November 4. 1969 BENNETT BANNER PAGE 3 Poet’s Corner ^^Color,em Black’’ Yes Message For Sisters Color ‘em Black I've got my own coloring book and Pm going to do my own thing real fast No longer shall this deception last Did you see the movie Cleopatra? I checked my history books from courses 1 took That popular couple in the lead was alri^t But I mighty afraid that Cleo wasn't white Cleopatra is a nigger in my book. . . You heard about the great man who Lead elephants and army over the Alps? To get the full story, turn the pages back Would you believe that the man was Black? ^ Hannibal is a nigger in my book. . . A man died for freedom-.the U.S.’s first Even in this, a Black man gets the worst You can read that history book until you’re blue Guess i»^iat? Ole Crispus was a Black man, too Crispus Attucks is a nigger in my book. , , A man died for lack of his own invention Georgia’s hospitals were tops for white intervention Mention blood plasma and there was much he could do This was said of a Georgia Black man named Drew Charles Drew is a nigger in my book. , , I read the description of Jesus In my Bible and other white tests at my side Just who is white trying to take for a ride? Who is this rosey-cheeked honky imposter, crook Jesus is a nigger in my book. . . To mind comes the ultimate question as My feet pound the cement or the soft brown sod Have I bowed my black woolly head to a phony God Some red-necked Caucasian God with straight hair? By now you know how I colored God in my book! George Stevens Come aboard Do not be afraid beautiful Black woman- - and she was, yet not in a superficial way-- time could change that But old and wise with a story in her eyes She moved slowly this old Black mother A painful effort her steps were The honky driver cussed her and laid her soul to rest moved restlessly and fussed She but smiled and did her best Mother walker and though- - remembered raising children with love and zest Many of them hers and many other just like him at whom she clucked Would the hand of fate have made him one who sucked her long-since sapped black breast? Did his mother having given birth give him to this black woman would I have puked upon him and thrown him cruelly back? George Stevens Diggit: Let me grab hold to this white lie, “Blondes have more fun” You can do all you can do but you’ve got to be right dense if you believe that that applies to you Ain’t you got no sense? Can you dig it. Sister? You with your ‘fro & your black & beautiful body au naturel Can you dig that you don't need no white, man. manufactured, hair, thing No need to wear inferiority on the inside/in vour mind on the outside/on your crowning glory' Black blondes don’t make it with those who really count- - Black, to-the-soul Brothers Can you dig it, Sister? Can you dig it, hmmm? George Stevens Thinking On A '^Hound Passed by Maddox Funeral Home In LaGrange, Ga, today While on my way through Cracker dumb-dumb land But the Ole Gov. wasn’t A-layin’ in the coffin Sometimes finest wishes Take time to realize and Fondest dreams Take time to materialize George Stevens ( The Following four poems were written and submitted to the Banner by George E, Stevens, student at Delaware State college. ) Do You Have A Problem? Tell It To Joy Getting The Crumbs Of His Attention? Dear Joy, There is a fellow that I have gone with for five years. We broke up in the fall of 1967 and I still have a strong feeling for him. He has found another girl friend over these two years. The thing I would like to know is should I settle my conscience and try and talk to him again? Confused. Dear Confused, Apparently if the young man has a girl friend then he is not interested in you. If this is the case and you attempt to patch things up, you will only get your feelings hurt. Let weU enough alone. Try to settle your conscience by finding a new in- terest for yourself. Joy Dear Joy, As usual Pm having man trou. ble. Pm jealous! Not of another girlfriend, but of his buddies the ones that keep taking him away from me. When Pm at home we spend an immense amount of time together. But then he’s supposed to come to Greensboro to see me, but when he gets here he doesn't see me - or at least not much. Instead he drops by, says hello and proceeds to spend another night with the boys. What should I do, find myself a full time friend or stop Iseing jealous and proceed to l)e part- time. In Distress. Dear In Distress, Maybe you should find out what your twjrfrieniTs buddies have to take up his time that you don’t have. Tell your boyfriend that if he wants to keep you, he will have to spend more time with you and less time with his friends when he is in town. However, don’t make the mistake of telling him not to associate with his friends because there are times when a man likes to have fun with “the boys” once in a while. Joy Dear Joy, How can six girls cut line with out being too obvious about it. Please let me know so that nothing will be added to our bill. Thank you. Hungry girl Dear Hungry Girl, Six girls can not cut line at one time without it being too obvious. As far as having any thing added to your bill you will have to consult with the Student Senate. Joy Dear Joy, Do you think it's possible to love someone but still want to go out with others? You see the one I love is in the service and I have to have someone to take my mind off my studies or else I’ll be frustrate Looking for a like Dear Looking for a like. It is very possible to love someone and want to go out with others. Because you are human you are very much likely to become lonesome. Pm sure your boyfriend in the service is capable of understanding this and doesn’t expect you to spend all of your time studying in the dorm or with female friends. Go out. . .Have fun!! Joy Dear Joy, I have a true boyfriend, but I find myself wanting to meet new personalities. Am 1 trying to see whether I’m in love or looking for a love? You see Pm confused because society says if you’re in love with some one you don’t look for other people. Seeking Dear Seeking, There is nothing wrong or unfaithful about wanting to meet new personalities. It may be possible that you are not really in love with your boyfriend and is subconsciously seeking a new love. When you are in love with someone it is not against the law to look at someone else. Looking never hurt anybody. Joy Dear Joy, My boyfriend has to keep a 3.0 average and so he spends most of his time studying (so he says). He spends way, way, way more time with his studies than he does with me. I receive the crumbs, of his attention. What should I do? Find a boy friend i*rtio has to keep a 1.0 average? Crumb Catcher Dear Crumb catcher, If your boyfriend is actually studying like he says, then don't be too hard on him. You both will appreciate it in the long run. However, if he really isn't studying and just using that for an excuse then face it, something is wrong. Either he no longer has an interest in you or he's found another interest. Check his average at the next grading period. You'll find out!! Joy Hello Joy, I hope you can bring some joy into my life by helping me. My boyfriend is coming to town and I l^ve another interest. How can I stall to see bow my other interest may progress? I don't want to lose my boyfriend. You see I’ve been going with him for four years and I need a change of scenery but my mot her doesn’t think I should date anyone else. Pm in a jam, what can I do? Judy Jam Dear Judy Jam, First you should explain to your mother politely that this is your life and you are old enough to choose your own in terest, After you do that then explain the situation to your boy friend. Who knows maybe he, too, may want a change of scen ery, Lay it on the line like it is. Don’t beat around the bush. Joy 1/ie Old 1(MS^ “The moon will affect the tide—and the untied.” \