Page Two THE BENNETT BANNER APRIL, 1955 THE BENNETT BANNER Published Monthly By The Students of Bennett College GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA TEN CENTS A COPY $1.00 PER SUBSCRIPTION Editorial Staff DISCIPLINE Yvonne Ireland Barbara Williams . . Betty Nicholson .Mildred Mallettee .Barbara Brown . . Juliette Walker Editor Assistant Editor Associate Editor News Editor Feature Editor Literary Editor Fashion Editor Clara Hall Social Columnist Emily Montgomery Business Manager Jeann Moore Clara Brooks, Reida Dykes Exchange Editor Picture Editor ■ Gloria Mitchell Cartoonists Grace Ellison, Connie Vance Circulation Managers Annye Martin, Jackie Cai^er Faculty Associate Randall Reporters Bettye Alexander, Grace Dungee, Delores Casemere Marie Solomon Typists Jackie Carter, Bettye Alexander DEMOCRACY OR DICTATORSHIP - THE DECISION IS NOW YOURS TO MAKE You, Bennett Sisters, with your constant struggles to achieve maturity and self-hood are willing to go along with the latest destructive factor of which you must surely not be cognizant. If it were known, it surely would be only a fleeting dream and not the sure reality which it will soon become. Like a sweet perfume potent with poisonous fumes, but because of its sweetness is allowed to seep into the nose, you are letting this item seep into your minds and desires and before you realize its potency it is lost forever in that fearful realm of dictatorship. ^ j The Point System, obnoxious as it is to me, has fascmated so many of you and made you purse your lips and say the inevitable “yes” when “no” should have been the counter point. You have seen democracy where even a trace of its roots has been cast into oblivion and have become so engrossed in personal whims that the individual other than self, if to you there be any other, has long ago been forgotten and you have fallen into that hopeless void of apathetic living. Must you who fain would say that you are seekers after maturity, intelligence and common sense with which to meet the world upon graduation be told that you hold enough positions and membership in various organizations. Must this system like the traditional bell do your thinking for you or will you rise up and say “No” I must suffer the consequences no matter \vho does the thinking so I shall think for myself. It must be recognized that several girls hold offices in a num ber of clubs and do a great job in each of them while others do not One must not forget that others must follow while a few must lead but they are both equal in importance to the life of the organization. This system tells me that if the only good leader of the group has been selected by someone else that I cannot elect her again, but choose an incompetent per son because all the best men have been chosen. As for me, I want freedom to decide upon the load I must and shall carry if I so desire. How well do I know my own capabilities and capacities and am quite wiUing to stick with in the limit of them. Whether I ioin three clubs or six clubs, I shall try my level best to do what I choose to do to the best of my ability. If we are left to decide what we want for our selves as a true democracy allows one to do, I am almost cer tain that the same persons will not be the leaders in each organization. There are only so many days and nights and hours in a week in which it is possible to have meetings, and constitutions certainly do not allow for promiscuous attend ance. Get what you have in good working condition before you start adding other things. I must suffer for the good and bad choices of leaders alike, should I not be allowed to choose whatever person I desire as long as she feels that she has the ability to do the job. . When are you going to begin making up your own mmd and adhering to your beliefs and put democracy to work instead of sittijjg idly by watching freedom and democracy fly by like a bird in the night, too swift to be seen well? No matter what the consequences-I may suffer I say I want no part of a student body that is willing to place democracy on the wing and bring dictatorship in on a velvet carpet. With my vote dictatorship shall never come in disguised as the point system. CLEMSON WRITES HISTORY The Clemson College Board of Trustees recently wrote a new page in the history books in ap proving a plan to turn Clemson College co-educational. The plan will take effect at the beginning of the second semester of the cur rent school year, beginning, Jan uary 31. This act follows up talk and plans of many years. In the past there have been numerous requests that the institution be opened to women. With the rapid industriali zation of South Carolina and the entire south, requests have become more and more plentiful for wom en wishing to take technical courses which would enable them to tackle many jobs which have opened up for them. Officials approved this admit tance of women on the belief that it was the logical thing to do. It will benefit women in the area from which Clemson draws its stu dents to take technical courses which they have previously had to go elsewhere to get. Clemson turn ing co-educational leaves only one land grant college in the United States which only admits men. Eventually courses will have tc (When one sees or hears the word discipline he then thinks of some form of punishment, but here is the word used in a. different manner. This fall when 1 was preparing to return to school, this article appeared in the magazine section of our state newspaper. It as a part of a letter from a traveling father to his son, who was beginning his col lege career.) Discipline is indispensable to knowledge, and when you have acquired the power over yourself to stand still when you want to run, to be silent when you want to talk, to rise early when you choose to lie late in bed, you will have gotten on the way to fix your attention on any subject which may be you gain, and scarcely less in finding out that you have only presented to you for study. And in this way, as in most all others, the advantage will be bound to increase with the line of progress. You will find a high satisfaction in the knowledge to try and keep on trying to accomplish just anything you please. And this is what you have to do for yourself to do what you dislike, and to do it with attention, for the sake of the benefits to be derived from the unpleasant and irksome duty. You must learn to study by learning to deny yourself. Fix your hours (not too many, but a few in a day at first), and use today for what it shall produce tomorrow. “The State” 9-5-54 Barbara J. Williams