s JOIN WAR PEACE PROGRAM THE BENNETT BANNER ■X c. Student Publication of Bennett College SUPPORT YOUR BANNER VOIAME XIV (JHKK.NSBOKO, N. FKHKl AHY, l!)45 MMI5KK r> Crockett, Crane, Baldwin and Butterfield Vesper Speakers Kev. K. 1). ('I'dckett of l^ennett lege; ])i’. Henry Hitt Crane. ))asti>r if Central Jlethodist Cluirch, Detroit, .Micliigan : Mi'. Uoirei' Baldwin. lUrec- t(ir Ilf tlie American Civil Liberties I'nion: and Dr. Victor L. ISuttertield. president iif Wesleyan I’niversity. -Middletown. Conn.. wei’e the college vesper speaiers durlns the past weeks. Speaking before tlie vesper service, .lannary 121, Kev. K. 1). Crockett told his audience that, "the more t'xcellent way" in life is usually the most ditfi- cult. "Realizing that it is always I'asier to do the wrong thing that it is to do the right", continued the speaker, "nuiny of us ai’e so apt to take the easiest way out, .sometimes never for- •seeiiig the possible conseiiuences." He added that as one )mrsues through life, he nmst loose himself and take a definite stand. "When Vve do this”, he assei'ted, "then we can be assured that (iod will always be with us". Dr. Crane "'I'he problem (d' [lain is too in volved and too difhcidt fir the human brain to grasp", said Dr. lleni'y Hiti (Continued On Page Three) Alpha Epsilon Sends Delegate To National Honor Society Convention Al])ha Mpsilon Chapter st'nt Uoherta flavors as a delegate to th(> Seventh Ainuuil Convention of the Alpha Kap pa .Mu Honor Society held at Hamp ton Institute on I'tbruary 8-it. Hen- nett was one among eleven colh'ges repi'esented. 'I'he theme of the nu^^ting was the stinudation of scholarshiii in the col leges. Discussions aromid this theme led to the making of concri>te plans for the em]ihasing and rt'alizing of the values of scholarship in the life (d' the college student. The principal address was delivered by I>r. Felton ('lark of Southern I'niversity on the stdiject of "The Achievement of Status" which the speaker said can be done only through scholarship. Other chapters in this i-egion repre sented at the convention wi're those of A. and T. College, I'^ayetteville State College, Virginia Vidon and Hampton Institute. Appi'oximately fifty dele gates were present. One of the suggestions made to foster scholarship was the observancc of Alpha Kappa Jlti Day on the var ious campuses which otu- own chap ter w ill observe. Deposed “Flat Hat” Editor Invited To Join Banner Staff As Guest Writer Marilyn Kaennnerle. editor of the "I'’lat Hat", sftulent publication at Wil liams and Mai-y Cidlege in Virgiina, who was deposed by facidty action last week for her edit(U'ial on acce])ting Negroes as ecpials, has been invited by the HANNKK to join the staff as a guest editorial writei'. The editoi'ial. which caused the ousting of ili.ss Kaemmerle and the subsiHiuent stispension of publication of "Flat Hat" when the students re fused to continue publication mider strict faculty cen.sorship. lu-ged that Negroes shoidd be recognized as equals in nunds and souls. This me:ins, the (\lit(U'ial cintinued, that Negro stu dents should attend the same classes with white students, partici])ate in the same college fmu’tions, join the same clubs, pin the same class mates, I'oorn together and interuuirry. 'I'hc IJANNl'Ui. in (‘Xteniling the in vitation to .Miss Kaennnerle to join the staff, neither requests that she I’on- tinue the same controversy mu' sug gests any particidar topic on which she might write, in the event slu' ac cepts. Home-Making Institute Brings Mrs. Roosevelt To Campus 'i’he nineteenth ing Institute to week of .March otn‘ campus stu’h annual Honu' Mak- be belli during tlit' ]S-24 will bi'ing to well known jiersons as Mrs. Kh'aniu' Koosevelt. Col. ('amp- bell .loluiston, and Dr. Katherine l.en root. Chief of the Children's I’.iu'eau, r. S. Dept, of Labor. The theme of the institute "The Ketiu-uing Soldier and will emphasize tlu' ad- veteran soldi(^r in rt‘- familv .