PAGE 8 Be Among The Concerned BE NNETT BANNER November 4, 1969 By JACKIE GRANT Are you concerned? -- about the lu^enings on your campus; in your surrounding community? H you are, join us. We, the Stu dents for Christian Social Con. cerns are deeply concerned with the hs^ipenings in and out of the church community, not only on Sunday but also on Monday, Tues- day The purposes of the S. C. S. C, are (1) to provide a medium of exchange between the campus and the community at large, (2) to facilitate the means by which students may improve the com- munication of and provide ser- vice to the immediate campus community, (3) to deepen, en- rich, and nurture the Christian faith of the college community througii commitment to Jesus Christ and his church, (4) to give an outlet to students who feel that there is not enou^ facili ties on campus for Christian expression, (5) to give students the opportunity to help in solv ing social problems of our times. (6) to encourage students to take part in the churches of the com munity, thus creating com munication between the campus and surrounding community. This year, we are engaging in many projects. One of the tasks that we have already as sumed is working at L. Rich ardson Memorial Hospital. Stu dents go to the hospital on Sun day morning and help in taking Book Review patients to the chapel so that they may have the advantage of chapel services. Students also read to them or perform other services that may aid in any way. We also have Medical Technology major and Pre-Med majors working in the medical techno logy laboratory. This experience, of course, benefits the students as well as the hospital. You will be hearing of our projects from time to time. Participation in these projects is not limited to members of the S. C. S. C. To stimulate the campus com munity to a more Christian life, we are also beginning a new and more creative Mid-week Vesper program in which stu dents express their ideas and feelings. We are engaging in dialogue with students of other campuses in order to promote better understanding between the campuses. The Students for Christian So- cial Concerns is under the lea dership of Miss Jacquelyn Grant. Our coordinator is Miss Kathy Millner and Advisor is Rev. P. E. A. Addo. Any student at Ben nett College who has a willing ness to work toward the goals and purposes of the organization may obtain membership in the organization. Join us in our next meeting- Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the Student Union. Soul On Ice By ELDRIDGE CLEAVER Reviewed By BETTY JONES You have probably read Cle- aver*s Soul On Ice with anger and agreement, pity and pride, and even stronger mixed emo tions. Because of the “heat” it generates, maybe it should be called “Soul On Fire.” Eldridge Cleaver writes frankly and flu- ently as he commandshisrea der's attention. His language style is inconsistent as he swings between Watts slang and flowing poetic lines. He handles both styles with equal ease and ability. As Julian Mayfield of The Na tion comments, the book “. . . make you twist and flinch be cause he is no damned gentle man. He throws light on the dark areas we wish he would lieave alone. . .” The book is auto biographical and was written while the author was in Cali fornia’s Folsom State Prison. It tells of a Black man’s struggle with himself as he relates in and out of society as it is, was, and must soon become. The last chap ter, “To All Black Women, From All Black Men,” has a stinging poetic frankness that constitutes a genuinely superb ending to a soul stirring volume. Perh^ Richard Gilman of The New Republic says it best: “A spiritual and intellectual aotoblograiAy that stands at the exact resonant center of the new Negro writing. . .abook for which we have to make room.-but not on the shelves we have already built” If you have not already done so, expand your mind. Spend $1,95 and add Soul On Ice by Eld- ridge Cleaver to your reading. It is a Delta Book published by Dell Publishing Co., Inc. and can be purchased at all major book stores and newsstands a- cross the country. >A By LYNNE HENTON Aries (March 21st -- April 20th) You may need someone to lean on during this month, for you could come up against a pro blem too big or too hot to han- die. You'll find that an impar tial friend will be your best source for help in this situa tion, rather than close friends or your direct family. Taurus (April 21st -- May 20th) Your life is like a seesaw during this cycle: you're going up and down, especially in ro mantic affairs. During one of your down periods you may break up with your man or have a big disagreemant. But don't worry things will be up again before the month is out and he'll want you back at his side. Gemini (May 21st -- June 20th) October is going to be a great month for you. Your thing will swing scholastically, athleti cally, and most of all romanti cally, However, don't blow your cool by getting an attitude about all of this. It could happen you know, without you really knowing it, and if it does you'll have some bad side effects in the near fut ure. Cancer (June 21st -- July 20th) Maintain yoar cool, Octol)er could get pretty rough for you. Try not to use people or get too hot over a needless situa tion: October isn’t all bad though, you may get the chance to work a lot in a field that interests you and this could come in pretty handy in the future. Also a new romance will come on the scene in a rather strange way and it may develop into something great. Leo (July 21st -- August 20th) Now’s the time to join that organization you’ve been think ing about. Don't hesitate, yoa'll really be surprised at what you'll get out of it. Your membership could bring you publicity, fun, and best of all you may meet a new love throu^ a