Page Two THE BENNETT BANNER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1978 Take pride and register to VOTE! Suffrage. What does it mean to the majority of us at Ben nett? There are only two answers to this question. There are either those who are registered to vote and participate in elec tions either here or in their respective hometowns through ab sentee votes, or there are those who couldn’t care less about voting. As members of the four groups that were previously disen franchised—blacks, females, those without property, and those under 21 years of age—we should take pride in being registered to vote. The slow but steady expansion of suffrage is one of the more fascinating political developments that has spanned the two- century history of our country. In the series of democratic re form movements that have developed throughout our history, restrictions have gradually lifted, enfranchising first one group and then another. Since the end of the Civil War, the U. S. Constitution has added four amendments and the Supreme Court passed an im portant decision regarding voting. Congress passed the Four teenth and Fifteenth Amendments which guaranteed the right to vote to newly emancipated slaves and which outlawed denial of the vote on grounds of race, color or previous condition of servitude. With the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, women were given the vote. In 1970, the Supreme Court ruled against payment of taxes and ownership of property as requirements for voting in local election. And in 1971, Congress passed the Twenty-Sixth Amendment lowering the national voting age to eighteen years of age. Since our ancestors and maybe parents went through so much trouble to fight for suffrage and since Congress and the Supreme Court both spent endless months and even years try ing to settle the suffrage question, why is it that we do not take advantage of this well-deserved right ? It is too late to register for the forthcoming election on No vember 7, but we encourage all Belles and subscribers not to let another election pass without registering to vote. We agree with the Rev. Jesse Jackson in his graduation address to the A&T class of 1978, “No person should be allowed to graduate from college unless he has the tools to succeed in one hand and a voter registration card in the other.” Exercise your right. VOTE. Adviser’s Note There seems to be a growing passion for anonymity on this campus which has resulted in an increase in the num ber of anonymous letters being received by the “Banner.” This is a regrettable trend which would seem to indicate one of three things: a lack of conviction on the part of the writer, a sense of shame at being associated with the con tents of the letter or a fear of reprisal of some kind. A letter writer who sincerely believes what he or she has to say and has exercised his or her right to carefully-thought- out and responsible criticism should not be afraid to stand up for his or her beliefs. There is little reason to fear re prisal in such circumstances. Therefore, the “Banner” will no longer accept for publication letters which the writer will not proudly acknowledge as his or her own, whether the letter comes from a faculty member, a staff member or a student. For Belles Onl y Birtk Control: K now tke facts by Dotty Brown As one female-aimed commer cial states, “There’s never been a better time to be a woman.” I agree, especially when I think of our ancestral mothers and their mythical methods of contracep tion. Some peoples of ancient Africa believed that the position of the stars and planets indicated when it was safe for a woman to have sex without the possibility of con ception. Still others believed that a small sack of a particular herb worn around the neck would pre vent pregnancy. Luckily for us there are meth ods of contraception today that are a lot more reliable than those used by our fore-mothers. Al though medical researchers are still searching for the single meth od that is 100% effective for all women, current methods and de vices allow alternatives and choices in planning parenthood. I have compiled a list of con traceptive methods used most often by young, career-conscious women. Although there are more methods than I have listed, these are believed to be the five most effective and preferred methods of contraception among women today. The latest innovation in birth control is the “Suppository.” It contains a spermicide which kills sperm cells, thus reducing the chances of conception. The sup- (Continued on Page 4) 1978-79 Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Debbie Hodges Adviser Dr. Virginia Tucker Layout Editor Circulation Manager Janis Badson Cartoonist S. Marie Brown Photographers Myra Davis, Bernetta Hamilton, Pam Paschall Staff Beverly Bernard Joanne Joyner Andrletta Brown Terry Lewis Betty Brown Donna Meacham Dorothy Brown Debra Perkins Bernetta Hamilton Hattie Purnell Carolyn Hazel Romona Reid Marion Johnson Beverly Rumley Barbara Jones Donna Jones Anita Spady collegiate camouflage B V R Y A R E K C A H T Y I N A R E N K L U A F L Z A C K Y B A Y L T 0 P 0 Z 0 L T C R 0 R H K E X 0 W B M F W E V 0 T 0 G S K I U W E L A B A W G S N U V E Z U H N I N L W C R L I A E N 0 I G N I K R A T C 0 E M Y K E 0 F E D X Z U M A T F L 0 0 W U T I N L A G A U D 0 I I A R S Y T A N 0 H L 0 D C 0 S E M A L B L E 0 F E R M R Z 0 L N U S E I N A V R E C A N D F