■mil his com- His I’l'oblems" Justment of tli lation to his uunuty. The institute two nu'al counnunitit health ])roject. .Momd will bt' carried to the 1 of the college 'I’abor and Col lins (Ji-ove. liei)res(‘nting tht' soldier will be an overseas war corresiionilant and his family will b(> represented by the motlK‘1' of a dischai'gi'd veteran. Discussions will lie li'ad by Mrs. Koosevell. Col. .lohnslon and Dr. 1,en root. CAMPUS VISITOR Former Dean Appointed To Clin ical Psychology Post In Army J.ieutenant .lames 'I' -Morton. .Ir.. of the Station Hos]iital. Camji Rucker. Alabam.a. I'eceived a direct a)ipoint- nient in clinical psychology the first of the yeai'. Lt. Morton is a native of lOvanston, Illinois and former dean of instruction and instructor of Kduca- tion and I’sychology here at I’ennett. Lt. Moi'ton did his midergrjiduate work at the University of Illinois. H(“ i'('cei\ed his M. A. and I’h. D. degrei'S from Northwestern I'niversity in T.lBo and li)42, respectively. liefore going to Camp Rucker, Lt. Morton was at 'I'uskegee where he ad- unnistered ]isychological tests to Avia tion Cadets. He is at preserd the only Nt'gi'o officer on his post and has re received wide experience in clinical ])sychology "th* army way". Lt. .Moi'ton, we hail you ! Does Senatorial Policy Cast Shadow Of Future Of American Thinking? Students Organize International Relations Club On Campus 'l’wenty-fiv(> sludents, anxious tor enlightennuMit on international affairs, came together in a voluntary' discus sion grouii, and organized the Intt'rna- tional Ri'lations Club of lienmMt Col lege. The newly organized club, under till' fai'Ulty supi'i'vision of Dr. f'red- eric .lackson, will meet fortnightly. The 1 nternat ion.'il Relations Club, just oii(“ of many such student or ganizations in American colleges, is affiliated with similar clubs siion.sored tliroughout the world by tlu' Carnegie I'aidowment for International I’eace. .\lready, materials for th(‘ Club's liliiary havi' begun to arrive. I'he lilir.'iry, known as tlu' International Kelations ('lub Library, has bet'ii set uji in tlu* Nan (ioode-Suuth riMim and is ojien to all students. StudtMits, who are non-m(‘inb(‘rs, are invited to tlu> I’ortnightly discussions. Lyceum Committe Presents Ellabelle Davis In Recital War Comes To Bennett The \\'ar came straight to llennetts door when on one of the coldest days of the winter, there was no coal and consequently no heat on the campus. Attempting to meet the wholly uncom fortable situation in the best possible spirit everyone buttoned up his coat and sliivered through the day's routine. 'I'he Students Senate boosted morale -itli signs like "It's Snowing in He) gimn." "'I'ain't So 'Coal' " and "He Like the Ant, Keep P.usy." This is the first time that the war has been brought home on Hennett s campus but it will not be the last time, 'i'hei-e will be many more days when there will be a shortage on things that we need. Then, we will do just as we did when there was no —button up inu- coats and take it I The moral—save, conserve, do not waste—fuel, food, Ijghts, clothes! Carol Brice Presented In Song Recital On 'I'uesday evening, February 20, Carol Brice the noted Negro contralto was presented in a song recital In the Annie .Merner I’heiffer ('hapel. Miss ISrice is the niece of I»r. Charlotte Hawkins Itrowu and is a former stu dent of rainier Memorial Institute, of which Dr. Rrown is I’resident and Founder. Miss Hrice thrilled the atidience with a rich voice that had a wide i-ange, ptu'e intonation and clarity of texture. She handled all classic grimps from Handel