brary “ Bennett Ci A Merry Christmas Season’s Greetings from the Staff THE BENNETT BANNER Student Publication of Bennett College And a Happy New Year VOLl MK X (JKEENSHOKO. N. C'., DFX'K.MHKK, M MISKK Dr. Sherwood Eddy Speaks Before Bennett Students IS WORLD FIGURE Noted Authority on Social, Economic and Religious Sub jects, Is Heard December 1. 1 >r, Slu'i'wood iutci’iKitioiKil niitliorily on llic ccoiioinii', sofiMl :nil ri'UKioiis iisix’cts (if oiii' |)i'(‘soiit (l;iy world an addn'ss on ‘"I'he Kni'ojiean Ci-isis and America’s Kcsjion- siliility" in Cai'rio I'.ariro CliaiK'l. Fri day uislit. I )('cr'in)ier 1. Followinii a discussion of (wclvc nia- .joi' cris(‘s lliat liavc Iiecn cxiicriciiccd liy (lie old world in the ])asf few y(‘ars. which inclndcd Ihc r(‘C(>nt hos- filifi('s imposed liy Kiissia ni)on Fin land: 1 )r. ])dd\’ ontlincd four lluMiries or i)hiloso])hi's of life, each of wliich is mcanf to linild a new world. First, that flie Facists and tlie Xazisls beiieve that they are liiiildinK a new woi-ld, lint, he added, (liat they were doins' it thnmKli liai'li.a I’ism. Sec ond. the linssi.ans wlio started their f'onnnnnist slate wilh the best of in tentions—that of (M|iializin,u' the eco nomic status if its citizenry, have c'n- counter(>d three factoi's iii.ake plii- losophy iiniiossibie: "lienial of polili-1 cal .and civil liberty, tin* violcMice of I their -ontinued re\dlutions. and harsli dogmatic atheism." 'i'liird. that democrac.\- believes that{ it can Imild a new world. ,\'et there j !n'“ economic and racial al.iiistmenfs; Graff Ballet Dancers Perform Here The internationally known (Jraff I'allet l)ancers wi'i'e jiresented in the • V. iV: 'I'. j;ynniasium on .Xm'eniber 1-1 by llie .ioint lyceum committee of A. & 'I', and Itennett ('ollefjes. \\'hile the Amei'ican dance is not n(>w il is .just lie,i;innin,;i to r('ally i;aiu the attention of Ihe iiubllc ; this fact per- h.aps accounts t'oi- th(> lack of nnrter- st.andini;' with which it is some times rec(‘i\('d. lloweves. th(‘ (iralT Dancers .yave a ver,\' exc;’llent ]ierfornianee and were well received b,v both the A. & 'I', and r.ennelt ^jroups. ’I'he next proffr^nn which the lyceum committee will s|>onsor will In' the Din ('ossack Chorus. Russian sin,^'ers of renowned fame. ’I’hey will also feature a d.-ince number as a sjiecial added at I raci icin. BENNETT JOINS IN FALL SPORTS DAY 25 Girls Go to Hampton Insti tute to Compete in Atl'letic Events. HOWARD KESTER MAKES PLEA FOR TENANT FARMERS I I - ♦ — Noted Economist Describes Plight of lJnderpriviles>ed Classes in South. Fourlh and last tlieor,\’ is Ihe , neory that reli.siion can build a new world. youns Ojllilean fislu'rman came out of his cariientr.v shop and founded the hi'-;hest moral standards that the world h:is ev('r known." said Dr. l''dd,\'. "T’pon his ]ii'incijiles of liumilt,\’. faith. ]iurit.\. and love must I'est the buildinj; of our new woi'ld. ('ou|iled with IIk'sc must be 1ustic('. liliei't.v. economic seciU'it.