PAGE 2 BENNETT BANNER November 26, 1969 Is Founder’s Day Out-Dated? If anyone outside of the Bennett Community decided to visit the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel at the 11 a.m. Founders’ Day service, October 26, they would have estimated Bennett’s enrollment at approximately 400. Knowing the importance of an occasion such as Founders’ Day, it would have been natural to assume a full turn-out of the Student Body. Sorry to disappoint the visitors, but that’s just a little more-then one-half of Bennett’s population. That makes one wonder where were the other 200 plus students that morning. In the dorms, sleeping? playing record players? playing cards? setting hair? Any of these are inexcusable on such an occasion, did you say that after the freshmen year its all the same old stuff? That there’s nothing appealing about the occasion? Here you must be agreed with^it does tend to be “the same old routine.” But, stop and think about it. Will staying in bed and away from the service help to improve it? How? The best way to view this is to do some critical thinking-think about possible remedies or adjustments that can be made to improve the programme to mold it into the way you think it would be more appealing and beneficial to all involved. Then, after you have organized some constructive suggestions, air them; talk them over with someone in position to institute them; help out where you can in the planning and actual execution of the final revision. This is merely one situation when a little ingenuity on the part of any individual involved should be employed for the good of all. It has long been believed that if there is nothing to complain about a surrounding condition, and nothing that you can do to improve it, then there’s really no reason to be in that place. A prime purpose and goal of anyone, at any time, should be to improve his surroundings, in an attempt to Increase his comfort, pleasures, and in a never ending stride to leave behind him conditions that are better than those he found. Everyone owes as much to himself and to those that follow him. So Belles, your staying away from the Founders’ Day ceremonies won’t improve the programme or eliminate it. You should have been there if for no reason but to have a basis for criticizing a particuair speech; or having some background quotes from an “authority” on (See IS FOUNDER’S, Page 5) WHERE WERE YOU ON FOUNDER'S DAY? A Hoax, A Lie, Or The Horrible Truth? How would you like being called a liar?Especially when the “untruth” you supposedly told had something to do with your very own physical and mental well-being? In so many words, that’s exactly what some campus officials have said, or say the rumors. This is in response to the “break - in” of the New Dorm a few weeks back. The residents of the New Dorm, especially those on the lower level were frightened, to say the least. Now, with someone Where are you classified? pointing the finger at them and saying the whole story was untrue or a hoax, has really irritated them. Can you blame them? It seems that those who don’t believe the break-in story seem to think that the girls (or a girl) has used the window for entrance to or exit from the dorm by overpowering the three strong window locks. Just last year the windows on that level were reinforced for safety sake and now a girl has broken open one of these. Really now! Why would a student break open her window screen (her only means of semi-protection on that floor), ramsack her drawers, leaving clothes hanging out, hide some of her luggage and a clothes bag in the door compartment of her desk, pull luggage out from nnder one bed, cram most of it under another, leaving most of it still sticking out and turn up her spreads: Then to crown it off, why run out of her room screaming before getting fully dressed, and have campus authorities come over to find her room in a mess, window wide open and record player cover outside her window? How could anyone say students were not serious about such a thing? Who could dare say no one was in that room under that bed? WHY DISBELIEVE A STUDENT? EDITOR’S MAILBOX The Fate Of The Mini? Dear Editor: I have seen the show “movie cancelled” so many times that I know the lines by heart. The routine has worn pretty thin. Not all of the Bennett Belles are eligible or have dates. Must we add a lade of entertainment to our already frustrated lives?How are we expected to relieve ourselves after a week of earnest study (and still remain ladies the college would be proud of)? Of course the movies were old, but they were a means of diversion; something to look forward to on a Saturday night. I would rather see “On Hie Waterfront” a fifth time than look at four dreary walls a seventh day. So stop cancelling movies and start advertising. Edwina Langaster There was a time when people really noticed the girl in the mini-skirt or dress. She was a chic, petite girl with finely shaped legs. Ironically, most women looked upon the “mini” as a disgrace. Well, changed. New styles have added dimension to the “mini.” Society has accepted it and now everyone is wearing their version. Among the style setters are : Nancy things have definitely Knockers, Hattie Hairy, Fannie Fat, Vera Veins, and .Sf/ll I Dottie Dumpty. Yes, they are kJlUJJ in but out of sight Bennett Banner is published by the students at Bennett 1 .U" " A A I f CoUege, Greensboro. North Carolina 27420. wdl-dressed mdividual is to ® ' ' Editor-In-Chief (See THE FATE, Page 5) Dimples L, Armstrong: What A Dead Campus - ueh! SitSToS' M. C7 Business Manager Hattie Carwell good. If the movie is of good News Edtor, Cartoonist-------------—-..-...-...--Myra Davis quality, the students won’t Feature Editor - - —-----Darvrin Prioleau ■ . , Fine Arts Editor-----------»------------------------Betty Jones mm ^ 8®° Advertising Manager Myra Sampson turn-out the proceeds can be photograpters-tT Dwight Davis turned back mto the movie _ , .... . * r . Douglas McAdoo project for the procurement « r j t-. _. j u I* Reporters Diane Dawson, Audrey Demp ot more and better movies. It , , Lynn Henton, Patricia Gnmsley seems this could start a Kay Patton, Juliet Sheperd profitable system. Don’t Typists---------- --Ivana Trollinger, Carolyn Prince worry about getting an Ethel Bond Carolyn Everett, Cynthia McKasklll audience, if the movies are A.dvisor-- ---. Douglas McAdoo (See WHAT A, Page 5) One chief complaint aired about Bennett is the lack of sufficient entertainment on campus during the weekends. There are some “All Campus” Dances sponsored by campus organizations sporadically. The question has been repeatedly raised as why the Student Union won’t sponsor a function during the weekend when no other organization will. Perhaps the most wanted weekend activity is a good, not-to-old movie that is periodically shown. The students understand what movies cost. But it is felt that if good quality movies are obtained and the showing schedule is adjusted to a fairly convienent time, then spectator turnout will be