to the modei’n ideas of Rach- manioff to imr own spirituals of Negro folk songs, with ease that was all the more remarkable for the power and depth of her voice. Her tones were firmly placed and excellently con trolled on the breath while its ci-es- ceiulo was notably even. -Miss I>rice was acconiiianied by her brother, .loiiiithan l?rice, who recently accompanied Kllabelle Davis during our last series of Lycetmi progriinis. The high light of -Miss Hrice's program were: "(^uella"—-Marcello; "Ini Helist"— (Continued On Page Four) Dr. Ann Cook Visits Campus Dr. ,\un Cook. Coordinator of the -\rts at Hamilton Institute siient the week of I'eliruary li) on tlit' campus. 'I’he iirimary pur]iosi- :if lier visit was to ])rovide students with an o|iportun- ity to create collectively and to ac- (piaint them witli the succesivi* stages in conveying ideas in dramatic form. In order to do this she and iiit(*r(‘steil stuilents worked together to iiroiUice what is known as a "Living -Xi'ws- pajier"—a t.v]ie of dramatic presenta tion revolving around some idea which is uppermost in the mind of th(> student Ijody ;is a whole. '1 he Living News paper iiortrays to the audience in a aniiujited way the thinights of the studi'iits taken from canqius life. At mass meetings the students di*- cided on the idea and the art forms to give it best ex)iression. 'I'hey worked out the scenes, cast the pro duction and arranged the details of staging. Dr. Cook is a graduati' of Oberlin College in Ohio win re she s|iecialized in drama. Because of outstanding work in the field of dramatics she received f'ellowshi|is which enabl(*d her in three years at the Yale School of Drama to complete reiiuireiiii'nts for tin* I’h. D degree. Dr. (’ook is the tirst Negro to receive the I’h. D. ih^grei* in the Held of Dramatic -\rts. Itemiett is the first -Negro college at which Dr. Cook has tried the ex- lieriment of the Lhing -Newspaper in the six years in her work of this type of l)ramatic ,\rt. Look in next issue of your H-\N'N'ER for details of the Liv ing News]iaper as it was ]iresented at Hennett. The Lyceum commilte(“ attained a most excelk'nt ln‘ginning for this semester with the iiresent at ion of lOl- labelle Davis, soprano in a recital, ac- '‘omiianied by .lonathan Hrice at the pi.ano. S.-itnrday l'’ebruary 8 in the -\nnie .Mi'rner I’feiffer chaiiel. 'I'he progiam was of five parts con sisting’ of s''l‘‘ct sovgs of iiKii'y \'’*dl known conqiosers- D(‘tt. Strauss. 'I'o- relli. r.uiieigh. Weber and many oth ers. I'rom the beginning with 'I'u Lo Sol by 'I'oi'elli to the close of th(» pro- grai.i v. ith an encore "Stunmert ime" Fll.abeih* Davis exemiilified all highest (lualities of superb excellence in a soprano voice and was found to be iiK ritorlous of any of the many com- liliments give her by newsjiapers and audiences after (‘ach iierformanci' with the accomjianying of jiiano or a fa mous orchest ra. One of the most outstanding ]iiec(‘s of the iirogram was "ISigot's -\dieux De L'Hotesse -\rabe" which inevitably led to an encore of the same, -\nother selection enjoyed by all w:is the-\ria ;" "I.eise, Leise 'ri'omme Weise" from "Der l''reisghiitz by Webi'i- which con stituted the whole third ]iart of the Iirogram. O- I5y Kthel H. Jolinson, ’4”. Will the thinking in this cotmlry aft(M- the W.\l! b(“ liberal or ri^ac- tioiiary? 'Two events of reciMit hap- jKMungs as they concern "senatorial liolicy" have caught the ptiblic eye and must raise tlu* (pu'stion as to Wlu'ther they cast the shadow of the trend of future thinking? Will it be conservatively rt'actionary or |irogres- sively liberal? 'I'he first of these events conciM-n the appointnuMd of Henry Wallace as Secretary ol' ('omnierce. -\t this writ ing the SiMiate is still holding up Wal lace's confirmation pending the pas sage of the (!