\’ and th> fellowship of lii'otherhood." he con cluded. BENNETT REPRESENTED AT V. M. C. CONFERENCE Meeting Held in December at Bowil. Maryland, Discusses Problems of Rural Life. I III I ...1 e * from liennett left foi- Hamilton Tii- stilute to iiarlicipale in the Fall Siiorts Day a( lliat institution. ’I'he fiirls who made up this re|iresentation wer(': Missts F. Fonvilh'. D. Foster, K. l.o- m.-ix. 51. Ard,au,n'hlin, \'. Welch, II. .lacobs, il. .Mct'lellan, 1. .\lsioii, F. Strickl.and, i'. Snipes, F, I’ass, (ireene, C. .lohnson, I. lirown, M. •Tones, D. 'I'aft', 51. l‘'lor('Uct‘, 51. Keid. I). 'I'a.Nlor, I’atterson, D. 5\'illiams. M. Shepherd. II. l’ij;helt. and Iv .lohn son. 'I'he Sports Da,\' \vas siionsei'cil iiy the \\'. .\. at Hamilton, 'I'he A\'. A. cabinet was divided into comnnttees for the purpose of making' it more c(‘ii\enient for the participants to know what and when they were supposed to be at an.v time. 'I'hei-e wi're also ,t;nid('s to instruct participants to their respective p!ac('s. 1‘ennetf was represent(>d in the fol- lowinn' aclivities: hocke.x. volleyball. French Club Gives ()n 'I’uesd.'iy c\'enin; llie I'rcnch Club met taiie to discuss plans Decendier 1-. •at Cui’liss Col- for Ihe I’rench )n the w('ek-('iid of Di'cendier S-10, the \'ir,i;inia 5Iar.\land ('arolina con ference w;is held in I’xiwiI, Marylaml, for tiu' purpose of discussin,^' prolKems related to Ihe life in Ihe rural district, 'I’he followin.n' were the reii]'cs('nt.-itiv(‘s fi’oin lU'inielt: the 5Iisses ,Vnna (’amp, I’orti.a 'l'a,vhjr, Fdna Welisler, and 51elda Williams, wilh Dr, C. 'I'ui'iier as ch.aiieron, project ali'eady in pi'o,i;r;'ss was visited, 'I'his project was a j;roup if ^ ,, , , * I P»s should be related is one ol tIu homes in Ihe .\rnndate ( ommnnit,\, I ‘ ICach collc‘s;i‘ wrote a paper on Ihe pro.iect : Ihe best paper receiving ;i i (Coutiiiufd oil I’agr I’lro) RACE RELATIONS GROUP I RESUMES WORK NOV. 10 Committees on Juvenile Couits, Schools, and Churches Have Done Good Work. I 'I'liat the community and Ihe cam- jirize. 'I'Ik' paper from liennett recei^•ed \ second place, ' 'rh(‘ iMiints of disaissi(in were: 1. Develo]iment and pi'e| ions ol' students for better rural livini;. L’. ()ui' resp(insibiiit.\ for Ihe lan-al ,vou( h. What's ahead for rural .Vmerica'.' -I. .\on-coop(>r.ativeness of peopli' in a rural community. 'I'Ik' program on Salni’da,\' evening' endwl with a pl.a,\’ ;;iven by the Alary- main ideas of the committee on Com munity Itelations. With this in mind, the comniiltee on i!ace Kelations I'e- sumed its work on ,\'o\‘mlier III. The connnittee was dividid into Ih' following iniils: Connnittee on Schools, Committee iin (’hurch, and Commitlei' on .luveni^e ('ouils. These connniltees li.ave alread.N done some woi'k in the locale that is hoped will |iro\’e v.aln- alile. .Mendiers of Ihe commit li’e include the following': .Messrs, .1, T. .Moi'ton, I., D.avis and I’rc'sident D. 1 •. .Iou('s: Misses F. (J. Ta.vlor. I.ucile Cole. A. land State T‘achers (’olle};v who por-| i’orler. and I!, W.vche: and .Mrs. 1’. ti'nyed lif‘ in the community which Dickens. 