JOIN WAR PEACE PROGRAM THE BENNETT BANNER Student Publication of Bennett College - -> C. SUPPORT YOUR BANNER VOIAME XIV (iHKKNSIiOHO, N. \IMtlL 1!)45 MMIJKK Bishop Robert E. Jones Conducts Religious Emphasis Week At College In a week i)f relijriims service lieu-* nett Cdllefie students were ol'fei'ed the key to a fruitful life by Kishop Robert l'>. .bines presiding over Kelisious Em phasis Week services, March 25-2!). Bishop .lones, a native of (ireenshoro, was the first Negro ever elected to tlie episcopacy Iti the ilethodist Church, in whicli capacity he sei'ved for twenty years, retirini; during the Second Cen tral .Jurisdictional (’onl'erence, ,Iune 1!)44. Sti'essing the Tact tliat most people do not give religion a ciianci' they expiH't it to work automatically, | the sjieaker, drawing his tiieme from j the l)ibli'al verse, "1 have come tliat , you niiglit live more al)tmdantly", pro- j claimed tlie way if ('iii’ist as being the only univt'rsal way. Speaking (»n the "abundant lile the s])eaker stated, “One (>f tlu‘ most diifi- cult things in the w(trld is to nialve a siu'cess of life, because it is so I'oui- plex. life is fai- more mystei'ious tiian death. Try as iiard as you can you can't live by yoiu's**lf l)ecause man is fimdamentally a social being, so created tliat he has to be with someone in or (lei- to make liis life complete. In the enleavoi' to get at tlie basii of the (luestion as to wiiy so many peo- pit' shy away from religion, Hishop .lones pointed out Ihe fact, that the dif ficulty with religion was we beli(“ve it to run cotmter to the things we want to do. "'riiis is far from true”, he re plied, "all of life's greatest joys can be found in spiritual pleasure.” Attesting to the extensiveness of re ligion, Hishop .Jones declared, "There are six hnndrt'd thousand people in 11 c I'nited States aloiu' who accept religion does not exist. All forward nations of loday accept th(> religion of .Jesus ('hi'ist, not as a matter of form, but hecau.-^e it is inevitable. Religion given a chance is gloi'y in the truest sense. As a guide to a religious life, tlie sjjeaker listed three factors: 1) Jloral con(iuest, 2) Intellectual illmnination, 3) Spiritual discovery. Coiicludel Jiishop .Jones, "You can’t teach life unless you have lif(“ to giv(“, and yon can't give what you lo not hav(>". Servic(‘s concludel on f'riday morn ing at (i:lo with communion services. JUshop .Jones, Rev. R. J >. Crockett, Rev. R. C. Sharpe officiated . Year Book Makes Initial Bow In Mar J According to the latest reports from Editor (ilendor Jlcllwaiii The Jiiiiii- sariaii will come off the press in May. The Jaiiiisarian, the first year book to be pulilished at Hennett, was initiated by the class of '4."i but is staffed by a cross section of tlu* student Jiody. J’l'iced at live dollars i»er copy. Ihe year book, includes a variety of ma terial, organization pictures, class rosters, campus scenes, imposed shots of students and faculty, dance anl ban- (piet scenes, and special feature articles. As there are a limited nuinbei' of copies available, students ar> urged to pay for their copies immediately. Fees may be jiaid to Crace I’ayne or (loldwyn f’oster. busiiuys managers of the .laiiu- sarian. Vesper Speakers Urge A Return To Religion liisliop Robert M .Jones, Jtev. AJfrt'd M 'Paylor, iiastor of the West (Ii'iiesee Strwt