(‘orge bill, an act ih'sigiu'd to reniov(‘ all financial agencies (Rh'(' and others) from the Comerce Di^ ]iartni(‘nt. It is expected tii.at W:il- lace's (•onfirniation will follow the passagi* of this bill. 'I'lu' Di'partment of ('onimerce, prior to the Ceorge bill, command(*il the principal mechanism for the ai’hievi'- nient of ftdl (‘inploynu'nt after tlu‘ war. Wallace, a liberal and always a cham pion of the riglits of the comnuin man, had he been confirnu'd iirior to tlu“ Ceorge bill, would have b(>en in tlu‘ ]Hisition to aid and to stimulate our trade, both foreign and domestic, as W(‘ll as to encourage small businesses —all important in a iirogram for full eniiiloyment. 'I'he fight against Wallaci- is a fight against full eniployment and against the concept of an exiianding economy whicli would aid all people alike. It is a fight to maintain monopolistic control of business with its attending I Coatiuuea Ga Page Threj) Community Project Expands 'I'he class of Rural Sociology is a part of the (‘xpanded ]irogram. 'I'hese students are at pre.sent woi-king on a s]iecific program of Health Kduca- tioii for the rural communities. 'I'hey lilan to reach the peojile of the com munities through the common nu'dia of conmumication : (|uestionaires, skits, liost(*rs, and informal lectures. -\s soon as the plans are apiu'oved by the in- stnu'tor. Miss i’ai'ker. tlu> stiuU'nts will be taken into the communities to exe cute* their own plans. -Mrs. -Marteena, ('ollt'ge Librarian, has agreiMl to work with tlu* diri'ctor in securing library facilities. Students in Library Sci('iice will partici]iate in the i)has(* of the program. .\nother point of expansion is at the Floi’ence High School. -Miss Parker and -Miss Ware ar(> working with the P.-'I'. there in a new Itmchroom liroject. -\s soon as this program is in op(*ration, the students in Nutrition will have actual ]iractic(‘ in operating it. Dr. Heittel of (iuilford Coll(*g(‘ has t Conti'nued On Page Fonr) Holgate Library Adds Books To Collection 'I'he Holgate Library ri'cently added several new fiction and non-fiction books to its collt'ction. The new fiction books include—.lohn Hersi'y. l’>l'’.LI. FOR ADANO; a very recent book by .lohn Steinbenk, C-\N'NKR'l' ROW: Franct'S I’.lackwood, -MRS ION(!L-\ND ;oi';S 0-\ LIVI-Nd. Also added art' 'l'R-\(HC (iROl'N’D by Krkiiu' Cald- W(‘ll 11he author of'l'OP>-\CCO RO.\D), .-ind tlu‘ much sought after l-;\I'-R .\-MP.1:K liy Winsor. Interestingly written fiction books dealing willi the ever prc'sent minority struggh' helii make nji this new collection also, namely: TLMICLKSS LAND by f] I e a n o r Dark, F()LLO\\ 'I'HI'i Dltl-XKLNC (;ontl) by (laitlu'r and KAKTH AND HIOII HKAVION by Oraham. 'I'he former di'jiicts the hard ships and demonilization of the Negroes in .\ustralia since its settle- (Continued On Page Three) Senior Week To Be Held On the Campus 'Phe annual Senior week exercis(>s will b(‘ held on the ciimiius during the we(*k of -March .'i. All chap(‘l services will be sponsored liy the class in that w(‘ek. -Monday, then' will be a tahMit. pi’ogram : contemporary allairs on 'I'uesday; Wednesday class ]iresident, Carolyn Robertson will s]ieak in for mal chaptd. 'I'lu' class skit on 'I'hurs- diiy, and on l-'riday tlu“ SiMiior Day exercises will climax the events of the w(>ek. All day Wednesday faculty stop-day will be observed, tlu' Seniors having comiilete chargt* of th(‘ school. 'I’hal evening at the Mid-Week Vespers the Senior nuMiibtU'S of the choir will be presented. 'I'hursday (Wi'uing the birth day diniu'r will be in charge of the class. Sunday afternoon at v(\spers members of the class will officiate. a8s(l03 uauuag •• S3AIH3iJV

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