THE BENNETT \OM .MK XII ■=>/ w Oy' Little Theatre Guild Presents "The Living Madonnas The most beautiful storj' eve/ told, tliat of the Nativity, related in a series of animated tableaux, entitled, “The Living Madonnas”, was pie- sentod to a large audience here De- oeml)er 13 in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel, by members of the liennett ('ollege Little Theati-e Guild, under its director. Miss Gladys Forde, Director of Diamatics. These ;ableaiix, which were repre- i-entations of some of the world's g^iat masterpieces of the 16th. 17th anc'' 18th centuries, I'eceived able supji‘'irt for their stoiy of the Birth of ■ Christ from the beginning of anthems and traditional Christmas music by the Bennett College choir of 4 0 selected voices, under the direc tion of Orrin Clayton Suthern, IL celebiated organist and conductor, who was at the organ. The reading of selected Scripture was by Mis.-i Orial Banks: Jan?t White Sang as a solo. Schubert’s. "Ave Maria.” The sei'ies opened Avith the repre sentation of Fra Angelico's 15 th centuify painting, "Annunciation,” and closed w’ith Gossart’s, “Madonna and Child.” Others in the series in- cludede Honthorst's. “Nativity”; Goes’, “Adoration of the Shepherds”; Durer’s, “Adoration of the Kings”; and Murillo’s, “Holy Family.” tiHi tfifliro bei'ies was an imiii'essive dramatic spectacle and drew tlie outspok'sn approval of the audience, it was. perhaps, in the “Nativity” tableau, which featured Sara Harris, of Wilkesboro, as “Mary”, Rachel Manley, of Greens- lioi'o, as “Angel”, Miss Vivian Ayers of Chester. S. C.. as “Angel” and Miss Francis Spurlock of Detroit, Michi-i gan, as “Joseph”; and the “Madonna and Child” tableau, featuring Miss Anona Blanchet of New Orleans, La., as “Mary” and that the production reached its greatest height. Othei' students participating in cluded Miss Edwina Schnyder of New Orleans, Miss Ellen McLester of Camden, S. C.; Miss Claire Johnson of Salibury; Miss Rubye Doyle of Senaca, S. C.; Miss Isabele Collier of Cleveland. Ohio; Miss Wilhelmina Chappelle of Columbia, S. C.; Miss Willie Perrin, of Greenwood, S. C.; Miss Winifred Taylor of Marshall, Texas; Miss Bettye Ann Artis of Columbus, Ohio; Miss Carrie McCon- ald of Cherew. S. C.; Miss Helen Frazier and Ann Ford of Greens- l)oro; Miss Laurita Ashmore of Ai>pling, Georgia; Miss Anna Atkins of Winston-Salem, N, C. and Yvonne Lyon of Greensboro. Also assisting were Miss Naida Willette. of Belleville, N. J., and Miss Grace Pollard, of Richmond, Virgina, as pages; Miss Bettie Wade of Winston-Salem and Miss Helen Horton of Gary, West Virginia, in charge of lighting. Miss Nancy Mc Dowell of New York City, Instructor of Ai't, painted the background for the settings, and Mrs. Marie Bather of Brooklyn, N. Y., Instructor of Clothing, designed the costumes. Orchestra Heard In First Concert Of the Year The Bennett College all-girl orches- tra, under the direction of F. Nathaniel Gatlin, instructor of pub ic school and instrumental music, played its first concert of the year iieie Deccenibr 5, before an enthusi astic audience in the aduitorium of the Little Theatre on the college ampus. The highlight of the program was the performance of the orchestra in Excerpts from the first movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. The symphony is representative of all symphonies. It is used today as and considei'ed the victory theme of the Allies. Opejiing the program was the masterful “March of the Miestei- ^.ingers” by Wagner. It is a regal but stilling musical processional, par- ti(:iilarly adapted for the strings. It set the mood foi- the rest of the con cert and left the audience in a warm and receptive frame of mind for the rest of the program. O t h e r compositions included “Themes from Piano Concerto,” (Tschaikowsky) ; “The Young Prince and Piincess” (Rimsky-Korsakoff); and “Hungarian Comedy” (Keler- Bela). Featured as soloists W'ere Director F. Nathaniel Gatlin, con ceit clarinetist, who played “Finale from Concerto op. (Mendelf«ohn) and Miss Lucille Foxe, trombonist, a freshman from Rocky Mount, who played “Ciribiribin” (Pestalozza). Miss Farra Young, a graduate of The Oberlin Conservatory of Music and now a meml)er of the Booker Wash ington High School Faculty of Rocky Mount, appeared ae guest cellist. As an innovation, the Bennett Col lege “swing octette,” also under the direction of Mr. Gatlin, was intro