JJethodist church, and Kev. J!en- tou Swartz, pastor of the I’irst J!ap- tist Church, J.ancaster New York wei'e the collegi' vesper speakers in Annie .Merner IM'eifl'er chapt'l, .March 2."i, April S, aiul April l.'i. respeclively. Hisliop Jones: Admonishing war as i wastt'ful, futih*, and fruilless, I’ishop ^ .lones declared, "I'liless W(> have a peace which is based on the concepts of .h'sns Christ, lher(> shall be no real peace." Ueferring to our i)i'(‘seut day situa tion he continued, "'I'lu* only thing that i has remained stable during these turbulent times has been religion. It is a pir.v (hat after 2,00(i years all we have to offer is war", j In cojn'lusion he stated, "If you are intelU'ctuall.v honest about this thing which is evi'r pri'sent b(‘for(‘ y(ui, ,vou will S(H> that it can't be evaded. There- i fore I ofler you today the credtMitials ^ (Conti'nued on page four) Decisions Reached At San Francisco Can Have Far Reaching Effects Mr. Suthern Presented In RecitalfAt New Orleans Orrin Clayton Suthern II, celebrated organist of our music departnieiit was presentel in j'ecital at the ^It. /ion Methodist Church in New Orlean,s, April 2, l!)4o. A large atidience highly appreciated his work throughout tlu^ program. -Mr. Suthern's program began with the immortal "Toccato and FugueS in 1) Minor" by I’.ach, Other works by l'>ach were two Chorale I’rehides. "I’re- lude and Fugue in (I ilinor” by liiich and "Minuet” by C, I’h. 10 Hach. Otlier Highlights w(“re "Clioral in A Minor" by Franck, "In Summer" by "'I’he Stiurrel" by Weaver, iind “Fin ale Stehbens, "Toccato" by Boelliiiann, I'Mrst Symphony” by Vierne. AFiT C AUTEK Art Carter, .Journal and Cuide war correspondent formerly stationed in Italy, spoke of the lighting powers of the 02nd Infantry Division on his recent visit to the campus and prophesized that they would cover theni- .selves with glory befon" the camiiaign was over. 'Phe last two week's fighting in the Italian cami)aign has prov(>n his pro])hesy to be true. The !)2ud has distinguislu'd itsidf as a great Jighting division. Alpha Epsilon Observes Alpha Kappn Mu Day Tli(> Al|»ha lOpsilou Chapti'r of IUmi- iK't (’olU'ge iibserved .VljJha Kajtpa Mu l)ay, .Monda.v, April 30. Tht' day was unique in lhat it was the first pmgrani of its kind lo be sponsored on our campus. Tlu' ln‘gan with (he procession of (he honor roll stiuh'uts of the fii'st s('ines(er .-icting as guards of honor for the member tor the Alpha Kpsilon Honor Society. The sp(*aker, .Miss .\llen, and Jliss I’layer, the ad visor. (irace I’ayue, (he presideiU of (he Soci(‘(y presided. The history of (ho chapltM' and of (he larg(U’ organization, (he Al])ha Kai»iia Mu was giv(>n by 'riiora Kelly. 'I'he liighlighls of tne ])rigrani wt'i'e .Miss Alli'ii's very in- (eresdiig account of her travels in France; the awarding of Cer(il'it'a(t“S of Honor to all mcMiibers of the honor roll for Ihe past semester, and tlu> Iu'es(‘ntation of flit' keys (o (lu‘ mem bers of the Soci('ty during which Jlrs. (irace Cates, gradnatt' menilx'r of the Society. r('ad (he words of (he na- (ional hynm accompanied by .Mr. Sulli- (M-n at the organ. Also an importaiK pli.ase of (he day was (he delicious Inncheon preiiared by ', oiu* ot' (he I'oiKls classes. In a(((‘tidan'(’ were (he guest sjieaker. (In* ineinbers of the Society—Miss(‘,s llt'UMi lionlwaiH', Myrde lirown, Ciloria l)ix, Koberla f'avors, 'I'hora Kelly, Vernielle Kelly, Crace I’ayne, and Norma Swope, .Missj I’layer, and others. Conference Of Southern Students To Send Two Delegates To San Francisco Conference I 'Pile Conference of South(“rn S(u-j dents at which .loyct' Ediey repre sented Itemiett d(“cided in i(s me(*(ing at the University ot North Carolina in Chapel Hill on April 1.'), l'.)4.'i to siMid (wo deU gales (o tlu* San Francisco; Coiifer(‘nce. 