ENTERTAINMENT , MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP Album Review Michael Schenker Group Art and Music on Campus By Jeff MacLennan The Christmas season has snuck up on us all again, and with the Christmas season comes an array of new album releases. It seems that almost every rock act has put together some kind of effort. If not new _ material, they seem to have fallen back on a “Greatest Hits” or “Live” album release. One of the better releases is “The Michael Schenker Group.” This album is Michael Schenker’s second effort after last year’s release of his first solo album ironi6&1ly self-titled. Schenker has played in many other heavy metal acts, some of which include “The Scorpions” and his claim to fame as head axeman in “U.F.O.” For this new album Schenker has put a new approach to his music. He started by putting together a totally new lineup. His new frontline consists of Chris Glen on bass, Gary Bardon on lead vocals, key boardist Paul Raymond and new drummer Cozy Powell. Schenker has also put much more emphasis on his preludes. He also introduces a tremen dous crescendo effect. Evi dence of this claim can be found on such cuts as “But I Want More” and “On and On.” The album as a whole is laid out extremely well. Starting with “Are You Ready to Rock,” Michael displays his use of contagious rhythms and leads you into “Attack of the Mad Axeman.” This song is a masterpiece in its composition, starting out with fire, then moving into two sections that lessen the pace. Here Schencker builds up again to his original message. A tasty ballad,“Never Trust a Stranger,” was graced by the addition of Stephan Stills on backup vocals. The ballad adds a change to the album that is needed for Schenker’s final assault. His attack consists of two songs entitled “Looking for Love” and “Secondary Mating.” This completes Michael’s second album in fine fashion. MSG is touring America and with a fine follow-up to their debut album, he should provide an excellent show. The album is full of good heavy metal and catchy rhythms. Among the reviewer’s favorites are “Are You Ready to Rock,” “On and On” and “But 1 Want More.” With Michael Schenker behind the guitar, he will always assure you of an “Attack of the Mad Axeman.” (’.<>lle{»e Ban' and drawings will be available for purchase at affordable prices. Proceeds from this auction are used for student enrichment projects and student scholarship aid. Oriental .\rl Kxliihil The Atlantic Christian Col lege Department of Art will be presenting an exhibition of orig inal Oriental art on Thursday. Dec. 10. in the Case Art Gallery liKated on the college campus. Approximately 800 pieccs from China, Japan, India, Tibet and Thailand will be on display from Marson Ltd. of Baltimore. All works are available for purchase within a wide price range. The oldest prints date back to the 18th century and include Japanese woodcuts, Indian min iature paintings and manu scripts. Contemporary art will also be included. A representative will be present to answer questions. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ-iSSSSSSSSSSSS^ English majors, minors, English Club members and English faculty riECS. to @s30 TO 8 Home of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas MacLennan REDKEN RK Mitzi, Inc. HAIR STUDIO Wren Village Shoppng Center Wanda Smith Haird*tigr>«r WUion, N.C. 27893 Mitzi Lynn Mary Bottom* Pixmr Hoird««igr>*r Haird«>ign«r 237-4060 Appearing This Week: Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4, 5 Stormz Wed. Nit*—Ladies Reduced Coverage Thurs. Nite—College I.D. Reduced Coverage Dec. 3—Delta Zeta Sorority Night Dec. 8—Pedeitrlan Dec. 11, 12—Zak RIdar't now availabi* on Wednesday and Thursday night* for yoor fro»*mlty and »ororlty (und-raliing •v«nt*. Coll or com* by for (nor* Information. Happy Hour 8 to 9 p.m. — R*duc*d B*v*rag*i W*t T-ShIrt Ev*ry Saturday Night $50 — 1st Prii* $25 — 2nd PrIi* Phon* 291-4224 Open 8 p.m.-l a.m. 211 East Barn*t Str**t