antics captured people of all ages. They succeeded, as one reviewer put it, “because moms and dads liked them.” They left the teeny-boppers behind with “Revolver,” then stunned the rock world with the astonishing “Sgt. Pepper.” He met an Oriental woman who became his infamous wife. He and Paul had come to a parting of the ways as a songwriting team, and that separation was reflected in (heir music. He and his friends recorded "Abbey Road” in late 1969; It was their last and arguably their finest effort. Shortly afterward, he told Paul: “I want a divorce.” Paul made the dissolution official in April 10, 1970. He was on his own. His solo efforts drew praise and criticism, more often the latter. Because of his polities, the Nixon administration tried to have him run out of the country; it failed. He went into seclusion because it was important for him to be with his son. Several years later, he returned with an album and a single, both successes. Then somebody decided that he didn't have the right to live. Paul McCartney transformed the ideas into commercial acceptability, but HE was the innovator of the group. When the Beatles broke up, he said that “the dream is over." He was wrong, of course. Numbers such as twenty number one singles and fourteen number one albums in seven years wouldn’t let it die. There won't be much sleep tonight, so I think I’ll put on “Sgt, Pepper” and “Rubber Soul.” Thanks for the memories, John Lennon, The “dream” will never die. You made sure of that. As ! sit down, 1 think about Christmas, that joyful time of the year. Actually, that doesn t sound really too unusual, does it? After all, it’s now the middle of December and the 25th is only days away. Anywhere you go, you see reminders that it's the Christ mas season. There are Santa Claus's in all the shopping malls, there are ornamented Christmas trees virtually every where, wreaths are on the doors, and best of all— presents are coming! That, is what Christmas is all about! The joy and fun of opening presents and checking stockings on Christ mas morning is what we treasure so much. We just can’t wait for the "unusually long” Christmas Eve night to be over with so that we can rush out to the tree and see if Santa Claus has brought us all the gifts that we wanted. Oh, how the true spirit of Christmas sweeps the nation and the world! "'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. All the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there,” For some reason it just doesn’t have that usual heart warming ring of past years. What’s wrong? There’s got to be more to it than that. I remember when 1 was a kid, that was it, that was what I needed, that was what I so excitedly looked forward to every year. Now though, that 1 m older, that “traditional” Christmas story just doesn’t fulfill me anymore. There has got to be some chapters missing from the story. In fact, even that doesn’t satisfy me. It’s all wrong, 1 can just sense it. What’s missing? 1 keep asking myself that same question over and over again. No answer comes to my mind. 1 can’t think in here. I’d better go outside. IVlaybe the cool, crisp December air will clear the cobwebs from my mind and enable me to find out what I’m searching for. 1 walk around through the neigh borhood looking at all the color ful Christmas lights and the houses with the candles in the windows. They’re all beautiful, but what do they mean? I keep on walking and soon stroll past ‘■Rudolph the Red-nosed Rein deer” in someone’s frontyard. Oh, what a hero! He saved the world you know? Remember, a few years ago his bright nose enabled Santa to see through a snowstorm, and thus deliver his presents to all the people of the world. Wow, what a feat! Maybe thoughts like this are what I need to put the “Christmas spirit” back into me. But even Rudolph doesn’t give me that usual zing any more! What’s wrong w'ith me this year!?! I keep on walking and soon find myself in the busy part of town. Man, does this place buzz at night! Everyone around me is so happy. Why can’t I feel the same happiness that the others feel? I feel down and out, like an outsider. I read a sign on a store window, “MERRY X-MAS.” I walk on. But then 1 stop. What is this “x-MAS” stuff anyway? I thought this 1 Oinsfr, season. There’s , , , . — The "r shouldnt^--' * out something, 1, wrong with that sign ’ .h.niHn’t be there, Ifsfc —' “'--thing, 1 can sejsj They’re marking the lenen H, R, I, S, andlomofthew. “Christmas.” Why’ ment fills me, then running down the sidevan Tv ^ got togetbackhoroe, faintly hear the songs Bells” and "Frosty the Siy; , man” in the distance. Viif, ' What does Frosty, Rudolpi,,'^ i even Santa have to v,i4 . anyhow? I’m beginning to now, so 1 stop in j quiet cone | of town and sit down, rtmou;, confused. 1 don't know »hi,; think anymore. 1 . many years ago my grandfath* j told me something. It ; 1 story of some sort: "And there were in the sac-1 country shepherds abiding the field, keeping watch their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of theIc came upon them, and the gi; of the Lord shone round ilw them: and they weresotejfiK And the angel said umo ibet Fear not: for, behold, 1 te; you good tidings of gte« ji; which shall be to all people. For unto you is botnikisfc in the city of David a Sa™ which is Christ the Lord." Why are my granddad's w.: going through my mind’ fr beginning to feel ven'm fighting to stay awake. ItV use, 1 can’t hold it back u longer. I'm so weary. Itiea: bell toll as I fall off intt peaceful rest. Keith Waters oai 0<7£ oa ieaxcli and icaxck, tfiat one. iius [out, one tfiat can tkxdl jjOU, C^nd pi xottci i)ou and kttfi find true. 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