'I'lii' (v,'o delega(es selec(ed are Douglas lllinl of (he riiiversity ol'i Nortli ('arolina and Sgt. .Maurice Clil-j ford of .M(‘liarry .Medical Colege. The studt'id confert'nce adopted as, i(s jmrpose "(o defend th(‘ id(‘als ol j human justice, freedom, and (lenio-| cratic action. In adl(ion to (he rep-j res(‘nta(ion a( (he San Fi'ancisco Con ference, th(‘ griup has agr(H-d (o in dorse Dumbarton Oaks and (he l>rel- (on Woods proposals. I5y HETTY I,. I'OWEKS, 17 On .Viu'il 2.'), d('l('gates re|ireseiU iiig some 4(i of (hi> I’nited Nations will meet in San Francisco with (he hope of r(>aching some agreeiiKMU whereby a world sectirity oi'g.anizat ion can be (‘stabllshed, which will otitlaw \\,-ir and imik(> for a |>eai’e so durable as ti last throughout all ages to come, 'I’lu' ini|)or(ance of .S;in Francisco to fnturi' world si'curily c.-innot b(> over- em|)hasized, .\iid the I'niled N;i- tions do theri' can well mc;in the dif ference bi'Iween a world of perm;i- nenl peai'i' in (he hereafter or a world once again locked in the throes of war so destructive as to destroy oil)' civili zation coinpl(4ely. For (his reason, (lu‘ conl'erence be comes a serious matter. Fxisling jirob- lems which now I'orni (he bollleiK'ck to a l'ntni'(‘ W(U'ld s(‘curity organiza tion must li(‘ ironed out (o (he satis- ('action of all com'erned for a lasting peace to becoiiK' a rt'.'ilily. First among the many otlu'r prob- l(>ms was that i)roblein of vollng a( (he Conferim'e. 'I’liere is the |iroblem of (he I’olish issue. Allhough (bis seem- iiigl.v had be(‘ii si'tlled at ^alta, there is a sudden lai’k it' jirogress there. 'I'lie l)roblem of the rro\islin.'i I (l(]\'erii- nienl of I’oland being recognized by (Continued On Page Four) FOKEKJN LAN(iiLA(iE WEEK OHSEKVEI) ON ( A.MPUS The Language classes presented a .series of programs during l'’or(>ign Language W(^k, .\pril 8-14, The French classes presented a panel dl.s- cussion centered around France (hu'ing the chapel period on -May 1(1 dedicjited to France and the work of (ieneral de (iaulle. The topics discussed were the temperament of tlie French people, Dc (iaulle, the man : and the ])resent eco nomic, .social and coiidition.s in France. Bennett Quartet Returns i From Tour of Eastern States 'Phe liennett College CJuartet re turned recently from i(s short tour in some of the Eiisteni States. The iten- iary of the quartette included the Methodist Church in -Vlexandrla, A'a., Abys.sinia Itaptist Church, Harlem Recreatio'mil (Jenter and USO and Salem (‘.Mthodist Church in New York City; ('anqilKu- JL-niorial Church in I’hiladelphia, I’a. ; Dickinson College and (he .Methodist Church in Carlisle, I’a.; the Wyoming Conferenc(‘ and the Kiwanis Club Luncheon in Scratdon. I’a., and the iletliodist Church in Staunton, Va. The (juartet was well received iii all places. ’I'he girls met a number of Hemielt graduates and many