duced during the intermission and responded by playing Handy’s “St. Louis Blues,” much to the acclaim of the audience. The perfomance of the orchestra won the acclaim and the outspoken approval of the entire audience, and it represented the willingness of the participants to subject themselves to long hours of preparation for such a concert. It exhibited also the great e.xtent to w'hich these young inex perienced musicians have progressed over a period of three sliort years under their director and founder, F. Nathaniel Gatlin, a graduate of the Oberlin Conservatory and a former member of the Oberlin Symphony Orchestra and the Wood-Wind quintet. Hoigate L;brary Student Publication of Bennett Cbllege (JRKEXSBOKO, N. IMX'EMUKK, 1!)42 ‘t'i S OMEGA The untimely death of Irma Graham, ’4 2, was a distinct blow to all who knew her. Our only consolation lies in the fact that during her brief span she found herself and made her contribution. CHRISTMAS CALENDAR December 20, 1942, 4:00 p. m. — Christmas Carol Concert, Freshman and College Choirs. December 23 — Coral concert by Dormitory Groups. December 24 -—■ Christmas party by Student Senate in each dormitory- 2:30 p. m. Christmas dinner. December 2G — 8:15 P. M. —.3 one-act plays in the Little Theatre by the Little Theatre Guild. December 31 — Little Theatre Guild Entertainment. December 31 — 11:00-12:00 p. m, -Watching for New Year in Gymnas ium. January 1 — Dining Hall Girls Entertainment. January 3 — 4:00 p. ni. Paul Robeson recital. CHRISTITtnS GREETINGS Christmas — a magic word for an equally magic season. Christmas — the mere mention of the word conjures up a mental rosy glow — recollection of small boys’ choirs sing ing quavering “Ave Marias” — visions of festive menus— memories of childhood happiness, gifts. But suddenly reality comes back to us — the glow fades — a gray chill takes its place. 1941-1942 WAR!! What place has Christmas in a mad world at war? — Christmas with its evangel of “Peace on Earth,” “good will to men”. A cynical reaction is likely to set in. “Peace on earth!” Indeed! It’d be funny if weren’t such a grim war we’re fight ing. Oddly enough this is the time that Christmas should have its greatest import—NOW when the world is in aching chaos. Of course the pure enjoyment of the holiday season must be curtailed somewhat drastically —- of course the family cannot expect all its members around the Yuletide fire— but the essence of Christmas, the ideal it commemorates is something that can live in the heart of every man—regardless of nation, principles, creed, or color. The BENNETT BAN NER staff pauses to wish you a joyous holiday season and a meaningful one. May the ones in years to come more nearly approach the herald of the angels—“Peace on earth; good will to men!”’. —Editor, VALENA E. MINOR, ’43. Choir Holds Annual Christmas Concert The Bennett College choir, under the direction of Orrin Clayton Suthern, II, presented its annual Christmas concert Sunday, Dec. 20, in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel at 4:00 p. m. The program consisted of French, English, Russian carols and Negro spirituals. The trio for the occasion were Misses Janet White, Priscilla Brown, and Betty Artis of the Junior Choir. The entire Junior Choir sang a group of selections also. De Burgo’s “Rock de Cradle Mary“ and “Gloria in Excelsis” by Mozart were the high points of the well-rounded program. The candles In the chapel added immeasurably to the impressiveness of the occasion, as did the new maroon robes of the choir. Hazel Harrison Gives Concert At Bennett Hazel Harrison, concert pianist, displayed extraordinary musical in telligence and universally smooth- flowing technique to the large group of students and local townspeople who attended her concert here Decem ber 11, which was played in the audi torium of the Little Theatre on the Bennett College campus and present ed as the third in the series of lyceum programs for the year. Beginning with Rudolph Ganz’s, “'V’erpetual Motion,” an arrange ment of th? very popular Finale of Weber’s “C Major Sonata,” and following with Busoni’s, “Cha- conne”, arranged for piano from Bach’s, “Fourth Sonata,” Miss Harrison immediately d i sc 1 o a e d sound musicianship and skill that won tremendous applause and. set the stage for the audience’s i^ndy acceptance of the rest of her pro gram. Although Jier interpretation of Chopin and her Brahms playing •vvexe satisfying and disclosed tfue excellent (Continued On Pa(?