dgiiflitt CQllege Ubratv Swiniboro, North CaroHni Negro History Week February 13-20 Sennstt Collt THE BENNETT BANNEr"«-~ BENNETT COLLEGE February 23 VOLUME XXX GREENSBORO, N. C., FEBRUARY 22, 1955 NUMBER 2 Reese Wins Acclaim In Essay Contest Miss Ruth Reese, a junior at Bennett College was one of the sixteen girls to be chosen for the college Board Contest, which is an annual feature of the MADE MOISELLE Magazine. Girls from different colleges enter the con test to represent their colleges by writing an essay on some phase of college life. The essays are then judged by judges and the winning essays are published in the MADE MOISELLE Magazine after which they become members of the col lege board and have the opportun ity of going to New York and working with the next year’s edi tion. MISS RUTH REESE The following Is an abridged ac count of the essay submitted by Miss Reese to the magazine Choosing a college is a major milestone in the life of an individ ual who plans to further her edu cation. I began to think seriously of this decision during my junior year in high school. I had in mind several colleges, two of which were Women’s Colleges; One of these was Bennett. I sent for bulletins and catalogues from these col leges and acquired other informa tion from friends of mine who were pursuing college careers. I found that the curriculum at Bennett and a school in New England ranked highest in their appeal to me. Sev eral members of my high school faculty were Bennett graduates. They were very happy to tell me about Bennett. However, there was the feeling that perhaps they were saying some things just to impress me. During the last few months of my senior year some represent atives of several colleges came to speak to us and talk about their various schools. Among these were two students and an advisor from Bennett College. After the general talk I went to them for a personal interview. I found that the girls were poised, well groomed and had an air of confidence about them. What I liked most was the fact that they were not aloof or condescending. These were the virtues to which I aspired along with the excellent academic train- ipg to be had at Bennett. The summer following my graduation from high school, I was able to t;ome to Greensboro and see Ben- r.ett Campus. I liked every square ^'oot of the rolling green lawns, I buildings and the air of peace that j seemed to hug this place .... ! My proposed life’s work is in the medical field. I once thought of becoming a Pediatrician, however, an unfortunate incident has led me to center my attention on medi cal technology. Bennett has, in my I favor, a competent science depart- , ment that insures adequate prepa- I ration that will make possible the, successful pursuit of my proposed I career. The emphasis on international relations is. another attraction of ; Bennett. The Student body is com- i posed of girls from a wide geo graphical range and from foreign lands. In our campus understand ing is promoted among girls of varied nationalities. This pleases me immensely because I am of the opinion that understanding the other person promotes peaceful living. Here at Bennett, social aspects of college life are to the academic life are interdependent upon each other for the development of a well-rounded individual. The birth day dinners which take place bi monthly honor the students and faculty whose birthdays fall with in the particular months. This is tlic gracious way ir. -.vhich appreci ation for the presence of every individual in the Bennett family is expressed. The college parties, and the frequent faculty and stu dent teas, are among the social activities which enhance the feel ing of belonging to the Bennett family. Our spiritual needs are satisfied in the College vespers services. Mid-week worship services. Y. W. C. A. and Sunday School. Our common religious aspirations are incorporated into the common life thus giving us a richer and fuller life. The atmosphere that prevails at Bennett is attributed to the con tributions of each individual be cause everyone here has an under standing and appreciation for the aesthetic as well as the practical. Its atmosphere is one of gracious living, conducive to the develop ment of strong and independent minds. o CAMPUS BRIEFS Every girl is eagerly looking forward to the All-Class Social to be held in the Student Union on Friday night, February 18. Those attending will have an opportunity to play cards and ping pong as well as frequent the dance area. Semester Begins With Registration Of New And Old Students This year the second semester was started- with our campus being beautifully covered with snow. As viewing the campus from a win dow it looked like a greeting card saying, “Welcome to all”, and a special welcome to the new stu dents. The new students joining us this semester are: Elva Cream. Camden, New Jersey; Alvonia Gadsden, Charleston, South Caro lina; Alma Hawes, Greenwood, South Carolina; and Elventa Rich ardson of Wendell, North Carolina. The returning students are: Enolia Alston, Harriette Daniels, Mrs. Robbie Grant Dolphus, Willa Eaves, Kathryn Foster, Lula Gallo way, Julia Rearden, Barbara Jean Rice, and Jo Ann Rivers. It is the hope of the faculty, staff, and student body that these young ladies will encounter pleas ant and fruitful