friends and relatives of Hennett girls. The menibers of the quartet are lOdKh Taylor, first soprano, Orial (Continued 2 International Relations Club flear Dr. Pannuunzio Speak On Italization Politics Dr. Constanline I’annuuzio, profes sor (d' sociology, Fidversil.v of Soudiern California, was guest sjieaker befiu'e the International Relations Club a( its regular bi-monthly ni(>('ting. Dr. I’annunzio, a native of Italy, pr(‘sen(ed an inlc'restiiig and Informa- (ive discussion on the background of the Kalian people. He followed (his discussion with chronological ))i'(‘.seida- JO.NES AM) I.AWSON ( I.OSE EYCEI M !‘K()(jiKAM Concluding (he Lyceum jirogram for the school yi'ar, -Mr. Lonia \anghn .lon(‘S, vloliuisl, and .Mr. Warner Law son. jiianisl (»f (lie Howard I niversKy School of .Music, were pre.sented in recital I'riday A|>ril i, l'.)4.") at .S ;00 ]». 111. in .\unie .MeriKM* I’feiller chapel, 'PIk* program was composed of f'our I>ar(s consisting o(' sona(as (or both violin and i)iano, and individual clas sical solos, all of which were writt(*n by well known coni|)osers such as, I’rahm, Cho]iin, Franck, and DeFalla, The first and last par(s cousis((‘d of Dr. Thomas F. Holgate, Bennett Trustee, Dies Dr. 'I'homas L. Ilolgale, a lruste(“ of HeniieK College for whom otir library was iiained, died a few days .-ifter his ( ighty sixth birthday in his home a( lOvanslon, Illinois, Dr, llolgate was a famed ina ( ha met icia n and is foniier acting presidetd and later ]iresideiit ad int(‘rim of .Northwestern I’liiversity. 'Pile funeral scrvici* held for Dr. llol gate on .\])i'il 1.‘5, I'.ll.'i was brief and beautiful in its sini]ilicity. I’.rief ad dresses W(‘r(‘ made by Dr, ilorace 'Pit- tle, jiastor id' Dr. Holgale's church. Dr. Smith d' Carrett Senunary, our own I’resident David I). .lones and Dr. Franklin Snyder of .N'orthweslern Ftd- versity. Speaking of Dr, Ilolgale, I’res ident .loni's related how Dr, llolgati- Sonatas for violin and piano ind I’.rahms, respi'ctively. (ion of politii’S in Italy from (he iiri>-|"*‘‘ ^ccond jiarl, .Mr. .lones pla,\ed ‘Calvary’’ al .Mussolini days (o tht* present time. In- arrangement ol teresting enough was his iir(*s(Mi(a(ion three other eiijo,\able jiieies. of Italy’s part in (he pos(-war. An |famous works by Chopin con- ol)en discussion, which invit(»d a d>-l Jti(u(ed (1k> third part, ol Ihe luogiam scrijition of the Kalian "underground” | Schi'rzo, f. sharp(‘ iiiiiKU. all iiiovemetd clo.seij (he meedng. | "f "I'''''' l'"rfornied with much 'rii(‘ Internalional Reladons Club, ^ibility by .Mi. Lawson. und(‘rwi'ote the $ri() committment neces-j lioth musicians gratded (he a((- sary (o s(*nd two stud(Mit observers to lience’s re(pies( (or encores, thus inak- (Continued on page 3) ling (he ri'cKal even iiKU'e enjoyable. by j devoted his henlatleal genius lo help Ki'lii'ing seviM'al .\egro I list i t n( ions on a his souikI business basis. "For lienned ong I ('ollege," I’resident .lones stated, "Dr Ilolgate t liroilgh .(ones slated, memory will live not only the Library Itnilding but in the iK^arts and minds id' grateful men •and women who saw evidences of (he spirit of brol herhooil and democracy Ihrough Dr. Holgale's work. Dr. Ilolgale is .survived by a son, Robert l’>. Ilolgale, and three dangh- (Conlinued on page 4)

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