«^ Two) North Carolina Methodist Conference Holds Spec^ Session At Berinett-i%" Bishop Shaw Speaks The North Carolina annual con ference of Methodist churches met in a spe';ial roll call December 15 at Bennett college, v/ith Bishop A. P. Shav/, of Baltimore, Maryland, resi dent bishop, presiding, and reported a total contribution of $2,037.41 to the college endowment fund drive. Openin,?' the morning seof^ioii, Pibiiop l-ihaw said, in his addresi on “Sacrificial Giving”, “It is no! poss ible to do too much for BenufH college.” He praised the dele.^ates tor their efforts in behalf of th"! endowment drive but admouisheu lest t’ley peimit the success v.hich the college has enjoyed for the past few years become a deterrent i)i their further support .if the institu- iii'.. Following the address by the bishop, financial reports were read by conference districts, and superin tendents of these districts reported as follows: Greensboro, Reverend II. Vv. Winchester, superintendent, .$674.21; Winston-Salem, Reverend R. F. McCallum, superintendent, $573.85; Western, Reverend G. M. Phelps, superintendent, $419,25; and Laurinburg, Reverend R. B. McRae, superintendent, $370.10. Great enthusiasm was occasioned by the reports, when President David D. Jones, of Bennett college, in thanking the conference for its con tribution, announced that the Gener al Education Board, of New York City, has modified the terms of its conditional grant to the college en dowment fund, and will now pay an unconditional r.6 2-3 cents pro rata supplement to the endowment funcl for every dollar raised by the col lege. Luncheon was pi-epared and served to the minister.s in the Science bulling by Miss Ware and memebers of her Foods 101 B elass. , Student Senate Sponsors Annual Christmas Party The tradition of the liennelt Chi'istmas Sisters reaches its high point tonight, Christmas Eve, at the I’arty .given in Thirkield Gym. by the Student Senate. There around Ihe Christmas tree will )>e placed all the presiits given by the liennett girls and faculty members to their Christmas sisters. The presents will lie disti'ilnited by a real Santa Claus —in this case represented by Mr. Orrin Clayton Suthern. II, of the Music Dejiartment. The Christmas Sister is as much a part of the Bennett tradition as the Birthday Dinner, or the Thanks giving White Breakfast. Girls in each dormitory select by drawing names, some girl to play sister to during the holdiay season. The girl whose name is drawn does not know who has drawn her name but is constantly surprised by little acts of thoughtfulness and kindness. Each girl does her bit toward making an- onther girl’s Christmas happy and each girl is in turn made happy. Little deeds like turning l>ack a girl’s bed at night, sending her things from the book store, sending her your iessert in the dining hall, are usual 'exTiT^slans" or ih u - c itiTsTrmjtS- The faculty membei’s exchange names with the city students. Secrecy and anonymity are the real joy of this tradition. Not until the annual Christmas party are the Christmas Sisteis revealed by name. There under the Christmas tree in the gym the presents are placed— not expensive presents, just remem brances of the occasion and the sea son — and when each girl or faculty member opens her present, she finds who has made her days so pleasant. Tliis year is the first year in his tory of the institution that the Christ mas Party has actually been held on Christmas Eve. Heretofore Ihe Party has always been held a few days before the girls leave for home. In the light of the curtailed holiday though the greater majority of the students will be on the campus this year and the Party will be more fun than evere since it is much nearer the actual Yuletide. Annual Founders' Day Observed The Founder’s Day exercises were held at Bennett on November 16 in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel at 10:10 a. m. The Rev. Amos Thorn burg, pastor of the Matthewson Street Methodist Church, Providence, R. I., was the main speaker. At this exercise the faculty made a contribution of $1,000 and the student body made a contribution of S450 towards the endowment fund in an effort to prove “There’ll Ahvays Be A Bennett”. The academic robes of the faculty and the customary white dresses worn by the students added much to the beauty of the .service.