PAGE 2 BFNNETT BANNKR First Black Contestant November 4, 1969 Howard Lee holds press conference. Howard Lee Speaks At Bennett By MYRA DAVIS After a very inspiring Octo- ber 14, general assembly speech to the Bennett student body, Ho ward Lee, mayor of Chapel Hill, held a news conference in the Student Union attended by a large representative from nearby news media. Much of the questioning con- cemed his present term and political future. One question centered around the recent squabble of the town of Chapel Hill and the University involving the $6.6 million Division of Health Affairs complex on the campus which has not complied with the town's zoning ordinances. The mayor took the position that it Is now time that the University Belle Seeks Beauty Title conformed to the town’s laws. His biggest problem as a black politician in the South, he said was his inexperience, lack of influential political friends, and lack of backing of a political party. Therefore, he said, “I have to struggle for support in solving problems tliat would be no problem with the cooperation of the ri^t groups.” He said that much resentment to his elec- tion is subsiding, and that he is receiving cooperation from “even those who say openly that they did not vote for me.” Mr. Lee told the press that he supports Malcolm X University in principle, “because it is a good concept and new venture in education.” Linda Silver, Bennett junior is currently seeking the title of Miss Goldsboro, the only black out of 12 girls competing for the title. The criteria for eligibility is that a candidate be between the ages of 18 and 28 years old, never married and a native of Goldsboro. Linda became an of ficial candidate upon filing a formal application, and after an interview with the Junior Cham ber of Commerce. The contestants in the beauty contest are judged on evening wear, swim wear, and talent. The winner receives a scholar, ship and automatically partici pates in the Miss North Carolina pageant. Linda was previously Miss Wayne County in 1967. This pa geant was an all Black pageant sponsored by members of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. It was this same sorority that encour aged Linda to enter the Miss Goldsboro contest. Linda is a chemistry major and math and biology minor. She hopes to go into medicinal chemistry upon graduation. Her interests are public speaking, drama and mo dern dance. She holds member ship in the science seminar club, associate membership in the na- tional science honor society and student legislature. She holds the office of corresponding se cretary in the student senate, assistant secretary of the legis- lature, and treasurer of the sci ence seminar. The pageant will be held November 29. - sr-*-. m Former Miss Wayne County, Linda Silver, seeks new title. From The Liberation News Service.... Panthers And Lords NEW YORK (LNS) -- The Fe- deral government, the govern ment of the state of New York, and Governor Rockefeller sim ply do not have the resources to meet the needs of the people, what with all the more impor tant things that have to be done like sending three clowns to the moon and dumping bombs and napalm on the peasants of Viet nam, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and other countries around the world. So when this year's budget rolled round they were forced to make major cuts in the welfare cloth ing allowance. A grievous sit uation for all concerned, they assured us, but sadly unavoid able. What made it so sad for the pigs was that quite a few of the welfare mothers weren't tak ing this sitting down. Instead they were taking it to the streets, pustiing a school boycott that shut down several New York schools almost completely during the first weeks of the school year. What made it even sadder for the pigs was that there are some people around who understand that serving the people is their primary task and who make that their life's work-.the Black Pan- ther Party and the Young Lords Organization. So when it became clear that this racist govern, ment had no more intention of clothing children than it had of giving them a decent break, fast, the Panthers and Lords announced that they would do it They moved on the business, men who have been robbing from the community for years and put it to them that now the peo ple were going to get something back. They collected over three tons of new and used clothes and let the community know that on Saturday, Sept. 27, it would all be distributed for free. Saturday came and- more than 500 people were lined up out side Intermediate School 201 when the Panthers and Lords told them to come in and help themselves to the truckloads of clothing that covered long rows of tables. All the items were marked, telling what they were and what size. Panthers and Lords stood behind each table, ready to give help to anyone who needed it. These people who had spent months fighting to win some kind of help from this government began to understand in a new and real way how this pig government works not tor the people but for the oppressors. There were the clothes they need ed, and there were the Panthers and Lords who had gotten them for them, and there were pam- phlets and papers explaining why the Panthers and Lords serve the peopk. The state was nowhere to be seen, except for a few pigs who kept a nervous eye on wiiat was going down, afraid to vamp on the Panthers and Lords when the people could see what that was all about. AJl about ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! California Regents Five Black Woman Who Is Communist Party Member LOS ANGELES (LNS) -- The Regents of the University of Cal ifornia took it upon themselves Sept. 19 to fire Angela Davis, black assistant professor of phil osophy at UCLA. It was a stupid move, even for the Regents. Angela, who at 25, is com pleting her doctoral disertation under the supervision of Her bert Marcuse, a member of the Communist Party. She belongs to the Che-Lumumba Club, a CP black collective in Southern Cal ifornia. It is not surprising that the UC Regents, with a right- wing majority led by Ronald Rea- ga, don't dig Professor Davis. However, many liberal eyebrows were raised here because the Re gents' action is blatantly uncon- stitutional. In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated New York statutes making Communist Party mem bership grounds for disqualifica tion from teaching in a public institution. Based on this deci- Sion, the California Supreme Court the same year invalidated that section of the California constitution requiring public em- ployees to sign an oath denying membership in any organization advocating violent overthrow of the government. Many academic freedom types on the UCLA faculty have ex pressed their “outrage” at Prof, Davis' dismissal. But Prof. Davis herself and Robert Singleton of the Afro-American Studies Cen. ter understand the issue clearly as a further example of racist oppression. Singleton cited the fact that many white Com,unists are employed by the UC system and sees Miss Davis' dismissal as part of the movement of white fascism against the black man. When classes begin the first week of October, Angela will be teaching. Pending a hearing on her dismissal, she has been assi. gned by Philosophy Department head Ronald Kalish to teach a black literature course. Angela Davis will fight the Regents all the way to the Su preme Court if necessary. “Let's there be no doubt,” she states “my stand is forthright. As a black woman, my politics and political affiliation are bound up with and flow from participation in my people's sturggle for lib- eration, and with the fight of oppressed people all over the world against American Imper. ialism, , . .As a black woman I am used to fighting and I will continue fighting now.” Army Goes After Underground Editor CAMP EAGLE, South Viet nam (LNS) -- Army cops are going all out to find the sold iers who publish a mimeogra phed underground sheet called “GISays.” Men from military intelli gence got really pissed off, ac- cording to a report in the Over seas Weekly, when the under ground paper called for the death of Lt. Col. Weldon Honeycutt, the decorated commander who led his men on a costly charge up Hamburger Hill. “GI Says” of fered a reward of $10,000 for Honeycutt's neck. Soon after, the Weekly reported, “rumorsbegan to run through the 3d Brigade's Camp Evans that somebody tried to collect the dough by booby- trapping Honeycutt's hootch with grenades and Claymore mines '' The army has a suspect al- ready.. He is Spec 4 Kenneth Anderberg, a clerk at grigade headquarters (and a former sportswriter) whom the Overseas Weekly describes as “hairy-lip. ped.” Intelligence officers say that Annenberg's typewriter was the same one used to produce “GI Says.”