May Day Queen, Marcenis Brown, and first attendant Anna Hoggs. omore; Delores Dillard, junior; and Cassandra Feaster senior are flanked on each side by class attendants. The attendants are, Cynthia Holloway, junior; Margie Butler, sophomore; and Onica from left to right: Rita Dandridge. freshman; Sharon Mitchell, soph- Fields, freshman. > * ^ Scenes from the recent SOBU conference caught Bennett Students, Mary Shanks, Hattie Carwell, Sandra Philpett. and Queen Wiggs, as they discuss the issues. Howard Fuller was the keynote open ing and closing speaker of the conference. Former Banner editor, An- geline Johnson, a January graduate, recently receiv ed a promotion in her N.C. State Legislative job. Everline Mitchell, Eva Smith, Mary Davis, and Nadine Allison, participants in National Secretaries Week, discuss a display in the Business Department. Dimples Armstrong, editor of the Bamier, will attend an all expense paid Editor's Work, shop. The workshop will be held June 8-20 at Clark College in Atlanta, Ga.