1>. it. i;:iidford. and Dr. A. (I. the colle.ue visitt'd. Tin'nei'. Christmas parly which will b;' u'iven in ch.ipel Thursday evenin',:. Decendier The !;ron|i sat .aroinid the lireplace roaslin.n' Weiners and makiu"' plans lor Ihe Fi'ench Chrislmas parly which is unlik(‘ our ,\mei’ican Christmas part,\'. .Miss .Maude Itell, president of Ihe club, was in char.u'e of th(' alfair. .\nion.n' Ihe membi'rs present were: the .Misses Serena Carter, Ceraldine Denned, l.ouise (loodson, Minnie Keid, Fdwia Ci'aham, .\lina Stewart, Du- Donna Tat(> and lOslelle AN'ai'd, 'I'he af fair was en.joyed by all, TEACHERS mSsERY SCHOOLS CONFER HERE Conference Held Nov. 20-24 To Exchange Ideas for Work With Pre-School Children. ... — XI net ecu leachers ot ,\egro XiU'sery schools were ass: mbied at liennett Col le^e from .\(i\'endier 1!0 to 24, to net ! new ii.uht and inspij'atioii, and to ex- ii'han'j;c e\iierien-(‘s fdi- mutual benetil III! llie trainin.^' of the pre-scbool child. ,\ll Ihe teachi'rs tau,i(ht in WI’.V nur- ser,\' schools. The theme of Ihe confer ence was "The nurser.v school and fani- il,v life education,'’ Di'. Kittrell welcomed Ihe ,i;roup and Dr, .\lbert.a Turner, director of Ihe liennett nurser,\' school spoke on "Xur- ser.v Sc-hool I’I'oblems," In addition lo leclnre and laboralor,v periods, morn ing and afternoon hours of reading wei'i' schecbfed. special cillection of books, ma.nazines, and p.aniphlet ma- (erial was sel up in Ihe browsint; i-ooni of Ihe l,ilirar,\' lo further ■aconainl Ihe f;roup with new trends in nursei'v scIhkiI obieclives and |iro- cedui'es, l!(‘nnetl has Ihe onl,v priv.ate inirsery scIkioI In Ihe state for .Xegro childi'en. i The leachei's came fi’oni WT’.V nursei'y jscliools in Charlotte. Ualei;;h. Wil- jmiuKlon. Durham and .Monroe. BENNETT AIDS IN lliiiiiL i il 1 J Movie Presented in Chapel to Emphasize Fi,ght on Tuber culosis: Seals Are Sold. Ill keepin,!i' with lh(' lieallh proijrams lh:il are launclK'd at Ibis se.asou of Ih' year in ilie ti,«bt a.irainsl tnlier- cn'osis. Mr. \'. II. Chavis of Dudle.v lliiili School ]iresented a movie, " M.\- I'eople l.h’e," lo the facull.\’ ami studeui body. December ."i, durinir cha]iel hour. The picMn-e \vas a produci of Tuski'- ."■ee Instittile. Its pur]iose was to show that lubercnlosis can be cured if a I'lcrson is Irealed for Ihe disease while il is in ils minor slase. I’ersens who ai'‘ Jiol able to pay for their trealni'iils are hi'ljied thro\i,i;h a'_M'iiey of the iied ('I’oss who sells e of Ihe Soulli .-ire Ihe nalion's numb:']- one problem." said Howard Kester. se(M'etar,\ to the conniiitlee for I'^conomie and Social .luslic, in desci'ib- iu'.; Ili(‘ wasted lands and ghastl.N’ |iov- erty of many rural soulh(>rners, to a re|ii'esentalive audience in Cari'ie llar^e hajiel. Xo\'ember 17. lie spike on tiu* sub.fect "The l-lcononiic and Social Con ditions of the South.’' All', Kester w:is presented b,\' Ihe \\'. C, In iileadiiiK Ihe of the ei.^'lit, to ten million southerners on leneni tai'ins, Mr, Kesler sjioke' speci lic;il l.A' ol the case ol the Alissonri farmers. Dn Ihe Kllli of .lanuary. last, he saiil Ihe lenani fanners from this stale look lo Ihe hiKhw.iy. for they liad no con- llracts fin' ID.'!!) due to increased ina- jchinery and l;ick of crops for llie com- I in.i;- ,\car. 