A R M H U X E L R K I N V S I I N E H Z L 0 S 0 L A E R N 0 S N E V E T S L 0 Z A Can you find the hidden novelists? BALZAC BENNETT BRONTE CAPOTE CERVANTES CRANE DEFOE DOSTOYEVSKY FAULKNER GOETHE GORKI HUXLEY KEROUAC MALAMUD ORWELL SAROYAN SOLZHENITSYN STEINBECK STEVENSON TARKINGTON THACKERAY TOLSTOY TWAIN VERNE VONNEGUT WAUGH WOOLF ZOLA Tom tke SGA Upcoming events to involve entire student Lody by Debra Perkins For those of you who are dedi cated to keeping the spirit alive at Bennett, the SGA has listed several upcoming events which will involve the whole student body. To promote unity among fac ulty, staff and students the “Adopt-a-Family” program was organized. The main purpose of this program is the realization of some of the common goals of the Bennett family, namely, together ness and devotion, which may also spread into and aid the com munity. One such project under ‘Adopt’ is a Thanksgiving basket drive sponsored by each dorm and its “family” and presented to a needy family in the community. Another SGA project for this semester is a “Fall Fair Extrava ganza,” The proceeds from this gala event will be donated to UNCF and UNICEF, In the area of academics, an InterCollegiate Quiz Bowl is be ing organized. This event will be a competition between students in all disciplines from all the col leges in the “University City,” Deborah Tillman, chairperson of the Constitution Revision Com mittee is anxiously waiting for the committee volunteers to see her so that they can begin this im portant project. The SGA is also in the process of revising the stu dent handbook. The last revision was done in 1974. The handbook will be compiled by students and can only be com pleted with student help. Please aid any of the various committees in gathering, updating, and com piling any information needed to complete the projects. A handbook of answers to ques tions asked by students when they first arrive in Greensboro will also be compiled. Included in the book will be church listings, banks, the aters—live and cinema, cultural centers, museums, good places to eat and shopping malls, to name a few. If you have anything you think would be a valuable contri bution, please submit it to any SGA office or committee chair person immediately. Letters to tke editor The SGA has its office hours posted on the SGA door, second floor of the Student Union, Please feel free to stop by during those hours or visit your officers in their rooms. The SGA works for you and with you, but cannot operate with out you. Facultv: Apatliv or commitment? STAFF MEETING TUESDAY OCT. 31,6:30 P.M. BLACK 109 acuity: /^patny Dear Editor: I salute the efforts of the Stu dent Government leadership to evoke a sense of support from college faculty and staff, I am quite sure that it has been the source of some debate, indignation and agreement, I, too, have shared feelings on the subject, I admit that once some staff workers and faculty put in their “designated sched ules” they feel that is enough, BYit to these people I quote Bennett’s former president, David D, Jones; “True democracy is conditioned by the v.'ay in which individuals accept responsibilities for the lit tle tasks which go unrewarded and unnoticed,” Then, there may be new faculty, who are not familiar with “the little extras” that go along with working at a small institution. Therefore, it is up to division heads to orientate them to the tra ditional special events and to the occasional need to “put in an ap pearance.” However, all college faculty should be indoctrinated to “ex pected” participation in Founders’ Day Convocations, Commence ment, Honors Convocations and Senior Day, These events imply unspoken “required attendance,” It is generally expected that col lege administrators and faculty will be participants, whether their names are on the program or not. It is inconceivable that college deans, division directors and de partment heads would plan other engagements, knowing the impor tance of these two events to col lege tradition. There were too many vacant seats in the faculty section this year. On the other hand, students should notice that faculty and staff have their own families who also demand their time. They will not always be able to attend every campus activity. Students must also realize that on no college campus will every faculty and staff member be ex pected to attend every event. At tendance is usually dependent upon interest, career involvement and related responsibilities. There fore, it may help to identify seg ments of the college community who might have an interest in particular events and make an ef fort to extend special invitations. Timing is also an important fac tor. Most adults operate on sched ules to insure that they make the most of the day. Their lives are divided into home hours, work hours, family hours and “my time.” Therefore, if a student ac tivity is planned for 8 p,m,, adults expect it to get started at 8 p,m. Too often, students are careless in their respect for punctuality. Another effective means of fac- ulty-staff involvement is to in clude them in the initial planning. Invite their suggestions for stu dent sponsored activities or ask them to join your committees. To take another quote from David D, Jones: “Effective living in a democracy is conditioned by the ability of each individual to participate in group activity.” Myra Davis

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