experiences dur ing the year. Dance Proves Gala Fete 1953 Graduate Visits Campus Lovye Davis, 1953 graduate of Bennett College, paid a recent vis it to ihe canjpus after having stud ied at the University of Frankfurt, Germany under a Fulbright Fel lowship for a year and a half. Miss Davis told of her experi ences in Germany at the former chapel period. During her stay in Europe she visited other countries and tried to learn the customs and habits of the people. After spend ing some time with her parents in Cheraw, South Carolina, Lovye will travel to California where she will begin her studies in the field of medicine. ‘‘Winter Carnival,” the theme • for this year’s College Party was I extremely appropriate. The night ! of the party found the eamnns : covered with a thin coat of snow, I which harmonized well with the I gowns of the girls and the pink I and black decorations used for the j dance. These things kept the girls I in a mood conducive to having a j good time. I The excellent music of Frank I Wright and his orchestra set feet I a-flanning and kppt thorn jn rhythmic step until one o’clock sharp. The faculty and staff went over board to make this College Party a success and one of the most en joyable dances of the year. banner Staff Asks Suggestions At the beginning of next week a box will be placed in each dormitory and the non-resident student lounge. The BENNETT BANNER staff is urging each girl to place worthwhile sugges tions into these boxes for the improvement of the school paper. The paper belongs to you and we want you to feel that it is a part of you by your of fering suggestions and contribu ting material for publication. TheNegro end HisContributions What have you accomplished ov er a length of time is a question that most people interested in get ting somewhere ask themselve.s Races ask themselves the same question collectively. Within the paragraphs to follow will be found some of the answers asked of the Negro race as to its accomplish ments. The history of the Negro has for several decades been a mystery to non-Negroes. For this very reason within the last decade books have been written and researchers have been made concerning the Negro and his history. Much light has been thrown on this vast subect to others. Ina Corinne Brown has written a book enitled. The Story of the American Negro. Brown says her book is a simple chronological story of the Negro ds the chief figure in one of the most dramatic migrations and adjustments made by any people in human history.. Men and women of the Negro I race have made contributions to I the complex society of America. These contributions iiave been re- I ceived and planted in the page of history. The areas in which these contributions have fallen are edu cation, literature, politics, art, mus ic, science and the opportunity of (Continued on Page Four) Educator Addresses Vesper Audience Dr. Samuel E. Duncan, super visor of Negro schools in Raleigh, N. C., speaking on “The In tegration of Education with Relig ion” to the Bennett College student body last month said that there cannot be education without relig ion neither can there be religion without some education. This, Dr. Duncan, says has been the problem of ancient and present day philosophers. Solomon, the Mr. Francis Grandison.,has re- great temple builder, understood sumedw his work after having been education and religion when ill for a short he made his request to God for wis- ^ o.-ydom. Aristotle, the great Greek 9+ I H philosopher, sensed the relation- The faculty, staff, and student body are anticipating the recupera tion and return of President David D. Jones to the campus as he has been ill these past few weeks. Charlie Pettice, it the senior class, is recuperating from an appendectomy at her home in Charlotte, North Carolina between education and re ligion when he wrote his philoso phy concerning education. stands today. the speaker continued, has its re ligious heritage, but man in his quest for knowledge fails to recog nize the power of God working with him. Men have learned to live and die easier, but the question is. have they learned to live happier and to face the problems they have created for themselves? “The educators of today,” said Dr. Duncan, “are being severly criticized because we in the United States wish to separate church and state. Many pefople are basing their criticisms on the idea that our educational system has com munistic influence behind its rea soning.” Dr. Duncan clarified this state ment by saying that the educators of today are interested in the de velopment of personality, mental hygiene and better human relations and not in creed or doctrine. The responsibility of teaching creed and doctrine is the duty of the home and church. As solutions to the problem. Dr. Duncan suggested that the welfare of humanity ought to be put into the hands of those who have knowl edge enough to handle it, but who are imbued with the principles of Christianity necessary for the in tegration of education. Men must also learn to become interested in J each other, not for selfish gain j but rather for self satisfaction. For I it is when man becomes interested ' in the welfare of others and as each I prepares himself for the present and the future that integration of education and religion will be found.