'I'hey were rescued b.\’ th(> highway palrol, Allhou.t;h the popula- jtion is now heins staliiliz(‘(l, it is ile- icreasiiiic in the f(>rtile iirons and iu- (■reasin,t;' in Ihe poorer ai'(*as of the I South, Air. K'sler stressed the fad that :llie I'cononi,\' of Ihe South was based upon collon and lh;il ,\merica was onl,\- "in' ol .i2 connlries producing' Ih' s.Nulhelic subsliliiles are bein^ jiro- duced. ,\ll of this helps lo keep Ihe South poor and hel|is to keep livini^ conditions below subsistence le\'el, lie concluded by ur.iiin.i; a many crop s,\ s- lem for Ihe Sonlh and Ihe establishin.i? of better liviii.n conditions iu the farms because while lenani farininj;' and ils result in.^' evils exist Ihe South will remain poor, PRELUDE TO SWING IS PRESENTED BY GROUP I - • — Modern Dance Group Gives Performance at William Penn School, at High Point. i I he I inu in Ih in Ihi of the iChi’istmas seals at this ,\’eai'. 1‘ennelt li.'is .ioined ■ b.v ha\in.;;' a desk pl.-iced in Ihe main ('Ulrance of Ihe science buildin,^’ wilh se.'ils and litlle red crosses for sale, II is hoped that evei-y done her pari toward liel)iiny coinbat Ihe disease b,\’ liuyini; Chi'islinas seals, FRENCH CLASS HEARS EXCERPTS FROM OPERA Mrs. I>. Raiford of the French Department Arranges for Presentation. I Mirin niornin.;; ford of ; Ihe regular period on tin of .Xovember 2:!. Airs. 11. Kai Ihe l-'rench DeparlmenI ir- ran.yi'd for Ihe members of Ihe class in French lO.'i lo excerpts from the opera 'I'rixhiii cl Ixhiilh, The class, Innin'.; previously read Ihe sloi'y in I'rench, was able lo follow the opera wilh somi‘ de.iiree of inlelli- Keiic;'. However, the more technical ele-j nienl of both Ihe stor.v and niusic were 1 .Mildred r.urris explained lo ns liy Air, liallin of Ihe! Ahisic department. 'I'he I’.ennell Colle.uc modern ilanc(“ tiroup, uinler Ihe direction of Aliss Ali'dred lluri'is was presented in ils lirst iierformanc' al the William I’enn Hiuh .^'cliool, lliiih Point, X. ('.. De- ceniber I +. 'I'he dance, whicli is called "I’relnile lo Swinu'," expressed a cycle of Ihe dance from the soiilts of the pl.inla- lion lo llie ninsic of the cil.w These' dani'cs were .'iccomp.-inied b,\' a chorus of I went,\-live "iris, who s.-inn' Ihe sjiirilnals which were used, ,\monn' Ihe sonss which were inler- preted were, liaise a Kukns Tonight, .\obod.\' Knows De Trouble Fve Seen, Dark Town Slriiller’s Hall, Saint l.ouis \\'oman, ainl .loshn.'i Fit De i;,-illle of .rerieho. The Iasi two numbers wen- especiall,\- f;ood wilh Aliss I'rances •lohnson porl i'a,\ iiifi' Saint l.ouis Wo man, and ,\liss Alildred r.urris lakiiicr Ihe pari of .loshu.-i. So'os wei'c rendered b,\’ the Alisses l>\'('l.\n l‘'Io,\'d, llealrice Aloore, and lOstelle Ward, j Alenibers of the d.'ince unit were, i Alisses Florence Carler, Ilva d:' .loiir- netle, t'elesle Dennis, Syliil r.'i,\ ne. l*’rances .Johnson. Kosa Lomax, ICath- r,\'n AlKchell. Fil.-i I’eri'.N', Frances Ui'ex'es. Alarion Thacker, and I'Mna under Ihe direction of Aliss ((.'on I ill u id oil Pmjc Three) uauuag

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