FEATIRK HIGHLKiHTS (iraduates Atteiulins Homo- C'oiiiins’, I’s. 3 Boll Ringer of Bennett (\)llese, I’g. 3 Seniors l>Kllcate Tree, Ps'. 1 THE BENNETT BANNER ARCHIVFS Student Publication of Bennett Oollege OUR A I) V E R TI Z E R S VOLUME XV GRKKXSBORO, N. >IAR('H 1!>4« Number ."> HOME COMING WEEK-END BIG SUCCESS Graduates Honored At Birthday Dinner The tradUional alumnae bii'thday iiinner was held in Willnii' F. Steele Inning Hall, t'ebi'uary 23 at 1 p. m., N\ith Miss Jo Ina Ellis, senior, Salis bury, N. C. presidmg. The dinner uonored the returning graduates and ihose born in the months of June, uUly, and i'^ebruary. I’layer WeUoiiies (iraiis The program opened with the sing ing of the “Bennett Hymn”. Greet ings to the alumnae were extended by Miss Willa li. Player, registrar und director of admissions at the college .In. welcoming the graduates. Miss Player said, “Your return here today is highly significant because you symbolize a sense of security tor the college in that you have ventured into the world and made successes of yourselves. Here, ou the A^ery grounds, where you fashioned your hopes and- dreams, you have re- Lurned to offer your suggestions and show your loyalty and devotion to the alma mater you love. It is with grateful hearts and opem arms that we welcome you here today.” Webb (Jives Resi)oii,se Mrs. Vina W. Webb, of the class of '33, gave the response and told what it meant to have a home like Ben_ nett to return to in the midst of world strife. Praising the iTistitution for the commendable job it was do ing in educating young womanhood, she entreated the group not to for get the way of life at Bennett and to always uphold its high ideals. With Mrs. Carrie Robinson Quander at the piano, the audience sang, The Preference Song, Skin-a Marink-a Dink-a-Dink and The Ben nett Ideal. Miss Quander rs the composer of the “Bennett Ideal.” The horoscopes for the three months were read by Miss Constance Collier, after which the group joined in singing “Tell Me Why”. The intro duction of guests was made by Presi dent Jones, who also read the 'birth day lists. Brief words of greeting w'ere extended by Dr. and Mrs. Allan Knight Chalmers of New York City. The dinner closed with the audi ence standing and singing the Alma Mater. m 4 GROUP OF OLD GRADUATES VISIT 1N(; BENNETT ON HOME-COMING DAY UNITED NEGRO COLLEGE CAMPAIGN GETS UNDERWAY With a goal of $1,300,000 the third annual United Negro College Fund drive will officially open April 17, it has lieen announced by W. J. Trent, Jr., executive director. The organization, which has its main headquarters in New York City, con tributes to the financial operating expenses of 3 3 colleges. Of special interest was news of the appointment of former Lt. David D. Jones, Jr., son of President and Mrs. Jones, as a field secretary. Be fore joining the army, Mr. Jones managed housing projects for the Farm Security Administration in 1941. Returning to the States last No vember, after more than two and a half years duty overseas in the Medi terranean Theater of Operations, with the 408th Port Battalion, Mr. Jones wore five battle stars. His position with the Fund will entail the organizing of alumni groups of the participating colleges in support of the coming campaign. Grads Enjoy A Night Of Fun At Get-Together Thirkield gymnasium was again the scene of gaiety and merriment when the alumnae gathered for their Saturday night “get-together”. The evening’s program, planned by Mrs. Dorothy Sizemore Smith and com- mittee, got underway with the group singing, “Dear Old Bennett”, “Tell Me Why” and “McNamara’s Band.” “Since I Left Bennett” w'as the unique caption of the “old-fashioned hen session” whrch brought many laughs as graduates told “all” about themselves since leaving their alma mater. Surprisingly enough, the ma jority of alumnae have no families and have found the lure of the school room so compelling that they have devoted their efforts to teaching others. But not surprising was the fact that a good many of the gradu ates are just home-makers. With Miss Roberta Favors as quiz master, representatives of the var ious classes, tested their wits on “Bennett's Brain Busters”. The quiz, which was based entirely on facts concerning the college, brought eager partici'pation from the audience, all of whom were anxious to help their class take top honors. The outcome —no winner but a great deal of fun was had by all. Celebrities of 1946 featured a gala flooi- show of freshman talent. Saxo phonist Charlotte Davis and clari netist, Vivian Greenlee gave out with the sweet refrains of “Sentimental Journey” after which the Andrews Sisters (Frances White, Vilma Eason, “Opening Doorways To Economic Security” Is Theme Of 20th Home-Making Institute The question of full employment will be panel discussions and ad dresses on pressure groups, organiz ed labor, and governmental regula- lioii. The institute w'i’ll close Sunday, March 24, with an address by Dr. and its effect upon the Negro and the nation will . furnish the basic theme for the 2 0th annual Home- maki'ng Institute, March 18-24. The institute is held each year with the purpose of bringing about a closer relationship between school and community. In devoting careful study to timely topics, it is hoped that a greater awareness regarding signifi cant problems will l)e created. It is the desire of the commtttee, headed by Miss Barbara A. Ware, Home Economics Director, as chair man, to promote a keener apprecia tion on the part of students and com munity people, of problems related to full employment. Highlighting this year’s sessions Fi-ank P. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina. Other outstanding speakers to be heard dur ing the week are C. C. Spaulding, president of the North Carolina Mu tual Life Insurance Company, Dur ham, N. C.; George W. Streator, first Negro reporter appointed to the New York Times; Miss Bertha Diggs, Sec retary of I^bor of the State of New York; John R .Pinkett, real estate broker of Washington, D. C.; and Mrs. Sara Spencer Washington, presi dent of the Apex Hair Dressing Company, Atlantic City, N. J. Record Number Of Graduates Re-Live College Experiences The college campus hummed with excitement as former graduates re turned to their alma mater for the annual home-coming, the week-end of Fel)ruary 22nd. More than fifty alumnae were in attendance to par ticipate in the busy week-end of ac- livities. Extensive i>lans were made for the graduates, by the Home-coming Committee, headed by Mrs. Juanita Pope Morisey as chairman. They be- jan arriving on the campus Friday afternoon and were welcomed by the registration and housing committee, headed by Miss Dudonna Tate as chairman. From then on, the long awaited anticipation of setting toot on old familiar ground and of seeing former college classmates, was great ly in evidence. Without a doabt the setting brought l;ack many happy memories. Friday evening, after dinner, the group attended the opening perform ance of “Suspect,” presented by the Bennett thespians in the Little Theatre and which w'as one of the scheduled events for the week-end. Later that same evening the an nual alumnae dance was held in Thirkieldi gymnasium. For four fuu- fested hours “old acquaintances” met again and' danced to the strains of l)eautiful music played by Max Westerhand and his orchestra. In the receiving line were President and Mrs. David' D. Jones; Mrs. Grace C. Gates, president of the Alumnae Associ’ation; Mrs. Juanita Morisey, Home-coming Chairman; Miss Willa li. Player, director of admissions and registrar; and Mrs. M. B. McLaurin, association treasurer. Misses Peggy Toatley and Mary Whitfield w'ere co- chairman of this affair. After a busy night, the group started Saturday off at 1 p. m. with (Continued On I'age Three) Chalmers Delivers Homfi-Coming Address The recent visit of Dr. and Mrs. Allan Knight Chalmers to the campus proved lioth interesting and highly educative. Dr. Chalmers, one of the most outstanding Christian leaders of today, was the vesper speaker, tor the alumnae home-coming, Sainday, February 24. Greatly sought after as a speaker, Dr. Chalmers is an author of note, having written several books on re ligion, and an extensive traveller with numerous interesting experiences. During their stay on the campus. students and faculty were privileged Elsie CrifflTi) sang “Accentuate The 1 qj. ^nd Mrs. Chalmers at great length and to learn sorne- Positive” and “Put Your Arms Around Me.” Marion Dorsey and Margaret .Ann Boatwright followed with a dance routi'ne, and then Elsie sang, “My Heart Sings’’. A tap dance by Gwen Cann and a recitation by Margaret Pleasants provided a fitting climax for Motley and Rogers “Com bination Boogie” which closed the program. The evening ended wrth the Ben nett Sister Circle and the group sing ing “Bennett’s Ideal" and the tra ditional “Alma Mater.” thing of their varied unusual experi ences. Among some of the topi’cs dis cussed were his thrilling visit to the leper colony in the Virgin Islands, the time he went to Detroit in an effort to avei't the race riot, and his mission to Puerto Rico on a trouble shooting job. Mrs. Chalmers addressed many student groups and was guest speak er Sunday inorning during the Sun day school hour. After her talk she (Continued On Page Two) Seniors Dedicate Tree In Honor of Late Benefactor The traditional Senior Day exer cises. at which time members of the graduating class received their caps and gowns, took place Friday, March 15, at 10:30 a. m. in Annie Merner Pfeiffer, Chapel Appreciation from the class of ’40 v.as gi'ven Ijy Miss Nancy Pinkard. The senior day address was delivered by President David D. Jones, who presided. Following the chapel exercises the audience assembled on the campus for the customary “tree” dedication honoring the late Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer, benefactor, who made such an outstanding contribution to the growth of the college. Miss Beatrice Martin gave the dedication speech and the Seni'or group rendered a choral arrangement of “Trees”, l>y Miss Camille Dunham, of the class of ’46. Other highlights of the day were the senior banquet and dance. A woman said to her husband, “I don’t think I look thirty, do you dear?” Her husband replied, “No, darling, not now'. You used to.” “SUSPECT” OPENS HOME-COMING EVENTS Enthusiastic applause rewarded the commendable character portray als of Yvonne Peeler, and Delores Newsome, of a clever psychopathic case, in the psychological drama, “Suspect”, Friday and Saturday evenings, February 22-23, in the college Little Tlieatre. The actresses received worthy praise for the impressionable re sponse they gave to the role of a character who had been accused of committing a horrible murder many yeai's ago and freed by lack of evi dence. Miss Peeler was starred Fri day night and Mi’.ss Newsome, Satur day night. Frank Cuthbertson and Walter Lewis gave splendid interpretations of their roles as Sir Hugo Const, former reporter who had attended the sensational trial, and Dr. Randle, the doctor, respectively. The intensity of the drama was re lieved l)y the drollness of the village Iiriest played by Jatha Cow'ard. Supporting roles were played by Irene Pickens, Ruth Sydnor, Charles White, and Margaret Caldwell. Directed by Miss Constance John son, instructor in speech and dra matics, the play was one of the events of the Home-coming w'eek-end. 989||00 U9UU98 iiejqn S3A(H0yV