Associate Editor You and Your Coat A coat is such a beautiful piece of clothing to be tossed and thrown around as is common in the Union Foyer. It surely is an expensive wearing apparel and much to be valued for coats are worn many places and at devious timess Moutons, furs, and alpaca all go the same way, over the furniture in the lounges. Girls, as future mothers and homemakers, it does seem that it is quite feasible that you now Degin practicing what you will soon be preaching. “Junior, moth er said to hang your coat in your room,” etc. At home one can rest assured that such deplorable be haviour will not be tolerated by vour parents and remember that a holiday is coming soon, so why not get in the habit of hanging jour coats in the spaces provided for them. As a result of much consultation the girls living in Reynolds, Pfeiff er, Barge, and Jones are asked to enter the Union through the side door and hang their coats on the hooks downstairs. The remaining girls are asked to place theirs in the closet on the main floor with those girls entering the Dining Hall first, placing theirs in the back so that they will not be knocked off the hooks by those coming in last. Even you, you and you are cog nisant of the fact that the break fast system must be improved. So that it has been decided that any coat left on any piece of furniture in the student union building will be taken and held until a slight monetary compensation has been paid for its return. Girls, why not hang your coats up and act in all other situations like the cul tured young ladies you are reputed to be. Your coat is saying to you “In stead of throwing me around Why not take me off and hang me some time.” cal- pro- Wit and Humor Prof: Jones, what three words are used most among college stu dents? Jones: I don’t know. Prof: That’s correct. —Penn State Froth “Have you been through cuius?” inquired the college fessor. “Not unless I passed through at night on my way here,” answered the Freshman. “I’m from Kansas, you know.” Daughter: “Father, why wa.s Adam made first?” Father: “To give him a chance to say a few words.” Time tells on a man . . . especial ly a good time. Epitaph on a tombstone: Don’t Dig Me Now—I’m REAL gone.” Customer: his coffee is like mud. Waitress: Well, it was ground this morning. The old college jalopy puffed up and came to a rattling halt at the turnpike tollhouse. “Twenty- five cents,” said the tollkeeper. “Sold!” cried the student, jump ing out. ■—Colorado Flatiron The most dangerous part of a car is the nut that holds the steer ing wheel. —Yale Record Late to bed Early to rise Makes a man baggy under the eyes. —Missouri Showme “Did you ever take chloroform?” “I don’t know. Who teaches it?” —Pennsylvaia Pennpix The pressure of your teeth may be as much as 150 pounds when you chew. be added to all college curricula in order to satisfy women wishing to attend Clemson. The schools of arts and sciences and education are set up now only to accommodate a minimum of the students en rolled here. This is logical because of the fact that Clemson is pri marily a technical school. In order to atract as many women students to put Clemson on the same basis with most co-educational institu- tions,o courses will have to be added in these two schools. Sailors used to wear little “pig tails” down the backs of their necks. These “pig tails” were known as queues. College-Then What! Where Are You Going! “Columbus, when he set sail didn’t know where he was going; when he got there he didn’t know where he was; when he got back, he didn’t know where he had been.” Don’t be like Columbus, for you might eventually make the tragic discovery that you have got no where. And then it will be too late. In this column begins next month a series of articles through which I shall attempt to help my self and you to plan for the future —to know at least the direction in which you want to go. I am dedicating these articles to Bennett Senior Sisters on the campus. And to other members of the other classes maybe you too will get some hints on what you are going to plan for the future. After college, will you settle down to be a house wife? Will you go to graduate school or to some other type of specialized school? Will you go to another country on a fellowship? Will you be a missionary? Will you teach? Will you go into armed service? Will you get a job and support yourself and do best by your parents or guardians who have sacrificed so graciously for you? or will you just let FATE do with you what she will. All of these questions should come into your minds long before graduation or your senior year in high school would not be too early. But they should certainly be seri ously considered as soon as we begin earning our degree toward college graduation. Then, because the curriculum and college experi ences we choose may serve as an aid to successful living in the future. Think on these things girls! The average student at our col lege who plans to finish college looks forward to going to graduate school. But not all of us will go to graduate school, Many who do go will never graduate. Before you decide that you want to go, ask yourself this question. Am I mentally equipped to cope with the academic requirements of graduate school? Just a little hint. Know now where you are going and begin to prepare. If you are in doubt nov/ talk it over with your advisor, or Mr. Grandison. I am sure they will be delighted to help you. Even taking a Psychological test may serve as an aid in helping you to choose what areas you are strong and weak in. Next month, the first article in this series will help you think on “GRADUATE SCHOOL — WHY? WHERE? WHEN? AND HOW?” By Katherine Jennifer Jones Ramster's New Intecollegiate Deflnary BY NOAH RAMSTER ENGLISH Idiom—Magical ingredient in tooth paste. Comma—State of unconscious ness due to disease. Tense—(dialect) To move rhy thmically as in time to music. Semicolon—Inferior; not up to standards. BIOLOGY Parasite—Native of France. Transpiration—Ways of travel. Villi—Spanish building. Legume—Body of water. Ex. Song—“A sleepy legume, a tropi cal moon.” Bacilli—Ridiculous. Ex. “Don’t bacilli.” Gene—Girl with the light brown hair. ROMANCE LANGUAGES (SPANISH) Agarra—Place to keep auto. Camara—Device for taking pic tures. Como—Male baritone. Chico—Groucho’s brother. Elio—A greeting. Falso—Padded lingerie. Jama—Night clothes. Lanzar—Male tenor. Misa — Person who hoards money. Privar—Outhouse. Raza—Device for shaving. Tanto—Lone Ranger’s faithful Indian companion. —Alabama Rammer Jammer

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