member. So Leo, get with it. Your Horscope Virgo (AugiBt 21st - - Sept. 20th) Your main man may be giving you a little trouble this month. If so you'll be feeling kind of low for awhile, but don’t let it get you down, you've got the power to keep him hanging on. Things will pick up near the end of the month if you'll just hold on. Meanwhile, don't let all of this interfer with you and the books, Libra (September 21st -- Oct ober 20th) Just be yourself and you’ll attract a lot of friends.. Your popularity may cause some pro blems though, because of rival ry among your admirers. In fact you may have to decide between two loves; choose the one that you truly care for. Don’t be greedy and try to hang onto them both, you may wind up with nothing. Scorpio (October 21st -- Nov- ember 20th) Don’t let your problems get you down. Your love life and school work may not be too swift ri^t now, but just keep cool, things will come around. Hold on, a better day is coming. Sagittarius (November 21st -- December 20th) You may get the urge to be- come very radicle in your ac- tions this month. If you don’t keep it down, your behavior could cause you to get into a tight bind. Before you mike any big decisions, make sure it is really for you and not just the thing to do. Capricorn (December 21st -- January 20th) Your popularity rating is up real high this month. However, make sure you don’t ruin a good thing by getting in with the wrong crowd. Check things out first and you’ll come out a lot better in the end. Aquarius (January 21st --Feb ruary 20th) You may feel big and bad this month and your actions could cause you to get on bad terms with your friends. To avoid this use your extra energy in being creative and original; after all October is your best month for this. However, don’t let your originality carry you out too far. Pisces (February 21st -- March 20th) Your charms may really turn on someone of the opposite sex. However, his ridiculous jealousy will cause your relationship to end almost as quickly as it got started. But don’t put him com pletely out into the cold, may be his jealously won’t allowthings to work out romantically, but he could prove to be a better friend than lover. NUMBER 1 jS (Continued from Page 4) •$ duties, etc. have gone unacted upon. Where do we go from here? What lines of communication do we use now? Needless to say, our grievances have a long history of being ignored. Our true desire to improve and facilitate the quality of education at Bennett has been given a deaf ears. The problems we face on campus, if not dealt with will weaken the quality of education at Bennett, There is a strong need for change and striking out in new direc tions if we are to survive as a meaningful and productive insti tution, One must remember, however, the time is short, and the hour is late. FASHION NEWS Eldridge Cleaver “We shall have our manhood. We shall have it or the earth will be leveled by our attempts to gain it.” --.from Soul on Ice By DARWIN PRIOLEAl! This season begin another fun year in fashions. This fall, dres ses are brighter and colorful, ex- pecially in Africian prints. The big colors for the fall and win ter seasons are purple, wine, red, orange, golds, navy, and brown. For the really fashion con science woman the maxi-coat will be the scene. The maxi coat is definitely not for every one, it is expecially for the slim and at least medium height wo man, It comes in all-weather coats, crushed parent leather raincoats, and winter wool coats. The maxi is usually English cut, double breasted, open collared, and A-line. It will indeed be a smart buy especially if your legs chill easily. Returning for another year of popularity and high fashion is of course the mini-dress. Yes, the mini is here to stay, or so its been stated by many fashions ex perts. This year they’re even shorter and cuter than before. Also this year the mini-dress is accompanied by the mini- coat. Knits have made a big com- back this year. Knit dresses, pants suits, hats, skirts, blou ses are all a fashion hit. Long knit over-sweaters and vests over skirts or pants will meet the fashion scene. This sweater can double as a mini-dress. The Bonnie and Clyde hats are even bigger than last year. For those of you that are not familiar with these types of hats, they are berets or wide brim hats. The beret, made out of felt or wool knit is pulled way down over the head. The wide brim hat, usually made of felt is put on with a little tilt to the side to give it that mysterious flair. Accessories this year are very interesting and pretty much your o'tm thing. Scarves can be worn anywhere, around your head apache style, tied around your neck or waist. The same thing can be done with chains. The biggest fashion hint of today is to plan your wardrobe so that is says you. French-Yearbook News Le Cercle Francais is happy to announce that the year has started with a bang. At it’s first meetihgi it tos,'honored by the presence of Mrs, Blanche Rai- ford. Dr, Annie W. Allen, Miss Rosanna Berry and Miss Anrdck Delcourt. At this meeting. Miss Carolyn McCrary talked about her year abroad. Miss McCrary stressed the fact that to meet and know people the world over is one of the l>est things that could happen to an individual because it brings about a first hand knowledge of the life and ideas of others. Le Cercle Francais is hoping that the year .will continue to be a prosperous and exciting one It’s officers for the year are as follows; President, Carolyn McCrary; V. Pres., Cynthia Par ham; Secretary, Diane Pinnix Treasurer, Yitateku Negga and Parlimentarian, Jacqueline Grant. The club welcomes new members and hopes that many more students will join. It is not necessary to be a french major. A genuine interest in people is all that is required